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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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57 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

So, after all this playtesting this weekend, I've got a Volt that works.  He lacks the survivability or scaling elements to go for any length at sortie levels, and he is not able to support the silly carry cost for the shields (meaning I can't make use of the only thing I've seen that COULD let him Sortie or Raid, MAYBE), but this works.

The build:

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Please note:  Arcane Storm Helmet.  If you don't have Arcane helmets, you're not gonna get that last bit of power strength.  Personally, I'm not too sure it's that critical, but it is what it is.

I'm still suffering the issues caused by very poor synergy between Speed, the passive, and everything else he does.  If that passive added power strength, it'd be PERFECT for Speed, and I think it MIGHT pull him together.  With that and a no-drain or VERY LOW drain to carry Riot Shield, Volt would have what he REQUIRES to survive at higher levels without Arcane Grace (insert extremely salty comment about old arcane helmets and new helmet/syandana arcanes here).

I've been up for around 24 hours now, a solid portion of that messing with Volt.  I'm burned out.  Good sleep time to all.

Sir, is this build designed to use all of his abilities, at least to some extent?

From what I see you'd still be heavily dependent on weaponry, specially primary and secondary.

It somewhat synergyzes with Discharge well, but the cap seems to make the build somewhat worthless if your main concern is his 4th.

Duration is good for Discharge, but currently way better for Speed.

Curious on how did this work, and why.

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I have not read the 19 pages, and I doubt many others will, but I thought I'd leave my Volt thoughts here, in case they are tallying up the options here or something.

Shock is fine. It was always was a great 1. My only concern was that firing through the shields would absorb the shock, meaning to hit enemies you'd need to not be behind a shield. This was not the case, so my on concern there is gone.

Speed's FOV changes are nice, but the "Opt-in" mechanic is terrible. Honestly, this change seems like a solution looking for a problem to me. I've played Volt the most for over two years now, and I've literally never seen anyone say something like "Volt stop casting speed." So, who was this change for?

Electric Shield being able to stop AoE is amazing, and long overdue. The limit of four shields is a terrible, terrible trade off for the meh riot shield. Riot shield consumes way to much energy and does not feel as useful as I hoped.

Overload being changed to a CC skill was actually one of my ideas on the forums. The problem is that they did not buff the range or cast animation as I asked. And making it only castable on the ground is a terrible nerf.

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And overload rework turned volt into 1 trick pony

all you see around atm are Volts just spaming 4 and shuting down entire map

i hope discharge gets an rework to have more interaction with it

maybe make it 2step ultimate like Inaros where you hold 4 to buff urself.

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3 hours ago, Cytobel said:

So, after all this playtesting this weekend, I've got a Volt that works.  He lacks the survivability or scaling elements to go for any length at sortie levels, and he is not able to support the silly carry cost for the shields (meaning I can't make use of the only thing I've seen that COULD let him Sortie or Raid, MAYBE), but this works.

The build:

Please note:  Arcane Storm Helmet.  If you don't have Arcane helmets, you're not gonna get that last bit of power strength.  Personally, I'm not too sure it's that critical, but it is what it is.

I'm still suffering the issues caused by very poor synergy between Speed, the passive, and everything else he does.  If that passive added power strength, it'd be PERFECT for Speed, and I think it MIGHT pull him together.  With that and a no-drain or VERY LOW drain to carry Riot Shield, Volt would have what he REQUIRES to survive at higher levels without Arcane Grace (insert extremely salty comment about old arcane helmets and new helmet/syandana arcanes here).

I've been up for around 24 hours now, a solid portion of that messing with Volt.  I'm burned out.  Good sleep time to all.

Your intro paragraph contradicts itself after the very first sentence making the declaration about a "working volt".

1.  Survivability and Scaling don't work at Sortie levels. (Isn't this the benchmark for ALL frames with a competent player who has maxed standard mods and invested a forma or two?)

2.  Synergy is poor. (Wasn't the whole point of Volt's rework to create synergy and give him a relevant "4"?)

3.  The energy cost for his "3" variant cripples the whole concept.

4.  Paraphrasing here: His passive is essentially a non-factor.

I haven't even watched your video yet, but if you can't survive Sorties with him, he's a non-working "rework".

edit:. NM, it's a loadout screenshot.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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49 minutes ago, Dante123pl said:

And overload rework turned volt into 1 trick pony

all you see around atm are Volts just spaming 4 and shuting down entire map

i hope discharge gets an rework to have more interaction with it

maybe make it 2step ultimate like Inaros where you hold 4 to buff urself.

"all you see around atm" HAH! 10 out of 10 I didn't even see any of my teammates from random mission use volt even after rework in sorties.

