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What is a warframe? (hypothesis)

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this is conjecture  regarding the creation of warframes, after second dream info (spoilers for those who dont know that yet)

so forgive me if this is long. i once had this down but with the thread upgrades is seem to have lost it? and further discussions and info helped to shape it

what are the avatar like bodies we control? are they sentient/aware? 

what is a warframe?

As you may or may not know ,a warframe was thought to be an exoskeletal armored unit used by us the "tenno" to combat the sinister factions /savage mutations that threaten humanity.

but exploring what are they exactly seems very vexing, when reflected in recent lore and info via second dream and further,

 the concepts of warframes development mainly lead back to the infested for me



INFESTATION describes both a disease and its victims - a metamorphic affliction without cure. Living organisms are consumed and merged into rabid amalgamations.
Individuals are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination, with multiple swarms converging on ships and colonies.
Its origins are uncertain but there is historical evidence of a similar outbreak before The Collapse.—In-game Lore Description

the virus and its link to the tenno (old info):


The resulting Technocyte virus was likely unleashed on a part of the general population to create vast amounts of troops. However the Infestation soon spreads out of control and assumes a mind of its own, likely butchering anything it comes in contact with. The Infestation unfortunately was still unable to subvert machines, thus having little effect in slowing down the advancement of the Sentient.

The Orokin, now desperate, seek to exploit the Void energy. They put their empire rejects in their ships designed to expose them to the Void energy, in the hopes of recreating something that was accidentally discovered. Though most of them died in the process, those among the infected lineage that survived saw the energy of the Void infused with their virus, which resulted in abilities channeling raw void energy. The Warframe are built as conduits for these void energies and to breed the newly developed race into a lethal asset. Excalibur was the first Warframe created during this time, it's form based on the proto-Warframe from the pre-Orokin time. A new warrior and a new code was born; they were codenamed "Tenno."

Pulling from this info ^,  we can surmise that the original tenno operators were created from an accidental exposure to the void , and as such have a link to void and its energy (warframes power source). which later seems to have been recreated by the orokin to create more potential tenno candidates, possibly how the "stalker" and lower guardians were created (reference stalker lore) 

Operators and the technocyte virus


I have a sneaking suspicion that the technocyte is a variant of nano machine tech that utilizes virus derived machines , when you look at a virus, they are for lack of a better term a naturally developed machine , some even more so , which is why they can be weaponized by a little tweaking

 Example of a basic virus has a nucleolus (containing its DNA) and injection method, this is a bacteriophage variant, viruses come in a variety of shapes/size





i assume the orokin genetically engineered the technocyte virus to target and alter flesh using a virus , they altered or created

the virus attacks a cell by injecting its dna core into it, the injected dna alters the host cell and lots of little viruses develop inside , after a time the cell ruptures and the new virus spread and the cycle repeats 

(this is overly simplified explanation)

so one thought is that the virus alters its host cells and creates the infested

but the children were infected with it and were immune, but once in the void, it altered them to be able to control void energy 

so if we rationalize that void energy is toxic to sentient and the technocyte was used to try and fight them to no success (probably adapted to block their intrusion)

if this was the case then i rationalize the reason the virus altered the children is due to the fact that at some point, when being created the virus was exposed to void energy, altering it to be able to carry and inject /expose that void energy into host cells

now if this was the case, it explains why the children were altered in the void.

if the virus which they were carriers of it(as well as the others on the ship), but not affected were thrown into the void and basically turned the virus void storing capacity up from 1 to a 10000 for example

and basically the stored energy and virus activity multiplied at a very rapid exponential rate inside the host body

the virus (as its alive) probably started trying to adapt to survive its new environmental conditions (with all the void energy it was like a feeding frenzy)

the resulting end development of this caused lots of changes and alterations in the host (probably why most adults wouldnt survive it)

the children being young and still in the stages of development, probably allowed the virus development to adapt and intermix with their normal body functions.

this granting them the capability of harnessing the void energy and storing it within their bodies


stalker lore:


Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.
The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.

