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State of Opticor / possible changes


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Fellow Tenno,

I apologize in advance if this has been asked before, but most topics about this are ancient so here I am.

Weapons masters, am I the only one who feels Opticor to be underwhelming ? This is supposed to be a BFG of Warframe, be all end all.

Apart from having unreliable both Status and Crit, given how it´s not a continuous beam weapon, or being slow (disregard fire rate mods, it´s still a one shot weapon), it only shines....in theory.

I have tried various builds, both full damage, crit build, status build, mixed builds, it just doesn´t add up.


Specifically, I am talking about higher levels. We all know how ludicrous armor scaling is, and with its massive puncture damage /add elemental, it falls off, hard.

Shouldn´t this weapon be on par with more stronger weapons ? (not going to name them for obvious reasons).


Proposition, and this is only my opinion so please no hate, you are welcome to give your views on Opticor and how you imagine this weapon should work.

Make it a beam weapon, a continuous one, like Gammacor. Range could be reduced down to that of Gammacor as well, which is more than enough.

Since it would be a continuous weapon, and retaining stats or losing some of it, ammo expenditure should be HUGE to compensate for it´s massive damage.


Just an idea. Share your ideas Tenno.

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making Opticor a Beam Continuous Weapon would be making a new Weapon.
so make a new Weapon.

and Opticor deals about the same Damage as a Bow. i'm not going to entertain the inevitable 'but it should deal 1,000,000 Damage because raisons!'.

Edited by taiiat
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1 minute ago, taiiat said:

making Opticor a Beam Weapon would be making a new Weapon.
so make a new Weapon.

and Opticor deals about the same Damage as a Bow. i'm not going to entertain the inevitable 'but it should deal 1,000,000 Damage because raisons!'.

And this is helping how ? I don´t follow.

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Just now, Zealotux said:

And this is helping how ? I don´t follow.

i could say the same for wanting to make a completely new Weapon with one that already exists. as it is now it's not even remotely close to a Continuous Weapon.
making it into one is a waste of Development Time because Digital Extremes would rather make a new Weapon at that point.

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I'd much rather the Opticor actually hold the charge instead of immediately firing when the charging cycle is complete. Like, you know, fully drawn bows do. I'd like to aim and actually make the weapon worthwhile. Because I like BFGs and blowing S#&$ up. It would also make it a bit of an alternative to Tonkor (even though it probably won't).

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I think all they need to do is to make the beam hitbox bigger, and maybe make the AoE a little wider.

The Opticor really doesn't need help damage-wise, I'm using a full firerate build and it's already pretty damn good. I'm sure people that don't mind the long charge ( or just love that slow BFG feel. Or both. ) can get higher numbers.

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6 minutes ago, taiiat said:

i could say the same for wanting to make a completely new Weapon with one that already exists. as it is now it's not even remotely close to a Continuous Weapon.
making it into one is a waste of Development Time because Digital Extremes would rather make a new Weapon at that point.

It´s perfectly understandable what I was trying to say, meanwhile from your first post I have no idea, not even closely what you meant, and even though english is not my native I think of myself having a good enough reading comprehension to understand what´s going on.

Title is State of Opticor and what is wrong with it and possible fixes. Don´t bring other weapons in this topic please if you aren´t going to give an idea on how it could be improved.

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2 minutes ago, Aeruhat said:

I'd much rather the Opticor actually hold the charge instead of immediately firing when the charging cycle is complete. Like, you know, fully drawn bows do. I'd like to aim and actually make the weapon worthwhile. Because I like BFGs and blowing S#&$ up. It would also make it a bit of an alternative to Tonkor (even though it probably won't).

One of possible improvements over current state of this weapon, yes. Good thought.

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Some logic and QoL fixes, plus a small boost for lulsiness and fun factor:

  • Opticor holds charge like a bow for better aiming and control.
  • Opticor still creates AoE explosion on direct hit. 
  • Slightly more damage on an uncharged shot + knockback / ragdolling like sonicor to allow a better balance between CC and terrible damage. 
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I don't really understand what problems you have with the opticor, mine works fine in endgame missions in sorties. Mine is a status/crit build and I usually take out 1/3~1/2 of an enemies health when doing sorties if not killing the more lightly armored ones.

