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How come warframe isn't Dark anymore?


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Just now, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Oh, it's dark! So dark tried to do the Erris alert this morning, got the Juggernaut and all (nice well lit area), then the woes of trying to find the hostage. N/S/E/W and dark elements = vertigo, and the hostage went bye-bye. -_-

By dark I mean the atmosphere of the game, when was there a time that made you think NOPE NOPE NOPE GTFO NOW? I mean the enemies are not intimidating in the current lighting, they just are not that scary. Unlike dark souls Q.Q (RIP 100k souls)

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2 hours ago, Lykaios_Xenidis said:

Maybe is because i'm too new but ¿Since when warframe has got any horror element?

When I played my first mission against infested and met my first juggernaut it did feel like horror game. First Derelict and first Eris missions did give this feeling too.

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7 minutes ago, Brokenrune said:

Why can't the mobs AI be improved so they block/doge our bullets? Have them telegraph their attacks? And instead of relying on cheap mechanics to kill us AKA NULIFIERS why not just make them harder/smater? like high level melee enemies can block our bullets outright (we should be able to 100% block) but also have a dash?

Sure all of that is nifty, but it won't change the fact that there is only a very narrow band (level-wise) of enemies who present a relevant challenge.

...And that band is different for each player and each frame/build/weapon/loadout that player plays.

By relevant I mean that the challenge matters but CAN be overcome (without cheese). That band lasts about 5 minutes and then it's gone again to varying degrees (if it happens at all).

The simplest resolution is to have mobs damage and defense scale to the player's composite equipment and performance and then allow the ability change difficulty. The game's ai would need to be a bit cheap on one side to add more damaging enemies if the player wasn't taking health dmg and had low ttk, but generous enough to be able to ratchet the challenge down some if the player was taking too much too often or ttk was higher. 

The goal is to make the player have to work a bit harder to stay alive. but not faceroll them once they are working a lot harder to stay alive. You have an engaged player at that point.  Making them feel like the challenge is worth another, more concerted attempt is huge imo.

A system like that would make ultimate powers matter more as well. As if players are using it as a last ditch to survive Then the AI did it's job and found that sweet spot.

Alternately, if the players was spamming damaging aoe's and keeping a very low ttk, they system could ratchet up the challenge to the point where the player couldn't continue facerolling the content.

Does such a system exist? No clue.



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2 hours ago, K0bra said:

But not only that.Check out the dark atmosphere when he starts playing.The fog,the music,the sounds,the look.

It was just the foreboding music and near empty levels.

The only thing that I would want back is the storms going on the outside of the ship, but we dont have any Nebulas in Sol to simulate that, so we get the skybox of the planet the mission is in.

The infested... Okay, looking at the old footage, I'm more creeped out (again) with the way they used to run.

But, DE NEEDS to add a Day-Night cycle to Planet missions, and actually make them dark. Eris ships should be darker and only the light of the infested spores and you flashlight to show the way. I'm still hoping that Eris planet missions are much, much creepier.

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The explanation is both from a lore and design standpoint. The lore bit being more overall and more obvious if you've been with the game and following the Tennos story since the very beginning of the games life.

In the beginning, we tenno were few in number and on the verge of extinction. This in itself creates a very dark and brooding mood fearful for the future. Now apply that to the low player population back then and fear that the game might not take off and the founders were risking alot of money in a gamble for the games life.

Nowadays new tenno join the fold everyday and our lives are safe both in the games finances and how protected we are by the lotus. 


See the difference lighting and general mood has brightened as a result of our story and the games financial security

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4 hours ago, ngrazer said:

Old Infested tilesets were kinda horror-like.


Thank you for this, With THAT Warframe i fell in love. The music, the sound, the old tilesets, the old star map. I miss it so much

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I liked it dark back in the day than i gave a shot to this light version 

Im still around tho dark was better and Not so many bad stuff liek : numb 1 grind (im too lazy to type the rest)

But if they fix the grind i would be ok if it was even PINK

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4 hours ago, Brokenrune said:

Hmm but do you ever feel like you are ever threaten by anything anymore? What I mean is the appearance of the enemies don't exactly instill fear into the hearts of tenno, or at least a sense of unease. 

