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Can we get a Greek based update soon?


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I would love if the DE's would make and update based on like Greek, Atlantis, African, European, Asian, Modern USA, Roman, etc. That would be good but I really want Spartan obviously. Like in the Greek update I would like a Spartan warframe. Weapons like the Falcata a Spear that is like a javelin with a tether. A shield and sword like the Spartan short sword and a big shield. Jux look up Greek weapon from that time period.

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Spartan warframe abilities:


1.Lunge and impale enemies.

2. He shield bashes and stuns enemy.

3. He gains overshield and damage boost to anyone near him.

4. He pulls out his shield and spear and starts running up and uses Spartan rage like the new God of War Rage Mode and he gains a boost of attack and armor for as long as u kill something between five seconds it doesn't go away.

I love those abilities.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)ImmaTrueSpartan said:

Spartan warframe abilities:


1.Lunge and impale enemies.

2. He shield bashes and stuns enemy.

3. He gains overshield and damage boost to anyone near him.

4. He pulls out his shield and spear and starts running up and uses Spartan rage like the new God of War Rage Mode and he gains a boost of attack and armor for as long as u kill something between five seconds it doesn't go away.

I love those abilities.

So Excalibur's 1 & 2

#3  men.

#4 Atlas's #1

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43 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

So Excalibur's 1 & 2

#3  men.

#4 Atlas's #1

Okay when u think about it 1 and 2 are things a real Spartan does. 3 is something like a motivational speech right before battle that amps up his soldiers and four jux makes sense because how long can ur lust for blood and killing last. Especially from a Spartan that is taught never to surrender never to retreat and their main belief is to die upon the battlefield as their greatest glory so they have to fight on to stay alive. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ImmaTrueSpartan said:

Spartan warframe abilities:


1.Lunge and impale enemies.

2. He shield bashes and stuns enemy.

3. He gains overshield and damage boost to anyone near him.

4. He pulls out his shield and spear and starts running up and uses Spartan rage like the new God of War Rage Mode and he gains a boost of attack and armor for as long as u kill something between five seconds it doesn't go away.

I love those abilities.


Feels like league

1.Fiora q

2. Pantheon w

3. Karma e

4.Master Yi/Jax R?


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I would love to see more cultures get the Warframe treatment and I think it's bound to happen. They're branching out from Japanese-inspired things, particularly with Inaros and his quest line. There's a lot of western culture as well. 

I particularly would love Arab and Slavic cultures represented. To the best of my knowledge, there has never been Arab-inspired sci-fi ever. 

But soon? Nah, it ain't gonna happen soon. Content takes time, nothing can be made frivolously. Look at the infested door on your ship - devs have planned what is behind it but it'll take them a full year to realize their vision. 

So I would love more cultures - just not soon. Don't rush it and make it good.

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2 minutes ago, Duavey said:

Give this some more thought and polish then post in Fan Concepts. If it looks good it may catch some attention.

Somebody can make a fan art and post it on here but don't make it a female because Spartan women never went to war. They did everything else in the city but went to war unlike women in this era.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)ImmaTrueSpartan said:

Somebody can make a fan art and post it on here but don't make it a female because Spartan women never went to war. They did everything else in the city but went to war unlike women in this era.

It would be really cool for that very reason to have a female spartan, to break with the norm. But the abilities you suggested are quite lackluster, and if you'll pardon me, unoriginal...maybe give it a new spin?

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Since most of the Spartan warframe's abilities revolve around a shield and a pokey stick, the whole idea sounds more like a new weapon with a fun new stance mod to me than an entirely new warframe. If it were to be a new frame, how would one pull that off, visually? I mean, when I think Spartan warrior, I think bearded, naked guy with a cool helmet and a cape who screams a lot. A bit like my crazy uncle Richard. How do you turn that into a warframe and still make it look like both a Spartan and a warframe?

Edited by Berserkerkitten
Because I suck at typing things.
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9 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

Since most of the Spartan warframe's abilities revolve around a shield and a pokey stick, the whole idea sounds more like a new weapon with a fun new stance mod to me than an entirely new warframe. If it were to be a new frame, how would one pull that off, visually? I mean, when I think Spartan warrior, I think bearded, naked guy with a cool helmet and a cape who screams a lot. A bit like my crazy uncle Richard. How do you turn that into a warframe and still make it look like both a Spartan and a warframe?

