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why is the Nikana praised?


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Just now, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

Katanas are not great weapons, the are just popular. I would love weapons from other cultures, like the Khopesh.


or, just a chainsword. Because Warhammer 40k.

but katanas are great for fights against unarmored people. They just get dull very fast, so you have to sharpen them quite often..... also.... most katanas only have really strong tip... they arent meant to chop with, but to cut with..


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The main reason I remember the katana was the movie 'Highlander'. The first one. 'There can be only one'.

The TV series? Not so much.

That said, I MUCH prefer an axe, staff, halberd or spear for actual fighting. If needed, I CAN use a 2 handed sword, but I am not built for it. I have practiced with katana as well as katana+wakizashi and yes, they are cool. They are NOT the only cool sword type weapons out there.

People have to see their own favorites be EVERYONE'S and that is not going to happen.

I use Nikana Prime, Galatine, Jat Kittag and a bunch of other weapons as the situation calls for them. All in all though? I prefer the Cerata or Glaive Prime myself in game.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

Katanas are not great weapons, the are just popular. I would love weapons from other cultures, like the Khopesh.


or, just a chainsword. Because Warhammer 40k.

Yeah, I was kind of disappointed Inaros didn't come with khopesh

1 hour ago, (PS4)xKAIOWAx said:

Katanas are the best swords ever made , best fosge techniques, best combat techniques, whats the point in try contest this? In fact we need dual nikanas too


And how are they best swords ever?

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24 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

but katanas are great for fights against unarmored people. They just get dull very fast, so you have to sharpen them quite often..... also.... most katanas only have really strong tip... they arent meant to chop with, but to cut with..


True, Katanas are great against unarmored foes. The do bugger all against most types of armor however. They aren't a horrible sword, but they are far from the best blade ever. Course I don't think any blade can take that title.

Since different weapons are used for different jobs. Which is why you have weapons for piercing, slashing, stabbing, chopping, crushing, and so on.

The Katana is popular in modern culture, which is fine. And that combined with the Nikanas stats are why it is so popular. Me personally, i stick to my Sheev or Destreza.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)IroncladBomber said:

True, Katanas are great against unarmored foes. The do bugger all against most types of armor however. They aren't a horrible sword, but they are far from the best blade ever. Course I don't think any blade can take that title.

Since different weapons are used for different jobs. Which is why you have weapons for piercing, slashing, stabbing, chopping, crushing, and so on.

The Katana is popular in modern culture, which is fine. And that combined with the Nikanas stats are why it is so popular. Me personally, i stick to my Sheev or Destreza.

and i , i stick to my lacear because i like the look and feel of the quick meele^^

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2 minutes ago, LocoWithGun said:

I still think that Dakra Prime and Ceramic Dagger are the best looking quick melee weapons but you can't really take those to fight lvl 60+ enemies at this point.

but, can you do charge attacks wuth your quick melee?

Furthermore, i also heard often that you cant take lacera over level 50-60... oh if they only would know about guaranted blast corrosive procs in quick succesion...

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Nikana prime has access to tranquil cleave, which opens enemies to promoted finishers that ignore all defenses and get multiplied. It also has a nice crit chance and status chance, along with being at a nice speed even before the berserker procs


All the galatine has going for it is its 4x damage broken bull combo. Its both slow and has half the crit chance, which is a terrible combo.

When armor starts to scale the repeated  critical slash procs, faster combo accumulation and finishers of the Nikana outweigh the galatines sheer base damage

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20 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Yeah, Khopesh weapon would be sweet.




Now, no lie, I love my Nikana Prime, ad it is my favourite melee weapon. But a khopesh would be awesome.

A Falcata or Kopesh would ROCK.


Myself? I would also like to see something like a Spatha or Xiphos but we have regular swords aplenty.

Edited by Kalenath
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I have the Galatine, War, Dragon Nikana and Nikana Prime.  Here's my experience (with a few opinions sprinkled in) with them all.  

Galatine- I love the look and it has great damage when it finally swings.  Takes forever to ramp up the speed due to the low crit chance.  I still love it though.

War-- Take the Galatine (make it ugly) and give it higher crit chance.  It does a nice job of room clearing and only take a few hits to ramp up the speed.  

Nikana Prime-  Love the look.  With Blind Justice it has speed out the gate.  Speed ramps up even more due to it's crit chance.  Also able to clear groups of enemies very fast.  My goto Melee of choice.  

Due to the slowness, I don't use my Galatine as much as the other two.  When it does ramp up in speed it's a beast, but it takes longer than the other two to do it.  It truly shines in Invested missions.  :D

The numbers are deceptive.  It's the actual use that shows what's really going on with a weapon.  Even with all that said, I will not sell my Galatine.  It's just so pretty and awesome in it's own right.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
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Heavy blades are too slow for my tastes. For me, Nikana Prime hits the sweet spot of having just enough speed and range while still having adequate base damage. I also prefer the quick melee animations of Nikanas over those of other weapon categories.

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On 6/28/2016 at 1:44 PM, (PS4)xKAIOWAx said:

Katanas are the best swords ever made , best fosge techniques, best combat techniques, whats the point in try contest this? In fact we need dual nikanas too


Katanas vs plated medieval knights fare worse than the knights 1 or 1 1/2 hander swords, plenty of you tube videos around to prove that. Katanas are great vs no armour or cloth armour. In Japan there were no full plates or even chain armour, they used cloth and scales since they praised mobility.  

