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Taking A Step Back To Move Forward.


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I DID NOT CREATE OR RELEASE ANY OF THIS CONTENT. But I do endorse this video and I strongly encourage anyone who feels the same to share and spread this video since only as a community can we truly get DE's attention. Also feel free to leave your opinions and comments in this thread as well as the original video for discussion. :) 


Edited by NovusNova
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This is like the 4th time I've seen this video come up in the past month... I really don't think there's much discussion to be had here. Personally I miss quite a few things from the old game but I'm also glad to be rid of quite a few of the unpolished features so it seems more like a give and take to me either way DE is going to make the game the way they want so there's no sense in backwards progression just to please a few who may have differing opinions from another few.

If I had to guess the larger majority of the community doesn't miss half of these things because the larger majority of the community wasn't around long enough to experience them.

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I disagree with most of the points in this video, so I will not spread it nor discuss it further.


11 minutes ago, oOSinox said:

strongly encourage anyone who feels the same to share and spread this video since only as a community can we truly get DE's attention.

Stop trying to put every little thing on a banner and lead a crusade with it. Sheesh.

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10 minutes ago, -Amaterasu- said:

This is like the 4th time I've seen this video come up in the past month... I really don't think there's much discussion to be had here. Personally I miss quite a few things from the old game but I'm also glad to be rid of quite a few of the unpolished features so it seems more like a give and take to me either way DE is going to make the game the way they want so there's no sense in backwards progression just to please a few who may have differing opinions from another few.

If I had to guess the larger majority of the community doesn't miss half of these things because the larger majority of the community wasn't around long enough to experience them.

Fair point, but isn't the point of progressing forwards in game development to expand and/or improve on those 'unpolished' features that no longer fit instead of outright removing them? I do yet understand that it is hard to appease both sides of the community at once but that doesn't mean there can't sometimes be a compromise? I just wanted to get my thoughts out there before I forgot.

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3 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

I disagree with most of the points in this video, so I will not spread it nor discuss it further.


Stop trying to put every little thing on a banner and lead a crusade with it. Sheesh.

well the little things are what make the game for me :P I'm sorry if I can't help it when I see something I've grown so fond of disappear. This isn't a crusade btw just an honest and civil suggestion ^^


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Alright, I'll give my 2 cents. I've only been playing WF for a year, so lots of those things don't really apply to me, but here are the things I resonate strongly with:

The corrupted voice. The old corrupted voice was much more alien, much more suitable in a tileset that was suppose to be eerily pristine. The new corrupted voices are too similar to the regular enemies IMO.

The new end mission music. It is IMO overly epic, and not in a good way. It sounds like the kind of music you'd find in movies depicting some kind of great saga like LOtR, not sci-fi nomadic warriors struggling to get by in a universe that has forgotten them a long time ago.

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I think the video is terribly petty. Take the level up sound - that's what defined the game? One sound file? Imagine trying to level up 4 things at once somewhere where you level up fast - that 10 second soundbite is all you'll be hearing. Current sound is much better.

Corpus announcer - that's still Rebecca's voice. Why would Lotus be the Corpus announcer? At some point in its life cycle, Warframe became much more lore aware than it originally was and I think this is why the Corpus announcer was removed - because voices play huge role in this game and that's how players get to know characters. As the game focuses more on smaller, personal stories, voices become very important. They'll get to know Lotus by her voice. What message does it send when Lotus is also the one telling your enemies she cares about them? 


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7 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

I think the video is terribly petty. Take the level up sound - that's what defined the game? One sound file? Imagine trying to level up 4 things at once somewhere where you level up fast - that 10 second soundbite is all you'll be hearing. Current sound is much better.

Corpus announcer - that's still Rebecca's voice. Why would Lotus be the Corpus announcer? At some point in its life cycle, Warframe became much more lore aware than it originally was and I think this is why the Corpus announcer was removed - because voices play huge role in this game and that's how players get to know characters. As the game focuses more on smaller, personal stories, voices become very important. They'll get to know Lotus by her voice. What message does it send when Lotus is also the one telling your enemies she cares about them? 


Considering they've gotten phenomenally better as a sound team, I don't think it's too outlandish an idea to re-impliment such a grounding aspect of the game. I'd also like to point out something about the value of the sound clips the video mentions (I miss them too, oh so dearly). After playing the game for hundreds of hours back then, especially since content wasn't very available (talking about pre-phobos, just introduced void and dojos phase), everything became muscle memory to players, and we ended up using audio cues and sfx to guide our way across. It's sort of similar to how veteran fighting game players don't pay attention to their characters but rather the space between them and their enemies. 

Like it or not, sound plays a very core part of immersion and enjoyment. 

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I agree only with drums, but that's because I love drums. Also the announcer lady was pretty cool.

One thing, that bothers me, regardless if it's old or new is lack of variety in transmissions from the Lotus. She keeps repeating ten lines over and over.

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The only thing I really agree with in the video is the end-of-mission music, that's really unfitting to the atmosphere of the game. Most of the other changes were made to accomodate lore or as QoL changes (like the level up sound: the old one was fantastic, but it was good when leveling stuff was difficult and long, so you'd hear it only once in a while)

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6 minutes ago, bejuizb said:

Considering they've gotten phenomenally better as a sound team, I don't think it's too outlandish an idea to re-impliment such a grounding aspect of the game. I'd also like to point out something about the value of the sound clips the video mentions (I miss them too, oh so dearly). After playing the game for hundreds of hours back then, especially since content wasn't very available (talking about pre-phobos, just introduced void and dojos phase), everything became muscle memory to players, and we ended up using audio cues and sfx to guide our way across. It's sort of similar to how veteran fighting game players don't pay attention to their characters but rather the space between them and their enemies. 

