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I see no reason in playing sorties anymore.


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2 hours ago, SigmaLambdaOmega said:

Pretty much every sortie I've been in has just been rush the objective, rush to extraction. Hell, yesterday we had someone basically 1 shot the jackal and then run out. The sortie missions aren't fun, they are just another thing that exists that you can see exactly what rewards you can get. I wouldn't mind the sortie missions if they would catagorize the rewards into things like:

  • Quickest player (first one to reach both the objective and extraction, or in excavation it is whoever reaches the most objectives first): can pick 1 from either the warframe parts, silver cores or exilus adapter
  • Tank (most dmg recieved w/o being downed/killed): can pick 1 from either the weapon parts, silver cores or exilus adapter
  • Stronk (most damage dealt): can pick 1 from either the catylist, reactor, silver cores or weapon part
  • Sharpshooter (highest fire acc with at least 50 shots fired): can pick 1 from either lenses, silver cores or weapon part
  • MVP (player must get highest dmg, fire acc, least dmg taken, 0 downs/deaths and do the most dmg to boss): can pick 2 from reward list along with higher chance for legendary core to appear in table (raised from 0.167% to 0.5%). If legendary core is picked, it is the only item that can be selected
  • Players who do not acheive any of the above continue with the current random reward system
  • Does not apply to solo. If two players tie for the same title, the title will be given to the player with the lower MR or total affinity (MR 10 w/ 114k affinity will get reward instead of MR 19 w/ 389k affinity)

If they did something like that, then it could be fun, more competitive, and discourage players from rushing through missions just for a reward.

although i like this, Ash prime takes half of those titles and then sorties becomes cancer of players fighting to get highest title for rewards. team Objectives are better like stay for an extra 20 mins in survival

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I kinda lost interest in Sorties when DE announced a possible token system, where you earn a token by running, then exchange an amount for whatever you actually want.

Instead DE went with the current system of no duplicates with a healthy dose of RNG. Personally I'm not too hyped about getting a lens or a pack of cores after fighting a lvl 100 hyper scaled boss with just a shotgun/bow/sniper.

I do admit, taking Mag Prime against Kela was really fun.. but after tomorrow, that most likely wont be an option with the change to Bullet Attractor.

Edited by Aoden
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4 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Play them for fun  maybe? Why is this such a hard concept to grasp for some people?


4 hours ago, TeaBegging said:

I clearly love the ones that actually have a boss battle since that's actually the only one that could be fun to play with. But aside those I literary see no reason playing them.

He does play them for fun but he says that the only actual fun ones are the assassins and i agree 100%. I think it's a bit too early to ask for them to change a system they just came out with and i also don't think adding extreme high end things would make them more fun because once you got the high end gear you would be bored again. That being said, i do agree with you entirely that the defenses and survivals are just so boring and i only do sorties on days with assassin missions because it's fun to have to actually plan out your approach to a boss and then have to execute it perfectly or you fail. But doing sorties that take a lot of time or are time-limited such as defenses and survivals (meaning you have to do it for a certain amount of time) makes the game incredibly slow paced and boring as it becomes a competition of which group can come up with the best combination of cheesing abilities. Again just like the main article, this is just my 2 cents

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played 3 days when it was introduced and never went back just a total waste of time>> after all since it was introduced there has only been 1 confirmed legendary core by a player and not even that can interest me in playing sorties<< spy missions just totally turns me off..

Edited by ranks21
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11 hours ago, DogManDan said:

So you are suggesting to make this a none team based game and turn it into a who is the best COD kiddies game! There are really no words 

It's still team based, all it does is just give players incentive to not rush through missions. Or as wise man once say,

"Now you have something to work towards" -Baro Ki'Teer

If we wanted to make it COD kiddie mlg pro status, just add airhorns, turn on friendly fire, give everyone excal prime and a 1 milliion dmg tonkor with max terminal velocity, then give them guaranteed legendary core.

