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Tower 3 Survival Rotation C... again.


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Volt Prime Chassis, Ash Prime Systems, Saryn Prime Chassis, Nova Prime Chassis, and Vauban Prime Systems all drop from this one drop table. Bo Prime BP, Carrier Prime BP, Dual Kamas Prime BP and Forma BP's all muddy it up further, not even including the Orokin Cell drops from previous rotations.

Conversely only the Akstilleto Prime Link, Braton Prime BP, Odanata Prime Wings, Vasto prime BP drop from T4 Surv C. That's nearly HALF the drops in a survival that's supposed to be harder. AND THE ENTIRE DERELICT HAS 5 PRIME DROPS TOTAL OUT OF ALL THE AVAILABLE MISSIONS. Add into the fact that the old Rhino Prime and Loki Prime drops never dropped from T3 Surv C. Then when they were vaulted the frames that took their place also wound up, where else, T3 Surv C.

You don't need to "blow up the void" to clear these drop tables, you just need to balance the drops out evenly with mission variety and give us something we legitimately want to work for. DE, the reason a majority of us started this game was because the grind was reasonable and it rewarded us fairly and on a consistent basis. There were no Orokin Cells, and there were no credit drops, and we didn't have to play the same type of mission for half of the bloody arsenal.

Edited by LegoDude
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6 minutes ago, S0V3REiGN said:

DE is doing everything in their power to avoid player burnt out.


LOL I couldn't even type that with a straight face.

They need to just stop saying it if they don't mean it because it is just a lie.  So many options available, they choose to make 6 of the 11 new parts drop in Rotation C(Def/Surv & Int).  A complete shuffle of the void drop tables with each new prime or actually using the derelict would be AWESOME.  

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9 minutes ago, S0V3REiGN said:

DE is doing everything in their power to avoid player burnt out.


LOL I couldn't even type that with a straight face.


That's how I feel. Damn I'm too tired, I need a break with The Void. That place is nonsense. *must stay polite*

I was running T4 Exterminate for fun earlier (also need a few things) got fusion cores 3 times in a row.

I'm just not ready yet to farm Vauban p.

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w..wait,vauban p systems drop from t3 surv AND NOT T4 SURV?

before,the 14k oxium for the chassis ,and now this?



well,time to wait until the prices for vauban prime's part falls a bit,then it will be the time to spend some platinum.

god,this grind is looking to be really painful,if you are not inclined to spend platinum.

thanks god i have a lot of it , thx to years of grinding and business :p

Edited by TheKurtiStryke
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2 minutes ago, CaliburxZero said:

I raised one eyebrow, shrugged, and walked out of my room for a few minutes after seeing T3S, Rotation C.  


This is my level of surprise DE.

after doing 90 min survivals for saryn day 1 now i shrug and open trade chat as i burn my retinas.

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hey, remember that list of things they had in that Devstream and one of them was "same ol' same Ol' " which was their codename for the Void fatigue problem? yeah, they don't remember either.

hope you need cores and forma, because that's all there is in the Void. oh, and lots of pain, salt, agony and the deep dark golden-rimmed abyss where your hopes and dreams go to die. have fun!

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

hey, remember that list of things they had in that Devstream and one of them was "same ol' same Ol' " which was their codename for the Void fatigue problem? yeah, they don't remember either.

hope you need cores and forma, because that's all there is in the Void. oh, and lots of pain, salt, agony and the deep dark golden-rimmed abyss where your hopes and dreams go to die. have fun!

rofl there is more than just that but I 100% agree it is a pain in the butt especially for rotation C which bugs me more than anything.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Quil_Nye said:

rofl there is more than just that but I 100% agree it is a pain in the butt especially for rotation C which bugs me more than anything.

the Unholy Rotation C trinity has returned (Yet again) (surprise) (need nitain) (gone wrong) (more disappointing than baro's inventory)

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Its obvious DE wants to pad out endgame for as long as possible by doing this. Both Rhino and Loki's did not drop from t3surv rotC, and their replacement drop table frames Saryn and Vauban drop from there. Because sorties dont drop anything good and raids are BS this is their one other way to pad out endgame.


I'm uninstalling this game and taking a LONG break from it, I just can't take it anymore. DE takes way too long to address actual problems with the game and is more interested in adding content to the game they can sell rather than fix major glaring issues that keep this game from a perfect 10/10 free to play game.


So congratulations DE, you just played yourself.

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It's interesting how T3 survivals and many T3 missions in general are given each time more and more prime parts to their drop tables.


A) It makes them more heavily RNG dependant than any other void missions.

B) T1 missions still drop random T1 and T2 keys alongside few prime parts and not just a T2 key of the same mission played only and more prime parts.

C) T4 missions possess small packs of cores, argon crystals, even silver cores in their loot tables. I wouldn't mind 10 R5 golden cores, but silver are ridiculous.

D) Orokin cells. For sanity's sake just replace control modules for cells, make the % of them being cell-argon maybe a 75-25 and kick the cells off of the loot tables.

And furthermore, they could still introduce several mission types to void to prevent the concentration of an exaggerated number of drops in one mission alone.

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"We know you guys are burned out from doing the same Void all the time"

Adds 5 parts to rotation Cs, one being on T3 Surv, of course. The others are on T3/T4 Def/Surv. Meanwhile, Surv T1 has an empty rotation B and we still dont have T1-T3 Interceptions.

"We will take this feedback into account" (Sibear costing 30k cyro)

Vauban costs 20 Nitain, 14k Oxium (Now 7k) and 9k Cyro.

"We are trying to reduce grinding"

All Vauban parts are on the rare/uncommon tables, with 5% drop chance each.


I'm sorry guys, but you are not making me want to pay more than a triple-A game price to skip all this.

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