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Volt one of my favourite warframes, and some changes in rework are really bad (for me), so i solved to share my ideas on Volt abilities.

P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

   1. Shock:

    Not bad right now, on my opinion. 

    I know many wants to buff shock, but it's shocks because when you cast shock on enemy procs electric status with 100% chance (they shocked for 6 seconds), and to buff first skill DE must buff electric procs...

   2. Speed:

 2.1. I like play on "speed" Volt, and i adapted to old FOV. When i craft him was very hard to run with that FOV, but now i dont want run with this FOV thats right now in the game. All i want is to have opportiunity to change FOV as everyone wants (like on the image).

 +FOV changes not influence on ally tenno.(when you cast speed)



 - Make that speed buff as is was before affected by radius. Please DE.

   -  So after rework Volt when cast second ability he leaves speed buff on the floor, and explain to random ally where this buff placed. Never see ally tenno (before rework) says me. -I dont want you buff... Do not cast it on me. Right now to give to ally speed buff needed find some narrow door passes and leave this buff there.(or they willn't find it buff, if buff placed in right place, and you know that everyone runs in this place, buff will take even those who don't want take this buff.

   - I have solution for tenno that don't want have speed buff(spoiler below). Also when second ability don't work on them something like (when casting ult and then first skill it makes little explosion) make similar animation on this tenno. 




   3. Electrical Shield:

  - Limit of shields - 8.

  - But 4-th shield have 10% penalty to power efficiency, 5 shield - 20%, 6 - 30 ... 8 - 50... (Will force to think...) (Maybe from 5% to 25 % ) Need tests...

3.1. When Shield is raised.

   -  When you  shield, energy cost per second for secondary weapons - 3.5, for primary 5, if shield timer ends (shield not dissapear) energy cost will increased from 3.5 to 4 for secondary and from 5 to 5.5 for primary. Minimum energy (cap) for shield is 1 for secondary and 1.5 for primary, debuff (when shield duration is over), takes 1,5 for secondary and 2 for primary. I dont know how much energy spend on shield while you moves, but debuff influence on this too. 

   - Take away possibitity to use melee weapons when pickup the shield, and automatically change it on secondary. (Melee Volt is a speed Volt.)

   - To lift the shield, need to hold x for 0.4 seconds (Volt stop to lift shield when crack consoles), and change a icon when lift the shield.



    - See at the forum some tenno write that they dont like "X pick up the shield" because it is hindered before eyes. Sometimes you cannot see enemy.



  4. Discharge:

       Right now this skill is "situational" useless as a before it's just damage press 4 after 4 and one more time 4... Every tenno plays as he/she want's... At this moment if you go against greenier duration will be userful, if they not die (because they have armour,and that's why they can't overcome health cap) shock will last all 33.84 seconds (282% duration), but  if you play against corpus/infected doesn't matter on your duration it will lasts  (if ult catch more than 10 enemy units) no longer than 4 seconds because damage not decreased by armour (they don't have armour, without considering exceptions like bursas), its makes fast burst damage but imposible to foresee when shock will over. Even if increase power to 299% health cap it willn't change anything, with health cap, damage will be increased too. 

   This ultimate that i offer similar to Nova utlimate (>100 power strenght and <100 power strenght have different gameplay).

4.1. Some little mechanic changes of discharge.

     - Can cast while jump. But when he fly and you press 4 beggins not ult animation as it was before, his hands become covered by electrecity (example below in spoiler),when volt activate 4 when he fly activating timer up to 3 seconds that gives every 0.1 sec- 0.5 to speed of ability cast, for all 3 seconds while volt fly animation on hands will be brighter, ult "standart animation" beggins when Volt touching ground.(It will help who loves to rush with ult in crowd of enemies)



     - Ult ignores (50-100 % of armor (need tests)) because discharge even with 349% power strength deals 200 per second to every bombard 60 lvl (5 bombard stay close), discharge that right now in game VEERYYY useless against greenier in damage plan.  

     - Remove health cap in ulimate.

     - Nerf duration from 10 to 6 seconds.(Maybe to 5)

     - Change 3rd augment mod on ult when power strength >100, every enemy (without nullifier), in 2 meters (affected by radius   +needs some test) extends ults effects on them with 100% of current duration. When power strength more than 100% works old effect of augment (3 % of shiels convert to your and your ally shields "needs to be changed"). Similar to equinox augments.

     - Can't recast ability.(While exist any enemy with ults effect )

     - Enemy that under ult takes additional 20 % damage from electricity. (Example) Lanka with 4700 virus damage and 6400 electrical (11100 clear damage), shooting at shoked enemy we will deal 4700 virus damage and 6400 * 1.2 =7680 damage (12380 clear damage). Good with first augment on Volt. 

