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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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I was doing a fissure in a mission and then the Stalker attacked me. Because of that I eventually ran out of time and the fissure closed. Then I learned that it automatically fails the mission. Why? We should be able to get to extraction normally, regardles whether we managed to complete the fissure or not. It would be nice to at least get the loot from the mission, like the Stalker stuff I lost.

Also it would be also nice to increase the drops of the reactant; right now they drop far too seldom, especially in a situation when you need to focus on stuff like the Stalker.


While I'm at it, right now the fissures don't seem too interesting. Sure, we can manage the RNG odds and don't have to farm void, but closing a fissure feels the same every time. I think it might get boring really quickly. It would be much better if they warped us to an area in the void where we would have to do some stuff, like a mission in a mission.

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Only constructive thing I have to say now is that Blueprints are WAY too hidden in market. It's like you're trying to fool new players into thinking you can't buy those.

You should make them more visible as soon as you can, cause honestly that's some "Korean F2P MMO" level of tactics.

Edited by Kawalorn
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1 hour ago, wowgameavision said:

5) Creating dragon keys now requires the new rare drops from the Tears that you need for refining relics.  Well that kills that.


You forgot to mention that its capped at 100 in your invetory too, so you cant even save them up for building dragon keys later.

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1 minute ago, CrudShuzKong said:

You forgot to mention that its capped at 100 in your invetory too, so you cant even save them up for building dragon keys later.

Oh my god... I didn't even know that. That makes it WAY worse.

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I have to say that these updates could have really done with some extra info in the game.... not everyone watches dev streams or reads the forum etc.



As you've updated the sentinels to keep up any chance you can do similar with the kubrows, mine keep seeming to get left behind....

A perfect example is during a capture mission, I get to the target and my 'maxed out' Sunika is nowhere to be seen and then can't keep up when the target runs away.  He therefore doesn't do his main job of jumping on the target. 


Edited by LSG501
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On July 8, 2016 at 2:12 PM, EDYinnit said:

I noticed that you've decided to retroactively limit Archwing and Archwing weapon slots, with more purchasable with Platinum akin to Warframe and Warframe Weapon slots.


I find this completely disingenuous. Because I happened to not get around to AWD (time taken up void grinding instead) I now have to pay for three slots I could previously have gotten grandfathered in for free had I crafted those weapons in advance.


My sympathies for anyone who did nothing in Archwing before but likes it now it has six-degree freedom and new modes. They have to pay out some 200 platinum more than people who enjoyed or even just tolerated it before..

Perhaps next time spend more time playing the game instead of that time spent in nerf threads?

I played all modes and thus have no problem with this.

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16 hours ago, -Sora- said:

The only issue i really have with the update is how focused it is on new players and not older players. The idea of having to fight specters in order to progress to the next planet is executed very well. However, it falls over due to it not also appealing to older players.

What use is a Furis blueprint, and a few thousand credits to an MR 13 player? I can easily buy most of the items offered with no issue. Even then, there is no incentive to even attempt to actually do the junctions as I already have other planets unlocked.

It is way too focused on the 'new player experience.' This leads to it being detrimental towards giving a new experience to players. Especially old ones as they have no reason to even bother with the content introduced. Its a time sink with no reward or progression for older players. I already progressed past the point which they are intended to take you, therefore I have to reason to attempt it.


There should have been an option to at least reset star chart progress in order to actually allow older players to experience the 'new player experience.' 


This includes being able to restart old quests. It gives older players a reason to replay all of the lower level and forgotten missions. It was mentioned when U14 dropped that there was work going towards replayable quests. What happened? Or even Nightmare Versions of the quests? Those were mentioned too. So many ideas are brought up yet largely ignored. 


Regardless, the update is very pleasing aesthetically. And overall makes the general mission process feel more refined. It's just that the rewards for making progress are rendered null to older players who only have void content to farm. I shouldn't have to make a new account, forfeit everything I earned: my platinum, my prime access packs, my weapons, my companions, etc. Just so I can actually experience an entire update.

I want to be able to enjoy having to reactivate solar junctions, not see them as a chore with no reward. 


