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Valkyr Revisions Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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I don't feel that I can do much more than re-iterate on what others have already said, most likely repeatedly.

DE has, in essence, rebalanced hysteria around a very expensive build which maximizes hysteria's duration specifically. Not everyone who found hysteria beneficial used this build. I didn't, and most people in my clan didn't. Our builds got the really short end of the stick with this change, especially after the bugfix which reduced efficiency even further. I actually find myself longing for the way it worked before the ability was changed to be channeled. At least then, I knew I had about 30 or so seconds to wreak havoc, and didn't lose all my energy in the process. Now I'm lucky if I can stay in it long enough to top up my health and run away.

As it is now, you go into hysteria, and it burns through energy faster than a hummer at a drag race. That's without outside influences, and assuming the use of continuity and streamline only. No narrow minded, no primed anything.

Encounter an energy leech or parasitic eximus? If it's not right in your face you're finished before you can find and kill it.

Nully jumps on your head? Again, hysteria's over and you're hurting.

And last but certainly not least, if there is even one ancient disruptor of sufficient level in a crowd you're currently clawing through, you're finished, even faster than in the previous two cases. This was even a problem before they destroyed hysteria's efficiency.

And using any of her other abilities? Potential synergies? Forget it. There's just not enough energy.

I've said it several times elsewhere before all of this happened, I'll say it again here. The people above me are even saying it. Forget the ridiculous energy drain. It's too unpredictable and it mostly hurts people who were having real fun with Valkyr, rather than reducing her to cheese. If you want to really balance Valkyr's hysteria, the following would likely work well:

1) Make it drain health over time, perhaps increasing towards a cap the way energy drain currently does. Hysteria ends if she reaches 1 health.

2) Diminishing returns on lifesteal per hit the longer she remains in hysteria.

3) While in hysteria, she can cast her other abilities at a lower cost, but with reduced range.

4) Energy drain should operate at the same efficiency levels as Ember's World on Fire.

5) Being a melee-focused ability, while in hysteria, Valkyr should be immune to energy drain caused by attacks from common infested affected by a disruptor aura.

6) Passive drain from leech/parasitic eximus units, and drain resulting from direct attacks by an ancient disruptor should occur as usual.

7) While in hysteria, she should be immune to procs from enemy attacks, but not procs from environmental hazards.

8) Aura size increases the longer she remains in hysteria, as it does now, with the following effects tied to her aura:

            A) Upon hysteria's end, she takes a percentage of mitigated damage, determined by the number of enemies present in her aura who have line of sight on her.

            B) Allies within her aura are granted a small lifesteal bonus when using melee attacks.


In other words, rather than just nerfing, which seems to have been the policy so far, make hysteria a kill-focused ability with benefits for the squad as well as for Valkyr.

Edited by Tzolkat
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This nerf is really appalling for so many reasons.  I guess I'll start by pointing out that, even before the nerf, Valkyr had very limited usefulness.  She was a highly specialized frame that served a specific purpose within the game and, outside of that, she was fairly terrible.  Literally useless in defense, mobile defense, interception, and the list goes on, not to mention pretty terrible against two of the three factions late-game.  She served her role perfectly as a survival specialist and a late-game infestation killer, with some other niche roles.  Now she just sucks.

Before her 'rework' (nerf), hysteria was an ability which made her unique within the game, but now serves as nothing more than a button to regain lost health or revive fallen allies.  Congratulations, DE, you took a frame which had a unique playstyle in the game, one which could actually pull off a melee-only run of various level types, and made her a frame which has a janky revive ability and emergency health regen--after shooting enemies for most of the level.  What an absolute load.

I'm not even saying that a nerf or rework WASN'T in order. I'm just saying that, per usual, DE thought long and hard, came up with numerous ideas, and picked the absolutely most obnoxious and annoying possible solution they could think of and implemented it in their game.  

