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Mag Prime Vault Feedback


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7 minutes ago, LethalAffliction said:

People just want choice. It's our right as a consumer. 35 bottles of water bundled at 10 cents each for $3.50 total or 1 bottle seperately  for $1.69. Its not a hard concept to grasp. But let de be de. I won't pay full price for 1 item I seek and it's less money for them in the end.

Yeah compare buying water, an actually essential part to sustaining life to buying digital swag on a F2P video game.

That's legit as hell, dude.

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13 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Yeah compare buying water, an actually essential part to sustaining life to buying digital swag on a F2P video game.

That's legit as hell, dude.

Seriously?  The object of the metaphor doesn't really matter when the point is profit increases with options.  Replace water with onions, rocks, small children, bananas, the heads of your enemies, donuts - the concept still applies.  More options entice more people = more revenue. 

It's the same concept as having blue, red, white, yellow, black and green cars as a car dealer.  You'll get more people onto your sales lot because you have more variety, and you're more likely to make a sale than the other car lot down the block that only sells baby puke green Prius' 


Edited by Noamuth
Words are hard.
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13 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

The value of a normal Prime Accessories pack or the value of anything else is dependent on the views of the purchaser. The value of the Mag Prime Unvaulted pack goes down for someone who already owns a majority of it and doesn't feel like paying $60 for basically just the armor.

That is the real reason there has been so much discussion recently on this topic. They are taking away our choice in the matter, and that is something that is frowned upon by most. This is why they don't bundle cosmetics with normal Prime releases anymore. (they have it in an "accessories" pack.) Because of all the controversy it ignited, why should this be any different? When one doesn't have a need for more platinum or duplicates of items, why be "forced" (inclined) to buy it anyway if all you want is just the armor?

DE might be looking for a more specific type of purchaser then. I mean for most, it's armor + plat, which the plat that everyone likes to forget about normally costs =/= 50 bucks on its own. Some people also might've missed out on the primes from before. The primes seem to be an extra addition to an already crazy good price. 

They might be taking choice out of the matter, but at least there is a choice to buy it, instead of having it be a 1 time exclusive. Plus if they were to add a choice, you don't think that the armor would only be purchasable through the highest paid tier? Why would DE lose money on purpose? 

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1 hour ago, Troll_Logic said:

Who pays $50 for a set of cosmetic armor in a game?

Anybody wearing Targis Prime, obviously.


1 hour ago, Troll_Logic said:

It is most certainly not a good deal.  It may be a palatable deal for some people, but it isn't a good deal.

It's a much better deal than the original Prime Accessories pack that Targis Prime came in.

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47 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

Seriously?  The object of the metaphor doesn't really matter when the point is profit increases with options.  Replace water with onions, rocks, small children, bananas, the heads of your enemies, donuts - the concept still applies.  More options entice more people = more revenue.

Not necessarily.  For examples, let's say DE sell 30,000 vault packs and generates $1,800,000 in revenue.  What if they offered just the prime armor for $20?  If double the people bought it (60,000) then that's $1,200,000 in revenue.  More sales do not always mean more revenue.

50 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

It's the same concept as having blue, red, white, yellow, black and green cars as a car dealer.  You'll get more people onto your sales lot because you have more variety, and you're more likely to make a sale than the other car lot down the block that only sells baby puke green Prius' 

You're conflating several things.  Changing colors doesn't equate because players are asking for cheaper deals with less items.  Having another car lot down the road isn't valid because DE has a monopoly.  There is only one place to shop.

I'm sure DE has researched the proper price point to maximize their revenue.  They have people they pay solely to research and make these decisions.


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8 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

It's a much better deal than the original Prime Accessories pack that Targis Prime came in.

If I offered to sell you 4 hamburgers for $200 today while pointing out that I was selling 3 hamburgers for $200 a year ago, does that mean today's offer is a good deal?

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Just now, Troll_Logic said:

If I offered to sell you 4 hamburgers for $200 today while pointing out that I was selling 3 hamburgers for $200 a year ago, does that mean today's offer is a good deal?

Depends on how badly I want the hamburgers. If I they're worth at least $67 each to me, then yes, the deal you're offering today is a good one.

If you don't think the Targis Prime armor is worth fifty bucks, there's a very simple solution available: don't buy it. Problem solved, man.

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1 hour ago, Ker-Blammo said:

DE might be looking for a more specific type of purchaser then. I mean for most, it's armor + plat, which the plat that everyone likes to forget about normally costs =/= 50 bucks on its own. Some people also might've missed out on the primes from before. The primes seem to be an extra addition to an already crazy good price. 

They might be taking choice out of the matter, but at least there is a choice to buy it, instead of having it be a 1 time exclusive. Plus if they were to add a choice, you don't think that the armor would only be purchasable through the highest paid tier? Why would DE lose money on purpose? 