What I think would make the update feel more rewarding to the older playerbase would be giving an option to reset star chart progress, placing the player at Terminus. And allow them to work themselves back up to their former status. But only for those who wish to do so. Second of all, give older players a reason to activate junctions other than mastery and fodder items. Have the loot scale up based on mastery, or do a token economy. 

This would allow players to actually experience the update as intended. Allow them to work themselves up the rails again should they wish to do so.

It's not enjoyable having to go, "Oh I guess ill just play lower level missions for no reason as I already have gotten past them and the rewards for replaying them are low-tier."

This effectively cuts off half of the player-base from the whole update as well as further ones because most content is geared towards the 'new player experience.'


I have to agree with a lot of this, I really wish I could see what it's like to progress in the rail system but problem is I cleared the thing way back in star chart 1.0 so there has been little more to do but grind for gear and repayable missions are way overdue. maybe give us some option to reset a completed star chart for some reward like a catalyst or something just to keep us older guys rotating through the map nodes. 

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11 minutes ago, Fuzzydragon said:

I have to agree with a lot of this, I really wish I could see what it's like to progress in the rail system but problem is I cleared the thing way back in star chart 1.0 so there has been little more to do but grind for gear and repayable missions are way overdue. maybe give us some option to reset a completed star chart for some reward like a catalyst or something just to keep us older guys rotating through the map nodes. 

I'm more concerned about the system being boring.

I was hyped for the new relay system because they promised a quest to go with it, I imagined going through the solar system, figuring who had deactivated the relays and why, maybe there would be some kind of conspiracy involved. I went into the first relay and was greeted with an ominous voice promising my death, I got hyped. Then it turned out the "quest" where we reactivate the relays is just "Kill 150 Grineer" and "Do one alert" and "Destroy 3 injectors." To compound my disappointment what awaited me in the relay? Was it Stalker trying to sabotage the relays? Was it a Sentient? Some new boss enemy? Nope just a low-tier Specter, pretty sure my Carrier killed it from across the room before I even got close enough to see it's health bar. 

Boring, pointless busywork. 

Edited by TrouNoir
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I'm unsure how many others are having my issue, but I dislike the new response to a server delay.

I live in a rural area and have satellite internet, it's slow and ill suited to play multiplayer games, so I almost exclusively play missions solo. I wouldn't mind this new message if it was just a little heads up that your connection is weak, but the way it locks your controls whenever it appears is dangerous, as it can appear even in solo mode. Before, I was able to continue playing without interruption, now I randomly lose the ability to control myself.

I don't claim to understand how connections like this work, so maybe this has some benefit I'm unaware of, but so far it's been a serious threat to my missions.

Otherwise, I like the update really, the new starchart and market are just going to take time, just like parkour 2.0 did when it released.

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Hey Tenno!

We've listened to your feedback of the latest update, and after careful deliberation have implemented the following changes:


The Void:

- Nullifiers' bubbles do not destroy Frost's snow globes: instead, they provide immunity to its effects to units inside the bubble

- Nullifiers' bubbles only disable abilities temporarily. For example, Rhino's iron skin will reactivate when the Nullifier's bubble is gone

(these changes should make Nullifiers fair while at the same time allowing them to serve the gameplay function they were made for)

- RNG was tweaked so that there will always be enough Reactant drops to seal the Tear. This fixes failing missions due to RNG

- The cap on Void Traces players can have has been removed. The only function it served was to force players to upgrade Relics and forge Dragon Keys as they go instead of upgrading/crafting right before being used, but admittedly rather than improve balance or gameplay, the only thing it increased was frustration

- Tears now behave like extractors in the sense that Reactants will be absorbed by the Tear by proximity instead of on contact. This makes closing tears more intuitive and there shouldn't be further issue with players not knowing how to close tears



- WASD can now be used to pan the star chart

- Resources for planets are shown when they're moused over

- Clicking nodes will not select or start the mission unless the following conditions are met:

          - Node text is visible (prevents accidentally selecting when zoomed out)

          - MB1 was both pressed and released over the node (prevents selecting while panning -- sfx are present on MB1 up                         as well to prevent clicking+panning from a node sounding awkward)

- Node names are now more legible, and node sizes have been increased overall

- Special missions (syndicate, void tear, infestation outbreaks, etc) are optional again. If a node has multiple missions, players can play any one of them