Here are some other suggestions for how they could have changed Valkyr to make her slightly worse, or different, without turning her into a generic pile of steaming kubrow dung.  I am sure these have been suggested before, as most players who actually play Warframe have a better idea of how to balance it than the developers, who simply decide to make their game tedious and annoying to play:

Remove her shields entirely.  Increase armor and health slightly, the point that a player could survive a few hits (read 'seconds') in high-level missions without shields.  Remove the energy cost from hysteria entirely, instead making it drain health (read: a reasonable amount, dictated by efficiency and/or duration), but makes her immune to incoming damage , which not only fits thematically (a crazy madwoman/tenno running around, sustaining herself on rage and bloodlust), but also forces  players to decide when to pop into or out of hysteria (i.e., when there are enemies around, within reasonable distance, or with a high spawn rate), which would remove the 'perma hysteria' option, as it would eventually drain her health to zero.  This change would make her unique within the game and still allow dedicated Valkyr players the option of using their favorite frame.  

your idea for having accumulated damage dealt after exiting hysteria is awful.  Seriously.  Scrap it.  It's not an interesting game mechanic; it just adds tedium and annoyance to playing one of your warframes, which, unless it is intended, is an incredibly stupid idea.  In fact, even if it is intended, it's still a stupid idea.  People are playing your game to have fun, not get pissed off and annoyed.  Having to find a 'safe spot' to hide while deactivating and reactivating the skill, as previously mentioned, is fairly obnoxious and, what's more, in late-game survival situations (what she USED to be good at) is now nigh-impossible.  It literally makes the frame useless.  It wasn't a problem when you could stay in hysteria for extended periods of time, but this is just absurd.

If you believe the issue to be the invincibility, you could simply give her some incredibly high amount of damage mitigation while hysteria is activated, but the energy costs need to be reverted.  I'm talking something as high as 95% (after he armor mitigation is calculated).  She technically wouldn't be invincible, but she would be close.  I mean, this nerf is to pander to the people who cried about her being overpowered, so wouldn't that sate their desires enough?  


TL;DR: Fire your design team, stop intentionally making your game annoying to play, make Valkyr viable. 

Edited for syntax.

Edited by timur_the_lame
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On 31/05/2016 at 0:11 PM, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

I'm actually really salty about this. I don't main Valkyr, but I did for a long time she is my go to girl for Sorties. See not everyone has the Privalge of friend who play warframe on a clan to carry them thou content. I did It on my own. And Valkyr when i first got her pieces, interested me. Then, I used her a lot.  I used her power to surpass bosses and overwhelm them. She was my gateway to warframe. I went to the Forums and found out people did not like her too much, "Weak" they said "useless". But, I made use of her and I felt like a made something great out of something people said was worthless. Then time pass I unlock more frames and I start notice...Half the Community..is not that...well,bright.


That sounds mean, hateful,rude, but It is true. The Community rots of meta game and tryharding.

Limbo "Why play him when Frost does It better"

Nyx "Why play Nyx when Loki does It better" 


and even, Oberion "he is trash"


I've seen these frames surpass what people say about them. And I know for a fact nyx is stronger CC then Loki.


And these are the people yelling Valkyr is overpowered?


I know what is going on here. I'm not dumb. They mad because Valkyr cant easy. But, they don't play her. You give up a lot of crap in that Hyrsta,you give up guns,you have to be mindful of everything around you, you have to be mindful of engery. It is not a deathwipe, you have to have a weapon well modded to even effectively kill,the truth is. Hystra becoming useable to kill and surive with getting knocked on your rear. Requires so much to go right and so much to be in your favor, that calling Op while siting behind your aoe face melt skill insults me. Valkyr has no super damage spell, she has aoe buff, a pulling tool and a stun, she is the embodiment of close Qaurters combat, no a magic lazer sword, or Wukong who is a cluster of skills. She is the Embodiment of up close and personal. But, she can and has been pooled out of Hysrta. Everyone talks like it easy to but a Nullfier right in the skull. It is not If you are traped in close spaces and If you out your 4 you die. 


It is not easy when anything slightly drains you is not a "ooh, poo. I cant cast my spell" but a "OH, Sh!t I got to act fast or I am gonna die!"