 So it seems that the virus is what is used to create infested tissue one can surmise that it is the bases for development of our warframes 

reflecting on lephantis stating "we are your flesh" and further evidence from "infested" mesa and chroma who demonstrate they can be controlled via infested link. in mesa's case using the collared system by alad V

note: Chroma states infestation in codex , but piloted by an unknown entity

Let us now look at a scenario for a warframes conception/creation

Orokin Example project

(subject: female) is infected with the virus and used as a test subject for further tenno offensive capabilities which resulted in developing surrogate bodies for tenno neural control 

we then extract various sample cells which are  then cultured in orokin lab  and then test/experiment with the cells in a variety of ways.

let us say then that one batch of the sample cells yields a result for ...oh pyrokinesis

further development and bioengineering refines and amplifies powers of the samples now innate ability to poses this trait due to virus mutating the original human samples unique genome

this "strain" is then cultured and grown to be harvested for further development

Warframe parts:

let us now look at what warframe needs to be created currently

Warframes need the following for creation in foundry 

blueprint , helm, system, chassis 

and the required materials to construct 

let us now explore the concepts of these parts

blueprint: obviously the schematics and instructions on how to assemble the frame and its parts

Helm: the implanted device for neural interface for operator transference 

System: the nerve/neural network for control and use of warfarmes body and its powers

Chassis: armor designed to withstand the strain of warframes strength and powers, possibly built in limiter to physical muscle structure

now with the concept of these in mind, the orokin lab, then takes a sample of the above mention cell strain with is powers in fire aka pyrokinesis. 

this strain is then stimulated for growth (knowing that cells and infested flesh tend to grown in abnormal ways it is guided and sculpted by orokin scientists engineers for a versatile and developed humanoid body which is what tenno minds are most familiar with controlling.

during this process the helm,  (aka neural connector) is applied to body

along with applying a nerve, neural system so that the body can be controlled via the tenno, aka the system 

while the flesh is developing it is grown over a skeletal system with mechanical parts designed to help the body utilize its powers to the fullest  aka the chassis

from the experiments and failures and success we then create a set of blueprints for how to create a warframe

the end result of this experiment is ember (ember prime would be a re-engineered version utilizing further advanced orokin technology to further offensive,defensive capability) 

the end result is a  tele-operated combat body, controlled via a faster than light neural interface between tenno and warfarme neural connection

but would this body have a consciousness? it is created from living cells, and as such should have the understanding of damage, awareness of its own form, but its it aware of itself.....

Now , via second dream

(reference source)


Once the Somatic Link has been filled three times, the person and the Warframe are both blown back from the energy dispersion, separating them. The Stalker stands before the Warframe, lifeless again after being separated from the Operator's touch. The person cowers in fear, as Hunhow, via Stalker's greatsword, monologues how the Warframe (up to this point thought to be the Tenno) is a "metal puppet" to the real Tenno, who is actually the helpless person from the Reservoir. After stabbing the Warframe with his greatsword War, the Stalker approaches the Tenno and proceeds to choke them. Inexplicably, the Warframe revitalizes and breaks War in half, dispelling Hunhow's control, causing the Stalker to be overcome with immense pain. The Stalker leaves, releasing a blinding flash that knocks the real Tenno unconscious.

during the point your/our operator is being "strangled" by the stalker we see the warframe move by itself and break the "war/hunhow" 

this demonstrates the warframes CAN in fact move on their own, but what was viewed shows that it is very ... difficult task as it is jerky and strained in this action

reviewing the data of this it seems unlikely that the bodies were designed with this function in mind and it is taxing for them to do so, and may not have been possible under anything less then a stressful/life endangering point as the operator is linked to the frame, and as such the survival of the frames continued existence was in jeopardy and it acted in self preservation

Transference and its link system: 

now many have brought up, what would happen to the operators "consciousness if their own body was lost while in link to a warframe

so as we understand it  

Standard Transference

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this system is best displayed in the movie "avatar"  featuring similar surrogate body manipulation

 with this we can still access the original body and even control the warframe while awake (second dream operator is awake/aware and controls frame from orbiter) 

now let us reflect on a subject of the stalker, who may be an example of what im labeling 

Full Transference( Forced full integration of operator consciousness into surrogate body) 

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this may partially answer the stalkers lack of an operator or why they are spoken to hunhow about what it once was 

(reference source EmptyDevil post ) (edit as link was remvoed)

second dream info


the Lotus reveals that one of the Orokin, Margulis, helped save them from their uncontrollable powers by creating a dream-state for them to live in, and also explains that Margulis was killed by the Orokin Executors and her ideas were used by them to create "Transference", which allows the Tenno to control their powers through a remote "surrogate", the Warframe.

