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Excalibur got overnerfed


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In recent news upcoming changes to Volt's Speed have been introduced. This indicates that tweaks to changes made in U18.13 are not finishes yet. Thus, I created this topic with the intent to beg you, DE, to revert some Excalibur changes. 

I am not talking about damage reduction on Exalted Blade. This change was necessary to reduce cheese and make Excalibur a swordsman again. I am talking about energy costs on slideattacks in Exalted state. Here are several reasons, why this is not a good addition to the game.

  • Energy costs compared to benefits of this perk are not in proportion. Duration is too short, range is too small and low energypool do not support repeated use of it.
  • Due to damage reduction of waves, Excalibur is best played if he is up close and personal. Most efficient way to close the gap between you and an enemy is a slideattack: you see a potential target, slide to it, if it is not dead normal attacks will finish the job, you see a new potential target...and so on. Slideattacks are good gapclosers, because they are fast, provide some good damage and lower the chance of being hit. I would consider this a basic movement pattern. Exalted Blade does not support this playstile of fast paced melee, due to additional costs, while at the same time asking the player to get closer to the enemy to achieve best possible results.

If the intent of this addition was to increase energy consumption in EB state, it worked well. However, at the same time Excalibur has to rely more on Radial Blind in later stages of the game, bacause his damage potatntial is lowerd in ranged combat. This introduced an additional energy sink.

Please, reconsider this mechanic and let us spin tax-free again.

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What we need is:

  • Make stantard attacks with EB having a longer range and no more Energy Waves.
  • Make Energy Waves coming out only from Channeled Attacks and Combos with an higher falloff ratio than now.
  • Remove this ridicle Radial Blind from slide attack and everything it comes with that.
  • Give Synergy and Interaction with Slash Dash and Radial Javelin.. you're going to spend energy anyway, this way we have a more choices than "press #4, hold Right Mouse Button, spam E"...
  • Like... many ideas (not everyone of them)...
    ... Slash Dash redcrits while performed under Exalted Blades ...
    ... Slash Dash inflicts Finisher Damage while under EB ...
    ... Slash Dash garants Invisibility for X seconds while under EB ...
    ... Slash Dash killings under EB drops Energy Orbs ...
    ... Radial Javelin ragdolls enemies while under EB ...
    ... Radial Javelin hits twice while under EB ...
    ... Radial Javelin inficts Finisher Damage while under EB ...
  • Get a Charged Attack. Hysteria has it. Put there Radial Blind or a decent Aoe.
Edited by Burnthesteak87
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32 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

What exactly are you trying to say here?

Radial blind opens enemies up for finishers, its not a new thing.

Oh boy, I'll go out of my way and will reply properly.


I am trying to say, that Spin Blind used to provide all of the stuff I mentioned at no cost. Used to. Like in "does not anymore". Think about in a way, that there was one way of things to happen, and now there's another. That first being Spin Blind having no cost, and the second being the current Spin Blind that has a cost. So the things have changed, and using past tense on the verb "provide" tried to stress that fact out.

Is it clear now?

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The reason they make these changes is more of a preparatory stage for when additional changes come.

Seeing as they can't change the entire game's mechanics all at once and it being a gradual process, these sorts of "undesirable" changes will have their negative effects until the final result is revealed.

We already know the developers are taking measures to balance everything out as a whole and are looking at Damage 3.0 - again these are gradual processes.

For now just sit back and wait, don't count your chickens until they're hatched - there may be hope for Excal yet (remember Umbra will be coming eventually so a rework may happen then, who knows).

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2 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

Oh boy, I'll go out of my way and will reply properly.


I am trying to say, that Spin Blind used to provide all of the stuff I mentioned at no cost. Used to. Like in "does not anymore". Think about in a way, that there was one way of things to happen, and now there's another. That first being Spin Blind having no cost, and the second being the current Spin Blind that has a cost. So the things have changed, and using past tense on the verb "provide" tried to stress that fact out.

Is it clear now?

Well I wasn't even referring to the spin blind when I said "provides".

Radial Blind does everything the spin blind does but better. Therefore, it provides everything that the spin blind does but better.

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Just now, Tricky5hift said:

Spin blind as a whole is unnecessary.

Seriously, just buff Excal's EB combos and give him a more unique spin attack.

Just now, Tsoe said:

something special that dont use energy and is not a rip of of his 2 skill

slide blind is useless now so remoove it yeah

It's the cavalry at last!

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25 minutes ago, ShiraHagane said:

I did, but what you're saying makes no sense, since radial blind is better in every way, except energy cost

That's why I've mentioned competence. Spin Blind can cut down level 500+ enemies fast enough for you to sustain Life Support. Radial Blind can't.

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21 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

mentioned competence

which is what's known as a fallacious argument, distracting from your lack of proper points by attacking the opposition instead of their arguments.