Everyone says "Playing loki will make you better" No..Playing Valkyr in Sorties will. Because you have limits, you cant go invis or summon a safe space, your skills do not super melt eneimes you can heal yourself,but that is at the cost of almost dying. Valkyr was before this update a high risk high reward frame, she was a skillframe.


Now, she is being over nerfed to please people who are like "Good" but really they are not gonna play her. They are gonna go "Gonna go play my Loki and Radial disarm,because it is the best none damage move ever." While I get to sit there looking at my frame,my Valkyr and sigh. I will still play her. She is my girl, we have been thou hell together, thou insults, thou getting kicked for not being a metaframe, to winning great things, to saving team mates, to taking shots. I do not player her s much because she was my "Knuckle down" frame. Now,she has been over punished for being to good at being a hero and being strong enough to carry a team.


I sit there and I see the metaframers laughing at me yelling "Now play  frame who takes skill" as they lock in their Frosts,Novas, lokis,Rhino primes and Embers. And I think to myself. "I hope you understand one day how It feels to be Valkyr." 


To have been consider weak. But still be strong


To Finally be balanced, but decreed op


TO be broken and have others laugh at your pain.


Valkyr is a frame of a warrior, her story is of a warrior.


The underdog everyone counted out,to the Champion hated by the greedy ego driven glory hogs, Now crippled and at her lowest and much like the hero the warframes need she will return to good power, she will be unnerfed and freed from her jail!





Long time Valkyr player here. Currently reading through page 12 of 25 in this thread. Most insightful post in the thread yet. Quoted because it deserves to be quoted.

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(note) I've 1600 hours of usage with her and really like her.... but ik her fun and boring areas

Ripline... (REMOVE)

  • bad structure and isn't a place for it in game atm
  • PLUSES---------- some minor utility maybe... not really

Warcry..... I mean... (Weaker and less effective vex/ward)

  • Adds Armor through an additive property rather then a multiplicative kind such as chroma meaning it lacks the current armor scaling boost
  • Speed decrease on enemy units hardly matter and isn't really the effective in the current games content.................
  • It's only usable "considering" with eternal makng up for the power mods put in....
  • PLUSES---------- melee speed kinda is okay and armor boost is better than nothing

paralysis.... Just.. finishers are better for inaros, not valk ;o

  • at least its better then ripline :3
  • PLUSES---------- finishers... but if you were in hysteria you would be alot better


  • Consistently changing so builds need 2 consistently change
  • No longer efficient with damage mods
  • builds centered around hysteria... out of hysteria suffer protection only safe in hysteria
  • void and range of melee...
  • PLUSES---------- GOD MODE
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So here are some (probably dumb) shower-thoughts after seeing the new drop system which came with Specters of the Rail:

Why were people thinking that Valkyr needs a nerf?
She was practically permanently invulnerable with proper endgame mods. I could now say 'BUT NULLIFIERS!', but I've had enough of those in the past two days while farming Void Traces, I realy don't want to talk about them now.

Why do people think the invulnerability was bad?
Valkyr had the advantage over other frames that with this invulnerability she could go onto lets say a t4 survival for several hours by herself and get way more drop rotations out of a single Voidkey then others.

What has changed with Specters of the Rail?
Now with the new system there are no Voidkeys and the only restriction to those endless missions is that you unlock the node for said mission. Anybody can access them at any time, do them for 3h straight or do 20-60min, leave and start again. 

I hope you all get what I want to say. For the record I do believe her kit isn't very teamoriented and yes it might need some tweaks or reworks. But till this is done, please revert the drain that came with Lunaro. Valkyr is a soloframe to me and I think thats the case for many players that have written down their thoughts in this thread. Please give us our sweet little 'ball of vicious rage' back till she is reviewed again.

Edited by emtien
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Again, more suggestions:

- Hysteria: energy cost back to 2.5 per second, once you reach the 100% the ability starts to drain health, change the self damage aura into enemy aggro between the radius.

If you find the perfect value for the health drain the invincibility is pretty similar to defy, it will give a timed invincibility but at the beginning instead of when "dying" and for a bit longer because the ability need to reach 100%.

