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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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23 minutes ago, Gilmaesh said:

today's excavation sortie 3 corpus :

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And your point here? You made the most kills with Mag, good for you, not telling what your group was or what you killed and even if it was with just your abilitys mostly or jsut used the ignis with proably several formas on it, since it is of course easy kill alot in the first few minutes with her still and you seem to ignore my point of the post, that just the endgame is broken and unbalanced since you sitll have to struggle on such missions with certain groups or even bad luck or connection problems. Becasue, sadly no screenshot, but each of us killed like aroudn 300 at the end. You do forget it differs what enemys spawn aswell and is not allways the same, and shoiwng me this killcount shows me only arrogance, "oh look how good she still is", i not care for the kills or how "wipe map with one button" skill was to OP, they could had nerved it very simpel, lower the targets it can get affected, but a total revamp?, while the enemys still not scale right and the escavators sitll get one shot and you only run aorund at the end very slowly getting to your goal with each destroyed excavator.

This is painful and not fun for me and i never cared for gettign the most kills or such, just doing and finsihing the mission right and without troubles, with everyoen doing there job. Again shoiwng me your kills means nothing at all for me and not prooves much for me since as said getting 300 enemys in  a mission where they can spawn like mad withotu nullifiers right away is not taht hard even with Mags rework and a Ignsi on top with the right mods. My main point stays this nerf was to much in my eyes and to you info we had not even a Mag in the group, i was Frost, a Limbo, a Ember and a Valkyr, not the best setup but we did it, yes Mag was not necessary, but it was annyoing in the end for me to jsut die allready becaseu of 3 Bursas and several Nullifiers on the field which even Mag had never nuked with her old abilitys since there they were already lvl 90+. The main thing is she is suppoes to be CC/DPS atleast she was with some support, Now she is suppsoed ot be Support/CC it seems which she does both bad, Crush not holds long and you can die  while casting it, Polarize sitll does damage with explositon but defnintly not when the enemys get to high in lvl and filling up Teammembers shields it has traveltime now and duration and range not getting that far.


Edit: I not care for a one Abiltiy kill mechanic again, but for a Warframe that works, and if do soemthing wrong with her then tell me please, because for me her abiltiys are nice sure but consider you still can get one shooted wtih her cast animations on all her powers and the now almsot non existend range that forces me to get closer to enemys it feles like i could paly any other Fraem doinga better job on this, Volt is with his Ultimate is now better because it stuns several groups now unlike Mags Crush which still is bad even with Augment sicne msot enemys, bug or not, ignore her Crush and jsut shoot her evne taht tehy are clearly in range. We are suppsoed to use combiantiosn of powers while enmys one shot us? I like it yes but in reality not works for everoyne, you not have the time to think always, i am sure some such as you can do that easialy but not every is a "Pro-Gamer" and again i not ask for nuking the S#&$ out of corpus again, but a senseable nerf instead of this we got. Because For a caster like Mag even more then before now she ahs not much ways to keep her energy up with this costs of powers comapred to other Frames.

Edited by Marine027
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6 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Because then you won't want to bring anything else to kill Corpus obviously. And little Hydroids, Zephyrs and other crap felt bad. You actually can't have a frame now that excels in anything... unless it's infested maybe because it's infested. All frames eventually will become mediocre and will be able to deal more or less same damage to more or less all factions with the few exceptions maybe. Which will discourage players from having favourites and encourage to bring all sorts of crap even unfit ones to all sorts of missions without thinking about the roles or team composition.

It's kind of happening already, you can see people in LoR bringing mainly what they want, hosts in majority of cases don't ask for specific frames because they're 1. not sure what will even work <-> 2. Nothing works with 100% probability anymore, the most effective frames that could almost (still almost) guarantee your success were eliminated. As a result, it's almost impossible to complete normal lor (that's actually a twist, because you'd think that nightmare would be worse but it's the opposite - I guess mainly raid veterans are doing them, so the chances for success is higher) with the pubs.

See the problem in games that allow so many classes for "variety" (more so to buy the next expansion or frame in this case) is there's an actual penalty to specialize in ANY frame. So players just pick up anything, and because they do, they don't even care to be good at a frame -- or want all frames to play similar -- and in the end the game gets boring fast.

