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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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New stuff.

New electric frame. Keep the training wheels on volt, and make a new electric themed warframe. 

Volt will actually be more technology, plasma energy/kinetic energy based (sheild/camping), so shock is replaced with plasma canon, speed is the same, and discharge is still stun, but not electrical themed, enemies are surrounded by plasma energy.

Alright, and then DE makes an awesome cool electrical frame, and the world becomes a better place.

Peace out

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Adding a slightly rage post I made on youtube.

I have a warframe account from 2013 and I can tell when a warframe is inferior to others. Volt is the first warframe I made, he offers no unique stuff, the damage on his skills is negligible, you may as well assume it's 0 and the rework nerfed some stuff and made it stupid, also all his synergies are useless.

1)Shock shield to do low damage.

2)Shock targets under discharge to release radial electric shock, for what reason? They are under cc and extra shock is not gonna do anything.

3)Riot shield consumes all your energy and slows you.

4)The passive is nonexistant.

5)Even with 350% power strenght he's not the fastest.

6)Shocking speed is redundant with riot shield, but at least you don't consume all your energy to do the train shield.

7)Overshields are easy to obtain, and shields overall are weak compared to health. 8)Discharge lasts less depending on the amount of enemies affected.

9)The extra reload speed is lower than a mod.

DE treats Volt like garbage because it's not popular and an investment on it gives low profit, they even forgot it didn't have a deluxe skin and the prime is base Volt with lots of gold sticked on it. I know Volt is viable endgame but most of the warframes can do what it does easily and builds have to be specific for guns or melees, you can't go all round. Stop being elitists on Volt.

Last part is not really sane.

Edited by giovanniluca
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I am reposting a post I made on this thread some time ago not only for posterity and preservation, but to change a few things about my initial ideas. After I received some constructive criticism, I've decided to change my mind about some previous ideas that I had. Any change made to the original post will have the original idea in parenthesis next to it. Also, I only received constructive criticism from @SylvenStar. Most of these altered ideas were brought about from Sylven's criticisms, so I'm giving credit where credit is due. Please keep in mind that there won't be a lott of revisions so if you only want to read those parts I'll highlight the original idea in red to make it stand out more. So, with that out of the way, let's get to it.

On 4/23/2017 at 7:55 PM, GeometricBison said:


Alright, I hope you guys are ready for a really freaking long post, because I've been thinking this idea over for like, a month, so I hope you're prepared. Alright, as it stands right now, Volt's pretty not good. He can do things kind of, but he really begins to fall off in effectiveness earlier on than most other frames. Now, many people have said that Volt deserves another rework, and I totally agree. After reading some ideas for a possible rework from this thread, I've decided to put my own spin on it. So, with that said, let's get started.

Passive Revision:

Alright, so Volt's passive as of this post is that he builds up static electricity as he runs which is released on his next attack. With this passive, he can gain an additional 1000 electricity damage on any attack he performs. Even though this passive sounds cool and useful, it's actually pretty bad, because it really doesn't do jack. As many people have said before, I believe that his passive should be changed so that it builds up power strength instead of extra damage. In my version of the rework, Volt could build up to +50% power strength, which would be used up on the next ability cast. This new passive will synergize with his abilities a lot more than his current one, but I'll go over that once we get to the abilities section.

Base Stats Revision:

I wouldn't mess around with Volt's base stats too much, but I would do one thing. I would increase his sprint speed to 1.10 from 1.00, and I'd increase normal Volt's armor to 85 and Volt Prime's armor to 150. However, if shield gating ever became a thing in Warframe, I would instead increase his max rank shields to 550 from 450 (originally, the idea was to just raise Volt Prime's armor to 185). This gives Volt, especially normal Volt, a whole lot more survivability as more armor means more damage reduction. The extra sprint speed will also help Volt to keep up with teammates when Speed isn't active, as Volt is rather slow without it.

Abilities Revision:

Alright, here's the part everyone was waiting for, the bread and butter of this post, the ability changes! This section will be split up into mini-sections to help keep everything organized and understandable. Also, remember that little bit at the beginning of this post about Volt's new passive? Well, I've made sure that it synergizes with all of his changed abilities, Electric Shield included.

