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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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I really don't see the problem with build requirements, even 14k oxium is fine in my opinion. If you play enough(and not just draco new things and then afk in relay painting yourself pink *cough*) then you really should have all the resources to build anything.

Vauban was RNG, so Vauban prime should be "relatively hefty" to build because you can get bps as drops. It's pretty logical.

Warframe is a f2p game and it's by far one of the better ones with the least p2win(if any?). Devs have to eat somehow, so we get 2 options, fork out the cash to get newest content straight away or just get grinding for it.

I seriously don't understand how people were moaning about oxium requirement. Who doesn't have at least 14k of it ? Oh yeah, new players...but can new players even use vauban or vauban prime with efficiency(read fun) ?

It's an endgame frame, requires some sort of stockpile of resources and it's a goal at least, but nope, we want everything right now, easy and for free.

Why are people expecting to be able to build "every new thing" as soon as it comes out without any forethought about resources before it comes out ?


As for Nitain, if you play regularly then you are bound to catch an alert or 2 now and then, this all stacks up overtime.

Don't know about others, but for me, i'd love to have some form of lengthy goal in Warframe that makes me want to login and grind, Vauban Prime is/was just that.....

Edited by kiteohatto
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Grind? What's that? Rank 21 here and that's just casually playing the game over the years with zero use of plat on weapons/frames straight from the market. I almost have vauban prime already in one day from my own keys and all the precollected nitain without an app to tell me alerts

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I'm pretty ok with the crafting costs, myself. It should never get to the point where Prime things are "MUST HAVE NAO! NO WAIT, NAO!", and even told to get instead of the base item. (Had a clanmate tell me to just get Trin Prime when I asked where normal dropped. This is not ok.). You want it that badly? Research drop locations and farm. 7k Oxium? Grab some clanmates. Don't "need" it right this second because you have other things to do ingame? Then do said things, the resources will trickle in as you do.

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7 hours ago, tripletriple said:

At first I didn't think it was so bad. But DE are requiring you to have it on everything! Anyone else a little bit salty about this? I find it disgusting DE actually put this in the game personally. I mean Vauban prime 20 extracts! Can we have them in the market at least? 

What if I can't log in at the exact time the alerts are up?

I think the need for it will slowly go down. However, I see it as a good way to keep people on the map.  The more reasons they give the more opportunities there are.  Most people do them with randoms and I end up with low MR players  most times.  So it gets them a boost as well.  

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15 minutes ago, Rounpositron said:

I take back everything I said about Plastids and the amount of them you get per drop.

Akkad is a great place for Plastids.

I've given 200k of them to the clan and still have 100k left over.

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12 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

but nope, we want everything right now, easy and for free.

Why are people expecting to be able to build "every new thing" as soon as it comes out without any forethought about resources before it comes out ?

It's human nature. Duh.

But nitain really isn't something "hard". It might as well be handed to you because the alerts are speed runs. The real problem here is...

12 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

As for Nitain, if you play regularly then you are bound to catch an alert or 2 now and then, this all stacks up overtime.

...time. A lot of people do not have time to make large investments, and they have work and so forth. They had to wait in the Liset for an alert to pop up because they need to feed the kids, cook, do the laundry, work shifts, type reports, etc, only to be met by people on the internet exclaiming "we don't care about your time". Like that's a proper way to treat someone who has piles of work to do.

But you gotta admit, grinding can sometimes be more of a "chore" rather than actual gameplay.

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17 minutes ago, Mackinz said:

How about like every other thing which requires Oxium and/or Nitain Extract? That's a good start. Like 100 Oxium there, 5 Nitain Extract here, etc., etc., etc. I am not in spending hours grinding up Oxium specifically so I can build a single item when my current stockpile of ~1200 Oxium (built up through normal playing by the way, to have fun instead of monotonous Corpus fights?) can build things that will have more impact than a single part of a single Warframe which happens to require the highest amount of this really rare resource ever, yet.

K. Then go build those things. But you know whose fault it is that you don't have 7k Oxium? Yours. Not DE. Yours. If you don't want to farm to get the things that you want, then by all means stay there without them that's entirely your choice. 


24 minutes ago, Mackinz said:

. Cut the Oxium down to 1400 and I guarantee no complaints - though there are still people white knighting the 7000 Oxium cost solely because they are of the opinion that forced farming is a great addition to this game and that having the end-game capability to farm Oxium means there should be no complaints...


The mid  game ability to not have to farm 80% of all the requirements for anything, ever again, means that you'll have to put in 180% of the work in the things you DO have to grind. They put the resources you actually have to play to grind, instead of sitting in a room spamming powers for an hour. When this became the norm for farming, the numbers changed to represent it. Simple as that. There should be no complaints, because this kind of farming has been going on for literal years now, and no one had a problem with it until suddenly the game changed to suit. 

