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Market Overhaul Feedback [Megathread]


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Personally i think the new market layout is horrid, i mean it wasnt perfect before but it just seams like its been over complicated just to try and make it look nice, (which i think it doesnt)

the weapons/frame boxes look too big, and imo removing the blueprint sub categories just makes browsing the market more hassle,


but what do you guys think.

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I know the OP asked for constructive posts or whatever, but in all honesty i cant be bothered, why should I. A couple of guys in this thread have fixed in like 10 minutes what DE took days/weeks/months to screw up.

But why change the market so drastically in the first place, it looked fine worked fine. yeah maybe if you need to give people something to do to keep them in a job get them to jazz it up a bit, not waste time completely redesigning something and making it worse in just about every conceivable way. If i ( a MR20 player) had to ask in regional where the bps went, then you did something wrong. and i can see im not the only one. the market is messy, over complicated, clunky adn just generally looks terrible. boxes are far too large.. i mean just nothing is improved in any way shape or form, 

and as for adding AW slots your just making me less inclined to play something i already do not like. I dont have much to do in this game as it is, and the changes as a whole do not add anything actually new, just a different weay of doing the same things over and over.

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I'm posting this because I've only just figured out what's wrong, so I can put it in words.

My issue with market currently (aside from the glaringly obvious horrible blueprint stuff, not getting into that), is the completely unlogical item grouping according to their section.

Two parts to the problem,

1) Illogical placement of items within group, or in other words, plainly wrong item places. I just went to buy a pack of DNA stabilizers for my Kubrow. I said "Ok let's try doing this without search, see how I find the new system". First place I looked was Home, Companions, and there I saw "Kubrow and Kavat Accessories" tab. Guess what, it ain't there. Which brings me to the other part of the problem

2) Glaring design oversight of the home menu. Calling it home, and rolling it out like a list of sections, each with their own subsections, dictates by simple logic (and experience in using anything on the internet), that the sub-sections are simply refined subsets of items from it's master section.

Or to put it in an example, the "Companions" tab should contain everything it's sub-category "Kubrow accessories" does, and some more items not put into respective subcategories. In other words, the "subcategories" aren't actually subcategories at all. The structure of the market menu is not:

  • Home
    • Companions
      • Kubrow and Kavat Accessories
      • Sentinel Accessories


What it actually is:

  • Home
    • Companions
    • Kubrow and Kavat Accessories
    • Sentinel Accessories


But the design doesn't communicate that.

On the upside, I do love the pure aesthetics of it, the visual design. The background 3D render of a random object from current viewed set, with "glass" blurry panels of items in front is very nice. It's just the logical composition that I have a problem with.


Man I really hope this reaches the devs... :/

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Market feedback.

God, where to start.

First off, I do actually like the new UI.  Very pretty, handles fairly well.  That said, I've got issues with it.

  1. The UI makes it look like Warframe is Pay to Win.  The BP button is a tiny little thing and isn't really labeled, so unless you know what that button does, you're out of luck
    1. Suggestion: Swap the BP and Plat sections, making the Market default to the BP screen.  This removes the conception that new equipment is plat only.
  2. Current UI is a little unintuitive.  You click Home to activate the drop down menu, mouse over the section you want, and get a pop menu of other stuff.  I originally thought THOSE were the actual buttons and that there wasn't a "main page" sort of thing.
    1. Suggestion: possibly reword the names that pop up under the drop down to make sure new players realize they double as the main page for that section.  Possibly add a new tab to the sub category pop ups that is labeled as the "<Category> Home" for easier navigation.
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A short list of things that I think are worth rehashing or are not contained in previous posts:

1. Only being able to see one row of items in the market without scrolling down past the moving background is intensely annoying.

2. If you're going to feature different weapons in different sections of the market say that they are being featured, otherwise why are the first 5 items in certain sections of the market out of alphabetical order. That just doesn't make sense.

3. At 285 hours played I wouldn't have expected to have to look up how to find blueprints online. Why are blueprints not in their own tab from platinum purchased constructed weapons? Why can't I search for a weapon blueprint as an item in the marketplace?

4. Why do tabs which contain subsections not include a way to access said subsections from those tabs? For example, the companions menu expands into two subsections, but you cannot navigate to those subsections from the menu that is brought up by clicking the companions parent tab.