     - After ult ends volt recieve debuff on 5 sec that decrease power efficiency by 50 % (4 sec - 40% debuff,3 sec - 30% ...), if volt casts ult again while debuff is active, debuff will be powered (example if volt casts ult with debuff that will ends over 2.3 seconds (50% + (23%/2)=61.5% debuff ). Debuff always be increased until you wait 5 sec..

     4.2. Volt with >100 power strength.

      - Duration of ability solved by formula ( 6 * power duration)*(2 - power strength) example 70% power strenght and 282% power duration (6 * 2.82)*(2 - 0.7)= 21.997s

        -- Yes duration increased by strength

        -- FORMULA ONLY WORKS WITH BUILD THAT HAVE >100 Power strength

   When power strength >100, Volt becomes CC and he deals low damage with discharge.

    4.3. Volt with <100 power strength

     - It is very similar to old volt ult.

     - Don not affected by duration (6sec max).

     - Affected by power, and mechanic (of tesla coil) that right now works on "discharge".

     - NEED TESTS. Nerf damage 100%.

   5. Another things

    - Add broken mode overextented that newbie tenno can make build with >100 strength.P.S. For nova too... Mode will have 3 levels on max level it will have -30 power strenght and + 30 power range.

      Passive that right now useful only on mercury, low rank tennos play volt will feel the difference when they shoot with buff and without buff, also i see the scene that someone runs little circles to make charge buff to 1000 dmg and make oneshot to enemy (if i start right now to play warframe and choose volt as my start, i admit i make it over and over again -_- )... After 25 lvl useless. Of cource better when exist even bad though some passive than it is absent at all.

     - I think make passive that increase electic damage on 10% (just electic damage), when status procs on enemy is deals 70% (50% standart) damage to surrounding enemies within 6 meters (5m standart), also can be increased shock effect from 6 seconds up to 8.(this also buffed first skill)

     - As a variant.

On Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 5:08 PM, BlackCoMerc said:

While Volt is on the ground and moving, he restores +1 energy/second.

    -Also add to first augment ability to use buff ON YOURSELF just hold 1 for 0.5 sec = profit.

I believe DE that you make Volt good, interesting warframe.(No, i don't believe)

My congratulations tenno you waste 5 minutes of your life, reading useless text that never be realized.




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1 hour ago, RaDiOAcTiVE_RaiN said:

   3. Electrical Shield:

  - But 4-th shield have 10% penalty to power efficiency, 5 shield - 20%, 6 - 30 ... 8 - 50... (Will force to think...) (Maybe from 5% to 25 % ) Need tests...

   - Take away possibitity to use melee weapons when pickup the shield, and automatically change it on secondary. (Melee Volt is a speed Volt.)

  4. Discharge:

     - Ult ignores (50-100 % of armor (need tests)) because discharge even with 349% power strength deals 200 per second to every bombard 60 lvl (5 bombard stay close), discharge that right now in game VEERYYY useless against Grineer in damage plan.  

     - Remove health cap in ultimate.

     - Nerf duration from 10 to 6 seconds.(Maybe to 5)

The suggestions for Electric Shield and the duration nerf on Discharge I disagree with heavily. The other suggestions for Discharge, on the other hand, I think are good. However, testing it on a Grineer Bombard might not bring out accurate damage numbers because their armor has resistance to electrical damage. A better test subject would have been a Heavy Gunner.

My own opinions:

Shock's stun should be affected by power duration.

I don't have an opinion on the speed opt-in, since I don't really care, but the mechanics are fine.

Shield should be capped at 5 or 8 or 10, and the Riot version should have unlimited duration, less energy drain, the ability to use primaries, and no energy drain based on distance traveled when his second ability and passive encourage it.

As stated many times by me and others, Discharge shouldn't have a damage cap, because it limits how much damage the ability can actually do and an increased base range of about 25m. And where did that scaling damage thing go?

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4 hours ago, RaDiOAcTiVE_RaiN said:

Volt one of my favourite warframes, and some changes in rework are really bad (for me), so i solved to share my ideas on Volt abilities.

P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

   1. Shock:

    Not bad right now, on my opinion. 

    I know many wants to buff shock, but it's shocks because when you cast shock on enemy procs electric status with 100% chance (they shocked for 6 seconds), and to buff first skill DE must buff electric procs...

