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When I was a baby space ninja...


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Still relatively new but to be honest I got lucky with meeting some good people early to help. I spent starter plat on Orokin Cells to build my Orthos Prime quicker (no regrets)


Probably the dumbest thing so far is not realising Fusion Cores level up mods. There I was throwing power mods into Vitality to try and boost it.

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7 minutes ago, PeggleFrank said:

I sold my Crimson Dervish for 5p right after the video about it came out and everyone wanted one. I used it for a bit and figured I could easily find another one.

To this day, I haven't found another Crimson Dervish. I'm also probably never going to. And hell, if I do, I'm keeping it.


EDIT: Also, a friend of mine rushed a bunch of dragon keys when I was teaching him about vault runs. I lost it.

Wow, this made me laugh a little. Is that okay?

I'll probably regret this... but... I suppose I can sell you one for 5p.  :)


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3 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Wow, this made me laugh a little. Is that okay?

I'll probably regret this... but... I suppose I can sell you one for 5p.  :)



Only if you've got spares, though. Or if you aren't planning on using it.

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4 minutes ago, PeggleFrank said:


Only if you've got spares, though. Or if you aren't planning on using it.

I have two spares. I messaged you, but you aren't online. I guess pm me if you get online soonish.


1 hour ago, (PS4)satsukixpenny said:

spent 90 plat on 30,000 credits

I think it's an insult that they even have this option in the market. They should remove it right away, and refund your plat. It is seriously the worst deal in warframe. It makes DE look like they're just hoping a new player will be tricked into thinking it's a good deal and waste their plat on it.

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When I was a baby space ninja, I had farmed R5 cores at Dark Sector Survivals(for quite awhile too) and thought I was a GENIUS for doing so. :D


Oh, how surprised and embarrassed I was, when I found out about Dark Sector Excavations such as Hieracon and Triton! (LOL)

Edited by NativeKiller
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This was really back when the game started out, i would create multiple account to test mag, excalibur and loki out. I get really jealous when i see a loki with 2 pistols running around, and there was this rhino who had shurikens and was super jealous back then. Worst mistake was to buy them with plat because i thought that was the only way to get those nice stuff :P

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Well ...

Bought revives for plat.

Stayed in Mercury for a VERY long time because I thought I should.

I thought Void was End Game,  so I stayed away from that for months.

Didn't rank up mods becasue.I completely missed the entire Mod-system. In fact I never even knew where it was when I was new.

Back then we didn't have no fancy tutorials,  no Ordis, no ship.

Thank the gods for the forum.

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I did a lot of crappy things.

Thought mods and forma were a waste of time and credits.

Started off with Volt

And this one tops it all.


I bought Nezha (who costs like 375p) because I saw the levels of sorties and thought it was super hard and endgame matieral. Had no idea he was tradable and costs like 50p. And had no idea majority of sorties are easy. And the worst part? 


I don't even like Nezha


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Some more stuff I forgot about. Let's see:

  • I put a bunch of forma into a dojo I was sharing with a few friends. The warlord permitted me to delete a few rooms so I could get my forma back, but it went into the clan vault instead. 48h completely wasted.
  • I wanted the galatine since day 1, but I didn't have the resources for it. I completely forgot that you can craft weapons, so I just kept using my lame Lex, Cernos, and Ether Sword, thinking that those weapons were the best I could get for the next 100-200 hours.
  • Here's a big one. I crafted my Ember Prime Chassis & Helmet a long time ago, back when Ember Prime was unvaulted. Just a few days ago, I put them up for trade on warframe.market. I got a buyer, but when I went to trade the parts to him, they weren't there. I figured I had to craft the BPs or something, so I apologized and went back to my foundry, and he said I could take my time. They were already built, and I told him I had no idea why I couldn't trade them. He told me I couldn't trade crafted parts. Completely defeated, I sold my parts to Baro because I figured I had no chance of ever building Ember Prime. Right after I sold them, I looked on the forums, and someone mentioned that DE would be doing a grand unvaulting sometime in the future.
  • I spent all the forma I ever got on my dojo. I still do, but I've been dedicating more forma to my personal loadout.
  • I traded some high-quality prime parts for a price much lower than what they were worth. I didn't care about being rich, so I just traded for however much platinum I needed. I remember selling something worth 20p for 8p, because I had 12p at the time and wanted 20p for a catalyst or something. That being said, those were also the fastest and easiest sales I've ever had.
  • I tried to trade at MR1.
  • I tried to trade with 0 credits. Luckily, this actually prevented me from getting scammed.
  • I accidentally agreed to buy something from someone when I meant to sell.
  • I tried to do a solo vault run. Once.
  • I built a clan treasury.
  • I spent all my credits on transmuting completely random mods.
  • I stayed away from the void, because I thought it was "end game."
  • I thought Excalibur was useless in high level missions.
  • I built Ash for range and efficiency, not because of bladestorm but because I thought teleport was cool. I ended up making a perfect bladestorm build purely by accident.
  • I tried to do stealth missions in pubs.
  • I didn't know the map showed you where the exit was, so I was always confused how everyone else got to extraction so quickly.
  • I farmed for high level mods at Apollodorus, because a bunch of other high-level people were there too. I think this is actually where I got Crimson Dervish, so I wasn't completely wrong.
  • I didn't realize that Fieldron and Fieldron Samples were different things, and the same for all the other resource components. I figured the rewards for those invasions were just typos.
  • I never bothered to pick up Oxium from ospreys I killed.
  • I used Thunderbolt on my bow because I thought it dealt crazy damage and was the main source of my DPS. This was back when I was doing Apollodorus. I carried it into T4 int/def missions, too.

