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Citadella/Cycuta Prime Look Great, But I Do Not Want Boosters


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tl;dr: make a version of the "Prime Accessories" pack that is what the name describes, not a way to push 90-day boosters

Yes, DE can capitalize on desire for Primed Accesories by coupling 90-day boosters in at price and selling the whole bundle for $50... or they could just sell the accessories, perhaps at a moderate markup for the trouble of not being bundled with the boosters. So, why not split the Accessories pack into two tiers?

Kubrow Tier

Includes <current Prime Accessory 1>, <current Prime Accessory 2>. Priced at $20.

Sentinel Tier

Includes <current Prime Accessory 1>, <current Prime Accessory 2>, 90-day Affinity Booster, 90-day whatevertheotherboosteris. Priced at $50.

This would be extraordinarily useful for those of us who will either a) never think an accessory is worth paying an extra $30 for boosters we do not want/need b) cannot make effective use of the boosters because we already have most or all items we desire leveled/Forma'd/etc. 

Probably a pipe dream, but hey - I can dream, right?

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u talkin like they wouldn't still charge u $50 for it without the boosters. They would. They're exclusive cosmetics. Damn straight they gonna charge u $50. Also there is literally no reason whatsoever to do this from a marketing standpoint. As in none. Like, at all. I mean people like you probably bought it anyways lmao so why would they even consider this? They wouldn't, and they shouldn't. 

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8 minutes ago, EirwynTelyn said:

If you don't need the boosters, why not just buy the pack for the syandana?


If you don't want to pay that much, you probably don't want the syandana that badly. :P

the pack for the syandana includes the boosters

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Just now, akira_him said:

the pack for the syandana includes the boosters


If you want the syandana enough, you buy the pack with the boosters irregardless of price or if the boosters are there or not.

If you don't want the syandana enough, you don't get it. That's how its always been with Accessory Packs.

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Just now, EirwynTelyn said:


If you want the syandana enough, you buy the pack with the boosters irregardless of price or if the boosters are there or not.

If you don't want the syandana enough, you don't get it. That's how its always been with Accessory Packs.

I mean you are listing out wrong info when you say " why not just buy the pack for the syandana"

I am not buying this syandana anyway so I don't care much, but is it too hard to at least giving out correct information?

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I would pay for an item only pack, no plat, no boosters, no avatars, just the primes and accesories.

I dont care about the "value" of the pack, avatars I wont use, boosters that make no difference while Draco is here, or plat since I can get that easily, I just want the items.

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1 hour ago, akira_him said:

I mean you are listing out wrong info when you say " why not just buy the pack for the syandana"

I am not buying this syandana anyway so I don't care much, but is it too hard to at least giving out correct information?

You misinterpret.

If you want the syandana, you buy the entire pack. Not for the boosters or even the sugatra. But just for the syandana. If the syandana isn't worth the price tag for the entire package, then you don't get it.

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A seperate pack with just the accessory and no boosters would be too convenient to be put to practice. Boosters and platinum are deliberately included to bloat the prices of Prime Access packs after all. In the end you decide if the stuff is worth to you, but let me remind you that for $45 you can buy entire sale bundles of games or a single (relatively) new game that'll keep you entertained for longer than a virtual item that does nothing more than look nice on your warframe's back.

(I want the syandana too but damn that price is too steep for my taste.)

Edited by goatwithbenefits
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I might actually consider buying some of these accessories if they were reasonably priced.  I don't really need the booster and $50 is too much to spend on a cosmetic when most new games can be bought for less (usually can get a 20% coupon at Green Man Gaming and only pay $48 for games on release day).  The accessories look nice but definitely not $50 nice.


I'm sure I'm not the only person who would consider spending $20 for just the accessories.  I'd be interested to see if the number of new customers spending $20 would offset the number of others who had been purchasing accessories but would switch to the cheaper pack.

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10 hours ago, goatwithbenefits said:

A seperate pack with just the accessory and no boosters would be too convenient to be put to practice. Boosters and platinum are deliberately included to bloat the prices of Prime Access packs after all. In the end you decide if the stuff is worth to you, but let me remind you that for $45 you can buy entire sale bundles of games or a single (relatively) new game that'll keep you entertained for longer than a virtual item that does nothing more than look nice on your warframe's back.

(I want the syandana too but damn that price is too steep for my taste.)

To add an example.

Accessory pack is 50$, Overwatch (Which is amazing I might add) is 40$. Guess which one is more valuable.

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48 minutes ago, djternan said:

I'm sure I'm not the only person who would consider spending $20 for just the accessories.  I'd be interested to see if the number of new customers spending $20 would offset the number of others who had been purchasing accessories but would switch to the cheaper pack.

Worth noting that decreasing the price might actually decrease the number sold, not just the price.  They're purely cosmetic, show-off items and pricey ones at that.  Means they might actually be Veblen goods.  Gotta account for people who won't buy the items anymore because the lower price means they're more common and thus don't stand out.

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