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Anyone care to reply with things a noob should learn and do?



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Almost all of the weapons in the game can be made with blueprints which you get from the market console in your ship. 


Be stingy with your starting Plat, do not on any account use it to buy Boosters, or Resources, or anything which you can otherwise acquire through just doing missions.


Don't worry too much if you feel like you can't do higher level content. Seriously, don't worry. That'll come.


Pay attention to the website and forums, every few weeks there are Alerts. These are special missions which give you blueprints to make 'potatoes', the nickname for Orokin Catalysts or Reactors. These are very useful. They are basically mandatory permanent upgrades which unlock a weapon or Warframe's full mod potential.


About Mods, they are basically the measure of how powerful your player account is. I'm not kidding. The number of weapons you have is not as important as whether you have good Mods to install in them. Keep an eye out, and it's really ok to build your Mod library slowly.



Aura mods are your friend. Each one is a special Mod which adds power instead of consuming it, and has a sweet benefit. They mostly only come from Alerts, so keep an eye on the map for them. They have names like Rejuvenation, Energy Siphon, or Corrosive Projection. 


To make sure that you actually can access Alerts, do any missions which you can to unlock more mission nodes. This way, when an Alert pops up, you'll be more likely to be able to access it. Failing that, if there's an important Alert which you can't reach, ask a higher level player if they might help you by bringing you there. Be aware, this is basically asking a more powerful player to babysit you a little bit, but there's not really any shame in it.




Stay away from Draco while you're lower level. It's a cheap and easy way to level gear and make your account numbers go up, but it's also not a good way to learn the game and how to play it. It's really not.



As the others pointed out, learn to use the parkour system! Really, do. The thing which makes Warframe stand out from most shooters is how spectacularly mobile and bouncy the player characters are, so really give it a go.


Have fun! Explore! Do things which strike you as interesting! Nothing I say here is carved in stone.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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Couple of things to really help newer players out.

1. Go into your settings, keybinds, make sure you have dodge on something you can use easily and often. Its EXTREMELY powerful, and will help you out no end.

2. Upgrade your core mods, primed versions are nice but not at all needed, not even for end game. Your core frame mods are Redirection, Steel Fibre and Vitality, get these up to about rank 5-6 and you are good to go for most of the star chart, you can add more to them later if you wish to max them out, but dont worry about maxing them early on, its more of a hindrance anyway as they have a higher drain cost. Also the basic power mods as well, things like Intensity, Reach, Flow, Streamline and Continuity, these make your abilities better and are cheap to upgrade.

Primary weapon modes are Serration for rifles and Point Blank if you like shotguns. Get them up, but again, about rank 6 and then max them out once your others are up to scratch. Pistol Hornet for secondaries is another, but go for serration first, will help a lot.

3. It will take some time to get kitted out in "amazing" gear, so don't see it as a grind, you will get their one way or another.

4. Do Draco once to clear the tile, then move on...

5. Learn what the different missions types are and what you need to do in order to win in each one, and also stick with your team mates, no reason to run off on your own (and people hate it anyway).

6. If you need some basic get the job done weapons, you can grab a Tonkor, or a Hek. Those two blueprints are on the market place, and both are end game viable (the tonk might just be the most over powered weapon in the game and it doesnt need much int he way of mods either, criminal how powerful it is and how easy to get it is).

7 Do the syndicate stuff as well, they have some amazing weapons, but it takes time so best get started and they can be fun. 

8 Ignore Kubrows, they are a massive credit sink for new players and they are junk without the maxed out super rare mods, sentinels are your best bet (and carrier is king anyway :P).

Just play the game really, most weapons are good enough for early star chart, and with a few upgraded mods most weapons will easily clear the star chart and be acceptable in the void, only a few are crap. Also, use the warframe wikia, if you ever need to find out about a mod or where something drops, you can look on their to find it out. Great resource that site.

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Grats Voltaireon on joining the Warframe Masterrace. Clearly your choice of game indicates just how much of a beautiful, charming, intelligent god/goddess of a human being you are, with impeccable taste. Here's some stuff I learnt.

Revive a fallen Tenno even if it means having to run back halfway across the map to do it. Do it, because when the time comes and you need a rez, someone else will do it for you too!

Exterminate Missions - go crazy kill anything that moves, shoot and stab every pixel in sight

Survival Missions - see exterminate missions, but dont stray too far from life support. 