If u actually look up Spartan they were actually fully armored well not fully armored but they chest were covered forearms were covered and their legs were covered look up an actual Spartan warrior next time.

Edited by (PS4)ImmaTrueSpartan
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Does anyone have the link for that one thread that was posted within the last couple of months about what you should think about before posting suggestion/feedback/ideas? The one that talked about how if the idea isn't healthy for the game or whatever, you should keep it to yourself? I forgot to save the thread myself. I feel like it would apply well here.


Here's the thing, OP: Bias is bad, and you're obviously biased (look at your username).

-The abilities you suggested are almost direct copies of other abilities in the game.

-Warframe isn't a game that takes direct inspiration from copy-paste themes like Smite and LoL, and other games. Themes in the game go hand-in-hand with roles that will be performed and aren't cut-and-dry. There isn't really one frame I can think of that doesn't mash several inspirations in to one package.

-What would be the role of this spartan frame? Based on the abilities, he'd be a Buffer/DPS/CC frame.  Here's the problem: It seems as though you've just made your own perfect frame. His kit, as you have described it, has no real drawbacks, aside from the fact that his 4 wouldn't really be an ultimate ability. It's similar to several non-ulti abilities in the game.

-Your suggestion doesn't match Warframe in the sense of the fact that we don't have "Themed Updates". Given that Warframe doesn't give even a hint that it would remember nations of thousands of years in the past, making updates based on Modern day nations would be more of a move in a commercial "Hey, come play this new Uncle Sam frame!" sense. That just really sounds like they'd be pandering.

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4 minutes ago, CoRRh said:

Does anyone have the link for that one thread that was posted within the last couple of months about what you should think about before posting suggestion/feedback/ideas? The one that talked about how if the idea isn't healthy for the game or whatever, you should keep it to yourself? I forgot to save the thread myself. I feel like it would apply well here.


Here's the thing, OP: Bias is bad, and you're obviously biased (look at your username).

-The abilities you suggested are almost direct copies of other abilities in the game.

-Warframe isn't a game that takes direct inspiration from copy-paste themes like Smite and LoL, and other games. Themes in the game go hand-in-hand with roles that will be performed and aren't cut-and-dry. There isn't really one frame I can think of that doesn't mash several inspirations in to one package.

-What would be the role of this spartan frame? Based on the abilities, he'd be a Buffer/DPS/CC frame.  Here's the problem: It seems as though you've just made your own perfect frame. His kit, as you have described it, has no real drawbacks, aside from the fact that his 4 wouldn't really be an ultimate ability. It's similar to several non-ulti abilities in the game.

-Your suggestion doesn't match Warframe in the sense of the fact that we don't have "Themed Updates". Given that Warframe doesn't give even a hint that it would remember nations of thousands of years in the past, making updates based on Modern day nations would be more of a move in a commercial "Hey, come play this new Uncle Sam frame!" sense. That just really sounds like they'd be pandering.

Did u actually think about this post that u did? Bro most of the frames on this game have mostly the same abilities if u didn't realize. Saying that Wat are u actually talking about. Im just making my perfect frame I made that frame based on what actual Spartans are capable of. They were a military nation that thrived on nothing but combat. So if u didn't know they really didn't have weaknesses. It seems like to me that u didn't actually think about oh that'll be cool updates based on one thing and not the fact that u just wanted to rant on why I shouldn't suggest on a good idea most of the frames on this game are actually from lore and not jux made up like Loki he's a god. Limbo is a magician. Atlas is a titan. Inaros is lore. Nezha is lore. The monkey king is lore. Rhino is an animal. Excaliber was a king that one of the DE's made because he likes Excalibur. So don't tell me what i can't try to get in the game. Oh and plus the fairy frame that's coming out is based on one of the DE's personal loves. Think about it.

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27 minutes ago, InterstellarSpooks said:

Mythologically speaking, Bacchus is rarely, or perhaps has never been, depicted as fat.

yeah but popular mordern dipiction of bacchus is otherwise...he is still buff but have potbelly...fat and buff~perfect

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I like this guys thoughts on a Spartan Frame.