5. Not that this is the time or place to suggest adding more content instead of fixing current content, similar to the hide owned button that you can use to hide items you already have, can you add a way to see if you have leveled a weapon, companion, or warframe to the max level even if you've sold the item? Having to check my profile to see which weapons I have or haven't completed is very tedious considering most weapons aren't worth keeping after leveling. There's such a large amount of levelable content in this game that only being able to see that information in one place interferes with the ease of knowing what you have and haven't completed when you're in the market to purchase things you haven't completed.

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On 7/8/2016 at 3:34 PM, ArcticMantis said:

Pressing esc throws you all the way out of the market, not a step back like it works in the rest of the UI. This really bugs me.

That's just one of the things I'd like changed, the rest has been named multiple times above.

I have the same issue. +1 to that suggestion. 

I propose that pressing escape will clear the search, but pressing again after the search is cleared should kick you out.

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I just want to +1 what @arkvold wrote on page 3. The new market system is extremely vague on face value as to whether you can purchase blueprints. Even searching for "blueprint" in the market search field turned up nothing, and as a result I was wondering if BPs had been dispensed with altogether (instead having to earn them via relay specters, which would have been interesting). However, as someone who has logged in plenty of hours and is used to the iconography of Warframe, I found the initial impression of the redesigned market to be extremely plat focused. I get why they are where they are now (it saves on space and is slightly "tidier"), but whether intentional or not, it just isn't a good look right now.

If anything, what I was expecting from this update was maybe a tooltips option that would guide you or any newcomer through the new market, rather than platinum prices front and center.

But I don't want to be overly negative, and would like to offer feedback, so what I'd like (but have no idea how to implement) is a button that upon clicking will show me everything in the market that I either don't have and/or have not yet mastered. I mean, the change of mastery rank giving base capacity does speed up the weapon leveling process - so why not help me find the weapons/warframes I haven't mastered faster too?

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I feel the new market UI is very obstructive now. I prefer the old console UI to the new one that just mashes itself into your screen like Cephelon Simaris, desperate for attention.

There used to be a clearly labeled page to go to, to see what weapon blueprints were available. Now you have to go into each item's individual page to see if it has a blueprint available

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On 7/8/2016 at 3:16 PM, Metalicz said:

I feel like the new market is just... very poorly designed. I mean, it -looks- nice, but the functionality and presentation of it just really fall short and get under my skin in just the UI elements. 

Lets start with the landing page. 


Red Areas: Feels just like completely wasted space. I kind of get that you want to showcase something from the top row, but couldn't you just make that a traditional banner?

In general all those moving background pieces are more distracting than anything else. I feel like the market should just be about showing items for sale, letting my browse through and buy them, and then leaving. Seems like it loses functionality in exchange for flashiness. I don't open up the market and immediately go "oh this looks cool." I just instead feel so much visual noise filling my eyes that I'm just like "please make it stop". 

Blue Area: Drop down menu is nice, but I feel like it should be always open. Always open and brought towards the left side of the screen while pushing the item lists towards the right side of the screen, using up some of that wasted screen real estate. It will also help with the fact that it overlaps and cuts into the left column for item windows. Can keep how it works functionally with the side bars the pop up with you mouse over things, but having to click it every time to drop down and then go to stuff seems like an unnecessary amount of "clicks" which is a common theme for this new market. 


Moving onto a more different screen. We'll just use the Warframe screen here, but the issues I have with it transfer to all the other menus as well.


Just general points here, no highlighted areas. Again, top part feels wasted, so i just scrolled down to bring the main focus of this page to fill my eyes. This is what I feel like should be the default position for menus. Items for sale just filling the screen and letting me get to what I came here for. Moving background just distracts from that and if I want to see what something looks like I can just click on it and it will take me to that full blown picture. 