1.) Shock:

So, I've seen many people say that Volt should get a continuous lightning ability that would be activated by holding down the 1 button or whatever it is you have it binded to. Personally, I wholeheartedly agree with this decision; however, I would like to ask you, reader, this one question. Why would you use it? Sure it'd look cool, but what use is there? What would that ability do that the normal one-tap shock can't do? You might say it'd be a continuous stun, but what would that accomplish? You'd just be standing there, holding down 1, draining energy just to stun some enemies when you could just tap 1 once and stun enemies in a faster and more energy efficient way. That's why I think the continuous shock should serve a different purpose. Alright, so everyone knows about Excalibur, right? The poster-boy of Warframe, the best starter in the game bar none, can fly around the map with his 1, you get the idea. Anyways, you know how his exalted blade gains strength not only though power strength, but through melee mods as well? Well, what if Volt's continuous shock gained power through primary mods (including beam weapon mods)? Of course, the standard rules would apply, no shadow-debt mods, no weapon class specific mods (besides beam weapon mods), augment mods (syndicate or otherwise), or rivens. Now, I bet you're asking why I would do this as it makes Volt's one-tap shock useless, but I thought about that too. Volt's continuous shock would be a crit based ability, with say, 25% critical chance and an average 2.0x critical multiplier, but it would have very very low status chance. Something like a single digit percentage like 2%. This way, it makes both abilities useful. You'd use continuous shock for raw killing power, and one-tap shock for decent CC. Another thing I'd change about Volt's 1, is I'd make his one-tap shock scale off of duration, as it's stun isn't all too long. I'd also make it so that his one-tap shock went where you were looking rather than go anywhere but there. That's a problem I remember dealing with back when I played Volt a lot. I still don't understand why that hasn't been changed yet but I digress. Also, Volt's continuous shock would only chain between 3 enemies, the enemy being directly shocked, and the two enemies closest to that one as to make sure the ability isn't outright over-powered. It would cost energy overtime which could be negated with efficiency.

2.) Speed:

Ah Speed, one of my favorite abilities in the game, yet so riddled with problems. Alright, first things first, I'd increase the base duration of Speed to 20 (was 25) seconds, because 10 seconds is not nearly long enough time and to make the speed last even remotely long you have to build for so much duration that it's painful. This way, you don't have spend so many mod slots on duration mods, thus opening up more modding possibilities. Next, I'd increase his max rank speed multiplier to 60% from 50% to make him even faster, as the base multiplier for speed is still quite slow. I'd also increase his max rank reload speed multiplier to 25% from 17%, as it would give Speed even more utility. Next, I'd make it so that Speed not only effects sprint and reload speeds, but his animations as well. This includes all of his ability animations, as well as his parkour 2.0 skills. This would allow Volt's 2 to better synergize with his kit, increasing the casting speed of Discharge, which has an unreasonably long cast time. (Originally, I said that I wanted to bring back the energy spring mechanic where whenever Volt cast Speed he would leave behind an energy spring for allies to touch and gain the effects of Speed themselves. While I personally don't remember the spring at all, I have been told by Sylven that the spring mechanic was clunky and inconvenient for other players that want speed. I can't actually think of a system for opting into speed besides bringing back the spring, so I guess it'll stay as is. And by that I mean the opt-in AOE.)

3.) Electric Shield:

The Static Electric Shield should stay more or less untouched in my opinion. Having it scale with range would be nice, but only to a certain point. I'm saving the 360 degree bubble for Frost. Current Electric Shield is the one I have a problem with, as it makes absolutely no freaking sense. It not only makes Volt slower, it penalizes him for going fast. As an avid Volt lover, Current Electric Shield enrages me more than doing 20 radshares in a row for a prime part that just won't drop. Firstly, I'd remove both the movement speed penalty and the energy drain penalty, as I want to encourage Volts to go fast, not crush their Sonic the Hedgehog cosplay dreams. However, because of this, I'd still have Current Electric Shield reduce you to your secondary, as it would probably be too broken if you could hold the shield and still use your primary. I'd also allow the bonus electricity damage gained by shooting through the shield to be affected by power strength, but the extra critical damage gained by shooting through Volt's shield would not be modifiable in anyway. Because of these changes, it allows for the creation of an augment for Electric Shield that I've also been thinking over for a while. I haven't quite worked out the name yet, but it'd work a little something like this. When picking up Volt's Shield (Current Electric Shield) he would instead of projecting it in front of him, he'd wear it like a suit of armor, protecting his entire body from the onslaught of enemies (melee not included as that would be a bit too op) but, it would reduce Volt's base speed by a bit and reduce Volt to only his melee. His melee would still get the bonuses of attacking through the shield, extra electricity and crit damage. The augmented Current Electric Shield would still ragdoll enemies when used in tandem with Speed as well as inducing an electric proc on enemies if the shield is shocked by either Volt's continuous Shock or one-tap Shock before picking it up. This would also apply to Static Electric Shield as well, so that melee units can't just bum-rush you. It gives you a bit more time to react. It wouldn't be caused by the augment by the way, it'd be already a part of both Electric Shields. This augment would allow Volt to finally be the "potent alternative to gun-play" that he was always meant to be by making him ability and melee based. (Because I don't want to rewrite this entire paragraph, I'll just summarize my revisions here. Basically, keep everything the same, except maybe remove the riot shield as a whole and just making it so that the augment is the riot shield armor thing. I could honestly go either way with this idea, but I thought I'd put this here anyways.)

