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Since weapon balance has been a problem of this game since the start should DE think about shifting the meta by doing seasonal balance on weapons?


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I don't think they should.

I don't want my rakta cernos OP at summer, and weak at winter.

(Don't refer to sorite seasons, or making another season series in warframe)

I want my weapons to be as strong as they are, I don't want to be "kept fresh" from using the weapons I enjoy.

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No,I'm sorry but that's just stupid. There's no point in even attempting to ballance the system if you're going to just throw that away and intentionally make a class of weapons OP while nerfing the others to nothing, it makes no sense at all and would kill weapon diversity even more than it is now. This doesn't fix the problem at all if everyones using weapons now because they're OP and then they switch to the new ones that are OP based on season then what's the point? all your progress means nothing because DE will just select a few new ones every season, it kills the entire value of investment.

Balance isn't a major issue, the larger majority of weapons fit where they're going to it's only a few outliers that are OP/UP(is UP a thing?) so they're beter off balancing what exists and letting players actually choose what they want to than force them to use what they decide for end game.

On top of all that DE works hard on the weapons they make so to suggest that only a certain type of weapon be OP per season kills all that work they put into their game and undermines the game's entire system of customization.

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No. They can't do it once a year, so I doubt they could handle it multiple times a year. You know what else I wish? Game devs in general not just DE (and I'm not saying they have done it so SLOW YOU'RE ROLL) STOP BALANCING GAMES AROUND PVP WHEN THE MAIN CHUNK OF THE EXPERIENCE IS PVE!!

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The meta should evolve through the introduction of new mechanics and weapons, however the issue right now is DE is reluctant to add anymore top tier weapons, the last top tier added was the tonkor, and that was ages ago. The stradavar is a great example, it had the mechanic to be a nice weapon to rival boltor/soma/ ect, but DE is shy about making the mechanic powerful enough to do so. The Dual toxocyst was a step in the right direction, but even that is outclassed by vaykor marelok and sonicor.

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Nope, this is not needed. There will be strong weapons and weak ones. The problem more is weapons of dubious quality being high MR locked and having a high build cost for the capabilities on offer. What weapons people are using is personal preference and if someone only ever uses those weapons and nothing then it is only their loss.

Plenty of choice in the game and its up to you whether you pigeonhole yourself in choice.


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