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Starter warframe: Pre-installed reactor?


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As the tittle says, I believe starter warframes should come with a pre installed Reactor:

I've been a player for 3 years, and since i started here i was trying to drag friends into the game to play with me. Most of the time they see Mag and Volt have primed versions and feel it's not worth investing in a reactor for their frames because there's a better version around. Of course they could spend their starting platinum in one reactor, but at that point when you're not sure what to do, and you're not invested enough in the game to spend cash currency onto something that you might get... well, people ends saving it for more weapon/warframe slots.

Plus, most of the time we end up rushing content because they find themselves stuck to advance, repeating missions lots of time or not finding other players to form a squad. Specially when a reactor alert pops up, or when they want to reach X warframe they saw in the trailers and is in Ceres, Uranus or a quest.

I believe a pre-installed reactor might help new players to be able to farm and get all the cool stuff they want early so it won't feel like a impossible chore or a giant wall too high to jump.

If pre-installed is too much, i think it can be an item in your inventory in the tutorial quest so new players can be introduced to potatos in general, teaching them how to install it and what does it do.

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47 minutes ago, Arandabido said:

As the tittle says, I believe starter warframes should come with a pre installed Reactor:

I've been a player for 3 years, and since i started here i was trying to drag friends into the game to play with me. Most of the time they see Mag and Volt have primed versions and feel it's not worth investing in a reactor for their frames because there's a better version around. Of course they could spend their starting platinum in one reactor, but at that point when you're not sure what to do, and you're not invested enough in the game to spend cash currency onto something that you might get... well, people ends saving it for more weapon/warframe slots.

Plus, most of the time we end up rushing content because they find themselves stuck to advance, repeating missions lots of time or not finding other players to form a squad. Specially when a reactor alert pops up, or when they want to reach X warframe they saw in the trailers and is in Ceres, Uranus or a quest.

I believe a pre-installed reactor might help new players to be able to farm and get all the cool stuff they want early so it won't feel like a impossible chore or a giant wall too high to jump.

If pre-installed is too much, i think it can be an item in your inventory in the tutorial quest so new players can be introduced to potatos in general, teaching them how to install it and what does it do.

at the very least a tutorial on installing it would be smart 

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I Agree with you should get one from a starter quest and once you get it there should be a tutorial on how to do it, I'm a returning player and i brought a couple of my friends with me one is mastery 6 the other is 2, neither of them knew what a potato was till i told them. And neither of them wanted to potato there starter frames either.

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4 hours ago, Mageroeth said:


I do agree with the quest, but no only for starter frames. The first thing I do when I get a new play is I go the warframe tab in the market and tell them to pick 3 frames.

1 is always easy ish to get,

Obrion, ember, frost, rino & trin

2 is aways hard to get or needs mastery rank

Mesa, hydroid, wokong, ivira

3 is to make shure they get at lest of each category


This gives them something to work for, a goal. I will then get them on of the other frames ASAP, as well as tell then how to get the others. If the quest applayed to this as well it would help alot with the learning curve

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I agree, I hope the new tutorial for starting players places an emphasis on how-to with upgrading, potatoes, mods, and foundry usage. I've met so many players in my rank that still have no clue how to maneuver in the market or don't potato vanilla frames or weapons because the "prime will come out soon".



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like others have said, there should be a mission where you acquire a potato in vor's prize, and the lotus instructs you to install it

the only thing that i'm worried about is that new players will think

a. potatoes are necessary to equip mods

b. frames innately come with 60 mod points

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Maybe structuring Vor's Prize to instruct new players on mods, installation of potatoes as such:

1.) You go to find coordinates on Vor, via a Deception.

2.) Lotus instructs you to add mods to your frame via messages (introducing the communication aspect af WF) - and then she asks you to go complete another mission (MD).

3.)She then tells you that she found the location of a Reactor that you can install. You go to said node and find the Reactor.

