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When I was a baby space ninja...


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I thought this game was singleplayer

I -almost- bought Oberon with platinum

I thought and was worried that it's impossible to die in this game

I bought the twilight colour palette


Your turn! (things you thought as a new player or did horribly wrong)


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I will tell you all a tale of great sadness and woe.

I traded my damaged equilibrium to a friend in return for some basic mods, because I didn't want it. Later, when I realized how rare it was, he said he'd give it back. "No problem," he says, "I wouldn't have taken it if I'd known how rare it was! Just wait till I get on next, and I'll give it back."  And then..., DE made them untradeable. Many cries were cried that day...

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3 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

I will tell you all a tale of great sadness and woe.

I traded my damaged equilibrium to a friend in return for some basic mods, because I didn't want it. Later, when I realized how rare it was, he said he'd give it back. "No problem," he says, "I wouldn't have taken it if I'd known how rare it was! Just wait till I get on next, and I'll give it back."  And then..., DE made them untradeable. Many cries were cried that day...


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picked loki as my starter and spent 30 minutes trying to use invisibility not realizing i had to equip it first, confused as to why my mk1 braton wouldn't level beyond 30 and wondering during jackal fight why it took all my ammo and he still wasnt dead took my second attempt to figure out hitting his leg lets me kill him.

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Bought a syadanna with my starting plat. Had no idea what Reactors and Catalysts were, let alone inventory slots. Made a dojo and bought forma to make a hallway so I could start building the labs,...WTF is a Oracle Room? Reactor Room? ... 24 hours later. 

Met friendly players who invited me to into their mountain clans early into the game. Nope, you are a warlord, no can do. Had no idea how alliances worked and that I had that option. Neither did they. 

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Joined the game without knowing anything and as many people do bought Syandana with starter plat since i had no idea what potatoes were :P, not even knowing from where to start so i joined the very first mission on the old starchart and met some people that explained to me in details how does the game actually work. (Builds - Dojo - Pros and Cons of weapons - Faction weaknesses - Elemental debuffs - Fusing - Transmutating - making credits - etc...)

Soon after that, they invited me to their clan, gifted me all the essential mods even the corrupted ones, some where unranked, some more maxed, then started to carry me through all planets even those that i didn't have access to.

I got accepted to the clan with open arms soon became their close buddy and we were daily grinding/farming for prime items - mods - fusion cores -etc.

Edited by PrimeDCookieMonstah
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I gave away either my first forma or catalyst or something really important because I didn't have a use for it in first week or two of playing

Thought rhino was best frame

Became best buddies with zanuka hunter, even had my own special corpus locker chair =D

Ignored the void and all of the things that are now in the void. Seriously, I had no understanding of what the fk the void was or what was in it and missed out on so much stuff that is all vaulted away now

Thought the game explained anything

Got a trinket thing from the grineer, didnt look all that nice though

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I played for a while then left and am now back again!  I couldn't figure out HOW to solo/finish the starting mission against Vor... didn't use mods or ANYTHING and was about level 20 when I finally attempted (did not do the mastery rank tests, so I had about 2 I still had to do haha)!  Was using Excal and felt that he died too much... didn't use abilities.  Didn't know what plat was so I held onto it (thankfully), but blew it on rushing my clan dojo key -_-


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