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Oh look, a low level potato alert...


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Was taken aback by the difficulty spike in the first two rounds but my team srs'd the **** up and pulled it together. I was spamming every ability I could as Mag and knocking them around like pinballs doubled as a wonderful defense tactic. Last round was a shower of pizzas, and hyena parts raining from the sky. Even got a love letter from our friendly neighborhood Stalker at the end.

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I did the Proxy rebellion (original version of the current alert), so I knew what to expect. went in with a pub group as Excal and did it first time, no problems.

and I actually enjoy having those Hyenas and Bursas mixed in with regular mobs, most fun kind of defense you can play IMO: tons of trash mobs at low level to make you feel like you're taking on an army, with some tougher units in there to stop you from falling asleep. I like it.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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Seems we have different views on this one. Two hyenas and two bursas at the same time is not my idea of fun or easy.

I have 4 failed runs because the hyenas keep frying the objective and tennos dying, even with frost present.

Glad many are having fun though.

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7 hours ago, Orthelius said:

>Mr 20
>Went in as lvl 22 Mirage
>Kinda got shafted

went in with my saryn and equipment for grineer (viral/radiation)...wrecked everything that stood on my path and wasnt even trying...if anything the only thing to complain about the alert where the 20 waves...they got a bit boring...that aside easy mission

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I went in as an underleveled Banshee because it was just a low-level alert, so I thought even at LV18, I could take what it threw at me. And then the game threw Hyenas at me at the first wave, which killed me in one shot because I didn't have any defensive mods on yet.

10/10. Totally got pranked bro.

Edited by Alma_Elma
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If you have Nyx, a max range Chaos build helps wonders if you plan on soloing. Run with a pug = Chaos the main directions of enemies, Mind control stronger units (Bursas and certain moas) and just down Hyenas asap. Oh and when you get rad proc'd, stop spamming till it goes away.

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18 minutes ago, Lobotomy said:

Having 10k health doesn't make it any less your fault that you just stood there like a derp and let the Hyenas shoot you in the face. Their attacks are slow, predictable, and easily avoided. Try dodging them.

Not ME.

The objetive. Like, the glowing cube thing, or the cryopod.

I haven't seen THEM dodge yet. 

They're the things that need a maximum amount of damage taken per second thing.

I guess you just got lucky that they didn't target your objective.

Edited by jjpdn
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19 minutes ago, Lobotomy said:

I see; my apologies, I misunderstood what you were saying (and I have now removed that part of my previous post). Now that I understand what you're saying, I'm inclined to disagree, somewhat. I think the only real problem is that the defense objective's health is set to the map level's range, matching the lower level enemies, and not accounting for the Hyenas, so its health is lower than it would otherwise be. However, at the same time, even on high-end missions such as T4 Defense missions the defense objectives do not last long against unprotected attacks, despite their higher health values, so the extra health wouldn't necessarily make much of a difference.

The answer is, of course, to simply protect the objective - primarily by having a defensive warframe on the team such as Frost who can keep the objective protected while the rest of the team deals with the majority of the incoming enemies. Alternatively, if you can just simply kill all the enemies before they can attack the objective (such as by having Mirage + Synoid Simulor) then that works too.

Edit: Also, it wasn't luck that they didn't target my mission's objective; it was strategy. I had the corpus map tile that is the very large area with a level above and a level down below with dashwires going from the objective to the other side of the map. I simply stayed on the ground level underneath the objective (and sometimes hung out on the dashwires, moving back and forth to dodge shots) and thus lured the vast majority of the enemies to that location; what few enemies that stayed on the upper level and tried to target the objective died as I fired shots from my Synoid Simulor up at the floor above me - killing them through the floor via AoE.

Actually, we did have a Frost. But the line fire thing goes through it. 

The map I got was the cramped one where you have no clear line of sight on enemies near the objective. The one thats beside the cliff. 

I don't believe 'killing everything before they poke the objective' is a good reason though. I thought the health was supposed to last at least a bit. 

I guess you're right about the health though. Thats why I suggested a maximum amount of damage taken per second.

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9 hours ago, Raniu said:

How so? Fun is worth it. And we're playing for fun, right?

It doesn't have to reward people with things if it's fun.



Pssh F that noise.  To each their own.


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9 hours ago, Marine027 said:

I am sure the high lvl Hyenas are some bug for some, since i did the Alert as soon it came up and had no problems at all with my gorup there and the Hyenas and Bursas were low lvl still.

This was my experience with it too.  As for what happened to the hyenas and bursas, didn't effect things to much as they all caught 14 Artemis Arrows to the face. 

i was a little surprised when the hyenas first came out.  Then again I shouldn't have after seeing "Gift of the Lotus" in the mission description.  Fun mission.  I wouldn't mind if we had more like this with mini-bosses appearing.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
added stuff.
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On 5/27/2016 at 0:08 PM, Sorkheff said:

Event was easy. Solo with Frost. Go home.

I think I might have to see your build, because I play Frost and there were three other guys with me and they weren't newbies either, we all brought our best and barely made it out with the prize.  Our Inaros was insta-killed by something we didn't even see.

Edited by Gakusangi
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The biggest issue I've been having lately is that the rewards aren't worth the difficulty and that the levels presented are a total LIE.  I would partner up with a friend to take on a 10-15, just the two of us and then suddenly we're swarmed by Hyena, ability immune Bursa, Scavengers and they all come at once, opening wave with another 19 to go.  No, I don't think 25 fusion cores is worth that, I could get those in no time on a Derelict which can send me out with 10 rare cores in 10 waves on a good day.  If I had known what we were getting into, I certainly wouldn't have brought only one friend and told them, "bring something to level up", that's for sure.

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On 5/27/2016 at 7:45 PM, jjpdn said:

Damage on the objective should be capped. 

10k health cryopod/cube kept getting one shotted by the Hyena things towards the end.

That happened to me just today!  And I had put a Snow Globe on it.

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2 hours ago, Gakusangi said:

I think I might have to see your build, because I play Frost and there were three other guys with me and they weren't newbies either, we all brought our best and barely made it out with the prize.  Our Inaros was insta-killed by something we didn't even see.

I'd wager he was instant killed by your allies. When you're solo, the issues of radiation are removed which makes it more or less a normal mission with Hyenas.

But shorthand, I used Frost Prime, with a Max Power Strength/Shield Build and a sobek decked out with Radiation damage and acid shells.

Edited by Sorkheff
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I agree with OP, level 10-15, turns out you need 4 level 30 guys with correctly loaded gear to even complete... Sorry, but when I see level 10-15, 4 bursa's coming at me in wave 2/20 is not what I envision.


Don't get me wrong, I like a challenge, but I would just like the info of the mission to give some sort of indication to the difficulty of it.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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As a newish player I really enjoyed them even though got smashed joining the first couple as the ramp up in difficulty was unexpected.

Then you learn if your dps isnt great you can contribute by bringing a support frame like a Chaos Nyx and playing as a team unlike a normal mission where you have 4 solo dps who just happen to be in the same map section. Was nice to see some other warframes out and about. Then you survive a bit and learn there are audio cues for the hyena and bursa and not to stand in front of hyena etc and it doesnt seem so bad. 

Also encouraged some pugs to talk to each other. 



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