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Some suggestions for changes to survival


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Since you are a Warframe player, I think you fellow tennos know survival missions...well what's with it....It needs of course as most of the other stuff a "Rework"

To be honest the Life Supports completely ruins it specially when you stay for a while, for instance you have 25% oxygen and in front of you a freaking lvl 90 bombard and a life support is just few room away from you, at that moment you know you are Clemed 

I know it has to be challenging after a while but this is ridiculous (if you remember the alert past few days it took place between 90-120 or something like that)

and to the most annoying part You are out of time

I bet 75% of players who are nearing to complete a rotation will encounter this, the fact that you are at like 13:45 then you find yourself out of support just Breaks My Sanity  

So Please DE try to: 

1.Remove the life support system (or at least make us re-use it if we are out of time)

2.Give survival more logic (So we are protecting a monkey who steals stuff, while we eradicate hundreds of OP troops)

3.An Idea for survival 2.0 (if it ever happened) remove the life support thing and make it like some kind of onslaught (Like you are stuck and you have to survive enemy forces and you'll have some objectives to do (like stealing artifacts which will be the prime parts unless the devs already have an idea in there minds) then the lotus will give you the option to extract

- it will be like some kind of smuggling but without defending the stuff (it'll be like you send them to ordis)

-And in order to take the artifact you will have to hack some kind of console and then Senpai Ordis will land to take the stuff 

-Will ordis take the stuff the enemy will ambush you and you will have to survive (wanted to put a joke but....) 

-Then here we go you will have your artifact, fresh out of the oven 


I wanted to make this topic cuz I thought maybe if we slammed in some ideas we can show to DE that maybe they will like......hope it happens   


Seriously Though, what do Warframe breathe XD

-Edit- wow didn't expect it will be a big deal lol, anyway has it ever happened that there was a survival in sorties ?

and BTW, since I saw some people saying there is a Def part, well I didn't say you have to Def them but Def yourself (AKA survive) and what I meant that it may be more logical than that operative that hell we don't any Idea what are they doing, you just wait while you torture the troops 

Edited by Zdeadfallout
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I Don't recall ever running out of O2 in a survival mission. Not even once have I ever thought, Oh no, we have no more O2 sticks and we have to leave.

Maybe in the very early stages like the 5-10 min marks, were the O2 sticks are not very plentiful and the enemy groups are not super dense. But past 15-20 min, there is a constant stream of enemies and you never have to worry about O2 sticks so long as you are doing you job and murdering everything in sight.

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Just now, Dornez said:

I Don't recall ever running out of O2 in a survival mission. Not even once have I ever thought, Oh no, we have no more O2 sticks and we have to leave.

Maybe in the very early stages like the 5-10 min marks, were the O2 sticks are not very plentiful and the enemy groups are not super dense. But past 15-20 min, there is a constant stream of enemies and you never have to worry about O2 sticks so long as you are doing you job and murdering everything in sight.

Well If you remember the last Potato alert (The survival one) I was low on Life Support

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Just now, (XB1)xLethalLethargy said:

If you are unable,to take out mobs and produce life support drops, not relying just on the ones Lotus sends, then it is time to leave- I don't understand the issue

you know the enemy scale have a problem (sometimes completing a rotation is hard)

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3 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

Well If you remember the last Potato alert (The survival one) I was low on Life Support

I don't mean to be an elitest jerk or anything like that but....Then you were not properly prepared.

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  1. removing Life Support isn't going to happen. period.
  2. having to protect an NPC or object would just make it into Defense.
  3. this removes the necessity to Kill Enemies.


Survival works as it does for good reasons. it could have more layers but it does what it's supposed to do, and has chosen the lesser of two evils for every aspect in terms of how much Players can exploit it.

6 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

Well If you remember the last Potato alert (The survival one) I was low on Life Support

working as intended, Life Support was specifically lower in that challenge Alert.
that's why it was titled challenge.

3 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

(sometimes completing a rotation is hard)

oh no! games challenging the Player [even slightly] rather than being winning simulators! how awful.

Edited by taiiat
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2 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

you know the enemy scale have a problem (sometimes completing a rotation is hard)

And when they scale to a point where you struggling, you leave. You aren't entitled to completing a rotation, no matter how close you are- if you have 30secs left you either find a way to survive it or you leave- that's kind of the point...

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1 minute ago, Zdeadfallout said:


my Tonkor couldn't kill them

Odd. My soma had no issues, My partners Rakkata Cernos, Synapse, and Merlok had no troubles either.

Are higher lvl mobs more blast resistant?

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basicly u want rathuum with loot

also to your question why we need air is that somatic link tansfers operators mind into the warframe allowing it to controll it and by logic of videogames what has a soul must breath

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.....git gud.

Sorry, but if anything survivals need to be HARDER.There's a ton of ways to circumvent most of the major problems players face in survival.

I do agree that it needs a bit of a rework though, not because of difficulty and scaling but because the mechanics are a bit clunky now that we can run them for hours at a time.

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33 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

Well If you remember the last Potato alert (The survival one) I was low on Life Support

That was part of the alert, reduced Life support nodes to force you to really make everything count, that was the one with the level 100 enemies right? infested ones, we barely had 30% Life support up at a time, but in Void missions unless you are passed the 1.5 hour mark you rarely see life support issues.

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Level 90 Bombards shouldn't be an issue. Level 120 and higher is where you start to face issues killing things, but even then if you came prepared it shouldn't be a HUGE deal. You just have to get used to expecting even your beloved Tonkor to start taking multiple shots to kill heavies.

...and only heavies. I have shotguns that blow level 200 grunts out of the water in one pull.

As for the 110-200 alert, it's a total joke. I soloed it as Volt because I could and because I have weapons fully capable of dealing with that scenario and Infested are super weak. A properly modded Rubico oneshots the highest level Ancient Eximus from that on a headshot, and I'm sure that's not the only weapon.

Survival only becomes an issue if you're NOT prepared, and completing a rotation that's not at the 20 minute mark is SUPPOSED to be hard. There's issues with it, but I don't think you're hitting them.

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That is literally, the whole point of this game mode, if you can't do it, I'm afraid you aren't cut out for the level of content you're attempting. I remember that exact alert, because I remember getting half way through it and thinking "Oh S#&$, these guys are already level 120" because I honestly hadn't noticed till that point. Most survivals are so boring up till about that level, it was awesome having one start right off at a decent level.

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I seem to be in the minority, but life support has always seemed to me like the worst system in the game. The modes called survival, not SCUBA. I want to survive enemies, not survive the atmosphere. The LS is excruciatingly boring aswell, Kill enemy, rng drop, use pod, repeat. Id rather see action packed corridors or something along the lines of what we see when vaubans camp in the tunnel, enemy flowing thru the flood gates type action.

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