   2. Speed:

 2.1. I like play on "speed" Volt, and i adapted to old FOV. When i craft him was very hard to run with that FOV, but now i dont want run with this FOV thats right now in the game. All i want is to have opportiunity to change FOV as everyone wants (like on the image).

 +FOV changes not influence on ally tenno.(when you cast speed)

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 - Make that speed buff as is was before affected by radius. Please DE.

   -  So after rework Volt when cast second ability he leaves speed buff on the floor, and explain to random ally where this buff placed. Never see ally tenno (before rework) says me. -I dont want you buff... Do not cast it on me. Right now to give to ally speed buff needed find some narrow door passes and leave this buff there.(or they willn't find it buff, if buff placed in right place, and you know that everyone runs in this place, buff will take even those who don't want take this buff.

   - I have solution for tenno that don't want have speed buff(spoiler below). Also when second ability don't work on them something like (when casting ult and then first skill it makes little explosion) make similar animation on this tenno. 


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   3. Electrical Shield:

  - Limit of shields - 8.

  - But 4-th shield have 10% penalty to power efficiency, 5 shield - 20%, 6 - 30 ... 8 - 50... (Will force to think...) (Maybe from 5% to 25 % ) Need tests...

3.1. When Shield is raised.

   -  When you  shield, energy cost per second for secondary weapons - 3.5, for primary 5, if shield timer ends (shield not dissapear) energy cost will increased from 3.5 to 4 for secondary and from 5 to 5.5 for primary. Minimum energy (cap) for shield is 1 for secondary and 1.5 for primary, debuff (when shield duration is over), takes 1,5 for secondary and 2 for primary. I dont know how much energy spend on shield while you moves, but debuff influence on this too. 

   - Take away possibitity to use melee weapons when pickup the shield, and automatically change it on secondary. (Melee Volt is a speed Volt.)

   - To lift the shield, need to hold x for 0.4 seconds (Volt stop to lift shield when crack consoles), and change a icon when lift the shield.

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    - See at the forum some tenno write that they dont like "X pick up the shield" because it is hindered before eyes. Sometimes you cannot see enemy.

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  4. Discharge:

       Right now this skill is "situational" useless as a before it's just damage press 4 after 4 and one more time 4... Every tenno plays as he/she want's... At this moment if you go against greenier duration will be userful, if they not die (because they have armour,and that's why they can't overcome health cap) shock will last all 33.84 seconds (282% duration), but  if you play against corpus/infected doesn't matter on your duration it will lasts  (if ult catch more than 10 enemy units) no longer than 4 seconds because damage not decreased by armour (they don't have armour, without considering exceptions like bursas), its makes fast burst damage but imposible to foresee when shock will over. Even if increase power to 299% health cap it willn't change anything, with health cap, damage will be increased too. 

   This ultimate that i offer similar to Nova utlimate (>100 power strenght and <100 power strenght have different gameplay).

4.1. Some little mechanic changes of discharge.

     - Can cast while jump. But when he fly and you press 4 beggins not ult animation as it was before, his hands become covered by electrecity (example below in spoiler),when volt activate 4 when he fly activating timer up to 3 seconds that gives every 0.1 sec- 0.5 to speed of ability cast, for all 3 seconds while volt fly animation on hands will be brighter, ult "standart animation" beggins when Volt touching ground.(It will help who loves to rush with ult in crowd of enemies)

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     - Ult ignores (50-100 % of armor (need tests)) because discharge even with 349% power strength deals 200 per second to every bombard 60 lvl (5 bombard stay close), discharge that right now in game VEERYYY useless against greenier in damage plan.  

     - Remove health cap in ulimate.

     - Nerf duration from 10 to 6 seconds.(Maybe to 5)

     - Change 3rd augment mod on ult when power strength >100, every enemy (without nullifier), in 2 meters (affected by radius   +needs some test) extends ults effects on them with 100% of current duration. When power strength more than 100% works old effect of augment (3 % of shiels convert to your and your ally shields "needs to be changed"). Similar to equinox augments.

     - Can't recast ability.(While exist any enemy with ults effect )

     - Enemy that under ult takes additional 20 % damage from electricity. (Example) Lanka with 4700 virus damage and 6400 electrical (11100 clear damage), shooting at shoked enemy we will deal 4700 virus damage and 6400 * 1.2 =7680 damage (12380 clear damage). Good with first augment on Volt. 

     - After ult ends volt recieve debuff on 5 sec that decrease power efficiency by 50 % (4 sec - 40% debuff,3 sec - 30% ...), if volt casts ult again while debuff is active, debuff will be powered (example if volt casts ult with debuff that will ends over 2.3 seconds (50% + (23%/2)=61.5% debuff ). Debuff always be increased until you wait 5 sec..