SG info 


The very first tests of Transference probably resulted in some Tenno/people having their minds permanently stuck into the surrogate body. Which prompts Margulis to make something to keep the remnants from affecting the future users of the tech:

"This will stop the voices from taking hold. You will have to dream, my angel..."

Another interesting bit, is the presence she felt when she transferred her mind into Titania:

"These past weeks, I've been secretly testing Transference on myself. I can only survive short bursts - linking to Titania the way only Tenno can stand. I've never felt anything like it. A tortured presence, like an evil ink, staining my mind. But... it worked. I'm going to use this wrong to make right."

 It is likely that Stalker's Operator is trapped in it's Warframe body with the original body being lost. The Stalker may have been one of the original test subjects for Transference as per the silver grove info

this may partially answer the stalker and hunhow discussion in the second dream

"All your dread-long life, you've waited for this moment. But you're asking yourself, 'Was I one of these wretched things?' You know the answer. You still hate them. You still hate yourself."y02qlAz.jpgmkjeBQX.jpg


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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18 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

now many have brought up, what would happen to the operators "consciousness if their own body was lost while in link to a warframe

so as we understand it 

Tele Transference

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this system is best displayed in the movie "avatar"  featuring similar surrogate body manipulation

 with this we can still access the original body and even control the warframe while awake (second dream operator is awake/aware and controls frame from orbiter) 

now let us reflect on a subject of the stalker, who may be an example of what im labeling 

Full Transference( Forced full integration of operator consciousness into surrogate body) 

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this may partially answer the stalkers lack of an operator or why they are spoken to hunhow about what it once was 

You could have linked to my post for this portion.

I also don't really believe Chroma was being controlled by the Infested at all. I think he is just in that section of the Codex because of their relationship with the Infested(The use of Technocyte). As for Mesa, she was being controlled by Alad's collar that was being controlled by the Infested. The faction doesn't really have the ability to control Warframes.

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It's important to note that game lore won't be canon. It will change, flip and be confusing the longer the game exists, as lore is limiting to creativity (why books on the big screen never comes out right!). So don't be disappointed that what's what now, in patch 25.0.1 is flipoed upside down!

Why I'd never watch LotR in the movies. Tolkien is dead, other people of making his worlds, instead, so not to be disappointed.

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32 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

You could have linked to my post for this portion.

I also don't really believe Chroma was being controlled by the Infested at all. I think he is just in that section of the Codex because of their relationship with the Infested(The use of Technocyte). As for Mesa, she was being controlled by Alad's collar that was being controlled by the Infested. The faction doesn't really have the ability to control Warframes.

not saying the faction does, but that the roots to warframes creation comes from them and thus there is a connection to them on that front, possibly the collar is utilizing a minor link between them as infested seem to have a hive connection of sorts? 

ill link it in as reference, though as it is more material for the hypothesis 

also i think i found that the rejects refers to 


The Orokin, now desperate, seek to exploit the Void energy. They put their empires rejects in ships, designed to expose them to the Void energy, in the hopes of recreating the events  of what was accidentally discovered.


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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17 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

It's important to note that game lore won't be canon. It will change, flip and be confusing the longer the game exists, as lore is limiting to creativity (why books on the big screen never comes out right!). So don't be disappointed that what's what now, in patch 25.0.1 is flipoed upside down!

Why I'd never watch LotR in the movies. Tolkien is dead, other people of making his worlds, instead, so not to be disappointed.

thus as i say its a hypothesis, this is one i had a while back, but its threads seems to have gone missing? 

just updating with current rationalization via second dream+ events 


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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Hmmm. Obviously speculation on my part here but.....





It may not be quantum entanglement done the 'traditional' sci-fi way, using entangled particles to create an ansible connection, (qu)bits communicated via quantum spin.


Recall that we have Void jumps in this setting, and that the Void is a subspace which allows for fast (very) fast translation between spaces. In addition to this, Transference is not an effect created purely by the Somatic link. Tenno can use Transference outside of the Link as well, the Link chamber may very well just be an amplifier.


What I'm suggesting here is that the body of the Tenno which you can see in realspace is only a part of the Tenno, and that part of the Tenno also exists in the Void. I believe that a Tenno is a multi-dimensional entity, that part of its consciousness remains in hyperspace at all times.

I suggest that Transference is done by tunneling through the Void, maintaining permanent connection between Operator body and Warframe body.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.....