4.) Discharge:

Discharge is probably one of the worst CC abilities in Warframe, with it's unpredictability and incredibly long casting time, it's truly outshined by every other CC ability. Except for maybe Atlas' Petrify and Zephyrs Tornado abilities. It's debatable, but that's not what this post is about. Now, I'd change Volt's 4 so that it could be casted in the air, because jumping in the air and releasing a burst of energy is cool af. It would also increase the ability's usability as you could use it whenever you needed to as opposed to when you're only on the ground. Next, I'd change the ability so the wave no longer scaled off of range, but off of duration, much like Nova's 4. However, range would still have a roll to play in discharge, as when enemies get hit by discharge, they'd chain lighting to any other enemy that got hit by discharge. This chain effect would be effected by range, and when enemies walk through the chain, they too will be shocked and stunned for what's left of the duration of Discharge. So essentially, it's the normal Discharge lightning stun, but better. It would also still do the normal lighting chain thing, shocking enemies that get too close, but it would only do a normal electricity proc. It would only stun them for the rest of the duration of discharge if they walk through a lightning chain. Next, I'd remove the damage cap, as this is the biggest problem with the ability, but the damage would be lowered by a lot to compensate for a lack of a damage cap. It's a CC ability, not a map-clearing ultra bomb. I'd also increase the max rank duration of Discharge to 15 seconds from 12 seconds to allow for better stuns and CC. Lastly, I'd make the ability spammable, as most other CC abilities are spammable, save few like Excalibur's radial blind.


This is how I would make Volt better. It may not be the best way, or the most accepted way, but I felt like I needed to share this. I love Volt, I really do. He was my first frame, he was my first Prime, I would love to take him to any node and have him do well, but he just can't. I wish I had a reason to use Volt, but he's outclassed by so many other frames that do what he does but better. All I want is a Volt that is useful beyond level 35-ish. A Volt that a person can bring to any mission and have people think "Nice! We got a Volt in the squad!". A Volt that finally deserves the title of alternative to gunplay. Thank you for reading, or at least skimming, through this really long post, and feel free to tell me what you think about my idea. Would you do anything differently? I'm open to any and all suggestions, so post away.

As it is in the original post, the offer to voice your opinion on this post still stands. Feel free to give more constructive criticism so that a more refined post can be brought about in the future. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.

Edited by GeometricBison
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I just want to throw this out there since I've had this idea for a while and I might as well put it on the forums before I completely forget about it.

I was thinking about an upgrade to Volt's 4 in order to make him "an alternative to gunplay" sortof.

My idea comes from the old name of Volt's 4: Overload.

The idea is that when you use Volt's 4 he sucks up the electricity in the environment into himself, giving more power to all of his abilities.

Now because even Volt would have trouble holding in vasts amounts of extra electricity, the ability would be a channeling one that also has a duration (30s base) tied to it (think Mirage's Prism).

Now let's talk about how Volt's abilities are affected while Volt is in the Overloaded state:

Static Discharge:

Volt's passive damage will scale with Volt's primary mods.

While Overload is active Volt will passively have 25% of what he would get from his Speed ability. (side effect of having too much electricity stored up)


Volt's shock while in his Overload state would scale with all mods set on his primary weapon (including fire rate into faster casting time).


Speed will give Volt the same buff, but will stack with the passive buff, meaning it gives 125% of the normal buff to Volt while in the Overload state. Allies will only get the normal Speed buff.

Electric Shield:

The shields that Volt places will passively have the effect if Volt placed it and casts Shock on it.

Also, when Volt picks up a shield, it reacts with Volt's extra electricity and increases in size, curving around Volt for more protection.


Yea, I didn't want to get rid of Volt's original 4.

Now when Volt presses 4 while in Overload, he will cast Discharge which works exactly as is does now, except the damage and range would decrease the longer Volt has been in his Overload state, which makes sense since he most likely spent all that energy while Overloaded, meaning less for Discharge.

If Overload's timer runs out or Volt runs out of Energy, then Discharge will automatically be cast with "minimum power" (maybe 25-50% str and range). This would actually work well as an escape mechanism if volt is in a bind, so it can potentially increase his survivability if the player acts accordingly.

