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So is bringing friends along for void runs not going to be a thing anymore?


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4 hours ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

Well maybe the reward wont be at the end of completing the void tear but when you go to your projections table and see what you get. And then if you don't want it you squish it in to get better stuff. You will probably play the tears with friends but not the projections.

Yes and as others have pointed out, this is less efficient than key sharing. Previously if you had 4 t4 cap keys between you, you got 4 shots at the reward. This new method will burn all 4 "keys"at once, giving all 4 of you just one shot at the prize. Also no word yet (I think) on how the old multi reward modes, sab, def, survival etc will translate over? If they become 1 time deals only, your reward ratio drops dramatically further.

And to those who think this will decrease leechers, depends how the projections work. If they charge like affinity gain, you will still get those that just hang back and soak up all the goodness. At least in the void you can choose your company. Under the new system it seems if you pug not only can some random reap your hard work but he could even get a better reward for it.

Hopefully I'm wrong but I cannot see these changes promoting team play or helpfulness?

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They would never force us to have same projection for one mission. It would effectively end 99 percent of groups. It would be nearly impossible to find a group with suitable projections. It would be impossible to tell PUGs what exactly they will have to do. It is also against the freedom feeling this update supposed to bring. So they won't do that ever.

Worse case scenario is some low level clanmates will need to bring their own common projection to pick a reward from another pool. Leeching will be useless so more playing will be needed.

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From [DE]Drew in the dev workshop:

"To receive a reward, you need to complete a Projection. We'd like to make Projections tradeable (some technical aspects to deal with), so there are a few ways you could load up a lowbie or an ally with Projections. You could, for example, give a Projection to each of your squad mates that has a part you need, then do a single Tear together for the most efficient chance at your item of choice (instead of running four keys back to back). Yes, this means less collateral prime parts, but that is also part of the point - efficient acquisition rather than a mountain of unwanted parts. Ducats and other variables can/will be tweaked accordingly."

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When a person grabs the void tearing thingy on the map, does it count for the rest of the team?

My concerns are with leechers and i need to know if i should just launch fraps from the very start before i do any sort of gameplay, i'm getting a bit tired of reporting leechers everyday, so i hope this new void thing isn't just a can of worms.

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6 hours ago, Trichouette said:

Not sure.

I think it works like this :

  • Each person with a projection get to pick his loot among X possibilities, X being the amount of tennos with a projection
  • No projection ? you get nothing.

That is how it works. What I incoherently implied was that it could be changed to the system I mentioned, which wouldn't have key sharing issues and also allow casual players to get help from less casual friends.

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Just now, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

That is how it works. What I incoherently implied was that it could be changed to the system I mentioned, which wouldn't have key sharing issues and also allow casual players to get help from less casual friends.

This is a good idea, but it has a split of good and bad results. Yes, casual players will be able to get a little more help, however leechers could have a field day and not bring a projection and get rewarded, even it's a random reward.

A better aproach is incorporating a system outside of trading where you can just send a friend a projection at the price of credits. Basically a "here is something nice" so trades don't get wasted. But there are flaws there too. It's easier just to take them on a projection farm and go from there.

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3 hours ago, Tomppak said:

Aaaand for some reason, I had totally missed the dev workshop that explains most of how the projections and void tears work. Sounds good, and "keysharing" is still a thing - and even better than before, it would seem!


Taxi-ing also seems like a possibility. Sure, a player won't get a reward if they didn't have a projection, but it sounds like people can bring different projections into the mission, so it's likely that newbies can get carried by taking "lower quality projections" into missions while the vets can bring the good stuff. I just hope that we can see the projections in the squad like we see dragon keys and auras.

I don't know if this would work, there Alerts that require a certain tier of projection, If you don't have the same one that is required you don't get the option of using it.


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2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

When a person grabs the void tearing thingy on the map, does it count for the rest of the team?

My concerns are with leechers and i need to know if i should just launch fraps from the very start before i do any sort of gameplay, i'm getting a bit tired of reporting leechers everyday, so i hope this new void thing isn't just a can of worms.

No Projection , No reward , it may be the case since it's an alert that you wont even be able to go on the mission unless you have one equipped.

I would much prefer this, If I am going to do a tear I always want four items to pick from I don't want to carry anyone.