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1 hour ago, SigmaLambdaOmega said:

It's still team based, all it does is just give players incentive to not rush through missions. Or as wise man once say,

"Now you have something to work towards" -Baro Ki'Teer

If we wanted to make it COD kiddie mlg pro status, just add airhorns, turn on friendly fire, give everyone excal prime and a 1 milliion dmg tonkor with max terminal velocity, then give them guaranteed legendary core.

Now it would push them be a **** to one another, "steal kills" and encourage all sorts of toxic behavior. Keep this off of warframe.

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12 hours ago, (XB1)Dr Desflurane said:

1.  Add sortie exclusive cosmetics that rotate with seasons.  Don't make the drop rate ridiculously low.  Allow this item to be tradable.

3. Fix the check box system, at least before if you got a double you could trade for the part you needed.  Ending the season with >50% of your days ending in cores while a large part of the list remains unclaimed is maddening.  I don't care if this is a token system, returning to the old system or just upping the drop chance of every unchecked item once one checked item has been claimed.  Just fix it.


Okay first of all why make the exclusive cosmetic tradeable? Thats just a reason to scam people, while I love the in-game trade model of this game I hate seeing people trying to scam people with the exclusive items. I don't use the trade chat often and I get my stuff pretty easily and sometimes I sell them but to a fair price or somewhere in between I Don't gift them because it took me time or it was luck that I got it. Don't make everything in this game tradeable please.


In term of the check box I find it almost perfect, first if you do the sortie every day (which is something I Don't do) you will get most of the items. Since they added this during the end of the season I see what I got and there  are always one or two things that I didn't get, so it is fairly ease to get everything. Also why bring the old system back when most of the people were complaining that they get the same things everytime. I would agree to a token system but to the old system? Absolutely no.


Edited by Cryostasisprotoss
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Sorties are the only high content casual player can do, the only place you are challenged. But the rewards for being able to defeat 3 mission on a "hard" setting are so unappealing. I'd rather do a T4D until wave 60 sell the stuff for plat get more R5 cores. The only thing bothering me is that the first 40 waves are easy.

Getting those Reactor/Catalyst/Legendarycore/Exilus are closer then a dream then reality since their drop chance are close to inexistant. 

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I ran Sorties for the first month and a half, religiously, when they were first introduced to consoles.

Being awarded lenses when I had already purchased Greater Lenses was a bit of a turn off.

Then being awarded MULTIPLE parts of Nezha began to wear thin - thinking that my inventory would be scanned so I wouldn't get duplicates, I held on to the parts - despite having purchased Nezha when he was introduced. I'd still get Nezha parts, despite doing quite a few Sortie runs solo. Then being awarded the same weapon piece I got the day before was the final straw.

Ultimately, I stopped. While I may be one of the rare few who may have gotten A Legendary core out of Sorties, I can count on 4 fingers the amount of times I've received 25/50 pack of cores. At writing, I have over 4500 R5 cores.

That being said, and I can only speak for myself here: I have absolutely no reason, incentive or enjoyment in running Sorties.

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7 hours ago, Cryostasisprotoss said:

In term of the check box I find it almost perfect, first if you do the sortie every day (which is something I Don't do) you will get most of the items. Since they added this during the end of the season I see what I got and there  are always one or two things that I didn't get, so it is fairly ease to get everything. Also why bring the old system back when most of the people were complaining that they get the same things everytime. I would agree to a token system but to the old system? Absolutely no.

I do it every day and ever since the change on console to the check boxes, I have not gotten all the weapon pieces, missing out on the strun wraith and sheev(both missing two pieces).   I have gotten a lot fusion cores though.   At least in the previous system you could trade for parts.  Now, since nobody has extras, each part goes for around 50p.  

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This is my opinion only. If you're running these just to get the lenses, then it's much easier to just bite the bullet and buy the one you want. I've ran these and don't think that it's worth all the effort for what you get. LVL's are just to high. Typically once you have a weapon/warframe that you like using then that would be the one you would want to install it in. So why not just buy it and be over and done with it. This would give you more time on running other missions.