When I started playing online games (MuDs) a player had one toon that became their main. Everything revolved around specializing your "god" avatar. Then they offered people options to play roles, and that meant people had to have different toons for different roles. Now there's 5+ toons per role. The result is a glut of "variety" in style, but the toons aren't really that varied (that EQII bug that showed Paladins were really a Scout class by design, further leaves a bad taste about "variety").

I don't like the changes because it changed what Mag was designed to be, into something that reflects throw everything in there, and the frame is just another generalized toon that matches the generalized other frames.

Next they'll turn Loki into something totally different than a stealthy frame, and what's even the point of choosing a frame based on their abilities/roles???

Mag now is some wonky mix of generalized abilities that don't even function well for a "glass cannon" class. Tying Magnetize and it's heal into it (something that can't be used as a free heal in solo play much to be worthwhile; replaces the role of using weapons; causes frame to weapon switching ... well the mechanics just are soooo wrong. It's like an Arcane Mage has to cast his Arcane Explosion, and switch to a staff/dagger to get the bubble to do it's job ... YUCK!).

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One of the most things that suck about this are the people that keep posting their S#&amp;&#036;ty Sortie results or end-game void mission results and show off their kills and damage percentage and go off with a "MAG IS FINE!" tone.

No, she is NOT fine. Everyone here knows you have used 2nd ability to kill your enemies and haven't used 1st, or 3rd, or 4th abilities except for rarely... So she is not fine, she is back to her "Press 2 to win" stage and nothing has changed except that she is a little different now, I wanna use all mag's skills for once just like I did before she got nerfed again and again.

Right now mag is no more than a debuff for level 30 (who even needs that) and an average DPS that gets outplayed by Saryns/Valkyrs/Excaliburs. Just my thought.

Please give her one more buff and fix her or else she will be dead forever.

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1 minute ago, DarkMutant said:

One of the most things that suck about this are the people that keep posting their S#&amp;&#036;ty Sortie results or end-game void mission results and show off their kills and damage percentage and go off with a "MAG IS FINE!" tone.

No, she is NOT fine. Everyone here knows you have used 2nd ability to kill your enemies and haven't used 1st, or 3rd, or 4th abilities except for rarely... So she is not fine, she is back to her "Press 2 to win" stage and nothing has changed except that she is a little different now, I wanna use all mag's skills for once just like I did before she got nerfed again and again.

Right now mag is no more than a debuff for level 30 (who even needs that) and an average DPS that gets outplayed by Saryns/Valkyrs/Excaliburs. Just my thought.

Please give her one more buff and fix her or else she will be dead forever.

Totaly agree here, as i said before they nerf one overused power only to turn another into the next overused power aswell since that is the next one doing the most work energy and power wise. If certain pwoers whoudl come in hand like different effects on different kind of enemys that wohuld maek the variety more reasonable. And as good magnetizse is now, this is the new "press button to win" ability, so wonderful change right? Totally diffeent is it, such a good rework, oh wait it is not, we are in the same situation as before just like with Mag here at the moment it is worse sicne she feels weak and useless now. She was good against one faction now she is uselss against every faction. Also this is what probably will repaet, people get used to it, maximize mMagnetize now and then we have the exact same oversued power once again, congrats on that.

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OK, finally got the setup build and explanation from my friends on this.

So the bottom line, the new Mag setup is murder.


Only changes I request now:

1) Revert pull sound back to original (new sound sounds like fart).

2) Polarize effect could look less like a Nova Prime.

Everything else is good to go.



1) Maybe make magnetized proc'ed enemies get bonus damage from Mag skills?


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27 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

What auto-aiming function are you referring to?

That was when I was getting inconsistent results with the effect and thought it didn't pull my bullets anymore.

Perhaps unfortunately, still there.

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8 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

That was when I was getting inconsistent results with the effect and thought it didn't pull my bullets anymore.

Perhaps unfortunately, still there.

Still not sure what you were talking about, re: "more trouble in the wrong hands than good in the right hands" line.  

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34 minutes ago, DarkMutant said:

One of the most things that suck about this are the people that keep posting their S#&amp;&#036;ty Sortie results or end-game void mission results and show off their kills and damage percentage and go off with a "MAG IS FINE!" tone.