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3 hours ago, Nijyumensou said:

there will be no more keysharing ( Only players with a Projection will be able to select a reward and all projection are used in the same run) and they didn't mention that every individual can bring different projections into the same run so don't assume on that yet.


The concept of 'Key Sharing' has been an honor system for a long time in matchmaking. We are condensing that idea in this new system. For every Squad member with a Projection in their inventory, you'll get to select a reward based on the results of their Projections (there is a chance of duplicates and up to 4 rewards will be displayed). You’ll be able to select a reward from any of the Projections that were used by your squadmates for the mission.

Old system: everyone uses a key, and you do the mission 4 times, once with each key.
New system: Everyone brings a Projection, and you do the mission once. You roll on loot table for each projection used (4), and pick one. Basically the same as keyshare, except you use 1/4 of the time of usual keyshare, and you get to pick only 1 of the 4 rewards.

From the quoted text, it seems pretty obvious (also from the mock-up in the thread) that different projections give different loot tables -Emphasis is mine - sounds a lot like everyone can bring different projections.

From the mock-ups, it seems like there's a lot of different projections, each with it's unique loot table, and each can be T1-T4. From the screencap of the mission select screen, you can see different tier void tears. I presume that: You can only bring projections that match the said tier, but every projection comes in all 4 tiers. Meaning that if we decide to do T3 void tear, we could all 4 bring the same key at T3 variety, and thus get 4 rolls at the same loot table for increased chances of the reward we want - and higher risk of rolling duplicates - or we could all bring different projections at tier 3, and roll on 4 different loot tables, and then pick which loot we wanted from the rolled ones. A bit like if I wanted to do T4 exterminate for Saryn BP and you wanted T4 MD for Boar BP, but then we did just one mission, and both tables are rolled. With luck, we both can get what we wanted, but if I rolled some cores and you rolled that BP, I could pick your reward instead.

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Actually, bringing friends with key projections will give more added advantage, because you get to select the reward the more people that have them. But I am going to assume, if someone comes a long and only one person uses a projection, then you all only get that one reward.

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2 hours ago, DxAdder said:

I don't know if this would work, there Alerts that require a certain tier of projection, If you don't have the same one that is required you don't get the option of using it.


I'm sorry, quality was a bad choice of word. What I ment is: There are likely projections that are "more wanted" because they contain rewards that are more sought after, and likely projections that contain somewhat "junk stuff". Or the carried player can take a projection from where they don't really need a reward, while the taxi can take a projection the carried person is missing.

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I have a large stash of keys, and I actly like bringing people along, freinds or otherwise, to help me get stuff. I never liked keyshares, but I alwas liked helping freinds find stuff with my collection.

the new system dosnt sound very appeling to me, hopefully it will allow players whom follow you to still get something.

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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tbh, I don't care. Yes there are times that I want to share a key with a friend who has no keys and with this update, it may force him to farm his own keys, but most of the time I farm void solo and I almost never go endless missions because I find them so very boring. If I need to farm a piece from an endless mission, I usually do 20 min runs or just buy that item on the market. I'm really exited for this update because for me, it will massively cut down on grinding and i'm a relatively selfish person, I build all my stuff for solo mostly except the obvious like Trin, but my speed Volt and ice tank Chroma and shatter shield mesa and so on are all built for me and me alone, I never build them with others in mind. Alot of the time I'll see a volt running around with huge range because he shares his speed. I never do this. It's the same with void keys. I have thousands of keys but I hardly ever do void runs, and if I do them it's usually solo. So this update only means it forces my friends into a tight spot. But I am generous towards my friends and I will probably help them farm void projections (if they can be farmed in similar ways to void keys) I'm really hoping though that void projections can be gotten in unique and cool ways instead of grinding. 

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maybe there is an ancient vending machine at the end of the level. like one of those 25 cent gumball machines. put your projection in and turn the knob.....ah damn it i got lime again, why cant i get an orange.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)bluerazorsedge said:

So are we not getting survivalso or defense missions with multiple rewards? If so we get multiple chances through 1 projection? I'm confused but I guess nobody really knows.

From what I understand:

  • Four projections (one from each party member) = four loot to choose from
  • You can also boost your chances for the loot (uncommon/rare/etc.) you want via luminous (essentially rng boosters).

It's all detailed in the dev workshop thread.

As for what exactly these mission types for void tears entails, that's anyone's guess.

Edited by -AR.D2
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