Even vs other sword types the katana is not that superior.

Katana fighter vs rapier fighter, leaving anime and fiction aside, the rapier fighter will be much faster than the katana wielder no matter how you put it.

I am not saying by all means that katanas are bad swords, they are good sword just there is a lot of hype around them and a lot of myths.

In game terms I will gladly repeat it again, the Atterax puts any Nikana to shame keeping the current meta in mind.    

Edited by Numbsky1
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11 minutes ago, Numbsky1 said:

Katanas vs plated medieval knights fare worse than the knights 1 or 1 1/2 hander swords, plenty of you tube videos around to prove that. Katanas are great vs no armour or cloth armour. In Japan there were no full plates or even chain armour, they used cloth and scales since they praised mobility.  

Even vs other sword types the katana is not that superior.

Katana fighter vs rapier fighter, leaving anime and fiction aside, the rapier fighter will be much faster than the katana wielder no matter how you put it.

I am not saying by all means that katanas are bad swords, they are good sword just there is a lot of hype around them and a lot of myths.

In game terms I will gladly repeat it again, the Atterax puts any Nikana to shame keeping the current meta in mind.    

I blame movies and anime for all the katana hype.

Mostly anime for the generation that plays Warframe.

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6 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

I blame movies and anime for all the katana hype.

Mostly anime for the generation that plays Warframe.


Nah more like it's cause of slash proc stacking for that bleed to instantly kill level 100+ Grineer with Naramon~ o 3o

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The Nikanas are more of a ceremonial weapon for me;equip for looks, not for practicality. If I wanted a heavy-lifting melee weapon I'd go for the Orthos P, even if the Atterax has greater reach; Orthos just feels like it handles better in my opinion, especially on slide attack chaining.

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On 28/06/2016 at 0:44 PM, (PS4)xKAIOWAx said:

Katanas are the best swords ever made , best fosge techniques, best combat techniques, whats the point in try contest this? In fact we need dual nikanas too


The forging techniques were because the poor quality of the metal caused most normal forged blades to easily shatter in Japan. Something to do with the high carbon in the steel. On the other side of the world, not only was the metal far more plentiful, but also relatively carbon free so in order to create a weapon of equal deadliness we didnt need any of those techniques. In fact, we had so much metal we could cover our men in plate and chainmail armour, which even the best nikana would have been mostly ineffective against - hence the prevailance of heavier larger weapons in europe for crushing blows rather than slashing, or the rapier for penetrating the links in chain mail.

Nikanas are amazing works of art, but from a practical comparative perspective they are only really useful against lightly armoured targets. The fighting style and training however is more of what sets them apart from other weapons - not the weapons themselves. The incredible skill and training of the people that used them is what made them so effective. Give the weapon to an english knight and he would have flailed around like a fool then tossed it aside for a mace and sheild instead, because it just wouldnt have been useful without the martial art styles with it.

So "best" swords ever is a matter of opinion, technically they alone were not superior at all. Their forging techniques were, but they only made something after all that effort that was as good as our more primitive blades. Just way, way cooler lol.

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Apart from the stats and the fact it's a katana, have you seen those animations? Fighting with a Nikana looks glorious! Warframe has some pretty awesome melee animations, but the Nikana is a class of its own. While lots of people may only care if a weapon kills things dead hard and fast, very few of them make it look as incredible as the Nikana does.

Edited by Berserkerkitten
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On 28/06/2016 at 1:18 AM, bowiespoon said:

Also, everyone wants to be a space ninja.

Space ninja. Space NINJA... With a goddamn katana! Why do people keep doing this?!

Ninjas did not use katanas, maybe if it was the last available weapon and they were very desperate, but a ninja that has to fight (an open battle) is usually a dead ninja. But I digress.

To OP: I dunno, don't like any of the nikana stances myself. BJ feels awkward, tranquil cleave sortoff immobile and decisive judgement more so. They're still better than galatine though, because they're faster and crit more. They look good though, but please don't use them on Ash to go for a "ninja" look, I will judge you.

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2 minutes ago, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

Space ninja. Space NINJA... With a goddamn katana! Why do people keep doing this?!

Ninjas did not use katanas, maybe if it was the last available weapon and they were very desperate, but a ninja that has to fight (an open battle) is usually a dead ninja. But I digress.

This would be because the most iconic Ninja/Shinobi/Stealer-in was Hattori Hanzō who used a Katana.  Yes, he was a real person.  Check out his history.  It's pretty interesting.  His clan also fought in open battles.  One of which was a successful repel of an ambush.   

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

This would be because the most iconic Ninja/Shinobi/Stealer-in was Hattori Hanzō who used a Katana.  Yes, he was a real person.  Check out his history.  It's pretty interesting.  His clan also fought in open battles.  One of which was a successful repel of an ambush.   

Did not know that yet, still, not many used them and that was an entire clan, not single ninja/shinobi. I will admit my sources are a bit meh though. (in general a katana for a ninja still feels off to me, it's not as conducive to stealth)

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