Another thing I thought I'd note: The energy drain should be low, a.k.a the same as Excal (2.5 per second) or lower. This would keep Volt from suffering from a potential, major energy problem that would come from his ability spamming nature.



I feel that this would be a good change to make good on the "alternative to gunplay" promise. It would give Volt a power buff while keeping his old kit fully intact, where you could press 4 twice and act like a CC bomb with Discharge or hold Overload and use Shock with damage that would rival most primaries, but still wouldn't overpower the meta weapons.



Volt's new 4 would be channeled and while used it would significantly increase the effects of his other abilities, especially his 1. Pressing 4 again/4's timer runs out/Volt runs out of energy will cast Volt's current 4.

Edited by AdamantSpartan
clarity, and a note
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On 5/27/2016 at 4:52 PM, Exodess said:

Looking at the changes to Mag and Volt reminds me of how they wrecked my Saryn. It really seems like they're spreading the exact same basic mechanics to different frames with only a mild difference in flavor, without concern to the "role" those frames play or even regard to whether other frames with the same abilities can do more or better (Nova, the ultimate nuker with powerful CC, comes to mind when comparing these 3.)

Now, if this is the direction that DE is going for for all frames, I would understand and tolerate it as a universal nerf, but the problem is they are nerfing the weakest tiered frames firstand this makes absolutely no sense by any stretch of the imagination.

Mag is an exceptional frame now. Invincible almost...ur obviously not playing mag enough. I can wreck in sorties with mag... completely lock down a map if i choose. Mag is awesome.

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8 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

better in what?

You may say in the quality of warframes tier.

You know shock has 200 base damage because it has AoE and cc while a lot of other frames do that too with more damage and more effects, but eh shock is good.

Smite damage 500 + 35% of the target's max Health + Shield, inflicts knockdown/impact, radiation(F*** nyx even more and his other abilities inflict radiation too), puncture.

Pull 300 damage, x2 with magnetize combo, energy orb drop chance on kill, gigantic AoE, knock down/up/everywhere and pull.

Fireball 400+150 AoE +fire DoT, enemies on fire panic so they are on cc too. Ember late game is famous for her CC, not damage, pople pick her for CC instead of dedicated CC frames.

Tesla granade trolls shocks' existance, both in damage and cc.

There are more abilities but check the wiki because the troll is too big to list.

Edited by giovanniluca
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15 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

Smite damage 500 + 35% of the target's max Health + Shield, inflicts knockdown/impact, radiation(F*** nyx even more and his other abilities inflict radiation too), puncture.

still i didn't see smite being really useful compared to shock when i tested oberon rework even with max strength

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44 minutes ago, GeometricBison said:

95% of any mission in Warframe is moving, so it's essentially zenurik.

If you think of zenurik like this then trinity is essentially zenurik frame because it gives energy or look at that zenurik casting cataclysm, this change would give energy for how fast you move.

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10 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

On paper it's like waaaaaaaaay stronger.

You can't judge things on paper. Smite is useless, sure it deals damage but what. The orbs are clunky and they barely work and the rad proc is redundant if you consider the rest of his set. Volt's shock at least can stun a wide group of enemies. Who cares about the damage? You've got your weapons for that. What your weapons don't have is CC, and Volt helps with that.

I just want DE to remove the "Volt is the alternate to gunfire" description because it's false. Volt is good as he is right now, he performs amazingly in sorties of any type and kuva flood missions, he just doesn't clean rooms with 1 skill.

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5 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

If you think of zenurik like this then trinity is essentially zenurik frame because it gives energy or look at that zenurik casting cataclysm, this change would give energy for how fast you move.

Trinity is not the zenurik frame, she releases energy in bursts, unlike zenurik. Limbo is not the zenurik frame either as Limbo doesn't cast Cataclysm to regen energy, Limbo casts Cataclysm to cc enemies. The point of Cataclysm is to assist Limbo in dealing with enemies, the energy regen is an afterthought. The passive you mentioned would literally be zenurik as it a.) regens energy and b.) is solely for regening energy.

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3 minutes ago, GeometricBison said:

zenurik as it a.) regens energy and b.) is solely for regening energy.

Zenurik offers other stuff than solely regening energy.

Anyway in a month or 2 Zenurik(and Naramon) will be changed for good.

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3 hours ago, giovanniluca said:

Zenurik offers other stuff than solely regening energy.

Do you mean the useless passives and ability modifications for void pulse? Because as of right now, zenurik's only purpose is for energy overflow.

It doesn't matter what zenurik (and naramon) will become, what matters is what they are now. As of right now, zenurik is only for regening energy.

Edited by GeometricBison
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