Thanks to the health drain, deactivating the ability is a bit trickier, in order to be somewhat safe you need to do it right after you kill an enemy, however the (20m) aggro from the aura would make this more balanced while offering team support (acting as a decoy).

- Warcry: this was suggested when valkyr was getting a rework and even in this same thread, flat armor value.

- Paralysis: more range and stun duration.

- Ripline: more utility, single target finishers similar to ash teleport would work just fine.

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everyone has been ignoring a  huge detail  PVP


her stun doesnt work in pvp 

her ripline sometimes doesnt pull and when it does people  get back up inmediatedly

warcry while nice  enemies can just  jump dash spam  to safety at any moment

hysteria is flat out useless the enegy drain makes hysteria last  about 3-5 seconds and  in PVP mode it doesnt even grant invulnerability  , it is ridiculous 




how is valkyr OP but AoE spamming frames  balanced 

Edited by Retepzednem
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I am upset about a lot of things. I could have complained about the Hysteria nerf, but I decided to endure the pain and told myself things like, "This isn't so bad. I can handle this", or, "Well at least it doesn't get worse than this."

It got worse.

I guess I can understand why Valkyr was subject the nerfing. She was able to survive around, and kill, enemies for a long time with seemingly no repercussion. No other frame had such a capability. Definitely not Inaros, or Wukong, or Equinox, and DEFINITELY not Ivara . It is unreasonable to think that Valkyr could have such an advantage. And it is unreasonable to think that the scaling model for enemies may be horribly mismatched with warframe scaling, and that there should probably be more to endgame enemies than simply MORE HEALTH, and MORE ARMOR, and MORE SHIELDS. So I get it.

But why nerf Ripline?

I've lost a lot of things to look forward to when I log in to the game. I can no longer look forward to the exhilaration of clawing through crowds of enemies without the fear of getting absolutely sucked dry by leech eximus or disruptors. I can no longer reasonably predict the likelihood of being able to revive downed teammates that are surrounded by enemies. I can no longer try to synergize my abilities because my build, which I have carefully crafted for years to fit my playstyle, no longer can support the use of any other ability while at the same time provide enough energy to sustain Hysteria.

But at least I still had Ripline. HAD.

To my wonderful surprise, when the Lunaro update came out, I noticed Ripline no longer pulled me forward like it used to. I read the patch notes. No changes listed under "Valkyr Changes", other than more edits to the Hysteria rework *cough NERF cough*. No changes listed under "Changes". Yet still, Ripline did not propel me forward. Without any warning, the last things that's been able to give me any enjoyment of my favorite warframe has been taken away from me.

Though I've tried my best, I'm forced to say that I can no longer have fun.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)TYGR115 said:

I am upset about a lot of things. I could have complained about the Hysteria nerf, but I decided to endure the pain and told myself things like, "This isn't so bad. I can handle this", or, "Well at least it doesn't get worse than this."

It got worse.

I guess I can understand why Valkyr was subject the nerfing. She was able to survive around, and kill, enemies for a long time with seemingly no repercussion. No other frame had such a capability. Definitely not Inaros, or Wukong, or Equinox, and DEFINITELY not Ivara . It is unreasonable to think that Valkyr could have such an advantage. And it is unreasonable to think that the scaling model for enemies may be horribly mismatched with warframe scaling, and that there should probably be more to endgame enemies than simply MORE HEALTH, and MORE ARMOR, and MORE SHIELDS. So I get it.

But why nerf Ripline?

I've lost a lot of things to look forward to when I log in to the game. I can no longer look forward to the exhilaration of clawing through crowds of enemies without the fear of getting absolutely sucked dry by leech eximus or disruptors. I can no longer reasonably predict the likelihood of being able to revive downed teammates that are surrounded by enemies. I can no longer try to synergize my abilities because my build, which I have carefully crafted for years to fit my playstyle, no longer can support the use of any other ability while at the same time provide enough energy to sustain Hysteria.

But at least I still had Ripline. HAD.