     4.2. Volt with >100 power strength.

      - Duration of ability solved by formula ( 6 * power duration)*(2 - power strength) example 70% power strenght and 282% power duration (6 * 2.82)*(2 - 0.7)= 21.997s

        -- Yes duration increased by strength

        -- FORMULA ONLY WORKS WITH BUILD THAT HAVE >100 Power strength

   When power strength >100, Volt becomes CC and he deals low damage with discharge.

    4.3. Volt with <100 power strength

     - It is very similar to old volt ult.

     - Don not affected by duration (6sec max).

     - Affected by power, and mechanic (of tesla coil) that right now works on "discharge".

     - NEED TESTS. Nerf damage 100%.

   5. Another things

    - Add broken mode overextented that newbie tenno can make build with >100 strength.P.S. For nova too... Mode will have 3 levels on max level it will have -30 power strenght and + 30 power range.

      Passive that right now useful only on mercury, low rank tennos play volt will feel the difference when they shoot with buff and without buff, also i see the scene that someone runs little circles to make charge buff to 1000 dmg and make oneshot to enemy (if i start right now to play warframe and choose volt as my start, i admit i make it over and over again -_- )... After 25 lvl useless. Of cource better when exist even bad though some passive than it is absent at all.

     - I think make passive that increase electic damage on 10% (just electic damage), when status procs on enemy is deals 70% (50% standart) damage to surrounding enemies within 6 meters (5m standart), also can be increased shock effect from 6 seconds up to 8.(this also buffed first skill)

     - As a variant.

    -Also add to first augment ability to use buff ON YOURSELF just hold 1 for 0.5 sec = profit.

I believe DE that you make Volt good, interesting warframe.(No, i don't believe)

My congratulations tenno you waste 5 minutes of your life, reading useless text that never be realized.




I'm a slow reader atm, it's late night, it took me 7 mimutes to get through the first paragraph, but awesome post 

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I find that carrying Volt's Shields causes too many severe side effects. They make you use your secondary, slow you down, and leak energy like crazy. Out of all of these things, the energy drain should be reduced, or dropped completely, as he already needs to cast the ability, which consumes energy, for a shield that works in one direction only. There seems to be too much of a penalty to make it worth it. 

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24 minutes ago, Roughcut said:

I find that carrying Volt's Shields causes too many severe side effects. They make you use your secondary, slow you down, and leak energy like crazy. Out of all of these things, the energy drain should be reduced, or dropped completely, as he already needs to cast the ability, which consumes energy, for a shield that works in one direction only. There seems to be too much of a penalty to make it worth it. 

Just let me carry the shield for an unlimited amount of time and let me use my Tonkor and I'm fine.

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I have a couple suggestions that could prove interesting, so I'll throw my 2cents in.

First one being that a charged Electric Shield to proc electricity on contact, working as sort of electric fence deterrent to coming enemies.

Another that his passive damage affect his Shocking Speed augment, would make for a very interesting play style and open up a speed focused build possibility.

Finally, Speed is the only power that doesn't synergiezes with the rest of his kit, no interaction with the other 3 powers. Would be nice to see some function added here. Follows a couple suggestions:

-Going thru an Electric Shield while speed is active super charges and launches Volt towards the shield's facing (rhino charge/slash dash style) dealing electric damage and stunning enemies.

-Touching a Tesla Coil with speed active charges Volt to become a Tesla Coil himself for the remainder of the duration of speed.

-Lastly, casting Shock with Speed active gives gives Volt a buff which increases the Speed his damage increase passive accumulates for the remainder of Speed's duration.


Any thoughts? :)

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8 hours ago, Dante123pl said:

And overload rework turned volt into 1 trick pony

all you see around atm are Volts just spaming 4 and shuting down entire map

i hope discharge gets an rework to have more interaction with it

maybe make it 2step ultimate like Inaros where you hold 4 to buff urself.

dang, that's pretty awful if true. in that case a restriction like with old chaos (not recastable before duration runs out) could be a good enough interim solution i think. (the long term solution has involve an energy aquisition rework imo but that's another story...)

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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15 hours ago, weezedog said:

Shock should chain to other shields if they are close by, no reason to have to shock 3-4 shields separately when they are right next to each other. 

Volt should revive teammates faster while under the effect of speed. 

yeah, that's why i said i my orignal rework that ES should get charge when it makes contact with an electric proc i.e. put electric dmg and you can buff shield to stun.

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13 hours ago, Kedai said:

 After carefully watching this thread evolve, I'd have to say everyone coming into here to either post or catch up should seriously consider reading everything YagoXiten has posted on the topic and upvoting it if you agree. It echoes a lot of the feedback, albeit more concisely and eloquently, that I've seen from the majority of people posting, myself included.