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1 hour ago, MegatronG1 said:

I don't really understand what problems you have with the opticor, mine works fine in endgame missions in sorties. Mine is a status/crit build and I usually take out 1/3~1/2 of an enemies health when doing sorties if not killing the more lightly armored ones.

I like how mine works since I have a decent build for it, it's just whenever I charge up and can't aim because moving mobs like evading too fast out of my firing range that frustrates me, which is why I'd like for it to at least hold the charge until I let go of the fire button.


Mobs obviously don't like being booped by my Opticor, which is why I had to retire it unless I'm actually wanting to take it back out for a spin.

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Some of the suggestions made me chuckle. ^^

From what I have seen so far, two things would make it better. Ability to hold down fire, same as bows, and more crit chance, right ?

We all agree that crit chance on this thing is unreliable ?

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I think the firing mechanism should change: let it be used as a semi-automatic rifle (with a 10-15 round mag) and as a charged rifle (as is now), don't make us charge it till atleast 1/3 of the circle to be able to fire it. Also the charging time should be lower like 1.5-2s instead of 2.5s and maybe when it's fully charged it should start loading/adding another round the the charge, pretty much like the staticor does (this could be bound to the the alternate fire key, so it wouldn't start loading another round if you don't want to).

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i would agree only with the hitbow, but i don't have any problem with it, sometimes i can overwhelm the damage outpot of other players using opticor and oberon (against allies with OP warframes and automatic weapons) in def t4 beggining from round 30

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On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 10:13 PM, taiiat said:

making Opticor a Beam Continuous Weapon would be making a new Weapon.
so make a new Weapon.

and Opticor deals about the same Damage as a Bow. i'm not going to entertain the inevitable 'but it should deal 1,000,000 Damage because raisons!'.

Does as much damage as a bow, that's true, but........:

1. Fires twice as slow (after adding 2 fire rate mods, Shred + Vile Acceleration);

2. Linked to 1, no innate punch through so Shred is required (even so, crap against crowds due to inexistent fire rate and useless aoe mechanic);

3. Has to reload often, which is pretty painful.

There are many weapons far better, and those are not even the greatest. Take Lanka for example. It's a similar weapon, only that it does twice the damage and has twice the fire rate, an arguably 4 times better weapon. And Lanka is not even that great. So yeah, Opticor is cool, but weak AF.

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12 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


and everyone that whines about that, their 'solution' is either 'make it charge in 0.01 sec' or 'make it do a million Damage'.
and since Lanka does the second highest Damage of all Weapons in the game w/ Punch-Through, it's 'that great'.

when those of us that actually give constructive criticism, day 1 wanted it's beam to have width to it, so that you could hit an area of ~1m*1m*infinite.

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5 minutes ago, taiiat said:

and everyone that whines about that, their 'solution' is either 'make it charge in 0.01 sec' or 'make it do a million Damage'.
and since Lanka does the second highest Damage of all Weapons in the game w/ Punch-Through, it's 'that great'.

when those of us that actually give constructive criticism, day 1 wanted it's beam to have width to it, so that you could hit an area of ~1m*1m*infinite.

So just because Lanka is a 'great' weapon (right, look at all the "sniper weapons suck'' threads), then Opticor is okay being a crap weapon? Remember the building costs of both from the Energy Labs? Opticor is not supposed to be a lower tier weapon.

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Pre-sniper Lanka Buff the Opticor basically mocked the Lanka.

Lanka is prerequisite for Opticor Energy Lab research wise, yet crafting wise Lanka is higher MR prerequisite.

Opticor's firing mechanics being changed would probably be the most beneficial so someone can open up with a held charge.

The Opticor be having width would be the best QoL change to be implemented to the weapon.

I don't see DE adding innate-punchthrough because of the Opticor's built-in AoE splash damage (Firestorm capable)

One could argue Lanka is the Corpus Punc-through charge Weapon*

As mentioned earlier if Fire-rate and Punch-through are the disadvantages one has with weapon, luckily Shred can assist to address both issues with 1 rather than 2 mod slots. (InB4 Primed Shred gets released*)

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