To my wonderful surprise, when the Lunaro update came out, I noticed Ripline no longer pulled me forward like it used to. I read the patch notes. No changes listed under "Valkyr Changes", other than more edits to the Hysteria rework *cough NERF cough*. No changes listed under "Changes". Yet still, Ripline did not propel me forward. Without any warning, the last things that's been able to give me any enjoyment of my favorite warframe has been taken away from me.

Though I've tried my best, I'm forced to say that I can no longer have fun.


wait what?

just yesterday i still able to ripline around....have to check

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11 hours ago, ShinAsuka15 said:

wait what?

just yesterday i still able to ripline around....have to check

prior to "pvp screwing over pve" update aka Lunaro, with careful aim an positioning one could use ripline and jump alone to catapult Valk from one side of the corpus dam to the other in a single use, now you can't even go from intercept B to C without using aim glide with it.

Admittedly I'm about at the same point as now I see little purpose to using Valk over Inaros.

Edited by DarcnyssWolfe
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On 5/27/2016 at 5:40 PM, kkinnison said:

So hysteria is now useless against nullifier bubbles.  and Valkyr under hysteria has to find a quiet place now to let off her steam.

Not only is the Energy drain increased, you also have to recast it more now.

So i assume DE just wants us all to quit warframe altogether. This nerf is ridiculous. Keep pvp and pve seperate, because DE ruined a great frame. 

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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1 hour ago, DarthValkyr said:

Woah woah woah, did ripline get nerfed or something? What are you guys talking about? Do I need to change my name to DarthNerfed or something?

It no longer has the momentum it once had. Once one could cover the whole length of the corpus dam tileset (massive map with the two bridges and rock formation in the center). Now you can barely reach from one bridge to the other WITH aim glide assistance. Those are the extremes of its use but you can understand just how much the mobility Nerf brought to you by Lunaro aka "PvP screwing PvE", has effected rip line. Where before you'd launch straight to where you aimed, now your only slightly pulled, requiring multiple castings to reach the distance you once could cover in a single use.

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2 hours ago, DarcnyssWolfe said:

It no longer has the momentum it once had. Once one could cover the whole length of the corpus dam tileset (massive map with the two bridges and rock formation in the center). Now you can barely reach from one bridge to the other WITH aim glide assistance. Those are the extremes of its use but you can understand just how much the mobility Nerf brought to you by Lunaro aka "PvP screwing PvE", has effected rip line. Where before you'd launch straight to where you aimed, now your only slightly pulled, requiring multiple castings to reach the distance you once could cover in a single use.

First Hysteria now rip line whats next warcry??

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I've been mulling over the current state of Valkyr and I've come up with the following rework idea. Yes, this would have to be a full rework, as it centers around the idea of turning Hysteria into almost a second form, a mode which changes two of her other powers. Also, toss Paralysis. It's kind of a white elephant of a power, so just get rid of it. I'm under no illusions as to the kind of work this would be for the devs, but hey, aim high, right?

Hysteria: I'll start here, since it's the linchpin of the whole concept. As I see it, and others have mentioned, it's that one expensive niche build that prompted all the changes. I get it, as I find the idea of perma-invulnerability boring as hell, but the changes done to prevent it really messed things up for the rest of us who didn't use it. My take on this is two-fold, one, make that time spent in Hysteria somewhat independent of Energy so we can use energy on other powers, and two, make it so there's a reason to not be in Hysteria all the time by giving it a passive component when it's off.

Step the first: give Hysteria it's own secondary resource. For the purposes of this topic, let's call it "Tantrum" as a placeholder. Tantrum starts at zero, and increases as Valkyr does and receives damage, and a small amount based on affinity gained from allies (so you can still gain Tantrum when some party pooper Ash or Ember is with you), so long as Hysteria is not active. If there is anything in the Tantrum-meter, you can activate Hysteria (which would still have an energy cost, but back to pre-Lunaro levels), but when Tantrum hits zero you're dumped out, or if you run out of energy, as always.