- All nodes now have icons based on mission type similar to the icons for boss nodes. If a node has multiple missions available, it cycles through icons for all available missions

- Special mission node icons are displayed regardless of zoom level (i.e. if the map is zoomed all the way out, an infestation outbreak on Mars will still show up)

- Unavailable paths are now faded and greyed out instead of blue. This should clear up any confusion on what the unintuitive blue lines were

- Fixed horizontal twitching of player's head in background when panning left/right at low zoom (zoomed out) levels

- Sun was given proper model

- Relays are visible and legible at furthest zoom level (makes it easier for players to find congregations of their fellow Tenno)

- Junctions have models on the starchart (similar to relays) to add emphasis and make clearer the line of progression

- "To planet" and junctions have been combined to reduce clutter. When you complete a junction, it turns into the existing "To planet" node. For instance, now "To Saturn" does not exist when you first come to Jupiter. When you complete the Saturn junction on Jupiter, the now-nonfunctional node (can't rejoin solar rail junction) becomes "To Saturn" 

- Lines between planets have been thickened to distinguish them and make them easier to see while zoomed out

- Nodes and the lines between them have been made flat to make them less disorienting

- Option to hide node names from starchart until moused over (names are not as useful with mission type icons anymore, so players may opt to disable the display of them to reduce clutter)

- Various Orokin structures have been placed in the Void area of the starchart that make it easier to distinguish lower-level nodes from higher-level nodes at a glance. Higher level nodes will have a higher concentration of Orokin structures

- Starchart reopens at last viewed instead of last mission complete (makes it painless to hop in and out of starchart)



- Dinky menu header and hamburger button have been replaced by an always-visible sidebar (essentially the existing dropdown but tweaked to function well as a sidebar)

- Escape now goes up a level in the interface as opposed to exiting it completely. The Exit button can be used to completely close the Market

- Item portraits now show credits to build an item alongside platinum -- a building hammer icon has been blended with the credit icon in these instances to indicate the item must be built. Warframes show the total credits required to build all of their components (components aren't purchaseable from the market, but this makes clear that Warframes can be built)

- Mousing over an item portrait will bring up takeover of that portrait with two columns. The left column is labeled "BUILD" and the right column is labeled "BUY". Clicking the right column will bring up the purchase prompt for the item, and clicking the left column will pop up a display which lists all necessary components and requirements (e.g. Mastery Rank) to craft the item. If all requirements are met and all components are owned, the player can click "Build in Foundry" to quick-jump to the foundry and build the item

(these two marketplace changes should eliminate any misunderstanding that free-to-play players cannot get new items)

- Kavat genetic code prices have been changed so that buying all ten costs the same as buying a single Kubrow egg



- Kavats who would yield a genetic code but were killed by enemies beforehand drop an object (similar the behavior of carriers dropping power cells) that can be scanned to retrieve the genetic code. This prevents Grineer and other enemies from taking away your chance a getting genetic code. This also bumps the difficulty of scanning Kavats who turn invisible and move around quickly to a reasonable level, as players can kill them straight away and scan any dropped genetic material afterwards

- Kavat genetic code drop rate has been made fair

- Genetic degradation for both Kavats and Kubrows has been tweaked so that it only lowers stats -- neither can die or be automatically sent to the incubator. Genetic death was initially meant to balance Kubrows, but as of now they've been left behind by power creep and other options (i.e. Sentinels) prove significantly and entirely more useful. This was partially fixed with the Incubator upgrade to prevent death, but it still isn't enough

- Stasis recovery has been removed. As with genetic degradation, it is no longer needed for balance purposes and only contributes to frustration and inferiority to sentinels. Pets can be instantly deposited and recovered from stasis

- Kubrows and Kavats can now be sold for a credit gain. Collectors all over the solar system are eager to buy the companions of the Orokin era revived from a feral depravity -- give your pet a better life outside the pain of combat! Having to pay credits to release pets is yet another barrier that makes them inferior to sentinels, and it is no longer needed

(these changes should make Kubrows and Kavats a viable alternative to Sentinels. Kavats are fine for the most part, but they still have quirks left over from Kubrows that don't contribute anything good for the game)



If you haven't noticed the aroma of sarcasm wafting around this post, I'm not actually a DE staff member. Nonetheless I'd still love to see the real update reflect all of these changes.