No, she is NOT fine. Everyone here knows you have used 2nd ability to kill your enemies and haven't used 1st, or 3rd, or 4th abilities except for rarely... So she is not fine, she is back to her "Press 2 to win" stage and nothing has changed except that she is a little different now, I wanna use all mag's skills for once just like I did before she got nerfed again and again.

Amen. 90% of the game won't play the raids and sorties. Most play to have their own type of fun.

There's little synergy between the abilities, even. When I looked at sis's abilities as an Arcane Mage, a lot of her abilities are named Arcane but they're also fast casts to match a "glass cannon" character. I can tell an Arcane Mage is in a group as soon as I see those Arcane Missiles that say, "BOSS KILLER IS IN THE HOUSE!!!". They're that unique, as a Holy Paladin's Beacon. Sound and by sight.

Where does Magnetize even match but as a name itself? It's just another bubble in a sea of them (the same problem with the new Shield Polarize ... it matches the color scheme of 100000000000000001 Corpus bubbles and EMPs on the ground!!!). That will really only appeal in group play, where the heal wouldn't matter (as sorties and raids would have that Trinity running with them).

It doesn't match well. The devs are trying to match it, but combining DoTs with a fast caster, it feels so wrong. You put a WoW player in there and they'll go "Yuck" as it doesn't fit the DPS class and what they do.

Crush would've clued the devs in about about the general dislike of slow casts with Mag as it is, and it's CC wasn't worth the cost and speed (especially when it's damage was nerfed ... and now? It's set damage!!!).

Personally feel they're trying to fit square pegs into round holes with Magnetize and Crush. Pull and the old Shield Polarize works well on a fast cast frame, and fits that "glass cannon" concept of her. This change doesn't, it's math so the min-maxers can show off, but they don't care about look/feel/solo play of a frame, they select a frame for the job itself (usually the FotM [as folks can see how they homed in on Magnetize so much because it's the new shiny that they're warping their heads around for the next advantage, with a comment here and there about Shield Polarize about it resembling Nova's ability]).

Edited by Kevyne_Kicklighter
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46 minutes ago, GreenVajene said:

This seems to be overcomplicating something simple and subsequently oversimplifying something complicated.

First of all, I'm pretty sure MZ is not hitscan based upon a point within your reticule, as it as often as not targets things you aren't even aiming at. Sometimes, even when you do aim at something and that target dies, it will trigger instead on an adjacent enemy. As for canceling, If you are inside an MZ, canceling it would probably be a high priority, and being at any point inside it should likely cancel it if you hit the skill again. If you are aiming at the surface of an MZ bubble and hit MZ, you cancel that bubble. Then if you want to MZ something behind that, the bubble's canceled, MZ again. Assuming this all costs energy, MZ costs 50, not 100, and cancelling a bubble with the same skill could even be a no-cost action.


Fine, it's not hitscan, it's direct-aimed, let's attack my poor choice of words rather than the point I was trying to make. There are no other existing examples of that kind of effect in game, so we don't even know if there's tech for that in place.

As for canceling, that means if you're trying to cast MZ through or within an active MZ (which you may be standing in or behind for protection, for instance, as was the point of letting the effect remain active for a period after), you'd be canceling the active one on the first cast. It's highly inconvenient, especially since you can cast them on multiple targets freely without concern for the other active bubbles.

52 minutes ago, GreenVajene said:

What's not simple is using pull to pull targets into an MZ from outside of it, meaning positioning yourself so that your pull range makes them stop in the bubble without overshooting, as many times as it takes to cover the FoV the enemies are attacking from. You'd also have to time it so that once all the enemies are inside the bubble, the bubble destroys itself, while doing multiplied damage to things inside it and huge AOE damage at its destruction-range. Then try doing it so that when you have more than one MZ bubble up you're pulling enemies to each one independently and setting them all off simultaneously.

I fail to see how the latter is not overly complicated to the point that reducing all of the work to a single button press would be grossly significant.

It's not as complicated to time that sort of thing as you're complaining, especially since if you manage to pull enemies into or near the bubble, the effect has an innate enemy-draw effect to make that distance more forgiving and group enemies within. The effect isn't very strong, but if you're within close enough range of the bubble for you to Pull enemies into it, they likely won't be resisting the effect so much as, oh, trying to shoot you. 

