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Muscular Female Frame Anyone???


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2 hours ago, JRMC said:

The buff, destructive looking form that you are looking for is hardly achieved by women who maintain a healthy lifestyle. Their bodies are drastically different than men's, for obvious reasons, thus no woman ever looks like a male in terms of shape and size. The closest fit female frame you have is Valkyr with toned and accentuated muscles, but it doesn't really matter because it's nothing but a suit of armor, if you'd like to call it that.

P.S.: Weird fetish, bro.


Your think about the "average" body size. Muscle depends on how much mass the person has. More mass means more muscle can be made. Even then Warframes aren't humans. Male Seahorse give birth (not sure why) instead of the females. Or they could be like Argiope Appensa (garden spiders) where the females are largely bigger then the male. This could be apply to Warframes as well. It not crazy though.

9 minutes ago, Monsoon said:

A lot that I was going to say has already been said here, so I'll just be frank: DE should just do what they feel like doing. Once we start stifling and or trying to influence them by putting frames like these in for the sake of it's not really a far cry from just becoming SJWFrame. Not like DE would let things go that far, but I'd hate to see that happen anyway. I've got no problem with them taking ideas that the community suggested, but since it's been said earlier that muscle mass =/= muscle strength, and that idea is a stereotype in of itself it's pretty damn clear that this thread's basically asking for a certain body type to be put in the game for what can only be attributed to "Social Justice". Unless you just have a thing for this, no judgments here though. 

Besides, a muscular women like Zayra is unrealistic, very few women look like that/can potentially look like that. Based on what's in the OP, I'm pretty sure the reason why she was put into Overwatch in particular was to avoid negative stigma and controversy. Why try to argue out of it when you can simply just add a character to fix the problem permanently? To them it's probably not a big deal if Zayra was a male or female, but it really helps PR if they just make the character female for the sake of "body diversity". 

Frames are genderless anyway, why would you care whether it appears to be male or female? They're organic in a way, but they still are simply just conduits of void energy. They're living - but they're not really living at the same time. If you really want a muscular-looking female frame though, just look at the Nyx nemesis skin.

I'm glad there were people in this thread with the common sense to argue this. I'm sorry but using terms like MaFrame or FeFrame really doesn't give the right impression, at least in my opinion. 

Chill out, it was just a suggestion not a demand. The overwatch controversy was about the idea that body builds were unrealistically and the same. Seeing Overwatch is suppose to be UN government founding project. Am not going to cry about it and demanding for it. And it is true that it really has zero meaning to it and they shouldn't waste their time with it. But your forgetting the fact there isn't much difference between the females themselves (Ignoring the body builder idea).

All the females all fall into one or at most two categories at best. Either standard looking build like Nyx, or like Saryn taller and slightly bulky look. Not a lot more them don't have distinct features that make feel any more unqiue from each other. Its true, I would like to see bulky frame. But you can't really ignoring the fact about how the male frames look quite different from one and other. The number male and female frames are almost split in half. Yet, there only small hand of them that unqiue look to them. The ones I can name are Nova's back, Titania's Butterflies, Valkry's bonds, Mag's face, Mesa's side guns and that's all really. While there's Limbo's hat, Rhino and Volt cod piece, Oberon's robe, Ash's hidden blades, Frost cooler on his upper back and arms, Nezha's ring, Chroma's pelt and Wukong's tail. Honestly, in my opinion; the male frames knock it out the park with their own personal look. While FeFrames not as much. Personally, this really comes down to the concept artist of DE. They are the one who design the frames look, depending on eye of the beholder. So yah its quite subjective.

To be honest what annoyed me about your post the most is this line:

"I'm glad there were people in this thread with the common sense to argue this"

Again, its quite subjective. Everyone has there opinion and you have to learn to respect others even if you don't agree with it (well, how long it isn't board line offensive). And plus top it off I made sure it didn't go against the game's lore. Seeing how the Orokin design everything in symmetry and beauty. There are men out who are attracted to female body builders, not me personally. I just think its cool. But yah, its subjective and shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it.