Nyahahahahaha, quite right you are. I am to be feared. Not the grineer. They have stories to tell of me. How i slaughtered thousands of their men. People lucky enough to be spared will live on to tell my story. Througb this fear we control the system. Muhuhahahahha. 

Seriously tho sentients were supposed to be our greatest adversaries. Too bad i can finish them in 3 strikes. 

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4 hours ago, Brokenrune said:

By dark I mean the atmosphere of the game, when was there a time that made you think NOPE NOPE NOPE GTFO NOW? I mean the enemies are not intimidating in the current lighting, they just are not that scary. Unlike dark souls Q.Q (RIP 100k souls)

Getting eaten by Infested (or the thought of it) is enough horror. DE makes sure that the Corpus guy getting devoured by the disease is enough misery as it is.

Gross horror, well, leave that to the player in their controls.

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7 hours ago, ArcusVeles said:

Waaaaaaay back in the day, maps were a lot darker, the ambient noises and music were pretty dreary, and there were pretty nasty enemies like Grineer who had buzz saws attached to their hands, and when they'd kill you they'd usually dice your corpse up and send the pieces flying.  Used to spook me pretty bad back then.

It's come a long way toward being much more bright, colorful and energetic gameplay-wise, even if it doesn't seem like it's much of any of those now.


O.o they really use to do that? Nice 

The only thing similar I've seen is a corrupted moa's laser burning my warframe to a literal crisp

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

DE decided to ditch the horror vibes sadly. I agree that we need more horror elements. making the infested genuinely disturbing would be a good start.

The stuff I was mentioning earlier that makes people cringe, especially with Elder Scrolls and the more adult mods. -_-

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10 hours ago, Lykaios_Xenidis said:

Maybe is because i'm too new but ¿Since when warframe has got any horror element?

The 2013 trailer (rhino chops a head off...RHINO ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING!!!)



Feb 8, 2016 trailer



Vor fight 2013



A few years ago the game actually was dark and not as bright. There once was a time when your flashlight was all you could see on infested maps or any dark area. You weren't a super ninja capable of doing a 1hr T4 survival run on your own, you were being pushed out of extinction by what was essentially a copy machine gone horribly wrong. Things were spooky at times. I think the issue some people have is that the game changed from space ninjas in the darkness fighting off everything that is trying to/is killing them, to space fashionistas with guns killing whatever gets them the drop that they want because reasons.

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Flashlight tag gets old after hundreds of hours. I'm glad 1/3 of the game isn't pitch black another 1/3 is busted flickering lights and the last 1/3 being a bright sterile tube lighting. There is a large collection of tiles and moods. Sorry, it all cant be edgy.


Edited by Firetempest
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11 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Flashlight tag gets old after hundreds of hours. I'm glad 1/3 of the game isn't pitch black another 1/3 is busted flickering lights and the last 1/3 being a bright sterile tube lighting. There is a large collection of tiles and moods. Sorry, it all cant be edgy.


DE did a good job with Erris, IMO. People don't NEED to see or feel the awfulness of the situation of the Infested (like some Alien movie), they can let their minds do that visualization best (all the screams and all in the background, is great for scene tension!).

Like a good book allows you to visualize a scene.


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4 minutes ago, xubile said:

my guess is due to the population of kiddies in this M rated game

International laws on decency as well (as I'm seeing in the public groups people play Warframe from some v-e-r-y strict countries, that execute people simply taking drugs). You can imagine how it'll be about an ultra violent video game (even with a 18+ M rating).

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I could only find these 2 on my pc :(. Game used to have a special atmosphere to it and it was a lot slower pace, nobody was doing stupid damage and if i remember correctly we had to actually use cover lol. Oh and we had nvidia physx and more gore! Grineer also spoke english :P

Oh and orthos/hate charge attacks vs infested swarms felt soooo good.

Infested missions were scary as hell because they were pitch black on abandoned grineer ships.



Edited by kiteohatto
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