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7 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

It's not as complicated to time that sort of thing as you're complaining, especially since if you manage to pull enemies into or near the bubble


Doesn't get it. Doesn't care. Tries to fit square pegs into round holes and claim the mechanic is "fine". -_-

If Mag was a tank and needs to pull mobs into Consecretion or Death and Decay, fine. But she's a "glass cannon", and Pull pulls to this skinny weak frame!!! One miss or wrong angle of pull, oh soooo dead!

(And oh, the rage -- again -- of Mag stealing kills, so the team breaks up and goes to the next room for some kills, too).

Edited by Kevyne_Kicklighter
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5 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Doesn't get it. Doesn't care. Tries to fit square pegs into round holes and claim the mechanic is "fine". -_-

First of all, you're jumping in in the middle of a conversation. The argument GreenVajene and I are having is over the merits of letting Crush pull enemies into Magnetize (which I'm in favor of, he isn't on the grounds of being "overpowered", where I'm saying the kit is built in part to do that at this point anyway). A point I'm sure you and I could agree on.

Second, never said the combo was "fine", just that it wasn't the rocket science-level of complicated as he was making it out to be. There's always room for improvement - like getting Pull not to fling things over your head, or having enemies slam into the inner wall of Magnetize.

14 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

One miss or wrong angle of pull, oh soooo dead!

... so jump through sphere and try again? It's got a knockdown on it, the only way you're "oh so dead" is if you stood still the entire time the guys you just ragdolled are getting up.

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30 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Still not sure what you were talking about, re: "more trouble in the wrong hands than good in the right hands" line.  

Consider a boss like Jackal, Sargas Ruk, Corrupted Vor, or elite enemies like the Juggernaut - enemies who have "weak points", where if you can't hit them spot on, you do virtually (or in most cases, literally) no damage.
Now, due to the high cost of Bullet Attractor, you were most likely going to save the effect for priority targets. For any other ability, the enemies listed above would be priority targets - but Bullet Attractor would pull shots to enemy torsos, rather than their weak points or heads; in the hands of someone who didn't understand that, it would do more harm than good.

As I noted in my last post to you, correcting myself because I mistakenly believed the effect only altered the trajectory of enemies' bullets rather than allies' (as I was receiving inconsistent results in my own preliminary tests, where I was fairly certain my shots were doing no damage on enemies within the sphere and just contributing to the sphere's own damage a la Absorb), that's still relevant to Magnetize. Except in Magnetize's case, it's cheaper, and its damage scales.

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19 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

First of all, you're jumping in in the middle of a conversation. The argument GreenVajene and I are having is over the merits of letting Crush pull enemies into Magnetize (which I'm in favor of, he isn't on the grounds of being "overpowered", where I'm saying the kit is built in part to do that at this point anyway). A point I'm sure you and I could agree on.

Second, never said the combo was "fine", just that it wasn't the rocket science-level of complicated as he was making it out to be. There's always room for improvement - like getting Pull not to fling things over your head, or having enemies slam into the inner wall of Magnetize.

... so jump through sphere and try again? It's got a knockdown on it, the only way you're "oh so dead" is if you stood still the entire time the guys you just ragdolled are getting up.

You don't ask for 2 abilities out of 4 to do ONE task!

God, this is like playing those early 1980s game, where one button did everything arcade style!!!

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26 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

let's attack my poor choice of words rather than the point I was trying to make

Dude I'm not straw-manning you, you raised the point in connection to the mechanics at play. It wasn't connected. I just pointed that out. As for tech, any change at all is going to require implementing new tech. New tech is really what we want, because if Mag's Ult merely becomes a re-purposed version of another Ult, like, let's say, Vortex, the new Mag Ult kind of becomes redundant.

27 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

you'd be canceling the active one on the first cast. It's highly inconvenient, especially since you can cast them on multiple targets freely without concern for the other active bubbles.

Isn't your idea for Crush that it... simultaneously cancels MZ bubbles? How is that going to accomplish knowing which bubble you want to undo? And you never answered to the energy cost..

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23 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

You don't ask for 2 abilities out of 4 to do ONE task!

Not sure if you mean Pull and Crush both having a pull effect (to which I would like to point at... well, basically every other elemental Warframe, hey), or having a synergy between Crush and Magnetize to accomplish a single task (wherein you could have Polarize add shrapnel to it anyway, which is at least as much as Saryn gets).
They could always just have Crush pull enemies in from within X yards of a Magnetize sphere, or to the nearest sphere if there are multiple - so you could manually Pull everyone into one sphere before blowing it up.