Like it or not, sound plays a very core part of immersion and enjoyment. 

Making tilesets feel more alive would be amazing, and that's what the announcer lady seems to have done for the corpus. I think an equivalent of her will eventually make it into the game, just with a different voice and maybe character. Feeling the map reacting to your actions, the announcer scrambling its AI, trying to calculate a way to stop you would be great. 

For the rest of the sound - I still use it a lot for situational awareness. I can't play this game with the sound off. Some enemies (khum bombers khum) need better sound cues, but overall I think current sound works great in letting players know what is around them. In some instances particularly against the infested it is such a lovely particle fest (no sarcasm) that sound is all you're really left with. I personally love that there's a slight, but unique kill confirm sound.

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The only thing i can agree is with the transmissions of both lutus and corpus lotus, but that's mostly because rebecca's voice is so great, and it also felt more personal, and now it sound like... a space mom, but for that i hope the operators get more lines and the option to be the new announcer as to get personal again.

But every thing else is just silly, all of them where improvements

(3 years vet here)

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40 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:


I see the Lotus as more of a space goddess given that she loves all of her Tenno children equally and is more reflective in appearance and personality to that of a deity rather than a mother.

Edited by oOSinox
wrong quote
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32 minutes ago, Lijka said:

I agree only with drums, but that's because I love drums. Also the announcer lady was pretty cool.

One thing, that bothers me, regardless if it's old or new is lack of variety in transmissions from the Lotus. She keeps repeating ten lines over and over.

Drums are still here, Void Parkour.

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The old level-up sound went on too long and would get obnoxious.  Shorten it to just the first sting, and it would be fine.  I don't think they needed to replace it entirely.

The Corpus announcer was something I never experienced, but it would be a nice layer of immersion to see it come back, much like the old Hek sounds.

I don't mind the new Corrupted Voices for Corpus/Grineer Corrupted.  They're corrupted - not replaced.  It makes sense that they still use their old languages.  They could have kept the old sounds for use on Orokin Drones and possibly Corrupted Ancients.  That sibilant hiss added quite a bit of atmosphere, and I did miss seeing it go completely.

The drum tune still exists, but it's only played in certain places.  Orokin Void hidden parkour rooms, the obstacle course in your dojo, and certain Mastery Rank tests.  It also plays when you start some of the Chamber of Ascension (drift mod) challenges in the Orokin Moon.  I like it's current usage because drums, used sparingly, produces a sensation of the situation growing more frantic and faster paced.  This is fine, when it's warranted, but it's not always appropriate to the situation in-game, and would get distracting during certain mission types, like Spy missions.  The new music is softer and more ambient, and shifts in tempo and tone with the situation, becoming calmer during downtime and more excited during fights.

I'm ambivalent about transmissions.  I find the new ones fine because they feature The Lotus, and her signature near-emotionless delivery.  She's less obtrusive.  If the old announcer within stages comes back, playing dynamic voice lines alongside The Lotus's transmissions, you'd get an effect similar to the old transmissions, but much more immersive, IMO.

I like the new Mission Success music.  It's a lot more triumphant and satisfying, compared to the old music which evokes a feeling of narrowly escaping some terrible fate.

While the OP's video makes some points, I don't completely agree with them.  I can understand being nostalgic for certain things, but change is not all bad.


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4 minutes ago, Lijka said:

In very specific, short situations in very particular missions only, tho :(

And in the music of the game. Keith has done an actual great job at keeping the Yakudo feel in some of the composed songs, which is something I appreciate a lot. Just take Lunaro or Second Dream themes for an example.

The announcer of the Corpus: Yeah, pretty sure George can take someone from the office and make a new announcer voice that seems better suited for the role on the ship tilesets. I can agree with that one. Danielle hasn't voiced anyone yet, hm... *wink wink*

The rest is pretty much just nostalgia and has changed for the better honestly. More music diversity, more language diversity, better immersion (why would a mind controlled Grineer speak differently? He's brainwashed, not given real knowledge), etc. Some small things are a step back, but most of it is usually for the better.

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5 hours ago, djternan said:

I'm really not a fan of people posting someone else's video instead of feedback here.

This isn't really relevant to the topic post and I kind of wanted this thread to stay relevant, although I realize people get to have their freedom of speech and there is nothing I can do to change that. The video itself serves as feedback. It covers the core points I wanted to discuss in this thread better than a few sentences in a paragraph would. :/

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10 hours ago, oOSinox said:

I DID NOT CREATE OR RELEASE ANY OF THIS CONTENT. But I do endorse this video and I strongly encourage anyone who feels the same to share and spread this video since only as a community can we truly get DE's attention. Also feel free to leave your opinions and comments in this thread as well as the original video for discussion. :) 

Edit(1): since the number of replies here has exceeded 20 (not including my own) I am henceforth considering this topic a megathread

Now that I think about it, One thing I feel like I forgot to elaborate on in my OG post is that even I personally don't agree with some things said in the video. There are petty things here and there like the lotus transmission format which I believe was a necessary and wonderful change. Contrary to the title of the video I am not after that 'Nostalgia' due to premonitions of veteran bitterness. I am just as neutral and interested in the benefits of the community as a whole as a typical DE Dev and would love to see this game go even further than it has over the past 3 years. Whether you agree or not it is more than just a huge content update that defines a game's development. It is every little fine detail, every little "Hey... That's a neat touch" along with the foundation (gameplay, sound, story etc.) in Unity that truly makes a game great IMO. And, it can't hurt to spend time on that. 

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