21 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

Spin Blind can cut down level 500+ enemies fast enough for you to sustain Life Support. Radial Blind can't.

well, seeing as radial blind doesn't do any damage, I'd say that's accurate, unlike the slide which whould just be an attack.

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3 hours ago, ShortCat said:

In recent news upcoming changes to Volt's Speed have been introduced. This indicates that tweaks to changes made in U18.13 are not finishes yet. Thus, I created this topic with the intent to beg you, DE, to revert some Excalibur changes. 

I am not talking about damage reduction on Exalted Blade. This change was necessary to reduce cheese and make Excalibur a swordsman again. I am talking about energy costs on slideattacks in Exalted state. Here are several reasons, why this is not a good addition to the game.

  • Energy costs compared to benefits of this perk are not in proportion. Duration is too short, range is too small and low energypool do not support repeated use of it.
  • Due to damage reduction of waves, Excalibur is best played if he is up close and personal. Most efficient way to close the gap between you and an enemy is a slideattack: you see a potential target, slide to it, if it is not dead normal attacks will finish the job, you see a new potential target...and so on. Slideattacks are good gapclosers, because they are fast, provide some good damage and lower the chance of being hit. I would consider this a basic movement pattern. Exalted Blade does not support this playstile of fast paced melee, due to additional costs, while at the same time asking the player to get closer to the enemy to achieve best possible results.

If the intent of this addition was to increase energy consumption in EB state, it worked well. However, at the same time Excalibur has to rely more on Radial Blind in later stages of the game, bacause his damage potatntial is lowerd in ranged combat. This introduced an additional energy sink.

Please, reconsider this mechanic and let us spin tax-free again.

Alternately, it is a bonus for slide attacks. Not only you close the gap between the enemies, you also blind those around you. It cost energy, sure, but it isn't an enormous cost. It has yet to give me trouble, and with Rage equipped and a close combat strategy, I can hardly find myself completely without energy because of that. Besides, you really want to get close to the enemies? Use Slash Dash. The only reason you want to specifically use a slide attack while EB is activated is to deal with multiple enemies and EB slide attack still does that


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i hated Slide blind even when it was without energy cost


Why they dont reduce the cost of radial blind from3/4 when EB is active

and give EB a proper slide atck with cool animation not a clunky mix of slide and blind


alternativily they could make it so Blinded ennmies give back a litle energy at death if killed at close range

Edited by Tsoe
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18 minutes ago, ShiraHagane said:

a fallacious argument

RB is used for CC. Slide Blind is used for increasing damage output. Reason being, the first is better than the second at CC and the second is better than the first at buffing the damage. It's that simple. Reason was explained to you earlier, if you still can't comprehend it - that's not my problem, is it?

Edited by [DE]Taylor
removed rude remarks
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2 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

RB is used for CC. Slide Blind is used for increasing damage output. Reason being, the first is better than the second at CC and the second is better than the first at buffing the damage. It's that simple. Reason was explained to you earlier, if you still can't comprehend it - that's not my problem, is it?

except that RB provides the same boost to damage, so you still have no points, and again, you're making a fallacious argument by attacking my comprehension ability instead of making actual, true points

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1 minute ago, Epsik-kun said:

RB is used for CC. Slide Blind is used for increasing damage output. Reason being, the first is better than the second at CC and the second is better than the first at buffing the damage. It's that simple. Reason was explained to you earlier, if you still can't comprehend it - that's not my problem, is it?

Lol what?

Radial Blind is for CC AND Damage output. Spin blind literally does nothing but waste your energy little by little.

Face it, they do the same exact thing only Radial Blind has more range.

Its that simple.

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OK, I don't use Excalibur anymore, but I'm quite sure him and Valkyr were nerfed for the same reason. That is perpetually channeled abilities. When I played Excalibur, I wanted to use Exalted Blade constantly, because it was the most effective thing, but that got boring, so I got rid of him. I think his Slash Dash could use a buff, and EB could use a cast increase.

Granted, I no longer play him, so I  know how good he is, but I've seen the current EB used almost exactly the same as before, and I think that's fun. I do think the rework did a good job of making him require more skill to be at full potential. I know he still some of the best DPS in the game. That has to be at a cost, and preferably not from a safe distance.

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Yes the energy cost on the spin is kind of stupid. It's not even a nerf so much, because you could always use your 2, which is better in every way. Before it was a nice side effect, but now it makes you not want to use slide attacks.

I wouldn't even mind exalted blade being even more melee focus. Make it so the waves only work in certain combos, charged attacks and maybe channeling. Making it a channel effect would increase the energy cost by a lot, especially since you probably want life strike.

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Hey guys, I've had to clean quite a few disrespectful comments from this thread. Please remember that disagreements are totally welcome, but make sure that your comments are civil! Stay away from personal attacks and insults, please!

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