33 minutes ago, Mackinz said:

...This game is rapidly developing extreme crafting costs and you are doing absolutely nothing to address it.

The game had and has rapid and efficient methods of farming that provide literal dozens of times the resources you will ever need to build anything in the game, ever. So in your opinion, DE should have left the current trend as it is and no one should grind for anything anymore, even though these resources have been there and exploited for years now. 

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1 hour ago, crackbeard said:

if you only play a few hours a day you could go a year without getting a single nitain extract. The problem is there's no reliable way to work towards it like all the other resources, instead you just have be looking at the alerts 24/7 and always have access to a computer or just hope you logged in at the right time.

it's a new way of DE to increase player activity to keep you engaged with the game, a new alert based resource. i feel like ranting out of context, but is increasing the game mechanics and elements a better way of pulling in players? or adding very very crucial resource elements as alert based, and later allocating them to almost every new weapon and frame inorder to be built?

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17 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

I really don't see the problem with build requirements, even 14k oxium is fine in my opinion. If you play enough(and not just draco new things and then afk in relay painting yourself pink *cough*) then you really should have all the resources to build anything.

Vauban was RNG, so Vauban prime should be "relatively hefty" to build because you can get bps as drops. It's pretty logical.

Warframe is a f2p game and it's by far one of the better ones with the least p2win(if any?). Devs have to eat somehow, so we get 2 options, fork out the cash to get newest content straight away or just get grinding for it.

I seriously don't understand how people were moaning about oxium requirement. Who doesn't have at least 14k of it ? Oh yeah, new players...but can new players even use vauban or vauban prime with efficiency(read fun) ?

It's an endgame frame, requires some sort of stockpile of resources and it's a goal at least, but nope, we want everything right now, easy and for free.

Why are people expecting to be able to build "every new thing" as soon as it comes out without any forethought about resources before it comes out ?


As for Nitain, if you play regularly then you are bound to catch an alert or 2 now and then, this all stacks up overtime.

Don't know about others, but for me, i'd love to have some form of lengthy goal in Warframe that makes me want to login and grind, Vauban Prime is/was just that.....

who doesnt have 14k Oxium?? guys.. we have a serious grinder here!! im MR 20 and i dont have even half of that, all my clan mates who started 2-1 year before me dont have anything close to 7K, all of them are not lower than MR 16..

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10 minutes ago, Madho said:

...time. A lot of people do not have time to make large investments, and they have work and so forth. They had to wait in the Liset for an alert to pop up because they need to feed the kids, cook, do the laundry, work shifts, type reports, etc.

But you gotta admit, grinding can sometimes be more of a "chore" rather than actual gameplay.

Yes, but did those people really not managed to get even at least some nitain ever since it first came out or they simply didn't bother to stock up once they've built whatever they needed ?

I can agree with you that DE could extend the time of the alerts or make them a little more frequent(or hell, even give each player a weekly nitain mission chain that they can do if they missed them), but it's really not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be, it's not like VP requires 300 nitain to build.

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2 minutes ago, NightElve said:

who doesnt have 14k Oxium?? guys.. we have a serious grinder here!! im MR 20 and i dont have even half of that, all my clan mates who started 2-1 year before me dont have anything close to 7K, all of them are not lower than MR 16..

Are you serious...? What missions have you been playing all this time ? Have you been to cerberus on pluto ?

I've had 50 something thousand oxium and that was back before the 5x drop boost. Now it's easier than ever to get oxium.

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6 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

Yes, but did those people really not managed to get even at least some nitain ever since it first came out 

Some nitain, yes. 20 nitain? Probably not.


6 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

I can agree with you that DE could extend the time of the alerts or make them a little more frequent(or hell, even give each player a weekly nitain alerts that they can do if they missed them)

Which is something DE should've considered and implemented since day 1 to avoid all this commotion.

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1 minute ago, kiteohatto said:

Are you serious...? What missions have you been playing all this time ? Have you been to cerberus on pluto ?

I've had 50 something thousand oxium and that was back before the 5x drop boost. Now it's easier than ever to get oxium.

heading there right now, thanks for the tip... let me see how much i can farm

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1 minute ago, kiteohatto said:

Are you serious...? What missions have you been playing all this time ? Have you been to cerberus on pluto ?

I've had 50 something thousand oxium and that was back before the 5x drop boost. Now it's easier than ever to get oxium.


I'll admit... I had a huge store of resources myself... until all I did was play two mission types in the star chart along with Void missions.


So that might be their issues too.

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15 minutes ago, TheBrsrkr said:

K. Then go build those things. But you know whose fault it is that you don't have 7k Oxium? Yours. Not DE. Yours. If you don't want to farm to get the things that you want, then by all means stay there without them that's entirely your choice. 

That logic. DE - made oxium drop only from 1 type of enemy (which sometimes even hard to kill in time). DE - made those enemies spawn in reasonable quantities to farm only in 2 nodes. DE - made insane requirements like 14-7 k oxium when the average drop  rate is only 6-8 oxium per drone. But players are to blame if they didn't/don't want to farm Baal/Cerberus 24/7/365. Logic? Not found.