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41 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

You know men and women like that spend like 8+ hours a day in a gym to stay that way... and the women tend to take testosterone supplements so they get that bulky (But even an average man can still be stronger). Like I've seen the world's "strongest" woman beaten by your average fit man at arm wrestling, big and bulky doesn't mean strong.

Uh, the pictures aren't even that bulky (those are powerlifters, not bodybuilders).

Anyway, only some athletes train 8+ hours (for cardiovascular and technique based sports, like running/swimming/basketball/badminton).

A powerlifters workout might take 1-3 hours. A person simply cannot break down their muscles for 8+ hours every day and make the same gainz.


Lorewise, DE can say that the warframe was over injected with strength enhancing technocyte infestation stuff or whatever.

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7 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

I wouldn't mind if they did, but they have no obligation to do so.  This is the same as asking for a fat Warframe.

Well, not really. Lore wise it wouldn't make sense. Even then when don't the warframes atonmy, it highly likely its completely different to humans. 

2 minutes ago, windywisp said:

 Lore before form.  I don't care if DE decides to make a two headed centaur frame as long as it's got an in universe reason to be a two headed centaur.

+1 Agreed

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12 minutes ago, sekate said:

Uh, the pictures aren't even that bulky (those are powerlifters, not bodybuilders).

Anyway, only some athletes train 8+ hours (for cardiovascular and technique based sports, like running/swimming/basketball/badminton).

A powerlifters workout might take 1-3 hours. A person simply cannot break down their muscles for 8+ hours every day and make the same gainz.


Lorewise, DE can say that the warframe was over injected with strength enhancing technocyte infestation stuff or whatever.

Nice choice of meme.

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*flexes sinewy lady muscles*

24 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

Well, not really. Lore wise it wouldn't make sense.

It's a video game, anything can make sense.

Fat Frame: It's big and bulky because it acts like a moving wall for its allies, being able to take tons of punishment. It can also carry more gear than the other Warframes, so it's like a mobile supply suit.

There, done, ship it.

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4 minutes ago, Cash4Cookies said:

just give us some sliders to actually customize our warframes for once. done.

everyone can look how they want, all happy.

I'd be fine with that, though it may drive crazy the person whos in charge of making sure stuff doesn't clip into each other lol.

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41 minutes ago, windywisp said:

 Lore before form.  I don't care if DE decides to make a two headed centaur frame as long as it's got an in universe reason to be a two headed centaur.

This is DE we're talking about here. Thus far, the MO for designing stuff has been function/form before lore. Even now with all the lore coming out, it's all designed around the mechanics and function of whatever system is tied to it.

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47 minutes ago, Monsoon said:


Well, yah. You do make a point. I don't really consider the nemesis skin because you have to buy it with real currency, Don't get me wrong, I want DE to continue on what they're doing but I don't see why they shouldn't really be immune to be criticise of their design. That's how warframe survived for so long. The made forums to listen to players' opinions and thoughts on certain topics. The Diriga nerf, everyone pretty much complained. I know it isn't the same but if they can't really take it. Then the game would had died out a long time ago. It strongly thrives on the community more then anything, and this can be said about most game but Warframe isn't a franchise. Rather it continues game that constantly gets updated.

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I guess the thing isn't as much that we need a muscular female warframe, as that female warframes currently have much less distinction between their body shapes. And there's no reason, either in lore, realism, or game successfulness, for the female warframes to be less distinct.

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3 minutes ago, Monsoon said:

Since they most likely will not put a bulky frame in for the sake of body types, maybe you could suggest a concept or theme that would make this body type a possibility? Sure you're pushing for that part of it, but suggesting a concept for a frame that will seem cool anyway won't hurt. But since they've done a lot of themes so far, what could you really suggest to fit that role? For example, the battle maiden/Valkyrie theme has already been done, and we got Valkyr. 

True. I would but I can't draw to save my life. I'll give it go tho and see it how it would come out.

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5 hours ago, Sixty5 said:

I'm gonna say no. Warframes are artificial constructs, they represent the design their creator envisioned, not the body of the user. 

Besides diversity for diversities sake is stupid, I don't want to play a paraplegic midget, and I don't want a game to add one with one simply because there isn't one in there. 