I'm just curious, what would you have Crush do for synergy exactly? 'Cuz right now it does... literally nothing for the kit.

22 minutes ago, GreenVajene said:

Dude I'm not straw-manning you, you raised the point in connection to the mechanics at play. It wasn't connected.

I'm saying that the tech for direct-aimed abilities - which ignore the distance between you and the target as a point, and as you pointed out, will sometimes auto-target enemies you weren't directly pointing at - makes attempting to point at an arbitrary point in space and nothing else... difficult. Especially if you don't mean to cancel a nearby sphere.

22 minutes ago, GreenVajene said:

Isn't your idea for Crush that it... simultaneously cancels MZ bubbles?

Just ones within range. Preferably just ones with enemies crammed inside.

So that they can do their radial damage, which is the point of casting Crush in the first place.

If you don't mean to do damage, don't cast Crush; in your suggestion, if you mean to subtract a sphere, you do the same thing you would to add it, and vice versa, which leaves no distinct course of action if enemies group up and/or you're using one as a shield.

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10 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

Just ones within range. Preferably just ones with enemies crammed inside.

So like, the one you're standing inside? Or, the one between you and a farther bubble?

And like... how does the game know to only destroy MZ bubbles with enemies crammed inside? Won't that require some new tech?

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DE has gotten the rework only half right 

Here are some of the things they should add:

  1. A percent damage on polarize so that it scales but in will only affect shields and armor and a decent scaled damage on the health 
  2. The mod augment shield transference should also affect armor 
  3. Make Crush damage scale better

They basically made her into a really crappy starter frame 

Edited by Vidsurfer555
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1 minute ago, GreenVajene said:

So like, the one you're standing inside? Or, the one between you and a farther bubble?

Any bubble within the radius of Crush.

Just now, GreenVajene said:

Won't that require some new tech?

Only if they follow that "preferably" line.

Otherwise it could detonate all of the ones within range of Crush. Which, come to think of it, would be better if half the point is to cancel spheres anyway.

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On 5/27/2016 at 3:01 PM, OverlordMcGeek said:

Yeah...I will now officially state that Mag is useless. Supporter of Mag for 3+years...



I'm not going to share my initial impressions of the rework.  Instead, I'm going to take her places she probably shouldn't go and we'll see what happens during the rest of the week.

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2 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

Not sure if you mean Pull and Crush both having a pull effect (to which I would like to point at... well, basically every other elemental Warframe, hey), or having a synergy between Crush and Magnetize to accomplish a single task (wherein you could have Polarize add shrapnel to it anyway, which is at least as much as Saryn gets). You could always just have it pull enemies in from within X yards of a Magnetize sphere, or to the nearest sphere if there are multiple - so you could manually Pull everyone into one sphere.

I'm just curious, what would you have Crush do for synergy exactly? 'Cuz right now it does... literally nothing for the kit.

Pull and Crush actually do the same effect -- they CC. Pull synergies better for a fast caster.

Magnetize is a great idea/concept, but it's an ability for groups (meaning it's a wasted ability for solo players, as solo players use abilities to help with gun play ... like Pull ragdolling, and what Shield Polarize did, stripping shields ... all FAST, as Mag is a "glass cannon", extremely fragile). Personally, Magnetize would've worked well as a space-time bubble (think the Philadelphia Experiment, where the enemy is funneled out into another dimension, become embedded into walls [ragdolling already does that] and set on fire). Fast cast dimension gate like that, the player quickly returns back to gun play.

Shield Polarize: do away with the wave concept (especially in the color of blue, as that's the color of 100000000000000000000001 EMP and Nullifier bubbles, anyway). Switch it back to fast cast, and treat it like an Arcane Mage's Arcane Explosion ... AoE, fast cast, spammable damage. In WF it strips shields and does % damage that scales ... one shots low NPCs when level 30 and modded; becomes like Arcane Explosion WoW style at higher levels taking multiple spams to kill anything, but has wide coverage -- it's designed as a situational trash killer, but takes multiple casts. Give it a great should effect, and it's golden.

Crush, if they still want to use it make it fast cast, so Mag just doesn't stand there casting to die.

What synergies well with Mag is fast cast, Magnetic theme, and either she gets more mobility or shields back, because her high damage cost is her life ... she's a shoot and move frame.

