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Syndicate Melee - What weapons do you want?


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I really, really want a Vaykor Atterax, but I think we'll probably get Vaykor Ack and Brunt, or Vaykor Jet Kitty. I'd be fine with either of those.


DE have an amazing opportunity to create a modern Nikana variant which comes sorta close to the Nikana Prime, by creating a Telos Nikana. However, they're going to make Telos Boltace. Everyone knows it, no-one wants it, it's what they're going to make.


The sun will rise in the east. Waves will pound the sand. The Arbiter melee weapon will be Boltace.

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6 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I really, really want a Vaykor Atterax, but I think we'll probably get Vaykor Ack and Brunt, or Vaykor Jet Kitty. I'd be fine with either of those.


DE have an amazing opportunity to create a modern Nikana variant which comes sorta close to the Nikana Prime, by creating a Telos Nikana. However, they're going to make Telos Boltace. Everyone knows it, no-one wants it, it's what they're going to make.


The sun will rise in the east. Waves will pound the sand. The Arbiter melee weapon will be Boltace.

Atterax would be my top pick too but yeah, cant go wrong with Jat and Ack!

Personally I dont want another Nikana. Nikana prime is crazy good and new still. But for the love of Lotus -we all hate boltace. They cant possible be dumb enough to... Sigh, they are. Arbeiters of hexis, gl in trade chat xD

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Mmm, there's only one in general I'm interested in and that's some special form of Atterax.

More specifically, I'd like to see a Vaykor Atterax and a Rakta Machete--the latter preferably with a new stance or at least a revision to the lame default attack.

An ether blade variant would be cool, but I'd really rather hold out for something like Dual Ether Prime, but any of them would also be welcome.


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11 hours ago, Lucernam said:

Wouldn't it make more sense for the melee weapons be the ones they have mods for? Dual Cleavers for Steel Meridian, Kestrel for Suda...

This actually makes the least sense. Why do this when you can just use the original weapon and augment?

Vaykor Hek was a mistake IMO. 

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On 5/30/2016 at 8:19 PM, PsychedelicSnake said:

I just want a Vaykor Jat Kittag.

Wait when did you become a Mod? Who went crazy? Is the world ending? :P

On topic, I really have no preference for syndicate melee wep I just need it already! I gotta have a full complement of Steel gear.

Edited by Echoa
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1 hour ago, kkinnison said:

I think Steve said he was going to give them weapons that most people don't use


On 31/05/2016 at 11:58 AM, HEVCaliber said:

I want a Vaykor Machete.


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I would kill for a Telos Boltace. The Boltace was my favorite melee weapon for a long time before I ultimately decided that it just wasn't getting the job done, so I'm all for a buffed version.

A Rakta Heat Dagger would be solid if it didn't suck, though a syndicate proc would have a negative effect on its actual value as a stealth weapon.

The biggest item on my wish list is a Vaykor Triple Grakata, possibly styled after a three-section staff or the Glaive (Graive).

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Vaykor Halikar and Telos Magistar. Jat Kittag is good enough on it's own. There should be more love to weapons that are barely getting any use.

If Vaykor Halikar were a thing, it should say in it's codex about how something is about to be liberated if one saw its flight.

I know Telos Boltace is very likely to be a thing. I do like the weapon, but it doesn't scream Judgment and Truth. Magistar is designed around it.

Look at the Codex Description:


The Magistar Mace wields justice and truth in the form of bone crushing blows.

Its name also fits the Arbiter's theme of mastery through discipline and truth. Magistar derived from the Latin magister, which means master, or teacher.

Maces are used by many modern parliaments and universities for ceremonies.

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I wonder if the Venka would fit best as Red Veil? Blight is a good syn proc.

But what would be nice is having a skin like how Brokk works, changing stats with look. Something along the lines of adding Puncture, for less Slash maybe? Or add minor Punch Through that the cost Channeling maybe? I dunno what would be a solid compromise, but at least having them look more like Wolverines claws would be nice!


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5 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I wonder if the Venka would fit best as Red Veil? Blight is a good syn proc.

But what would be nice is having a skin like how Brokk works, changing stats with look. Something along the lines of adding Puncture, for less Slash maybe? Or add minor Punch Through that the cost Channeling maybe? I dunno what would be a solid compromise, but at least having them look more like Wolverines claws would be nice!


I disagree, I think Brokk and Manticore should be split from being skins to become their own weapons. Remove stats from skins, not add them m

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10 minutes ago, KinetosImpetus said:

I disagree, I think Brokk and Manticore should be split from being skins to become their own weapons. Remove stats from skins, not add them m

Hmm... sure, at least s'more MR fodder, right!

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Lately I've begun to understand the appeal for a Rakta Karyst, and now I see it would have a lot of potential.

My only condition would be that it would have to be good even without Covert Lethality.  Otherwise it'd be just another dagger with toxin fireworks.

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17 minutes ago, p_ar7hur said:

Lately I've begun to understand the appeal for a Rakta Karyst, and now I see it would have a lot of potential.

My only condition would be that it would have to be good even without Covert Lethality.  Otherwise it'd be just another dagger with toxin fireworks.

Yup. Make it a crit dagger. We don't have one of those yet. 

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30 minutes ago, maximum43 said:

DE said in Devstream 67 that they love the idea of making the syndicate melee weapons the least used types. Daggers and Scythes were mentions quite a few times.

It's a perfect idea. Players who don't like those types get one weapon of said type which they can enjoy which helps with variety. Players who like those types get a new good weapon which already fits their tastes with mechanics they are already accustomed to. Everybody wins.

With that said, I want a Sancti Bo.

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