4.) Ordis instructs you on how to install the potato. (So players get to see how many mod points frames have at first without it as well.) Now the player has 60 mod points.

5.) Lotus messages you, saying you now have sufficient power to fight Vor. You go hunt him down.


You can loop 2-4 for a Catalyst as well, making the player learn how to properly add potatoes and mods for both frame and weapon.

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2 hours ago, pikaseechu said:

Maybe structuring Vor's Prize to instruct new players on mods, installation of potatoes as such:

1.) You go to find coordinates on Vor, via a Deception.

2.) Lotus instructs you to add mods to your frame via messages (introducing the communication aspect af WF) - and then she asks you to go complete another mission (MD).

3.)She then tells you that she found the location of a Reactor that you can install. You go to said node and find the Reactor.

4.) Ordis instructs you on how to install the potato. (So players get to see how many mod points frames have at first without it as well.) Now the player has 60 mod points.

5.) Lotus messages you, saying you now have sufficient power to fight Vor. You go hunt him down.


You can loop 2-4 for a Catalyst as well, making the player learn how to properly add potatoes and mods for both frame and weapon.


New quest called: "Relics of the Orokin"

It's supposed to be a sequel to Vor's Prize, where you craft your first Blue Potato, Yellow Potato, Forma, learn to apply them, and teaches you modding.

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I'll admit, I came in here to mention that the game doesn't explain itself well enough to help new players know that frames don't just get to 60 points naturally, but seeing as you've basically addressed that, I'm instead here to say you've got a wonderful idea.

Heck, everything I learned I understood because of either the wiki or other players.  Game teaches very little at the moment.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Zashukitsune said:

I'll admit, I came in here to mention that the game doesn't explain itself well enough to help new players know that frames don't just get to 60 points naturally, but seeing as you've basically addressed that, I'm instead here to say you've got a wonderful idea.

Heck, everything I learned I understood because of either the wiki or other players.  Game teaches very little at the moment.


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The quest 'Stolen dreams' already gives you a catalyser. So new players are already confronted with potatoes fairly early in the game.

New players are offered 50 plats from the start and can buy their first reactor with it. That they choose to use it on something else is their problem.



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Mi experiencia.......    Como todos fui un jugador nuevo, y confirmo que cuando empiezas no tienes instrucciones precisas de todo, por eso me gusta el juego es como la vida misma puedes aprender de todo si lee libros y escuchas a los demás. Pero no por eso es algo malo, sino muy bueno, tu esfuerzo en buscar será recompensado con mejoras y consejos que te harán ser, mejor tecno y mejor persona, asi que una nota de 10 para no poner las cosas fáciles.


         1. Se convertiría en un juego aburrido y facil.

         2. La diferencia entre las personas y los tecnos, es el empeño que tienes en querer conseguir algo.


NO a lo facil.

PD: Yo estuve 1 año en rango 8 sin saber porque, hasta que pregunte y me informaron de que yo no hacía. Después de tanto tiempo os sobrarán los catalizadores y reactores.


My experience ....... Like everyone I was a new player, and confirm that when you start you do not have precise instructions of all, I like the game is like life itself can learn everything if you read books and listen to the the rest. But that's not a bad thing, but very good, your search effort will be rewarded with improvements and tips that will make you be better techno and better person , so a score of 10 for not make things easy .


1. become a boring and easy game.

2. The difference between people and tecnos , is the effort you have to want to get something.

NO to easy .

PS: I was 1 year range 8 without knowing why, until I asked and I was informed that I did . After all this time you have left over the catalysts and reactors.
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19 hours ago, Arandabido said:

As the tittle says, I believe starter warframes should come with a pre installed Reactor:

I've been a player for 3 years, and since i started here i was trying to drag friends into the game to play with me. Most of the time they see Mag and Volt have primed versions and feel it's not worth investing in a reactor for their frames because there's a better version around. Of course they could spend their starting platinum in one reactor, but at that point when you're not sure what to do, and you're not invested enough in the game to spend cash currency onto something that you might get... well, people ends saving it for more weapon/warframe slots.