The trick with Tantrum is that it doesn't drain in the standard sense. Instead, it's an indicator of how long you have until you drop out of Hysteria if your combo meter is empty (not kills, as Valkyr shouldn't be penalized by tough enemies or bosses; it's kinda her thing). For example, if you activate Hysteria with a full bar of Tantrum, you'd have, say, 7 seconds to get to killing, then when you kill the clock would reset, but since Tantrum has drained a bit, you have 6.7 seconds, then 6.2, 5.6...that meter, and thus that timer, drains even when you're fighting. Tantrum can't be gained while in Hysteria, so you'll eventually get to an empty meter and get kicked out of it when you lose your combo. But so long as there's still stuff to hit and you still have energy you can keep going. Tantrum ticks down slower with efficiency, and the drop timer increases with duration.

As a little sort of team benefit, it might be cool to have enemies more likely to target Valkyr when she's in Hysteria. A little passive damage mitigation for the rest of the team, even if it'd be a bit random.

Part deux: How to make Hysteria useful when it's off? I was thinking about a built in effeciency boost that extends somewhat to teammates. I'm not sure, and it's a tricky one to balance because I think it should be a team benefit, but not such a huge one that it'll be something your team counts on and gets mad at you for losing when you activate Hysteria.

Finally, I think the invulnerablity of Hysteria should activate at the start of the animation rather than the end. It is kind of a panic button, so it feels to me like it should be safe to activate when you're surrounded. Right now, there's nothing in Warframe more disappointing to me than getting knocked down while try to activate a power that'd keep me from getting knocked down. It just doesn't feel good.


Ripline: I'm a fan of this power, just because it's fun. I do think the devs should shoehorn the old momentum boost back into it, however, because that was so damn fun, and clearly doesn't effect Lunaro.

I also think it needs to have enough damage as a single target power to be worthwhile to cast just for that, as well as dragging Valkyr to targets she can't yank (such as bosses), so she can still use it to get close to them.

While Hysteria is active, however, Ripline changes into a different mobility power, let's call it "Pounce" to go with the kitty theme. It's a pretty simple leap-to-target-and-maul. Finisher damage to one target, and it serves the utility of getting Valkyr into a new group of mobs and helping to keep that combo meter up.


Warcry: Doesn't need much, really, just scale the armour buff better (especially for the team, so it's real benefit), roll that brief stun from Paralysis into Warcry, and let us recast it to refresh the duration or hit a new group of enemies with the stun/slow, and I think it'd be excellent.


Paralysis Riplash: Always wondered why that ripline wasn't used more, and I think this might be a good way to get that done, as well as to give Valkyr a little more consistent PBAoE outside of Hysteria. Just a simple 360 PBAoE twirling whip style power: damage. stagger and chance of knockdown. For added fun, synergize with the stun and slow from Warcry for increased damage, as well as increased chances for stagger and knockdown. Channeled ability, it should be able to be activated while sliding and in the air, and once Valkyr is on her feet she could walk (aim pace) while channeling it.

In Hysteria, it bring back the old pull funtionality of Ripline, except more like a whole group in a narrow cone, but like Mag's Pull. Damage would be reduced, but so would energy cost, in order to balance and help conserve energy.


That's my idea of how to help make Valkyr fun and relevant again. Hope it at least gives some of you something to ponder for a bit. :)

Edited by (XB1)iDEATH
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Since i stopped playing Valkyr lets do it right. 

Nerf warcry because come on its OP with Fragor prime. 

Nerf #3 because...... well its the only one left that didn't get nerfed 

Now that there are Cats in Warframe, you don't need a warframe that imitates a cat. Instead lets turn her into hydroid but 10x more useless.

before i forget nerf her heath to 50 and armor to 1, because she is a all out frame right? hm..... please add if anyone has any more suggestions. these nerfs need to happen #LetsDoItRight #letsMakeValkryUselessAgain #NerfValkyr #WhyDoPeopleHateValkyr #NoBodyLikesYouEverybodyHatesYou


probably will get a ticket for this but seriously I stopped playing valkyr. Nullifers are too strong now, Survival is pretty much dead (makes you wonder did you really need to nerf Valkyr when you can't even do enless void runs to get prime parts) no reason to play her. there are 10x better frames that do the thing she does better than her. 

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