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Community Elitists


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Mastery rank only shows how much content you have experienced, but that does not necessarily mean that you're good with said content. For some, getting to a high rank is hard grind, so they feel entitled to rub their "prestige" into other people's faces. Good thing that is a minority with our community, so just ignore them when you stumble upon one.

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"youngest" ive seen was a mr 6 elitist ... man what a tryhard that was, runing aroung in a def mission, killing as much as possible, braging with his damage.  lol man i just stood half afk on the pod and enjoyed watching tv while he did almost everything in the early waves alone, and so did the others ^^ just ignoreing the complains and letting him do his thing. i think he thought he was some kind of hero carrying everyone of something ^^. just let them be elitists and enjoy the afk mode

but they are very rare in warframe, thats good

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4 hours ago, Sixty5 said:

Meh, I am Mastery 16 and look down on everyone.

Random teammates are almost always terrible, and most people here have no idea how things work. 

I'm a proud Elitist, but know that it is because of experience and not because of your mastery rank. 

Exactly too many ppl who are clueless at ANY mr

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4 hours ago, rawr1254 said:

Just cause youre mr21 doesnt make you smart. For instance was in the elemental resistance sortie and all my mr21 teammates brought s simulor :\

Mr =/= ones own ability to comprehend the game

With enough buff you can one shot that guy also with simulor

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3 hours ago, Misanthroplonker said:

Mastery rank 21, soon to be 22, reporting in.

Mastery rank means nothing.

That's all.

It gives u an indication of the probability of how many frames the guy has ready.. a mr2 will never have all frames needed rdy, a mr21 also not compulsorily but he has a way higher probability to have them

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I'm MR19 and I have never encountered such behaviour because of my MR. if anything, I'm in the club of "people think MR19 means god-like skill, because I keep getting random invites from people I've never met, which I assume is because of my MR. in truth, I am not MLG pro, I have days where I suck eggs, and have been killed by trash mobs quite a few times. (but even more by Bursas and the other REALLY bad enemies)

the fact is, MR is not indicative of Skill, and never will be. I've seen MR5's whoop more hiney than some MR21's, it just comes down to intelligence and skill, numbers are irrelevant.

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MR is more of a representation of how many weapons and Warframes you've tried.

It's not really a representation of true experience. I've seen MR3s go into missions tactfully and I've seen MR19s charge headfirst and get downed within the first 30 seconds.


Trying new things can be seen as experience. *shrug*

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I see all sorts of players across all MR, all i really care is effort, like when a newbie actually tries to defend someting in a sortie or in a regular missions, instead of walking around and dying far away, when i see that i know the player is trying and i will gladly help out.

Those however that do not grasp game mechanics, takes a bit more patience to help them out, but it's especially sad when these players have a high mastery rank, meaning the time used was used to rank up gear they aren't using instead of trying to be better on a basic level, it gets really bad when the player is a leecher, not even moving in a mission.

I don't look down, but i will comment on performance if it's really bad or really good (like telling them what they could have done to improve), some players take the comments as offensive, sort of like "how dare you criticize me, i'm mr 20, i don't need lessons", but the reality is that some players (altough a bit rare) are just not really in the average category, MR doesn't change anything.

But for the most part players do ok, they might not be top of the line players with top of the line builds, but they manage. That's perfectly acceptable.

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10 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

Look, us MR 21 players have more numbers than you, and that makes us better. It's just science okay?

Those MR 22 players are just snobby jerks, though. I mean, jeez.

Hey, BACK OFF, buddy! I'm only 6 weapons away from 22. That by definition makes me better than YOU, because I have even more numbers.

So what are you gonna do about it? Hmmmm?



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i encountered a lot of people with this kind of mentality along with the "master race" one too starting from the day i became a loyal Tenno. a guy showing off and crap talking about me during missions for not being high in MR even though i survived longer than he did .... yeah facepalming was strong with this one xD people disapproving of your very existence ( well that goes with real life too ... kill me ) for their supreme master race frame and weapons are the best and you'd totally screw their missions (most of the time, SPY) even though you perform 200% better, ironically-

sooooo yeah.... in games, there is no " i am better than you " anymore. anyone can outperform anyone with practice and that's all to it.

you're one of the oldest player of this game? nice to meet ya! look down on someone for that or bad mouth people for it? be prepared to walk the walk of shame. in the end of the day, a video game is made for fun, time killing and for some of us- escaping reality so that means your rank doesn't matter.

- your not so cool neighborhood, Arnn The Frost Demon - out -


Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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I've met some high MR ranks that were really cool dudes...had one give me an atlantis vulcan mod when I was using (still hoping they were good) nunchuks without one...and thats how I try to be as well. I'm only half way through MR 10 but I keep a stock of the staple mods and if I meet a new guy in PUGs who is friendly and trying,  I'll help him out with ones he don't have. Heck I've even given away corrupted mods so people could finish builds. This is a PvE horde shooter....helping people get set to wipe out hordes and giving advice on how to do certain things on certain levels helps everyone out. Getting mad at a guy for tripping the alarm and screwing up the mission does nothing...he probably feels pretty bad about his noobish mistake already. Just let him know how to do it and try again. Sometimes in games I feel like people who have played it for a long time totally forget what its like to run around with a starter frame that has broken or no mods on just trying to figure out the steep learning curve Warframe throws at you. If your upset by "bad" low MR players, teach them how to mod and how to run the mission. Next time you meet you will be grouped with an experienced player....

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11 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

its the person not the rank 

Pretty much this.