Plus, most of the time we end up rushing content because they find themselves stuck to advance, repeating missions lots of time or not finding other players to form a squad. Specially when a reactor alert pops up, or when they want to reach X warframe they saw in the trailers and is in Ceres, Uranus or a quest.

I believe a pre-installed reactor might help new players to be able to farm and get all the cool stuff they want early so it won't feel like a impossible chore or a giant wall too high to jump.

If pre-installed is too much, i think it can be an item in your inventory in the tutorial quest so new players can be introduced to potatos in general, teaching them how to install it and what does it do.

I couldn't agree more, thing is we are seeing something that is likely a bigger problem, how many people would waste time adding forma to a frame if they already have their prime versions avaible ? 

This is the sort of problem that made me wonder why we should keep the standard versions as they are instead of giving em a new pourpose like integrating them into some system that could work in synergy to their prime and umbra variants in the future.

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1 hour ago, Henji said:

I couldn't agree more, thing is we are seeing something that is likely a bigger problem, how many people would waste time adding forma to a frame if they already have their prime versions avaible ? 

This is the sort of problem that made me wonder why we should keep the standard versions as they are instead of giving em a new pourpose like integrating them into some system that could work in synergy to their prime and umbra variants in the future.

Maybe crafting an item out of warframe parts that "evolves" your frame into a primed unranked frame with the same forma an reactor? i mean, you will have to farm prime parts like everybody else, but you don't lose any reactor or formas you've spent in your normal Warframe.

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1 minute ago, Arandabido said:

Maybe crafting an item out of warframe parts that "evolves" your frame into a primed unranked frame with the same forma an reactor? i mean, you will have to farm prime parts like everybody else, but you don't lose any reactor or formas you've spent in your normal Warframe.

Unlikely, not only this is possibly a conflict to the lore itself, I realy doubt DE would sacrefice the chance of selling more formas and reactors; if there isn't an alternative maybe.

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2 hours ago, JARVII said:

Mi experiencia.......    Como todos fui un jugador nuevo, y confirmo que cuando empiezas no tienes instrucciones precisas de todo, por eso me gusta el juego es como la vida misma puedes aprender de todo si lee libros y escuchas a los demás. Pero no por eso es algo malo, sino muy bueno, tu esfuerzo en buscar será recompensado con mejoras y consejos que te harán ser, mejor tecno y mejor persona, asi que una nota de 10 para no poner las cosas fáciles.


         1. Se convertiría en un juego aburrido y facil.

         2. La diferencia entre las personas y los tecnos, es el empeño que tienes en querer conseguir algo.


NO a lo facil.

PD: Yo estuve 1 año en rango 8 sin saber porque, hasta que pregunte y me informaron de que yo no hacía. Después de tanto tiempo os sobrarán los catalizadores y reactores.


Yo empezé cuando inició la open beta y no. No haria el juego más facil y aburrido.

Un reactor gratis para jugadores nuevos solo les mostraria lo util que es tener uno instalado, ya que les deja equipar más mods y realizar varios builds diferentes.

Tecnos? Qué?

PD: No te recomiendo hacer posts en español en el foro en inglés y luego traducirlos con google traductor, es casi ilegible y no aporta nada a la discusión.

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1 minute ago, Darkwave1098 said:

Yo empezé cuando inició la open beta y no. No haria el juego más facil y aburrido.

Un reactor gratis para jugadores nuevos solo les mostraria lo util que es tener uno instalado, ya que les deja equipar más mods y realizar varios builds diferentes.

Tecnos? Qué?

PD: No te recomiendo hacer posts en español en el foro en inglés y luego traducirlos con google traductor, es casi ilegible y no aporta nada a la discusión.

Parler du angalis si vu plair

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