Also, where are the blueprints? I am aware that they are combined with built items, but how am I supposed to know that? Just looking at this screen, it seems inherently dishonest. I'm going to provide a quote from your update notes: 

I feel like you tried to fix something that didn't really need fixing, and by doing it, made it worse. Just looking back onto the warframe market screen, how can I tell that any of these have blueprints? I can't. It just displays the Platinum cost which makes it seem like to me (and many others it would appear) that blueprints are just gone. Only -after- clicking on them and being brought to a separate screen do we even know that a blue print exists for this frame. It's not just for frames either, but -all- weapons as well. I would like to see an icon on the tile, or put a credit cost next to the plat cost, something! By putting the system in this fashion, it seems almost intentionally misleading to get people to spend plat on something that is otherwise free to acquire in the game. I can imagine a scenario where someone buys a frame or weapon and doesn't even know of the blueprint's existence. Sure, they'd have to miss the really small credit icon at the top right of the buy screen, but lets be honest, people will. 

All in all, it just feels like the current market could use with some better use of space and a lot clearer presentation of information. Right now the UI increases the amount of clicks and menus I have to go through just to get what I want, which you definitely don't want and feels like just poor design. 

So to summarize or tl;dr: Market LOOKS good, but functionally, it is very lacking. 

^ I couldn't have said the issues with use of space, visual noise, number of clicks, and functionality any better than what Metalicz elaborately mentioned.

On 7/8/2016 at 3:48 PM, noveltyhero said:

Quite a few major issues with this one:

  • The menu on the side should be smaller, it should also be a permanent sidebar, not a hover menu
  • We need to be able to access blueprints more easily than clicking on an item, a new player would probably struggle with this one
  • The filter of "hide owned" should be permanent and not having to re-click every time
  • The items listed are simply too big, playing at a high resolution and only having a few items per row is a bit ridiculous
  • When viewing cosmetics maybe add a button to "preview with current colours" to see how it would look if it used my current color scheme
  • There could be smaller buttons used alongside items, stuff like add to wishlist or gifting could be made without having to click on every single item
  • At the top of the list or in sidebar we need clear filters such as by price, by date added, by quantity, by name.
  • Maybe add a small tag of "Friends who also have this" or something on the lines per item

You are creating a marketplace right now, so I suggest taking a note or two from steam's community market.

^ This guy noveltyhero basically offers the solutions to the problems Metalicz has mentioned.
I strongly agree with the 4th point. I like having the items small enough so that I can see more items in a table, but big enough that I can still recognize what they look like.

On 7/8/2016 at 6:34 PM, ArcticMantis said:

Pressing esc throws you all the way out of the market, not a step back like it works in the rest of the UI. This really bugs me.

That's just one of the things I'd like changed, the rest has been named multiple times above.

^ This is what I miss from the old market UI. I understand that placing the "hamburger style" menu is meant to make the market easier to expand, but I like the hierarchy via esc.

On 7/8/2016 at 6:54 PM, ArcticMantis said:

Besides all the complaints, here's an addition that would be welcome: Mastery indication

A typical Warframe player will work towards the highest mastery rank, and remove mastered weapons from their arsenal to free up slots for new weapons. That's why being able to see mastered weapons/frames/etc in the codex is necessary.

  Reveal hidden contents



I think it would be helpful to have that codex mastered weapons indication integrated into the market. That way when looking for new weapons to master in the market, you can see which weapons are next on the list without having to switch to the codex or arsenal to make sure you're not leveling the same weapon twice.



^ This is what I mostly do to maxed ranked items (other than the ones I really like), so adding this in addition to noveltyhero's 3rd point of making the hide owned button perm, would make really nice functional filters.

Despite all the apparent disagreement from the quotes I posted, I do like how the new market looks. Fortunately, the issues seems easily fixable. In my honest opinion, just combine the solutions from the posted quotes and it's almost the perfect market UI in terms of form and function for me.

So, to the devs working on these, keep up the good flexible work!

Edited by WarLawin
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The space above the actual shop items irritates me to no end. And by irritates, I mean literally gives me a headache. Seeing everything compacted into the bottom half of my screen just...feels wrong to my eyes. I can't browse the marketplace for long before my eyes start bothering me too much.

Listing only plat prices was a major mistake. I shouldn't have to click on an item to see a detailed window of it just to find out how much it costs in credits, after clicking an extra tab in said detailed window. Add a toggle to the actual market window (not the detailed description window) to show credit prices for blueprints/toggle blueprints, or add the credit price in next to the plat. The toggle would look less cluttered, but I guess if you had to enlarge the boxes in the market sections to add a credit amount, it might take up some of that massive waste of space you've got going on there.

