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Baro Ki'Teer 17/06/2016 and Primed Pressure Point [Megathread]


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24 minutes ago, Wynn said:

Did my post really need to be moved to here, I've been making a list post for everyone since the trader been in.

the moderator just took EVERY post about today's baro ki teer and merged them as "megathread" even if they aren't related at all.

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56 minutes ago, Krazymace said:

As the wiki says, the regular variant of Pressure Point increases by 20% per rank, max of 120% at rank 5. Primed versions of mods are increased by said mods stats. The primed pressure point is only at 165% max at rank 10, when it should be at least 220% as it's supposedly going off of the regular variants stats. But because it's 165% it's going off of the damaged variants stats. 

Does this mean that primed pressure point damaged then? If so, then why not say that rather than saying it's the primed version of the regular variant?

Nope. Damaged Pressure Point is still 20% per rank (limit 3 ranks). 

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)Agent_CHAR said:

The standard of primed damage mods giving +165% is well set.  Point Blank, Heavy trauma, Heated Charge and so on.  The mod that is inconsistent is the normal pressure point, which by cost and ranking should top out at +90% (same as point blank).

Be happy that you've enjoyed an extra +30% for all these years and stop complaining that DE has FINALLY started to use some consistency with mods.

That's not how consistency or even logic works. All the different weapon types had different gains on their damage mods for a reason (namely being different types). The ones you listed merely coincide in a 15% gain per rank, just like their non-Primed variants. Also, mods for specific damage types have nothing to with this anyway unless you want all the dual stat mods to have 90% damage increase as well because it'd be 'consistent'. It's just a copy and paste, nothing more.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

They give us something we've been asking for...for a while, but we know that DE intends to take mods like this away within a year.

It feels dirty, imo.

Okay, that's just BS that you're blaming DE for this. If WE (the playerbase) have been asking for it, KNOWING FULL WELL THAT DAMAGE MODS WILL EVENTUALLY BE REMOVED, it's not a dirty move on DE's part, they're just giving us what we asked for. It's sheer stupidity for people to still be asking for it AFTER they announced the removal of such mods with Damage 3.0.

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10 minutes ago, Krazymace said:

So then why is the damage of a rank 5 (maxed) pressure point 120% but the primed variant at rank 5 is 90%?

because apparently a +220% damage mod is too powerful.

Edited by DJ_SkruLoose
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1 minute ago, DJ_SkruLoose said:

because apparently a +220% damage mod is too powerful.

+220% when it is only when it is maxed, which is roughly 528 R5 cores and over one million credits to max said primed mod. If they just told us it was damaged or something of the sort I'd be more fine with that rather than just telling us it's a primed version of the regular variant.

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

I love people who make assumptions with 0 evidence, you're always wrong. It's pretty damn funny.

I use melee a ton, I just don't go for the Shadow Step/Crit weapon meta. I use the Kronen or the Twin Basolk or whatever else takes my fancy at the time. I play for fun, not for the optimal loadout.

2 things though:

1) Way way outside the realms of balanced content and therefore completely ridiculous trying to use it in a rational argument.

2) Only way to get that far is using certain melee weapons, since these certain melee weapons aren't representative of the entire class it's a moot point.

You literally just proved me right.

1) you admit you don't use the powerful meta melee builds. that's fine, but then your experience does not indicate how strong melee is.

2) My point about T4 survival is that melee is clearly longer-lasting then the sancti tigris, despite your misleading numbers.

3) you are NOT restricted to certain melee weapons, many weapons are capable of this, including non-crit weapons like the lesion.

4) comparing base damages between shotguns (especially the Tigris) and melee is pointless. Melee is much stronger than it's base damage makes it sound, due to numerous multipliers that skilled melee users take advantage of. You didn't even include the stance multipliers!

For that matter, most of the melee weapons in the game are capable of being relevant on a sortie 3 survival. I'd call that pretty powerful.


1 hour ago, Monsterwithin said:

DE please, buff Primed Pressure Point, and don't make Primed Fury, a Primed Disappointment.

So, off topic, but the other day I was at work, right? Boss calls me in, says "You're getting a raise." Now, I wasn't expecting one, wasn't supposed to get one, didn't even feel like I needed one. For that matter, I'd been wondering if I was being payed too much, you know? But he gives me one, and I said "ONLY 15% more?!?! AND I have to fill out some paperwork to get it?!?! Is this a JOKE!?!?!"


Aren't we all being a bit silly about this? PPP is fine. We didn't even need it!

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6 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

So, off topic, but the other day I was at work, right? Boss calls me in, says "You're getting a raise." Now, I wasn't expecting one, wasn't supposed to get one, didn't even feel like I needed one. For that matter, I'd been wondering if I was being payed too much, you know? But he gives me one, and I said "ONLY 15% more?!?! AND I have to fill out some paperwork to get it?!?! Is this a JOKE!?!?!"