So basically what you're saying boils down to "DE aren't interested in pleasing the longterm players of their game" 

And you wonder why we're annoyed. Longterm players are the ones who will recommend the game to others on their steam list long after those new players who bought Targis Prime with their parent's credit card have power levelled on Draco, reached endgame, gotten bored and moved on to new games. While I, a longterm player bought games in the Steam sale instead, games I will be recommending to people instead of Warframe. See they make money in the short term but lose out in the long run.

And I said it before and I'll stand by it. The next Unvaulting is SUPPOSED to be Noru Prime. They will skip it because it won't make them enough money and go straight to their last cash grab Edo Prime Armour. Due to the less desirable nature of it they will then offer several Vault packages for our purchasing needs and claim that they've "been listening to the feedback" and released it this way "as a show of goodwill".

And the saddest part of this is that many people will swallow all of that hook, line and sinker.

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2 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

Anybody wearing Targis Prime, obviously.


Funny you say that, as I found my perfect solution.. I paired up with a buddy who needed plat, and we split the 60 USD price 50/50 and now i'll trade him the plat while i get the armor.  Of course... this isn't a good solution for everyone and kind of silly when you think about it.


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1 hour ago, Zilchy said:

And you wonder why we're annoyed. Longterm players are the ones who will recommend the game to others on their steam list long after those new players who bought Targis Prime with their parent's credit card have power levelled on Draco, reached endgame, gotten bored and moved on to new games. While I, a longterm player bought games in the Steam sale instead, games I will be recommending to people instead of Warframe. See they make money in the short term but lose out in the long run.

Sure, because someone with Targis Prime armor couldn't possibly have bought it themselves, and couldn't possibly have 1730 hours in the game, and couldn't possibly be me.

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11 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

Sure, because someone with Targis Prime armor couldn't possibly have bought it themselves, and couldn't possibly have 1730 hours in the game, and couldn't possibly be me.

The majority of them won't. Have you heard of making a generalisation? 

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So I looked at prime vault, and it seems like i fail to find the "accessories only" button. Am i the blind one here or is "accessories only" pack not available for prime vaults? cause if so, itll be a shame since that means i cant get the cosmetics without feeling like all my grind went to waste.

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12 minutes ago, Zihark. said:

So I looked at prime vault, and it seems like i fail to find the "accessories only" button. Am i the blind one here or is "accessories only" pack not available for prime vaults? cause if so, itll be a shame since that means i cant get the cosmetics without feeling like all my grind went to waste.

Prime vaults are different than Prime access in that there is only one bundle offered. You are not missing the button because it doesnt exist.

Just to note, the price of the accessory bundle in the original PA is about the same price as this PV. Ultimately, its up to you to decide if its worth your money.

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Would be really nice to implement those as a separate pack maybe not much cheaper cause it would be really unfair to those who  bought Prime Accessories back when it was released but if it would be for 49.99 as normal prime accessories with some boosters instead of mag and weapons that would be much more appreciated. I bought this vault only cause for prime armor and yeah its a lot just for that (yeh platinum is there also but point is only for that prime armor thats just a lot)

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5 minutes ago, AutoPhox said:

Prime vaults are different than Prime access in that there is only one bundle offered. You are not missing the button because it doesnt exist.

Just to note, the price of the accessory bundle in the original PA is about the same price as this PV. Ultimately, its up to you to decide if its worth your money.

Thanks. You save me 1000s of $$ from going to an optometry. 
Also, personally, the price of the bundle doesnt matter to me: id still buy the accessory even if it was $60+, its more about the other stuff that it comes along with. If i worked really hard to get dakra prime, mag prime, and boar prime, id like to keep it as my only copy without forcing me to buy something that will ruin my trophy of accomplishment.

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Do keep in mind you get plat with it too, and the dups can easily just be sold for extra slots. Actually, you're getting a better deal with the vault with all that plat to begin with, as opposed to the boosters from the accessories' first run. I get that you don't want your work to be wasted, but this kind of thing is just something you try to get over. I bought Frost's PV, not for Frost nor his weps, but for Misa, cus I really wanted it, and the accessory and plat were enough of a reason for me to do so, even if I got the other stuff ages ago. I know that if I hadn't bought Targus the first time, I totally would of now.

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To be honest i think that whether it's prime access or unvault the accessories should always be separate from the warframe. On PS4 it was always separate accessories with 1k something plat and the official prime access with the rest of the plat excluding accessories. If DE separates mag from the accessories i will buy both of them because i don't have mag boar or dakra, but since a lot of people already have them and only want the targis then yes it should be separate EVERY.SINGLE.DAMN.TIME. BUT, don't overprice it like 50$ for it etc

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