Sabotage Missions - see above but with equipment. In those missions where there is a reactor to destroy, there are multiple ways in which to do it, see which one you like the best and try different combinations

Spy Missions - take ciphers with you for when you inevitably screw up. Remember, unless stated, its NOT mandatory to get ALL the data, though the affinity helps

Interceptions - DONT solo these when you're still a young Tenno just starting out. This exercise in frustration might just make you snap a keyboard/controller in half. Take a friend with you. Keep an eye on the map; you could stab/shoot anything that moves and still lose the map if you're not controlling points on the map

Defense Missions - DO NOT take your eye off the pod or its shields and health bar. If it starts plummeting, stop killing whatever you were about to and run back to kill whatever is attacking the pod. Also, if the pod took a beating in a round, DONT kill the last mob appearing on the radar, as long as its alive, the Pod can still regenerate back to full health before you start the next round. If you and your team mates are dying more than once a round, there's no shame in extraction. There will be another day to fight dont push your luck and risk everything you've earned. Dont tap out too early like a wimp either. 

Extractions - see defense missions. Ferry around power cores and make sure the extractor is fully powered at all times. A golden rule for defense and extraction missions is simply this - it doesnt matter how many you kill, it matters what you killed and where. You could kill 2 enemies and be an MVP for saving the objective, you could kill 200 and be the A****** that didnt save anything or anyone and wasnt there when it really mattered. 

MR makes for a nice sigil that you can wear and unlocks certain gear and warframe(s)(?) Beyond that - donworryaboudid

If you think wolverine claws are better for you than that rocket powered sledgehammer, then that's what you do. Roll with whatever weapon loadout you have fun with and dont let anyone or any site tell you otherwise. 

IF you like this game, tell your friends, maybe even show DE some platinum love. It helps spread the word and keeps the servers running.

IF you use sound, be cool.

Have FUN! Cause if it isn't fun then why are you here? Shouldnt you be playing that OTHER PvE shooter?

Edited by (PS4)JayCeeV3
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1. Learn Advanced Movement; not just to avoid falling behind, but keep moving properly will safe you from going down than any weapon.

2. Learn how to keep an eye on your surroundings, and I don't mean the enemy radar on top left, but quickly remembering stuff like doorways (both to flee and to see enemies coming in)

3. Learn to remember the type of enemies you will meet at any given mission; you don't need to be able to name all their specs on command, but it surely helps to know what you're dealing with (e.g. if you see that crazy Hyekka chick, if she summoned those kavats, forget the chick, kill the cats first!)


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its such a hard question to answer, ask 5 people and you will get different answers, but lets take a stab ;-)


 You can carry 3 weapons, once you have an effective one you can use well and like make sure you dont run missions without an effective one, dont level 3 weapons at once.

 Its a Team game, with an objective, if your playing defense, learn to defend, a lot of players think they can go off and stand behind a door or out of sight and just kill and they are carrying the team, granted a lot of high MR people think this too, but its something to keep aware of.

 When you get a new warframe run mercury defence at least once to put a few levels on it, that way you can put health and/or shield on it at the very least, dont just run to (flavor of the month for mindless leveling) and max something without learning how it works and how to use its abilites

 Learn how to move effectivly, wall running, double jumping, moving from wall to wall, gliding and jumping to gain height so you can glide a longer distance.

 Ask, if your not sure of something ask, it will make your life much easier and wont make you the person who is clueless

 Auras are very useful and each has a use depending on the mission, level of enemies and the frames being used, there plenty out there to read on this

 Unlock as many of the missions on the map as you can as this will mean more alerts are open to you, wwhich means more credit rewards and more items and resources

 Starter plat is probably best used for warframe and weapon slots as that is the only way to get those and you probably wont have access to valuable mods to sell right off the bat


some basic things that make not just your life easier but the whole groups, your gonna need time to learn but thats all part of the fun

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I'll try to throw in some help here too.

1.) Find some friends! Teaching clans, (like the one I'm in, the Valkyrne) can be one of the best resources you can find, and there are a lot of other people to share your experiences with. Running with other people can make even the most boring things a lot more fun.

2.) Hang out on Larunda Relay on Mercury now and again. Lots of vets hang out there along with Guides of the Lotus. You can recognize Guides because they'll all have a purple Lotus Sigil on with the Lotus' face in the middle. Many will also talk in purple text. These are veterans hand picked by Digital Extremes to help people, and they and other vets are great for advice and help.

3.) Learn your base mods. A Guide gave me this link to his base list, and it can be a great resource www.tinyurl.com/wfBaseMods. You don't need all of these right away, but it's a good list to work on as you go along so you don't get lost in the sea that can be Modding.

4.) Don't get blinded by the "Must Haves" or "Must Do's". Like others have said, you don't need to be following everyone else's idea of what is right and wrong. Have fun, learn as you go, and don't get caught up in the Meta.

5.) Get a Carrier Sentinel at some point. Trust me, it'll make life easier in a GOOD way, but give everything else a try too.

6.) Never sell a weapon, warframe, or anything else until it's max rank. If you do, you'll have to re-rank those things from zero later in order to gain missing Mastery Experience.