I see these threads pop up almost daily with people complaining about high MRs giving them hell.

Here's the thing though: I personally witness more "Wow, high MRs just sit at Draco all day and don't know how to play the game," here on the forums than I do high MRs treating lower MRs like crap. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I've witnessed so much more toxicity aimed at high MRs because of these threads than people being jerks in-game. 

Either way, this is the internet, not some safe place. People aren't always going to be nice. You're just going to have to accept that. Just leave the party and find another one. Or, better yet, find a clan that will help you through things.

There's another huge "trend" immerging as well. Generalizing players because of how they play. This is a video game. The point is entertainment. If the player is entertained, how the hell are they playing the game wrong?

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I'm newly minted MR 18, and I rarely have any clue what's going on. Usually, I'm building characters for Pathfinder or thumbing through a mouldering copy of Dark Ages: Fae, and when I decide it's not healthy being a basement dwelling troglodyte I put my books down and log in to Real Life to check on my kavats and see if there's any ingredients I can use to craft food; I pop into Warframe all the time, hoping to shoot stuff, blow stuff up, and stab stuff, all while trying to ignore the nagging sensation that there's First World IRL crap I should probably be doing, but Deadpool is on Blu-ray now and I can always do a marathon Lord of the Rings or Hobbit (or Star Wars) binge viewing. Throw in some Walking Dead or Supernatural and I'm pretty happy.

Actually, now that I think about it, I still have no idea what's going on. What were we talking about?

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I still say I'm better than you because my numbers add up to be higher than your numbers. Nevermind the part where we're looking at different sets of numbers, mine are still better by definition.


In all seriousness, I ultimately don't care whether you're <rank> or <rank + 1>, so long as you know what you're doing. That said, until I know that you know what you're doing, it's far too tempting to use MR as a quick and dirty meter-stick to see if I should bother inviting someone from recruiting chat. "Hosting LoR Nightmare, need experienced EV" -> Messages from MR5 and below will probably be ignored in favor of that MR20 dude over there.

Of course, this is highlighting one of the problems with matchmaking recruiting: There's no simple rating system that tells us how good a person is with <equipment item>. We only have their MR rank and what little we can get from their profile page.

"Whatever works in a pinch"


As for myself, I prefer the 'you know everything, so share the knowledge' mentality: Someone over there doesn't know how to do <thing>. I know all there is to know about <thing>, so let's help them out.

We all started out as noobs, the least we can do is help and guide others. (Which is why I have no qualms with carrying new players through raids, and taking the time to explain what we're doing at each stage.)

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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20 minutes ago, CoRRh said:

Pretty much this.

I see these threads pop up almost daily with people complaining about high MRs giving them hell.

Here's the thing though: I personally witness more "Wow, high MRs just sit at Draco all day and don't know how to play the game," here on the forums than I do high MRs treating lower MRs like crap. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I've witnessed so much more toxicity aimed at high MRs because of these threads than people being jerks in-game. 

Either way, this is the internet, not some safe place. People aren't always going to be nice. You're just going to have to accept that. Just leave the party and find another one. Or, better yet, find a clan that will help you through things.

There's another huge "trend" immerging as well. Generalizing players because of how they play. This is a video game. The point is entertainment. If the player is entertained, how the hell are they playing the game wrong?

Thank you.

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10 hours ago, kaisermail said:

i see plenty of people who are 20+ and are trash, makes me almost wish everyone really was an elitist at that rank lol

This stereotype that all high Mr players are noobs who don't know what they are doing is sickening. In reality this number is very small.

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2 minutes ago, Eminem2420 said:

This stereotype that all high Mr players are noobs who don't know what they are doing is sickening. In reality this number is very small.


Totally agree. I always know what I'm doing. You can trust me, I take Blast + Bane of Infested to Grineer missions and still wreck!

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14 hours ago, Reitrahc said:

I'm at MR 14 and I literally feel like I've done everything there is to do in the game. I can't even imagine leveling fodder to get up to 20... I also seem to often find MR 20 players who don't know how to do spy missions, especially Moon spy missions without failling or setting off an alarm or whatever.

Thank Draco.

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2 hours ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Hosting LoR Nightmare, need experienced EV" -> Messages from MR5 and below will probably be ignored in favor of that MR20 dude over there.

Another simple yardstick you can use:  "Hosting LoR Nightmare, am frame a, need frames x y and z, pm preferred frame and MR".  If they don't pm you the requested details, they're probably not worth raiding with - or they're MR21, have been playing for years, and are so drunk on their own Kool-Aid they think everyone should just automatically know who, and how big of a deal they are.  Either way, if you can't pass that simple test, I'm not burning a key on you.  The MR is pretty much irrelevant, it just serves as a simple test to examine ability to pay attention.

3 hours ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

a guy showing off and crap talking about me during missions for not being high in MR even though i survived longer than he did

Going to discount the obvious d-baggery of this guy to make a small point.  Sometimes, more complex strategies/party compositions can be more beneficial, but require a larger amount of teamwork, and have a higher amount of risk.  For example, yesterday's sortie, a MR21 brought Banshee to the last mission.  I brought Valkyr (and felt kinda bad about it, but it was the tool that would get the job done and there was 30 minutes til reset).  I did the most damage, got a few people up, killed the assassination target, was first in last out, etc, but the Banshee, who went down three times, definitely made my life easier, and allowed me to one shot the boss (which I may have been able to do anyway, slide attack OP).  Something I would never do in pugs, but that definitely earned my respect.  It doesn't necessarily prove anything to be the last guy standing.

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