More recently:

  • I stayed away from sorties because I thought they were too hard. Then I did the Eris Gift of the Lotus alert and kept my team afloat while also doing hella damage. They're really not that bad, and I've been missing out.
  • I installed a Vazarin lens on my Ash because I thought I could uninstall it or craft another one. I started crafting Mesa a few days later.
  • I thought Nitain was useless, so I never did alerts for it.

From a couple of my friends:

  • A friend of mine always marks and calls out every mod he finds. Usually, Vitality, bronze/silver fusion cores, and stance mods.
  • A friend of mine always does credit alerts, even though an excavation mission would probably net him 2-3x more than the alert.
  • A friend of mine invited me to a stalker farm without doing SD and without any stalker marks.
  • A friend of mine always marks control modules in the void because I told him green resources were rare. Despite this, he's never marked any neurodes on Lua.
  • A friend of mine took some of the platinum I gave him for his prime parts (I was buying them for ducats) and bought a noggle head. He didn't even buy Clem.
  • A friend of mine always runs. Never slides (tap slide). Never long jumps (slide double jump). Never bullet jumps. Just runs.
  • A friend of mine sets waypoints when he finds elevators and waits for the whole party before ascending. This is usually good, but he does this for all elevators, including the mini-elevators in those big halls in the void which you can bypass in two seconds with a bullet jump.
  • A friend of mine does a verbal countdown from 3 when opening two-person doors, because that's what I did when I found my first two-person door with him. In squads of 4, the other players usually run up and hit the panel for him.
  • A friend of mine is constantly blown away by every prime part he finds. I have to do a price check after every void mission we do to make sure it's junk, because he won't believe me otherwise.
  • A friend of mine put all his credits in the clan treasury, because he thought there'd be interest and he could withdraw later. On the bright side, I don't have to pay out of my pocket anymore for the hundreds of decorations I've put down. I actually did this same thing, but I wasn't expecting interest, and I didn't dump all my credits in there.
  • A friend of mine got hyped up about solar rails and solar rail conflicts. That's all.
  • A friend of mine continuously looks up outdated information, somehow finding outdated facts from the wiki itself and finding extremely old guides on gamefaqs, Steam, and other such places. He tried farming Ash parts (because he's seen me play and thinks Ash is fun, even though I just hit 4 and then go read the steam forums) on the Uranus boss. He didn't believe me when I said they don't drop there anymore, but after 1 run that took at least 20 minutes from both of us dealing minimal damage, he gave in. He wanted to do it again, though, because he read from another site that Ash parts could drop from the manics summoned by Tyl Regor. I told him they didn't drop Ash parts. Since then, he's tried to convince me to farm manics on Apollodorus. I don't actually know if they'll spawn, but if they ever do, I have a feeling he'll never want to farm anywhere else ever again.
  • A friend of mine put his Madurai lens on his mk1 paris because he thought he could uninstall it. I gave him a burston prime set a couple days before then. He's made a new paris in the meantime.
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The first thing I bought with starter plat was unlocking the color palette.


I thought taking Volt to 30 was the end all be all until I joined a clan and saw how ineffective my unranked mods and MK-1 weapons really were.


After my first trip to the void I knew I could never solo the void


By far the worst is my credit farm. I would bring my kubrow to unlock lockers and do low level exterminates. I would open and smash everything I could. It would net 10-16k per run and I thought this was the best way to amass credits...hours upon hours lost doing this.

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*My first frame was excalibur. I didn't know that excalibur had 4 skill and i kept using  his 1st skill only through my 40+ hours game. Then one day i accidently pressed 4 ...  

* Spent all my starting plat on orokin cells and neurodes. 

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Man, I don't remember much of my first few missions. I chose Loki as my starter frame because he looked edgy and immediately regretted it. he was squishy and thought his powers were boring and weak (LOL). After that I decided I needed to get a new warfrane right away so I bought some plat to get a frost because I heard he was a tank then realized that what I really wanted was a rhino..... So I bought I think and immediately fell in love with him. After many hours I bought me a nekros because of the edgyness (same mistake as Loki) and realized he was nothing of what I expected out of him. Funny thing is that till this day he is my most played warframe.

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I bought the nikana skin with my starter plat. (that's why it says "weapon not included" when buying a skin .-.)

I didn't know that you could improve mods until mastery 7.

I went to T1 void with my starter gear and got rekt.

The only reason I chose Excal as my starter frame is because it said "perfect for new players".

BONUS: Even today, MR15, I don't have all the skill-duration mods, meaning that my Loki Prime is useless.

EXTRA BONUS: I spent 600 plat on the Hunows Gift (or however it is called) just because my friend said "War is OP af"...he has a crit build and I have almost no crit mods.

RARE BONUS: The only reason I joined my clan is because I wanted a Nikana.

Edited by o0Despair0o
rare bonus, grammar
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