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35 minutes ago, Sh4dowWalker96 said:

I'm pretty ok with the crafting costs, myself. It should never get to the point where Prime things are "MUST HAVE NAO! NO WAIT, NAO!", and even told to get instead of the base item. (Had a clanmate tell me to just get Trin Prime when I asked where normal dropped. This is not ok.). You want it that badly? Research drop locations and farm. 7k Oxium? Grab some clanmates. Don't "need" it right this second because you have other things to do ingame? Then do said things, the resources will trickle in as you do.


Exactly, this whole "I need it now, if I cannot get it on day one the game is at fault not me!" mentality really stinks.  True, you don't have to grind for regular vauban, yes.  You have to play the waiting game.  Some lucky people can get him within a week, others (like me) only were able to get ALL his pieces within 3 months because of RL obligations. 


Vauban prime?  Some people are lucky enough to have 7-14k Oxium and have all the Nitain they need.  While others Play One to Two mission types every day and wonder why their resource piles are dwindling (I'm guilty of this).  The issue isn't the game entirely, it's this filthily entitlement of "Gimmy Gimmy, on day one"  and sure, everyone will have their sob story too, "Oh, im not apart of that crowd but I wish it were easier."


Exuse me...  You can comfortably get 1-2 nitain per day... If you have been playing since that resource was available, then you should have what you need for most if not all of his parts and now you should be on high lookout.  Heck, do what some people were telling me.  Get the App on your phone and set it to notify you of each new alert and if you see Nitain pop up while you are available/at home then go to town...  People don't realize this little secret...  They WANT vauban prime, they don't 'need' him.  He looks awesome, yea, has slightly upped stats, true but otherwise there is little difference between him and regular vauban.  My point is, that the game isn't going to ostracize people for not having it and some people need to simmer down and buckle in and farm something other then Draco, Secura, or the Void for once.

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1 hour ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Oh sure, there's been a lot of nitain alerts. That's not the only problem. It's the fact that they happen at any time during the day. People have other things to do, they have jobs already, and Warframe shouldn't become a career just because DE wants to make everything new require nitain. Its method of acquisition means you can't grind for it, you can't put in any effort to acquire this thing outside of a low sabotage reward rate.

It's not just RNG. It's RNG timegating. You can do other things, but that doesn't make the problem go away. You can be an alitist sod and say "you're just entitled and want everything now", but that doesn't make the problem go away. People need to stop defending horrible implementation of arbitrary waiting that doesn't even require you to play the game or put in any effort.

All you can do is wait for it to appear at a time you can nab it. You aren't playing the game. It's completely disregarding skill or effort or commitment and purely about whether or not you happen to be able to be online at the time, which many people can't for many reasons. There's no fun or satisfaction in it at all.

Normally you're made to put in effort and work for things. Someone apparently decided that's too mainstream.

TL;DR: peoples have lives

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49 minutes ago, Laoshottie_X said:

Entitlement is too real that's why, warframe grind is little compared to Korean mmos. You can enjoy Warframe knowing you are progressing where as some other games rely purely on RNG AND cash shop help for LITTLE gain

If I wanted to play a Korean MMO I would do so instead of playing Warframe. Since however Warframe is NOT a Korean MMO, stop avoiding the issue.

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2 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

If I wanted to play a Korean MMO I would do so instead of playing Warframe. Since however Warframe is NOT a Korean MMO, stop avoiding the issue.




-your head-


This game isn't even CLOSE to a Korean MMO, it's a bit up there on farming but if you have EVER played one.  You'd realize that this stuff would make people who play Korean MMO's all the time laugh.  The fact that we are complaining about this, would be funny to them.

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3 minutes ago, achromos said:




-your head-


This game isn't even CLOSE to a Korean MMO, it's a bit up there on farming but if you have EVER played one.  You'd realize that this stuff would make people who play Korean MMO's all the time laugh.  The fact that we are complaining about this, would be funny to them.

I think you're having difficulty reading my comment. I replied to someone who said I should try a Korean MMO if I want real grind. I pointed out that it's not one therefore his point is null and void. And yes I do realise that but it in no way invalidates my point.

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Well, i generally got no problem with the ressource requiment. usually if i do some corpus missions for cryotic or keys, i tend to get witin an hour around 100-300 oxium at least. without any booster or nekros or hydroid.

So i personally see no problem, and i dont think some people know how slow the ressource gaining was bevore they increased it...

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8 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

I think you're having difficulty reading my comment. I replied to someone who said I should try a Korean MMO if I want real grind. I pointed out that it's not one therefore his point is null and void. And yes I do realise that but it in no way invalidates my point.

No I'm able to read just fine,  my point was that a little grind isn't going to kill you.  

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