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17 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

Any bubble within the radius of Crush.

Only if they follow that "preferably" line.

Otherwise it could detonate all of the ones within range of Crush. Which, come to think of it, would be better if half the point is to cancel spheres anyway.

So in other words you still have the problem of not being able to select the bubbles you want to destroy specifically, and having to move into range to affect them which could entail moving out from behind cover and exposing yourself just to destroy another bubble , all for the price of 100 energy.


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1 hour ago, GreenVajene said:

So in other words you still have the problem of not being able to select the bubbles you want to destroy specifically, and having to move into range to affect them which could entail moving out from behind cover and exposing yourself just to destroy another bubble , all for the price of 100 energy.

Aside from the bubble itself acting as functional cover until the end of the cast, and most of your attackers being CC'd by Crush until you can create more bubbles anyway?

The energy price you're ragging on now is fair for the scaling damage such a combo would be able to pull off, which you were ragging on earlier.

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10 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

Aside from the bubble itself acting as functional cover until the end of the cast, and most of your attackers being CC'd by Crush until you can create more bubbles anyway?

The energy price you're ragging on now is fair for the scaling damage such a combo would be able to pull off, which you were ragging on earlier.

I second this.

Reminds me of Saryn's Molt explosion being triggered by miasma. Quite honestly, I find a forced explosion by Crush a much better forced synergy between it and Magnetize.

However, in an attempt to make everyone happy: While not simply add a "hold to explode Magnetize bubble on reticule" function on Magnetize button? No loss of possible ability use (sometimes, crush is vey useful in order to increase magnetize bubble dot damage, and make the enemies go towards the bubbles' center-- if they are stunned, they don't run away), and you don't have to get out of cover.

Edited by tnccs215
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6 hours ago, Marine027 said:

And your point here? You made the most kills with Mag, good for you, not telling what your group was or what you killed and even if it was with just your abilitys mostly or jsut used the ignis with proably several formas on it, since it is of course easy kill alot in the first few minutes with her still and you seem to ignore my point of the post, that just the endgame is broken and unbalanced since you sitll have to struggle on such missions with certain groups or even bad luck or connection problems. Becasue, sadly no screenshot, but each of us killed like aroudn 300 at the end.

You do forget it differs what enemys spawn aswell and is not allways the same, and shoiwng me this killcount shows me only arrogance, "oh look how good she still is", i not care for the kills or how "wipe map with one button" skill was to OP, they could had nerved it very simpel, lower the targets it can get affected, but a total revamp?, while the enemys still not scale right and the escavators sitll get one shot and you only run aorund at the end very slowly getting to your goal with each destroyed excavator.

We had a frost / me mag / a loki  / and a semi afk i don't remember (the one with 30 kills, i just remember he came with a lvl 0 mk1-braton...). The 2 others players were fine.

The globe and excavators were ok because beside the frost globe i blocked the mob who were coming at it with pull and magnetize, so yes she can CC. I killed every type of mobs (trash / corpus tech / nullifier / bursa) and they were coming in number with no problem, so yes she can kill. And ignis 99 forma alone could not have wiped bursa / corpus tech and group of trash in a second without magnetize. And the bubble explosion from magnetize deals high amount of damage on its own. Lastly shield polarize and its augment kept me alive and helped the frost who had a lot of shield. Only thing i didn't use and never have is her ultimate, i still find it useless but maybe some people have a use for it. That's 3 skills out of 4 that i used.

So, my point is to show you that new mag can do sorties, that she has a role as a cc/damage dealer if you use her right and if other players and you don't want to take her anymore it's their/your fault not mag.

When you're saying :

13 hours ago, Marine027 said:

I barely can kill anything anymore with her


She can't hold her ground anymore now against anytihng,

you are wrong and other players who tried shield polarize, saw that they couldn't wipe a map like before and came here to say she is useless and that she now belong in lvl 20-30 missions are wrong too. There are other feedback showing that she is viable in sortie grineer / corpus and the void, and you decided to ignore them, that's on you. 

Now, does she need more tweaks : more energy, a better scaling shield polarize with innate overshield, augmente that give overshield to ally instead, faster animations, better synergy for crush? sure.  

But she can already CC/kill in endgame in 3 factions (haven't test infested yet), imo she is in the right path.