More like, you are getting a 15% raise. But you now have to do 3 times more work. Enjoy!

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3 minutes ago, DJ_SkruLoose said:

because apparently a +220% damage mod is too powerful.

Like Hornet Strike? It's actually not and while I not agree with the introduction of the mod in any form whatsoever, they should've simply done it that way. In its current state, the cost needs to be reduced to make up for the lesser gain per rank but oh well. That would've been like five minutes of work which makes you wonder if the 'comical' moment on the Dev Stream was really all that comical after all.

For reference, Primed Point Blank gave 39.47% more damage than its normal counterpart while Primed Pressure Point only nets you 20.45% more.


8 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Aren't we all being a bit silly about this? PPP is fine. We didn't even need it!

Its way of implementation is the silly part, really. I'd even go that far that its bottom-right spot at the Void Trader is evident for a last-minute addition but that'd be even sillier, right? Therefore, your analogy lacks the unlogical higher cost for less damage on certain ranks.


2 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

I love these people.

In the spirit of said analogy, yes, 'have to', since his boss won't be all that pleased to see that he only wants the raise without doing the additional work (aka not paying the additional mod cost).

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Prices are much more reasonable than in the previous 5-10 rotations. Given the recent nerfs (warframe powers and movement), still would like to see prices drop further. For example, 100 ducats for each of the cosmetic offerings.

Nice to see Primed Pressure Point thrown in. It's definitely something that will give players a morale boost after the recent strings of nerf and salt. 

I don't agree with those who say that having Primed Pressure Point will break the game. All primed mods will eventually make a return, so not all is lost. If anything, the more power to the Tenno, the better it will be against their enemies.

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40 minutes ago, rngd444 said:

 All the different weapon types had different gains on their damage mods for a reason

Yes, the reason is DE extremely inconsistent.


41 minutes ago, rngd444 said:

 Also, mods for specific damage types have nothing to with this anyway unless you want all the dual stat mods to have 90% damage increase as well because it'd be 'consistent'.

LOL, way to just make crap up.  I want 90% elements to be, well you know, 90%.  All of them - there  was a time not so long ago when they were not all 90%.  I want all 60% dual status mods to be 60%.  That is consistent.

What isn't consistent is the base damage mods.  Serration a rank 10 for 165%.  Hornet strike a rank 10 for 220%.  Point Blank a rank 5 for 90%.  Pressure point a rank 5 for 120%.  Please tell me the "reason" for this.

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4 minutes ago, rngd444 said:

In the spirit of said analogy, yes, 'have to', since his boss won't be all that pleased to see that he only wants the raise without doing the additional work (aka not paying the additional mod cost).

Thanks for mentioning the mod cost. I nearly forgot that it also requires 5 more mod points thus won't fit on most melees without an extra forma. So even more work and investments XD

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1 minute ago, rngd444 said:

Its way of implementation is the silly part, really. I'd even go that far that its bottom-right spot at the Void Trader is evident for a last-minute addition but that'd be even sillier, right? Therefore, your analogy lacks the unlogical higher cost for less damage on certain ranks.

Actually, it's bottom right corner location is a sign that it wasn't supposed to be released at all, as confirmed during the dev stream. This is partly why it's silly to criticize DE for it, since it wasn't supposed to be in the game at all.

As for it's unlogical higher cost for less damage on certain ranks, efficiency just isn't the point of primed mods. The point is you put a lot of resources into it and get a bit more out of your build as a result. They aren't in the game as a new-player-friendly tool that uses few resources but gives a huge buff, We have dual-stat mods for that. Primed mods are like that last forma on your 7-forma build, It doesn't get you much, and it requires a lot of work, but you do it because that way your build is just a *little* bit better and you know that it's maxed.


22 minutes ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

More like, you are getting a 15% raise. But you now have to do 3 times more work. Enjoy!

More cores? Sure. But it's a one time thing, not an on-going commitment. It costs 2 more capacity on a polarized slot, but other than that once you've ranked it you're done. And anyway, see the above argument. It's supposed to be more expensive.

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3 hours ago, Prinny13 said:

Make no sense, why give us a mod that boost our damage only to nerf it later?

And it only increase the damage by 45% too, why DE, shouldn't it be around 200% - 240%?

it should be 220%. Primed mods, up until now, followed the formula of doubling the stats minus one level. So yes, the damage buff is very low compared to what it should have been if it followed the previous patterns

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You know... its pretty funny.

I come here, and about 90% of the posts are complaint oriented, but in different ways. We got those that are saying its no good, should do better damage, or cost less. Got those that are saying this is OP, Melee doesn't need more of a buff. Some are here just to complain.

I personally like this. Its not that great of a damage boost, but a slight one. Making it cost less then it does currently won't change much now will it? See that Forma in your inventory? You would need to use it on your weapon still if you wanted all mod slots used even if the cost was 2 points lower.