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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Okay. I've read your post and I don't everything to comment on that detailed theory but here mine:

First before I talk about what are Infestation. I need to explain what are the technocyte virus and how they work. The infested are failed weapon used by Oriken during the Sentient war. This was infective against the Sentients as they are machinery drones. This caused the technocyte virus to backfire to the Oriken, this caused them to be affected virus and becoming part of the infetsed. Now, we know were the virus originated and what they were meant for, we can move on.

In the present of game. The infetsed is introduced in the Once Awake quest. During this time the infested quickly take control of Grineer and Curpose units, and turning them into infested units. Before get more deep in, we need to like at a quote:

"Individual are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination" - Infested, Warframe Lore Page

This shows that Infested are able to communicate with each other. The way they communicate using telepathy (keep on reading why), this can be seen when fighting bosses like Lephantis and Phorid. This can explain how well they work together to dominate their opposition, as they quickly taking over enemies and ships.

Now, we know how the infetsed work together. I can explain about Rhino Prime Codex. During this time, a Proto-Rihno was killing and devouring everything in sight. But first we have to look at some quotes:

"The beast squats down, shoveling a heap of gore into his mouth" - Rhino Prime, Codex

"Fibrous Technocyte tumor. Handle with caution" - Nano Spores, Material

This shows that this Rhino acts violently and animalistic. This shows it acts to what infested do. This can be enhanced as all warframes are built using Nano Spores. This shows that all Warframes are built using the infetsed tissue. This can be seen when assassinating a infetsed bosses, as the say:

"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh?" - Lephantis, Assassination Mission

"Revoke the frailties of flesh. Let us in!" - Phorid, Assassination Mission

This supports what i say about warframes being infested. Again, this can be backed up even more from what Margulis said during the Second Dream quest.

"This will stop the voices from taking over. You will have to dream my angles" - Margulis, Second Dream Quest.

This shows that the Infested are able to communicate using telepathy. From what the Margulis said this shows that Warframes are able to listen to the Infestation talking. It is possible to talk back to the infested as they are able to take over AI enemies, like Moas and etc. They could have an intelligence among the infested hive.

This is all I could managed to put together, as the Warframes are made of Infested DNA. So its possible that the Warframes have intelligence among itself. So its possible the Tenno are suppressing Warframes conscious from its family, the infested hive.


Edited by Ibro156
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2 hours ago, Ibro156 said:

Okay. I've read your post and I don't everything to comment on that detailed theory but here mine:

First before I talk about what are Infestation. I need to explain what are the technocyte virus and how they work. The infested are failed weapon used by Oriken during the Sentient war. This was infective against the Sentients as they are machinery drones. This caused the technocyte virus to backfire to the Oriken, this caused them to be affected virus and becoming part of the infetsed. Now, we know were the virus originated and what they were meant for, we can move on.

In the present of game. The infetsed is introduced in the Once Awake quest. During this time the infested quickly take control of Grineer and Curpose units, and turning them into infested units. Before get more deep in, we need to like at a quote:

"Individual are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination" - Infested, Warframe Lore Page

This shows that Infested are able to communicate with each other. The way they communicate using telepathy (keep on reading why), this can be seen when fighting bosses like Lephantis and Phorid. This can explain how well they work together to dominate their opposition, as they quickly taking over enemies and ships.

Now, we know how the infetsed work together. I can explain about Rhino Prime Codex. During this time, a Proto-Rihno was killing and devouring everything in sight. But first we have to look at some quotes:

"The beast squats down, shoveling a heap of gore into his mouth" - Rhino Prime, Codex

"Fibrous Technocyte tumor. Handle with caution" - Nano Spores, Material

This shows that this Rhino acts violently and animalistic. This shows it acts to what infested do. This can be enhanced as all warframes are built using Nano Spores. This shows that all Warframes are built using the infetsed tissue. This can be seen when assassinating a infetsed bosses, as the say:

"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh?" - Lephantis, Assassination Mission

"Revoke the frailties of flesh. Let us in!" - Phorid, Assassination Mission

This supports what i say about warframes being infested. Again, this can be backed up even more from what Margulis said during the Second Dream quest.

"This will stop the voices from taking over. You will have to dream my angles" - Margulis, Second Dream Quest.

This shows that the Infested are able to communicate using telepathy. From what the Margulis said this shows that Warframes are able to listen to the Infestation talking. It is possible to talk back to the infested as they are able to take over AI enemies, like Moas and etc. They could have an intelligence among the infested hive.