6 hours ago, Marine027 said:

and if do soemthing wrong with her then tell me please,

Your problem is that you're playing new mag like old mag. Shield polarize as a nuke is over, you won't be able to pop a whole map with a push of 2 anymore. Use Magnetize, CC with it and pull, polarize when you need shield, test weapons&mods, some seems better than other with magnetize, i used gaz ignis for this sortie corpus.

That said, it's your right and other players too, to not like how she works now, to feel unhappy about the changes, because it's never easy to change habits that fast, and there is nothing wrong about it, just stop saying she is useless against everything now (and maybe give her a another chance).


Edited by Gilmaesh
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50 minutes ago, Gilmaesh said:

Your problem is that you're playing new mag like old mag. Shield polarize as a nuke is over, you won't be able to pop a whole map with a push of 2 anymore. Use Magnetize, CC with it and pull, polarize when you need shield, test weapons&mods, some seems better than other with magnetize, i used gaz ignis for this sortie corpus.

That said, it's your right and other players too, to not like how she works now, to feel unhappy about the changes, because it's never easy to change habits that fast, and there is nothing wrong about it, just stop saying she is useless against everything now (and maybe give her a another chance).


No, you are wrong on that since no one uses polarize after the rework anymore like before, so no one can try even to play her the old way, my point here is that most powers still are to weak compared ot others now, even already reworked frames, she is squishy, i should not to have to cover in fear behind some box or under Frost's shield if i get one shot by certain enemys becasue of some cast animation i ahve to wait for to get over, the CC is mainly good i said i like most her changes but the overall thing is, she is still useless in endgame, think aobut it the endgame as it is is killed or be killed and since other Frames sitll do this more better, while with Mag you seem to have ot combine certain abilitys to have a good effect, take Volt for example, short anmiation with his Ulti and still a one hit button to win sicne it CC's alot people around him, with Mag i have to aim at certain enemys like Magnetize and if thigns go wrong the wrogn enemy runs into my way and gets it and i get maybe even killed if he is to close and all bullets get retracted insde this bubble, polarize as said no one uses anymore not only becasue of the nukign gone but becasue the flat amount of damage it does,consdier this if it sitll wohuld remove shields fully that whould maek more sense still for her instead of suddenly be able to remvoe a falt armor amount, that atleast can stack, while shileds regen especialy with shield drones, rendering it uselss against such.


I comapre her to other frames, simple as that and she was nerfed more then any other frame so far, and it ignores how once tehy claimed they want otget away form camping gameplay, same for trinity, in excavation you need to camp yes,but filling a teammates shield which is far our of range is impossible since you need to stay near mag if oyu want a shield refill then, something a syndicat shield dorne can do better now. CC is needed but strippeing her down to a full CC Frame rednerign her to weak in endgaem agaisnt any faction is a joke sicne the way you explain it i am supposed ot cast Magnetise and use Pull, for what, pull them out the bubble, which i jsut casted ot hold them in and do soem decent damage which is not os bad when it expldoe, just that one depends on the enemy who has the bubble dying and sometiems not even seems ot work, bug or not, Polarize onyl got rpealced with now Magnetize spamming, so another "press button to win", this is not how balance works sry, as sadi crush sitl lsucks like many say allready, it fills underwhelming, working or not, she feels, again, compared ot other frames just like i can take other fraems and have it more effective, Poalrize for stripping enemys shield? i just get the Shield Destruciton Aura, same for armor, and her passive seems more likea gimmick while others seem more useful with there own powers, i am looking at Ash here for example, you not get that peole not mainly complain about the nuking but that the new pwoers cost to much energy at time fora caster who has lowe energy form the start and no rela way to refill her energy like others more efficent, without spamming a power till it shows effect, her kill with pull energy drop chance which is sitll a low chance at all and you sitll barely kill enemys with it at a high lvl, i like the whole combining pwoers but the energy costs that come with it is ridiclious, most warframes i can sue all 4 abilitys sometiems without having energy mods at all with tehre base energy and sitl ldo decent thigns with them CC or damage wise, while with mag it feels not rewarding or usefull, i might be wrogn with the usefullnes and yes you ahve to try out alot but i did and was not satisfied really, not compared to polarize of the old Mag but comapred to other already reworked frames, taht is my mian point that other frames do this job still better with less effort then her now.

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