Remember, Melee was not in the most useful way before. Then we got Blood Rush and Shadow Step, then suddenly people said Melee is OP.... Melee is subjective to a few things, and the right situation. These are things that help bring people to using Melee, to perhaps break them away from using certain ranged weapons.

This is a mod that will be only available for a while, disappear, then reappear later, for those who were not able to get it before, to get it then, and remember, Primed Mods are meant as a reward for those who are in endgame, those that have the resources, or can get the resources. Anyone given the time can get to endgame.

Primed Serration and Primed Hornet Strike are likely non existent since they are already rank 10 max mods.

I do not think that having so called Mandatory mods is a bad thing, since there is still plenty of room for mod diversity... just not so much when it comes to Sniper Rifles... bit more limited there. Basically there are those that like straight up damage, those that like status, and also utility. The concept of having these mods, means something for new players to work for at first, and they aren't that hard to get. In fact, technically Vitality, Redirection, Steel Fiber, Vigor/Primed Vigor, and Quick Thinking are all mandatory mods, but which ones you take usually depend on which frame you take. If Damage 3.0 is to exist, then I would severely hope that DE fixes enemy scaling, and makes our weapons that would be considered underpowered/useless (the Seer, and those that are only slightly better then the Seer) better, but knowing that by doing that, there comes an issue. We have access to a large amount of weapons to choose from... so would the only difference be the name between two weapons?

For the record, my main melee weapon is the Galatine, and yes, I have a Scindo Prime and the War. Currently no Blood Rush on it, and is always fun when I accidentally activate Shadow Step (forgot to swap Primary School's).


Edited by (PS4)skydrive
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1 hour ago, Bibliothekar said:

I guess they did the same here as they did with Primed Pistol Gambit that only gives 17% increase per rank instead of 20% like its regular version, to keep it at least a bit in check.

but pistol gambit cost 2 energy less at max lvl, so it was easier to slot in, PPP is full cost for 25% less performance

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Agent_CHAR said:

Yes, the reason is DE extremely inconsistent.


LOL, way to just make crap up.  I want 90% elements to be, well you know, 90%.  All of them - there  was a time not so long ago when they were not all 90%.  I want all 60% dual status mods to be 60%.  That is consistent.

What isn't consistent is the base damage mods.  Serration a rank 10 for 165%.  Hornet strike a rank 10 for 220%.  Point Blank a rank 5 for 90%.  Pressure point a rank 5 for 120%.  Please tell me the "reason" for this.

I was just doing the same thing you did, namely comparing stuff where it doesn't make sense to do so. And I already told you as to why they have different values, simply because they are different weapon types. If there's any glimpse of balancing going on while releasing new weapons, they're most likely do it with those mods in mind and they'd have to adjust the damage of all weapons to make something consistent that doesn't even needs to be (unless you'd want to remove said mods).

Do you want the same Multishot values for all weapons as well to nerf the Secondaries' Status potential? You're omitting a lot out of the equation with your claim, e.g. other damage mods like Blaze or Heavy Caliber which are all having a different impact depending on the values of the normal damage mod for the respective weapon because of diminishing returns.

I'm by no means saying the current numbers should be set in stone or are right but you won't balance the game just by having 'consistent' numbers on some mods.


56 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Actually, it's bottom right corner location is a sign that it wasn't supposed to be released at all, as confirmed during the dev stream. This is partly why it's silly to criticize DE for it, since it wasn't supposed to be in the game at all.

As for it's unlogical higher cost for less damage on certain ranks, efficiency just isn't the point of primed mods. The point is you put a lot of resources into it and get a bit more out of your build as a result. They aren't in the game as a new-player-friendly tool that uses few resources but gives a huge buff, We have dual-stat mods for that. Primed mods are like that last forma on your 7-forma build, It doesn't get you much, and it requires a lot of work, but you do it because that way your build is just a *little* bit better and you know that it's maxed.

Wait, it's silly to criticise them for not having a general view of their doing? That's just stupid. Further, you're splitting hairs there as it doesn't matter if it was last-minute or not supposed to be released at all (or perhaps both?), the result is a sloppy one either way.

You don't even have to defend their mess-up. If anything, they should've just done it like they did before on Primed Pistol Gambit where they adjusted the cost accordingly to prevent exactly the arised problem. And no worries, the mod would still be expensive while not being inferior to the normal counterpart on lower ranks (hilarious how R7 has to be referred to as a low rank here) in the process.

Edited by rngd444
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3 hours ago, rngd444 said:

Like Hornet Strike? It's actually not and while I not agree with the introduction of the mod in any form whatsoever, they should've simply done it that way. In its current state, the cost needs to be reduced to make up for the lesser gain per rank but oh well. That would've been like five minutes of work which makes you wonder if the 'comical' moment on the Dev Stream was really all that comical after all.

For reference, Primed Point Blank gave 39.47% more damage than its normal counterpart while Primed Pressure Point only nets you 20.45% more.

I was being sarcastic, should have put a "/s" after it.

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