 Let's get this seen so we aren't right back here next week after the inevitable hotfixing. 

My only addition to whats been said already is about the passive, which I highlighted in my own post way back on page 4. I do not personally like that it actively discourages you from being airborne or performing parkour and it's excuse follows scientific theory that is no longer up to date. The current theory is that friction only increases the effect of a static charge but can be generated regardless, Static Electricity by LiveScience. So I'm sure for the sake of gameplay this could be altered in a way that both makes sense and is fun if by only from the simple change of accumulating it while in any motion. 


Thank you for the support. I just want the same thing that everyone else here does: To see Volt in a healthy and balanced state.

I don't mind that his passive discourages parkour per se, because if it didn't discharge at such low values it'd still be completely usable. We might spend a lot of time doing parkour, but we still do spend a lot of time on the ground as well.

12 hours ago, Cytobel said:

So, after all this playtesting this weekend, I've got a Volt that works.  He lacks the survivability or scaling elements to go for any length at sortie levels, and he is not able to support the silly carry cost for the shields (meaning I can't make use of the only thing I've seen that COULD let him Sortie or Raid, MAYBE), but this works.

The build:

Please note:  Arcane Storm Helmet.  If you don't have Arcane helmets, you're not gonna get that last bit of power strength.  Personally, I'm not too sure it's that critical, but it is what it is.

I'm still suffering the issues caused by very poor synergy between Speed, the passive, and everything else he does.  If that passive added power strength, it'd be PERFECT for Speed, and I think it MIGHT pull him together.  With that and a no-drain or VERY LOW drain to carry Riot Shield, Volt would have what he REQUIRES to survive at higher levels without Arcane Grace (insert extremely salty comment about old arcane helmets and new helmet/syandana arcanes here).

I've been up for around 24 hours now, a solid portion of that messing with Volt.  I'm burned out.  Good sleep time to all.

I've tried running a number of different builds, and so far, I've had a hard time finding ones that make me entirely happy. My previous builds still work fine, they just can't utilize the new features very well, as they run Narrow Minded for Speed and Electric Shield (which is still too expensive). The build I've had the most fun with since the rework is an altered version of my melee build, and it also ends up tanking range and basically removing Discharge from my available options. That said, since the CC is often unreliable even with Range and I have weapons capable of dealing far more damage, I don't mind too much. Still kind of a shame, though.


1 hour ago, Baigan said:

I have a couple suggestions that could prove interesting, so I'll throw my 2cents in.

First one being that a charged Electric Shield to proc electricity on contact, working as sort of electric fence deterrent to coming enemies.

Another that his passive damage affect his Shocking Speed augment, would make for a very interesting play style and open up a speed focused build possibility.

Finally, Speed is the only power that doesn't synergiezes with the rest of his kit, no interaction with the other 3 powers. Would be nice to see some function added here. Follows a couple suggestions:

-Going thru an Electric Shield while speed is active super charges and launches Volt towards the shield's facing (rhino charge/slash dash style) dealing electric damage and stunning enemies.

-Touching a Tesla Coil with speed active charges Volt to become a Tesla Coil himself for the remainder of the duration of speed.

-Lastly, casting Shock with Speed active gives gives Volt a buff which increases the Speed his damage increase passive accumulates for the remainder of Speed's duration.


Any thoughts? :)

Speed has synergy with the rest of Volt's kit, and it always has. This has only been buffed and reinforced with the buff to Reload Speed and the Riot Electric Shield option. Remember that synergy is merely when abilities work together well to create a stronger kit, and not when there is forced interaction. Sometimes synergy can come from forced interactions, but it's also sometimes intrinsic to the base mechanics that the skills have and the overarching game play patterns within the game.


Speed allows you to quickly move between Electric Shield fortified locations, increases your effective DPS time whilst shooting from behind one, provides Volt with improved evasive abilities, and allows him to make better use of Shock's short CC time, and utilize Overload's point-blank AoE casting paradigm without missing a beat. To be honest, the ability is so well-rounded and generally useful that Speed would be synergistic and a welcome addition to almost any Warframe kit. It needs no changes other than some value tweaks, such as increasing its base Duration to make modding him more feasible.

That's pretty true of Volt as a whole, to be honest. He's very close to being the best designed Warframe in the game after this rework. He just needs to be able to actually use his Riot Electric Shield and his Discharge ability, and he'd be set.


Edited by YagoXiten
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11 hours ago, Toramaru said:

Sir, is this build designed to use all of his abilities, at least to some extent?