Edited by Jeahanne
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You know what grinds my gears.. So many players unaware of their team mates position and friendly fire. You start to shoot something, they run up in front of you, blocking your fire and shooting at the same enemy themselves.. really?? It is not that they do it on purpose, they are just not being aware of you. I see this even in players that have played a long time, who should know better. Melee players are usually the worst, for instance.. Vor shows up in T4. They go stand right in front of Vor swinging their melee, blocking everyone elses fire, reducing the total damage to 1/4. What is wrong with you? Go stand behind Vor.

If someone is shooting at something, stay clear of their fire and go shoot something else. Be aware of your team mates positions.

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As a Rhino avoid Iron Skin as much as you can, this thing can kill your experience in the game.

Try to unlock all the star chart at first. This will help you to see every alert that shows up.

All missions reward you with credits, you also can repeat mission as much as you want. Use them to buy the many blueprints you can find in the market.

Defense Dark Sectors are a good place to level new gear, pay attention for the level of the mission.

Grind, grind a lot.

Under your profile eventual a "level up" will show up, complete the challenge to get a higher Mastery Rank and other advantages.

The rest is almost self learning.

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Pretty much do what you're doing, ask questions!

16 minutes ago, (XB1)Voltaireon said:

Whats draco lol. Also thanks guys for the helpful advice!

Draco is a node on Ceres, people like to use it to powerfarm affinity but it negatively affects your ability to play the game properly. It's an ongoing debate regarding the ethics of using Draco so I would just avoid it, Starchart 3.0 is coming relatively soon which should fix the problem of going to the exact same tile everytime you want to powerfarm affinity.

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1.) Protect the POD

2.) Don't chase spawns

3.) Don't let NPC's take a spawn point and run around killing stuff while you loose.

4.) Don't get excited when you see a high MR , lot's of MR 21 's don't know how to play, just level stuff.

5.) See number 1


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Practice the Mastery Rank Tests before you actually try to qualify - You can try them in the Relay (far back from the landing pad, up the elevator, on the right side).
Especially MR3. That thing is likely the hardest there is (considering that you'll be restricted to your likely low level mods and low-MR weapons).

Find a good (melee) weapon you like, and that feels powerful (I recommend Redeemer, but everyone has their favorite) - melee weapon mods are easier/cheaper to rank up (They tend to have less ranks), and they can sustain more drain (because of stance mods, and because their mods drain less) - it's (in my experience) easier to max yourself a melee weapon that can carry your frame and help you survive through difficult missions, than it is to max a frame or a primary/secondary weapon to do the same.

Reserve your starting platinum for Warframe slots, and weapon slots.

When/If you get a -50% or -75% platinum coupon, use it. For a game this good, with so much content, that ~18 euro package (9, or 4,5 euros depending on your discount) isn't a bad price, and the 370 plat is enough to buy necessary warframe and weapon slots. (Bigger packages are better, but that's the bare minimum you should invest, in my opinion).

Rank up your mods. It doesn't matter how good your weapon is, if your mods are unranked.

Edited by Tomppak
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28 minutes ago, Zachatoo said:

Pretty much do what you're doing, ask questions!

Draco is a node on Ceres, people like to use it to powerfarm affinity but it negatively affects your ability to play the game properly. It's an ongoing debate regarding the ethics of using Draco so I would just avoid it, Starchart 3.0 is coming relatively soon which should fix the problem of going to the exact same tile everytime you want to powerfarm affinity.


Uh whats affinity for? I keep using it to revive...

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1. Be sure to use the starter plat on slots

2. Git gud

3. Join a clan, or create a new one for ClanTech

4. Make sure you've got the moves :cool: (seriously, learn parkour if you want to not die)

5. Know the important mods, such as Primed Chamber Serration, Pressure Point, Redirection etc.

6. Rank up mods to make them more powerful

7. Support the Corpus 

8. See number 2

9. Fashion Frame if you're ready.

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Starting plat should go on slots, maybe reactors/catalysts, mostly slots though. Remember you can easily earn platinum without ever having to spend a dime on this game so don't ever rush into anything. 

Focus on learning your own play style at first. Are you reckless? Work on tank frames and mass damage weapons. Do you love seeing those death numbers fly every where? Work on crowd control frames and crit focused weapons. etc.

Know your gear. Do you have restores, do you have specters. Any of these things could be potentially life saving so know it. 

For the love of everything holy I cannot express to you enough to use your plat wisely. The slots *cringes*

Oh and also....learn the magic that is the Wiki. No but really google anything and you should get the wiki. Just saying. 

Draco is not necessary! Please listen. Draco...is not...necessary. If you don't have Draco, fantastic because literally every where you go gets you affinity. Killing anything...gets you affinity. 

Watch your MR info, when you max out your needed affinity go PRACTICE ranking up in the relay's thennnn when you feel ready rank up. Once you do this you can then move on to ranking up new weapons. Know that items you have rid yourself of and then reranked won't count towards MR and reranking an item you've formaed will not count towards you MR. 

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