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On 5/26/2016 at 5:59 PM, TeaBegging said:

You introduce a high level content to challenge the community and yet the rewards that are given are pretty much pointless.

This was my 2 cents, feel free to add yours as well.

High level content? you must be kidding.  Buffing mob bots' health and nerfing players' health, then restricting players to... wait for it... sniper rifles/pistols/one handed melee weapons with no sharp edges?

that's high level content?


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17 hours ago, DeadlyPeanutt said:

High level content? you must be kidding.  Buffing mob bots' health and nerfing players' health, then restricting players to... wait for it... sniper rifles/pistols/one handed melee weapons with no sharp edges?

that's high level content?


By high level content I mean level scaling high. Not challenge to be particular they need to work more on that a lot more to be honest. Sometimes I get the feeling that the devs don't play their own game enough. There are so many issues in the game that are been neglected and get pointed out so many times. That people actually gave up on repeating them self, including me. 

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I play sorties everyday even if their rewards are pointless, because they are fun to do , not anymore since the nerfs have been introduced, which has put me off playing entirely at the moment,,, If it was not for these nerfs i would be busy playing now, instead of  being in the forums... thinking on what to do. The sorties was something to do  instead of farming all the time when being end game...  some days where I had short time playing. I just played sorties. They would be as long as two hours... before going to bed. I wish they would make more sortie type missions for people who are level 13 or more. The affinity is also good in them, for focus. 

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1 hour ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

I play sorties everyday even if their rewards are pointless, because they are fun to do , not anymore since the nerfs have been introduced, which has put me off playing entirely at the moment,,, I

Fun = standing in place all mission of Interception while Mirage locks down the map?

Fun = Valkyr's Hysteria making no functional difference between the level 100 Sortie enemies and Mercury's level 10 and under?

Sorties have problems (enhancements making everything a oneshot, for example, along with most any assassination), but you'll feel a damn sight more accomplished managing to do them without cheesing. I had a nice time in today's Interception taking over for the Mirage player who hadn't realised Blind had been fixed, finding a nice spot to sit with my Ivara so I could reactively throw Sleep Arrows around to stop enemies capturing. Reactively, as in, not just hammering a button to succeed.


Maybe now we'll get fixes for some completely unreasonable aspects like how the spawn rate in many Interception missions is cranked up so high there's almost no chance to capture points once spawning is active without them being 'conflicted' by nine legions of battle hardened dudes ready to oneshot you. Especially on the small Grineer tiles.

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1 hour ago, EDYinnit said:

Fun = standing in place all mission of Interception while Mirage locks down the map?

Fun = Valkyr's Hysteria making no functional difference between the level 100 Sortie enemies and Mercury's level 10 and under?

Sorties have problems (enhancements making everything a oneshot, for example, along with most any assassination), but you'll feel a damn sight more accomplished managing to do them without cheesing. I had a nice time in today's Interception taking over for the Mirage player who hadn't realised Blind had been fixed, finding a nice spot to sit with my Ivara so I could reactively throw Sleep Arrows around to stop enemies capturing. Reactively, as in, not just hammering a button to succeed.


Maybe now we'll get fixes for some completely unreasonable aspects like how the spawn rate in many Interception missions is cranked up so high there's almost no chance to capture points once spawning is active without them being 'conflicted' by nine legions of battle hardened dudes ready to oneshot you. Especially on the small Grineer tiles.

The whole problem actually is opinion, while i agree , just like you do that mirage locking and endless hysteria is not fun...that is just our way of thinking. 
just as many people who think this is boring also think its fun. Biggest problem warframe has is satisfying everyone, and finding a balance puts both parties usually unhappy. 

It may be me being a nihilist today, but i think the problem now is: satisfying others is making the game selectively worse  and the game will never have a happy balance point, it will always have a happy camp and a sad one(like all games do). Mostly vets happy with changes, and other players sad with changes since they didn't play with them much and its already gone. The real fix honestly will one day end up to; stop playing if unhappy, let the others who do like it keep their 'fun'. 

Edited by SkarmXD
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