From what I see you'd still be heavily dependent on weaponry, specially primary and secondary.

It somewhat synergyzes with Discharge well, but the cap seems to make the build somewhat worthless if your main concern is his 4th.

Duration is good for Discharge, but currently way better for Speed.

Curious on how did this work, and why.

The thought here was simple:  Volt's abilities can't be relied on to kill anything at all.  Weapons are your main damage component, and I've found that I can go for one good status gun and a good crit gun, so I'm not hurting there.

What this build does is allow you to repeatedly throw moves when and as you need them.  You CANNOT cast forever, but it DOES work if you're frugal.  Lockdown and stun, keep defenses up, and find the right position to strike without being hit.

If you're more in the mood for active casting and higher mobility, you can try this:

This build works well enough but I STRONGLY recommend you use an Arcane Pulse Helmet with it.

Basically, the key seems to be that you need to always have something left to throw, and that something needs to lock things down.  You should NEVER let yourself run outta go-go juice because you WILL die when you do.  If you want, Capacitance can be used to give you a shield buff in place of Primed Flow, but that's a slightly more ballsy choice due to the constant drain from casting.

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12 hours ago, Cytobel said:

I'm still suffering the issues caused by very poor synergy between Speed, the passive, and everything else he does.  If that passive added power strength, it'd be PERFECT for Speed, and I think it MIGHT pull him together.  

i agree. so here is my suggestion to rework/tweak the passive:

new name: Ionic Velocity (cause it doesn't confuse newbies and/or you-tubers as to which is which; discharge or static discharge?)

while moving, volt gains the following buffs:

  • +1000 electric dmg (which degrades over time, more distance traveled over time the less it degrades and resets after every attack)

this fixes what volt's passive currently lacks and covers the basic concept to the passive. now to pull the kit and comprehend it all together.

  • +15% power strength and power efficiency for him and his team mates* 

this, like the quoted post above said, can be a real game changer for the rework and can have small but sometimes devastating effects with a bit of tactical gameplay. it also kind of fixes some of the problems with volt, even before the rework in which he has the tendency to lose more energy than he gains while also not dealing enough dmg with his abilities to take care of high level threats.

in addition to the above, volt also has passive lightning dash that stuns enemies for 3 secs.

this is just a side benefit which is independent from the dmg sub passive but helps keeps up the benefits by making him extremely mobile on top of what speed already does. (plus it doesn't cost energy)

the suggested changes above encourage players to move around and doesn't restrict volt to the ground as it does now. rather, it helps players (especially newer players) to survive more effectively and also encourages players to stay near volt to gain buffs such as speed and ES (and occasionally waiting for a stunned enemy from either shock or discharge for them to attack).furthermore, it fits volt's theme as a caster (#caster master race) and adds an alternative twist to classic gun-play at the same time, it also forces volt to be in a position not to camp to much to often and engage in as much of warframe's gameplay and mechanics as possible (a start to what DE clearly wants, engaging gameplay).

*(so long as they are moving within the tenno affinity radius)

from one of the Storm-riders  foremost cultists,


(though, now that i think of it, storm-raiders sounds nicer don't you think @Wolfnrun?)

Edited by Aquasurge
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Before 18.3, I always use volt to play warframe because I love his skill.

But now, Volt is good for use.

For skill 2, I can't get buff to all one easier.

For skill 3, i always get the shield when I save someone. I only use 2 shield to protect myself to save any players when he is fall down.

For skill 4, first, I can't use when I am jumping. Second, the monitor isn't destroy when I use.

So that is. Big problem is skill 2 and 3. Skill 4 isn't big problem.

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The more I look at it, the more I feel like I have a lot to look forward to.  The nerf to Capacitance is somewhat beyond the pale, given how little damage Volt is gonna turn out.  I'm also hoping to see a rework on that passive to bring it in-line with what Volt ACTUALLY DOES.

At some point it's possible Riot Shield might actually be usable without a specialist build, and Speed even might have a reasonable base duration.  Who knows?


If I were reworking Volt, this is the way I'd test-patch (and leave in what isn't broken or OP):

I'd start by bumping up the base range of Overload (Discharge).  It does such low damage that I see this focusing more towards it's strength as a CC anyway.

Next off, I'd give Speed a 15 second duration base.  This would allow players to focus away from duration as a major stat and build a bit more strength/range.

Naturally, slash the per-meter cost of using Riot Shield.  Afther that, it should slow you OR it should limit your weapon's choices, not both.  Kill one of those limitations and move on.

I would like to see if there is a good passive rework/rebuild option to tie things together more fluidly.