My thoughts exactly.


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6 hours ago, JRMC said:

The buff, destructive looking form that you are looking for is hardly achieved by women who maintain a healthy lifestyle. Their bodies are drastically different than men's, for obvious reasons, thus no woman ever looks like a male in terms of shape and size. The closest fit female frame you have is Valkyr with toned and accentuated muscles, but it doesn't really matter because it's nothing but a suit of armor, if you'd like to call it that.

P.S.: Weird fetish, bro.

Truth!  I'm glad that you posted this.  Also don't forget to add Mesa.  That gal has some hella legs.  :D

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)satsukixpenny said:

Equinox day form is pretty buff! I also agree, I love female frames and collect them and would like to see different body types! A frame that's kind thicc with some extra rockets and lasers in her trunk wouldn't be bad at all!!

Hehe, Saryn has the Rockets and Ivara has the lasers in her trunk.  :D

Edit, I totally forgot about Banshee in her new skin.  Dat Arse.  

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12 hours ago, Monsoon said:

Nah, that'd just ruin the design of the frame. Do you really think a short/stocky Saryn would look good? Or maybe a tall, lanky Rhino? It makes no sense either from a design standpoint or a lore standpoint. We have the operators for that type of thing, anyway. If people would go that far about about this type of thing then they should probably go find another game that satisfies their need for..."diversity"? Besides, give an inch for this type of thing and people will end up taking a mile, it's a recipe for disaster. The best thing probably would be to let DE do DE and take the ideas/concepts suggested by the community in their own way. 

well maybe you think something may not look good, but other people might prefer it that way.
just like humans look different, i don't see why warframes can't look different.
lore wise i don't see any conflicts btw. you can already change the colours on your frames, change the model totally with a different skin, add attachements, syandana.... so why not customize the body too?

and operators don't have any body sliders either, even though it would make even more sense for them. but then again, its not like we actually see them that often anyways.

i don't think wanting a little more customization is a reason to tell people to switch games. not liking the combat mechanics or sth like that may be a reason to switch games, but this definetely not.

and while i agree that ressources may be better spend on other, higher priority stuff before adding more customization options - i don't think that more customization can be bad in any way. anyone who doesn't like it, is not forced to use it. anyone who does like it can improve his char to his own likes.


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Muscular woman designs go either in the armor with boob dents direction or the half-naked amazon direction. I find neither of them very interesting or novel. Best muscular female design is a suit of power armor with a female voice. Hell, Rhino could be female for all we know.

You'll notice Zarya does indeed have boob dents on her armor (which is a trope in itself). Overwatch also has a cartoony design and her proportions are deliberately inflated. She still has feminine hips but to achieve that feminine figure in relation to the rest of the body she would need to have MASSIVE legs. This kind of design would look really out of place in WF and if you toned it down you would simply have a manly looking figure in an armor with boob dents.

When you add muscles to the top and bottom part oh hourglass figure you end up with two slabs connected with a stick kind of look (which is pretty ridiculous). So you have to widen the waist to compensate at which point you're just turning female figure into male figure.

But who knows maybe Minki can figure it out, it's not like I'm against it. Though I already prefer to play slimmer frames because even with FoV maxed you can't see S#&$ over the giant Rhino model when you play xD

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19 hours ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

That was more a response to the other posts in the thread, not you specifically. Anyway, in the early days of Warframe a lot of the frames we got visually matched the "class/trope" it was designed for. Rhino being the tank was bulky, Nyx being the mind-oriented frame was pretty skinny, and so on. As time has gone on, I've found that the Devs have taken to not doing that anymore. We see a frame like Valkyr, lithe and somewhat thin, who is a ball of rage. We have Hydroid, who is water oriented, who is visually wide and bulky. More and more the Devs have gone against the trope of matching the design of a frame to the visuals, and I hope they continue to do so. Sure, having something that matches every so often is a nice refresher, but I like the different path being taken now.

So... can we get a frame that is all bulky but none of its powers are made for melee/CQ combat?

Muscle Wizard frame confirmed?

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