I think the problem here is that the warframe would be a) very typical and b) very lackluster. It doesn't really bring anything new to the table on the concept of the Spartan. Unfortunately the concept has really been done to death, and making it original again would be a real challenge...however, If I may, I'll give you a rough spin on how I think it should go using your suggestions and the legend of the 300:

1st power: Lunge

The warframe draws a bolt of energy and charges forward, impaling enemies in a cone and ragdolling them out at the end of its charge. The ability can be charged up, which increases the range of the cone, the damage dealt and the distance thrown. Enemies take fall damage from collision with environment when ragdolled.

2nd power: Legion etiquette

The Warframe projects am aura that continuously generates shields. If shields are full it will generate overshields. Allies near it will receive this shield regeneration as well. Shield regeneration rate is affected by power strength, and it is a channeled ability. If there are other spartan frames their regeneration stacks. Resists knockdown and CC.

3rd power: Defiance

The Warframe supercharges its and its allies' systems with energy. While this ability is active any damage received is converted to energy, and the damage and range of lunge is greatly enhanced, as is the shield regeneration from phalanx. The lower the health drops, the greater damage and armor boost the Warframe receives. Taking lethal damage while in this state emits a pulse that heals allies with the full health pool of the Spartan warframe, and revives any allies that are downed near him.

Ultimate: Phalanx

4 fallen allies are summoned around the spartan Warframe in the form of ethereal spectres that surround and move with it, wielding energy bolts as spears and projections of energy shields. For every 50 points of health lost, an additional spectre is summoned. They inherit the effects of all his abilities, and therefore greatly boost the effectiveness of Lunge, andBrotherhood. When activated, the warframe switches to melee, and the spectres each boost total damage reduction if the warframe blocks, and deals 1/4th of the warframe's total damage to enemies around it if it attacks. It should be noted that each spectre has its own lunge cone, so using it deals heavy damage and excellent CC in this form. The spectres also benefit from defiance,receiving damage boost and increased armor from the warframe. Can be disabled prematurely, to stun enemies around the phalanx for 8s as the spectres emit a battle cry to intimidate and vanish. Duration affects how long the phalanx lasts, strength determines damage reduction from blocking and damage of the spectres. Spectres function similarly to Hall of Mirrors in terms of how it follows the warframe and how it interacts with terrain.


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I'd personally love a Spartan themed Warframe. Something that denotes power like Valkyr or Rhino with their vocal presence.

#1. Tribute of Dory - Warframe dashes forward with shield bash for a powerful strike to single target, disarming them, removing 10% of their armor and knocking them down. If the target has exposed health (no armor or shields) Then after the knock down a Spear of energy will be summoned for a Ground finisher attack (The Dory).

#2. Hot Gate - Places a battlefield standard on casting location that Gives enemies increased speed, prevents the AI from taking cover and substantially increasing armor for allies

#3 Phalanx  - Grants Overshields to all allies standing behind caster and 1X seconds of Health Regeneration

#4. Warriors of Old - Summon The Hoplite & Kopis: An olive tree is summoned at casting location, any player that touches it will also Summon the Hoplite & Kopis. (Channeled ability that scales from the original caster) Blocking with the summoned Hoplite absorbs 100% damage and reflects projectiles but drains energy, attacking with the Kopis Summons phantoms of old that attack with the players. (Basically a ghost that appears within your warframe that serves as multistrike)


Edited by Sirabot
Spelling and Grammar
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2 minutes ago, Sirabot said:

I'd personally love a Spartan themed Warframe. Something that denotes power like Valkyr or Rhino with there vocal presence.

#1. Tribute of Dory - Warframe dashes forward with shield bash for a powerful strike to single target, disarming them, removing 10% of their armor and knocking them down. If the target has exposed health (no armor or shields) Then after the knock down a Spear of energy will be summoned for a Ground finisher attack (The Dory).

#2. Hot Gate - Places a battlefield standard on casting location that Gives enemies increased speed, prevents the AI from taking cover and substantially increasing armor for allies

#3 Phalanx  - Grants Overshields to all allies standing behind caster and 1X seconds of Health Regeneration

#4. Warriors of Old - Summon The Hoplite & Kopis: An olive tree is summoned at casting location, any player that touches it will also Summon the Hoplite & Kopis . Blocking with the summon Hoplite absorbs 100% damage and reflects projectiles but drains energy, attacking with the Kopis Summons phantoms of old that attack with the players. (Basically a ghost that appears within your warframe that serves as multistrike)


Bruh that's too cool.

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