This is all I could managed to put together, as the Warframes are made of Infested DNA. So its possible that the Warframes have intelligence among itself. So its possible the Tenno are suppressing Warframes conscious from its family, the infested hive.


I like the part about nano spores. That was something I forgot about. While I'm not sure every frame requires nano spores, im willing to back this up 100%


4 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


this is conjecture  regarding the creation of warframes, after second dream info (spoilers for those who dont know that yet)

so forgive me if this is long. i once had this down but with the thread upgrades is seem to have lost it? and further discussions and info helped to shape it

what are the avatar like bodies we control? are they sentient/aware? 

what is a warframe?

As you may or may not know ,a warframe was thought to be an exoskeletal armored unit used by us the "tenno" to combat the sinister factions /savage mutations that threaten humanity.

but exploring what are they exactly seems very vexing, when reflected in recent lore and info via second dream and further,

 the concepts of warframes development mainly lead back to the infested for me


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INFESTATION describes both a disease and its victims - a metamorphic affliction without cure. Living organisms are consumed and merged into rabid amalgamations.
Individuals are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination, with multiple swarms converging on ships and colonies.
Its origins are uncertain but there is historical evidence of a similar outbreak before The Collapse.—In-game Lore Description

the virus and its link to the tenno (old info):

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The resulting Technocyte virus was likely unleashed on a part of the general population to create vast amounts of troops. However the Infestation soon spreads out of control and assumes a mind of its own, likely butchering anything it comes in contact with. The Infestation unfortunately was still unable to subvert machines, thus having little effect in slowing down the advancement of the Sentient.

The Orokin, now desperate, seek to exploit the Void energy. They put their empire rejects in their ships designed to expose them to the Void energy, in the hopes of recreating something that was accidentally discovered. Though most of them died in the process, those among the infected lineage that survived saw the energy of the Void infused with their virus, which resulted in abilities channeling raw void energy. The Warframe are built as conduits for these void energies and to breed the newly developed race into a lethal asset. Excalibur was the first Warframe created during this time, it's form based on the proto-Warframe from the pre-Orokin time. A new warrior and a new code was born; they were codenamed "Tenno."

Pulling from this info ^,  we can surmise that the original tenno operators were created from an accidental exposure to the void , and as such have a link to void and its energy (warframes power source). which later seems to have been recreated by the orokin to create more potential tenno candidates, possibly how the "stalker" and lower guardians were created (reference stalker lore) 

stalker lore:

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Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.
The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.

 So it seems that the virus is what is used to create infested tissue one can surmise that it is the bases for development of our warframes 

reflecting on lephantis stating "we are your flesh" and further evidence from "infested" mesa and chroma who demonstrate they can be controlled via infested flesh 

note: Chroma states infestation in codex 

Let us now look at a scenario for a warframes conception/creation

Orokin Example project

(subject: female) is infected with the virus and used as a test subject for further tenno offensive capabilities which resulted in developing surrogate bodies for tenno neural control 

we then extract various sample cells which are  then cultured in orokin lab  and then test/experiment with the cells in a variety of ways.

let us say then that one batch of the sample cells yields a result for ...oh pyrokinesis

further development and bioengineering refines and amplifies the samples now innate ability to poses this trait due to virus mutating the original human samples unique genome

this "strain" is then cultured and grown to be harvested for further development

let us now look at what warframe needs to be created currently

Warframes need the following for creation in foundry 

blueprint , helm, system, chassis 

and the required materials to construct 

let us now explore the concepts of these parts

blueprint: obviously the schematics and instructions on how to assemble the frame  

Helm: the implanted device for neural interface for operator transference 

System: the nerve/neural network for control and use of warfarmes body and its powers

Chassis: armor designed to withstand the strain of warframes strength and powers, possibly built in limiter to physical muscle structure

now with the concept of these in mind, the orokin lab then takes a sample of the above mention cell strain with is powers in fire aka pyrokinesis. 

this strain is then stimulated for growth (knowing that cells and infested flesh tend to grown in abnormal ways it is guided and sculpted by orokin scientists engineers for a versatile and developed humanoid body which is what tenno are most familiar with.

during this process the helm,  (aka neural connector) is applied to body

along with applying a nerve, neural system so that the body can be controlled via the tenno aka the system 

while the flesh is developing it is grown over a skeletal system with mechanical parts designed to help the body utilize its powers to the fullest  aka the chassis

from the experiments and failures and success we then create a set of blueprints for how to create a warframe

the end result of this experiment is ember (ember prime would be a re-engineered version utilizing further advanced orokin technology to further offensive,defensive capability) 

the end result is a  tele-operated combat body, controlled via a faster than light neural interface between tenno and warfarme neural connection

but would this body have a consciousness? it is created from living cells, and as such should have the understanding of damage, awareness of its own form, but its it aware of itself.....