Now the most import step:  make Shock a bi-modal ability.  Tap it for a Shock as per usual, or HOLD it to charge a double cost Ball Lightning.  The ball moves randomly in the direction of cast facing at good speed shocking things that come within 3m like a tesla'd enemy.  It would be attracted to enemies with an electric proc.  If it contacts an enemy it detonates for moderately high radial damage, knocking all foes within 8m down (scales with range) and procing electric on them.  After a 4-7 seconds (randomly) it detonates reguardless of enemy contact.

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On 29/05/2016 at 0:40 PM, YagoXiten said:

To be fair, the reason you notice it more is because it used to just not let you cast for a half a second or so, but then kicked in immediately. Now it lets you cast immediately, but has a delay before kicking in.

Oh, is that true? I honestly thought it was because instead of a radial speed buff it dropped a physical coil (which by the way you don't really see in solo) which had to be picked up before the player could be affected. At least that's what it feels like to me whenever I use it.

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16 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

The more I look at it, the more I feel like I have a lot to look forward to.  The nerf to Capacitance is somewhat beyond the pale, given how little damage Volt is gonna turn out.  I'm also hoping to see a rework on that passive to bring it in-line with what Volt ACTUALLY DOES.

At some point it's possible Riot Shield might actually be usable without a specialist build, and Speed even might have a reasonable base duration.  Who knows?


If I were reworking Volt, this is the way I'd test-patch (and leave in what isn't broken or OP):

I'd start by bumping up the base range of Overload (Discharge).  It does such low damage that I see this focusing more towards it's strength as a CC anyway.

Next off, I'd give Speed a 15 second duration base.  This would allow players to focus away from duration as a major stat and build a bit more strength/range.

Naturally, slash the per-meter cost of using Riot Shield.  Afther that, it should slow you OR it should limit your weapon's choices, not both.  Kill one of those limitations and move on.

I would like to see if there is a good passive rework/rebuild option to tie things together more fluidly.

Now the most import step:  make Shock a bi-modal ability.  Tap it for a Shock as per usual, or HOLD it to charge a double cost Ball Lightning.  The ball moves randomly in the direction of cast facing at good speed shocking things that come within 3m like a tesla'd enemy.  It would be attracted to enemies with an electric proc.  If it contacts an enemy it detonates for moderately high radial damage, knocking all foes within 8m down (scales with range) and procing electric on them.  After a 4-7 seconds (randomly) it detonates reguardless of enemy contact.

that, a lightning javelin that explodes and impales enemies to walls or exalted sith-lord lightning for x secs. either way it goes, shock needs to be one of the coolest powers volt has to offer that player will love when they play warframe of the first time. 

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Merging all feedback into the megathread is a bad idea, since it results in a massive jumble of uninformed opinions and shrill, caustic complaints that make posting reasonable feedback an uphill battle.  I could have posted a legitimate feedback thread that addresses a specific issue, but there's no point if it's gonna be moved into this mess and overlooked by most readers.  When there are 18 posts of deranged non-feedback or feedback made without sufficient game knowledge/experience for every reasonable post, the reasonable post is going to get very little attention or discussion.  Letting everyone have their own threads at least could allow for some focused ideas to be exposed in a meaningful way.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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3 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Merging all feedback into the megathread is a bad idea, since it results in a massive jumble of uninformed opinions and shrill, caustic complaints that make posting reasonable feedback an uphill battle.  I could have posted a legitimate feedback thread that addresses a specific issue, but there's not point if it's gonna be moved into this mess and overlooked by most readers.  

you have a point, clarity is a bit suffering... i think frames deserve their own subforums anyway but i guess that'd mean quite the effort.

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46 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

Merging all feedback into the megathread is a bad idea, since it results in a massive jumble of uninformed opinions and shrill, caustic complaints that make posting reasonable feedback an uphill battle.  I could have posted a legitimate feedback thread that addresses a specific issue, but there's no point if it's gonna be moved into this mess and overlooked by most readers.  When there are 18 posts of deranged non-feedback or feedback made without sufficient game knowledge/experience for every reasonable post, the reasonable post is going to get very little attention or discussion.  Letting everyone have their own threads at least could allow for some focused ideas to be exposed in a meaningful way.  

Whilst that's definitely an issue, myself and several others have done a pretty good job, I feel, of keeping the feedback relevant to the present and grounded in reason.

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4 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

Whilst that's definitely an issue, myself and several others have done a pretty good job, I feel, of keeping the feedback relevant to the present and grounded in reason.

DE should probably post this in the original post of all the feedback threads - keep the feedback relative and grounded (like volt's passive and ult). 

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