Things are a bit confusing to find. I can't remember any specifics off the top of my head, but I remember looking for a few things that I couldn't for the life of me figure out where to find, because I had no clue what section it was in. I do know that the new holster animations were one of them, as well as something for kubrows/kavats - eventually found them by clicking around to a bunch of different sections, but really, the old marketplace was much easier to navigate.

On a positive note, I do like the look of the sidebar on the left, if only because it looks nice, but I don't like having to hover over each section to pick a subsection that may or may not have what I'm looking for.

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Prices (plat & credits) should show on hover of the item.

The whole market shouldn't black out the liset, it should be embedded naturally like the old one (in fact we can still see the old one but only for showing featured items before we activate it.

Add checkbox for items that we've gotten full mastery points out of. I think a lot of people go through the market weapons and warframes to see what they have left to progress on. Sometimes what we own and what we've squeezed for mastery aren't always the same thing.

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The first problem i'd like to address is the fact that using the side bar to go from weapons to Primary/Melee etc. is much less efficient than the way it was laid out before. especially since i'm backing out of the market every ten seconds, because instead of working like a chain

ex. Home -> Weapons -> Primary -> Braton.

Instead it does   Primary -> Braton   and backing out of the primary weapons page takes me completely out of the market. i shouldn't have to move back to the tab at the top to move between primary and secondary. i should be able to just hit back on my mouse and go into the secondary tab from the weapons page.

Also, the new color layout for the new market is too dark, the color coded weapon tabs that it used to have was easy to navigate and i didn't have to hawk down the right tab, every tab is the same color and style, with a basically invisible visual aid as opposed to the solid pictures it used to have. it's not nearly as user friendly.

another grievance i have is the fact that you merged the blueprints and the actual items into the same product. and on top of that, removed the prices from the market unless the item is clicked on, making browsing for new weapons much slower as i have to now click on everything i want to look at as opposed to just scrolling through. you've essentially made the entire marketing process a chore.

it was much better in the old market, literally nothing in the new market is better except the ability to rotate certain items in the preview now. overall, i think you should just put it back. you should've never tried to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place.

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I'm sorry but this is a stupid idea; removing the prices from the marketplace. Now in order to see how much something costs, people need to click on something. Yeah I get that you don't want to make your game look like platinum is the only currency to get stuff, but you should've thought about that before you buried blueprints and stuff in the UI. Removing the prices from the grid view doesn't help with the looks, it is just the opposite, it makes marketplace harder to use (again).

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Plat left corner, creds right corner with a BP icon or similar. No need to outright hide the prices. Hell, even make purchases clickable from the icon, streamline the process.

More efficient use of real estate as some people mentioned would be best. Though seeing as development has to be done for consoles, I can see where the current design comes from. Still, the new market feels unnecessarily crowded somehow and not every item sold has an accompanying diorama, so it does feel kinda out of place.

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1. As many others here have stated, the drop down menu should be turned into a permanently open sidebar.

2. The tiles are indeed too big, should be 5 or 6 per row.

3. Something that I think nobody else has mentioned yet: Could you please make the "back"-button (mouse thumb button) into a real back button, so that it takes you for example from Home->Equipment->Components back to Equipment, and then back to Home, instead of exiting the market completely? Would really help navigation. As it is now, I often exit the market accidentally, which is just annoying.


EDIT: Just saw that my #3 has already been requested by a lot of people. Ah well, at least it seems we have a consensus among the community.

Edited by tomrair
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Just a small complaint about the market, why doesn't the build page for the warframes  that are from the boss of a planet don't indicate where to find the composants for a warframe ?

The page for Mesa clearly indicate that the components drops from mutualist Alad V. Which I think is a great addition, all warframe build pages should be done similarly.

Edited by vaur06
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all i can say is congratz on your ongoing effort to make the whole ui more obtuse, take more clicks and be generally more cumbersome to navigate. it's really baffling to me but then again all forums went the same way from simple organized lists that allow a quick overview at a few glances to searches and curated views because individual items absolutely need take up _sooooo_ much screen space and god forbid users running the risk of having an overview... *ramble, ramble, ramble*

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