Now , via second dream

(reference source)

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Once the Somatic Link has been filled three times, the person and the Warframe are both blown back from the energy dispersion, separating them. The Stalker stands before the Warframe, lifeless again after being separated from the Operator's touch. The person cowers in fear, as Hunhow, via Stalker's greatsword, monologues how the Warframe (up to this point thought to be the Tenno) is a "metal puppet" to the real Tenno, who is actually the helpless person from the Reservoir. After stabbing the Warframe with his greatsword War, the Stalker approaches the Tenno and proceeds to choke them. Inexplicably, the Warframe revitalizes and breaks War in half, dispelling Hunhow's control, causing the Stalker to be overcome with immense pain. The Stalker leaves, releasing a blinding flash that knocks the real Tenno unconscious.

during the point your/our operator is being "strangled" by the stalker we see the warframe move by itself and break the "war/hunhow" 

this demonstrates the warframes CAN in fact move on their own, but what was viewed shows that it is very ... difficult task as it is jerky and strained in this action

reviewing the data of this it seems unlikely that the bodies were designed with this function in mind and it is taxing for them to do so, and may not have been possible under anything less then a stressful/life endangering point as the operator is linked to the frame, and as such the survival of the frames continued existence was in jeopardy and it acted in self preservation

Transference and its link system: 

now many have brought up, what would happen to the operators "consciousness if their own body was lost while in link to a warframe

so as we understand it  

Standard Transference

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this system is best displayed in the movie "avatar"  featuring similar surrogate body manipulation

 with this we can still access the original body and even control the warframe while awake (second dream operator is awake/aware and controls frame from orbiter) 

now let us reflect on a subject of the stalker, who may be an example of what im labeling 

Full Transference( Forced full integration of operator consciousness into surrogate body) 

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this may partially answer the stalkers lack of an operator or why they are spoken to hunhow about what it once was 

(reference source EmptyDevil post ) 

second dream info

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the Lotus reveals that one of the Orokin, Margulis, helped save them from their uncontrollable powers by creating a dream-state for them to live in, and also explains that Margulis was killed by the Orokin Executors and her ideas were used by them to create "Transference", which allows the Tenno to control their powers through a remote "surrogate", the Warframe.



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39 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I like the part about nano spores. That was something I forgot about. While I'm not sure every frame requires nano spores, im willing to back this up 100%



glad to help 

3 hours ago, Ibro156 said:

Okay. I've read your post and I don't everything to comment on that detailed theory but here mine:

First before I talk about what are Infestation. I need to explain what are the technocyte virus and how they work. The infested are failed weapon used by Oriken during the Sentient war. This was infective against the Sentients as they are machinery drones. This caused the technocyte virus to backfire to the Oriken, this caused them to be affected virus and becoming part of the infetsed. Now, we know were the virus originated and what they were meant for, we can move on.

In the present of game. The infetsed is introduced in the Once Awake quest. During this time the infested quickly take control of Grineer and Curpose units, and turning them into infested units. Before get more deep in, we need to like at a quote:

"Individual are violent and animalistic yet the larger whole exhibits signs of coordination" - Infested, Warframe Lore Page

This shows that Infested are able to communicate with each other. The way they communicate using telepathy (keep on reading why), this can be seen when fighting bosses like Lephantis and Phorid. This can explain how well they work together to dominate their opposition, as they quickly taking over enemies and ships.

Now, we know how the infetsed work together. I can explain about Rhino Prime Codex. During this time, a Proto-Rihno was killing and devouring everything in sight. But first we have to look at some quotes:

"The beast squats down, shoveling a heap of gore into his mouth" - Rhino Prime, Codex

"Fibrous Technocyte tumor. Handle with caution" - Nano Spores, Material

This shows that this Rhino acts violently and animalistic. This shows it acts to what infested do. This can be enhanced as all warframes are built using Nano Spores. This shows that all Warframes are built using the infetsed tissue. This can be seen when assassinating a infetsed bosses, as the say:

"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh?" - Lephantis, Assassination Mission

"Revoke the frailties of flesh. Let us in!" - Phorid, Assassination Mission

This supports what i say about warframes being infested. Again, this can be backed up even more from what Margulis said during the Second Dream quest.

"This will stop the voices from taking over. You will have to dream my angles" - Margulis, Second Dream Quest.

This shows that the Infested are able to communicate using telepathy. From what the Margulis said this shows that Warframes are able to listen to the Infestation talking. It is possible to talk back to the infested as they are able to take over AI enemies, like Moas and etc. They could have an intelligence among the infested hive.

This is all I could managed to put together, as the Warframes are made of Infested DNA. So its possible that the Warframes have intelligence among itself. So its possible the Tenno are suppressing Warframes conscious from its family, the infested hive.


it could also be that the warframes are inherently suppressed due to being manufactured/bioengineered with limiting factors/systems that prevents their own self from developing  past a "body " with self sense but not self awareness, meaning they comprehend damage and danger to themselves , but as a being are compleed by an outside force/mind/self since they gained life, so they never had a capability to develop past that state  , as our operator states we are unaffected by the infestation, meaning we are not affected at all other then...them trying to eat/kill by physical force ... so they are infested but an altered strain that is dormant and not capable of spreading, yet is fine tuned for ..well combat 

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57 minutes ago, xubile said:

i played this game coz one of my buds told me about a gimpsuit robot ninja in spacetm game. i still refer it to that.

Thanks... Now when I think about my Valkyr wearing mostly black all I can think of is a gimp suit..

I'm going to have to change her outfit when I get home.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I like the part about nano spores. That was something I forgot about. While I'm not sure every frame requires nano spores, im willing to back this up 100%

Actually, they do. Even Oberon has nano spores, even tho he's only made out of machnical parts. It's because every frame requires Oriken Cells. Which contains 50k Nanospores to craft.

Check it our yourself: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Orokin_Cell

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8 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

glad to help 

it could also be that the warframes are inherently suppressed due to being manufactured/bioengineered with limiting factors/systems that prevents their own self from developing  past a "body " with self sense but not self awareness, meaning they comprehend damage and danger to themselves , but as a being are compleed by an outside force/mind/self since they gained life, so they never had a capability to develop past that state  , as our operator states we are unaffected by the infestation, meaning we are not affected at all other then...them trying to eat/kill by physical force ... so they are infested but an altered strain that is dormant and not capable of spreading, yet is fine tuned for ..well combat 

If you remeber during at the second dream. Marglius said something like "this will keep voices away, my angles". This could maybe do to connection with Warframe. Seeing how the Infested can telepathically to each other (seen during Infested assassinations). Maybe the voices are the Warframes? If so, then that would be cool. It would be like fighting the frames themselves psychotically.

Edited by Ibro156
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3 hours ago, Ibro156 said:

If you remeber during at the second dream. Marglius said something like "this will keep voices away, my angles". This could maybe do to connection with Warframe. Seeing how the Infested can telepathically to each other (seen during Infested assassinations). Maybe the voices are the Warframes? If so, then that would be cool. It would be like fighting the frames themselves psychotically.

could be the voices of the warframes or infested, but that further makes me think something was built to block that kind of mental contact 

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  • 4 weeks later...

 a thought occurs to me

if warframes can have operator consciousness implanted permanently as we use a this posibility with the stalker 

i reflect on the orokin taking their "empires rejects" and using them in further development 

if the stalker is similar to a full transference case i have some thought on why it is the way it is 

if the Stalker is controlled by one of these "rejects" probably a convicted fellon / ect then i think i can reason its design, as his acolytes references we are but children 

so if your an orokin and have setup a system for turning felons into warframe slaves (via full transference) how would you go about it?

reasoning that there must be some control or limiting factors , lets talk about the voice ...

stalker whispers and barely speaks as if forcing his words ..reflection in the lore that this also is apparent that their speech was restricted 

"  I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped. "

as with this the lower guardian cast is restricted in speech. making them seem more like servants (seen and not heard)

rationalizing that it would be simpler to do a direct transference of the felons mind into this lower guardian cast frame , they are convicted to death by executors for example and now musts serve the orokin empire by becoming a eternal slave to them. why maintain their body when transference fully is simpler to do?

if this is the case, i wonder if they utilize command words or control systems to make the lower guardian cast complaint to orders? 



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