Edited by Scylax
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I think we have a "small" problem. I can't see anything from behind my inaros lol. and im finding that aiming some weapons in the FP mode is a bit more difficult. I love the update otherwise though! great work!!!!!!!!

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- I want Draco back, copy and paste of convo

10 hours ago, FarStike said:

Dude fully agree with you re Draco. I'm MR20 and when I was bored and didnt feel like solo void then would go Draco for the intensity of it - not even to level frames/weapons. Call it the slowest places to farm for fusions but thats how I convinced myself it was worth it. Really, really loved the map intensity. Never a boring map - unless the mesa/trin contingent rocked up. Was one of the highlights of the game for me along with void endless defense.

Ya dude :/... i assume you found me through that topic that got closed, stupid trolls... man i sometimes just logged in just to draco some. Also the T4I key you got was really good at wave 4, before loki got vaulted i could farm 300 ducats every 20 minutes there because Loki BP dropped in 3 rotations which was 50 ducats :/... i just had great fun because a smaller more open map ment that you went all over the map to support when it was needed. The new map encourages camping and solo play.... RIP draco... they didnt move the map, they removed it entirely... how is removing content in any form/way or shape a good business decision?, especially if people like you and me loved it.

- Archwing makes me and friends sick, its extremely annoying to see the world turning around 360, also the new movement makes you slower and less responsive compared to the speed you are going at. You made Volt changes to stop us from feeling dizzy and acknowledged it( THANK you so much!!), but you added something 50x more intense... the reasoning behind this is beyond me.

- Kavats, very vert nice, actually not useless like kubros but still die too often in lvl 100 missions and my kavat doesnt cloack when my loki cloacks. GIVE WARFRAMES
VACUUM... i found myself NOT playing the mission anymore, but wandering arround uselessly, to find mods/items that i might have missed, i felt like playing pacman.

- Market: This is not an iphone... stop this, be redundant programmers... im a programmer myself and its all about reducing the amount of clicks necessary. Took 2 clicks to find a weapon, takes 3 now. Make credit purchases more noticeable (BP's), took me 2 days to find it without success, had to rely on google/regional chat. You couldve taken the old model of the market, make it transparant and put your animation of a frame/item behind it without problems. Also... there is no back button, back button mvp...

- Starchart: I really ennjoyed unlocking void by killing 150 lvl 1 enemies and doing a lvl 1 mission 3x (-___-), also make the nodes bigger and a larger hitbox, the hitbox is insanely small. I also often click on a planet when a node is not visible to enlarge the map and end up by accident in a random mission.

- Void.... fissure opened (very cool system i like it, still need more testing regarding farming efficiency)...... spawns ONE AFTER ANOTHER NULLIFIER..... WTF??? xDD, but i like this... very original, very hectic and a huge clusterf*k, everyone likes that.

- Holstering: AWESOME....... some people thought its a bug yesterday and i hope it remains as it is, its a FEATURE, this allows for creativity and clipping is now fully in the hands of the player, this will reduce clipping complaints drasticaly. My nikana with glowing skin, now NO LONGER CLIPS!!. :DDD!! , the only thing that would be nice, is a checkbox for 2 handed weapon holstering that would lock both weapons in place for symmetrical results, even my very low lvl of OCD gets annoyed by this, but overal BEST feature ever.
Next stop... resizeable attachments, check out pakal armor on  proto Excaliber, its extra big, this intentional bug makes it look so awesome.

Also check this! w000tt!! so OP! bow down to the prince of darkness! :O



Conclusion: overal good update, but plz listen to feedback and bring back the Draco map, its completely bizar to remove content from the game. Alternatively, make  a map with a large amount of enemy spawns and make them come in packs of 60 like on Draco, this is a horde game and i still feel like you guys dont recognize the game for what it has become. I always got a good rush from Draco when i saw that huge pack coming at us and this is a guy that doesnt feel adrenaline ( i do bungy jumping and other extreme stuff).
For the past years, i logged in just to have some fun on Draco (not for XP), i loved it, it was so fun :/...

Edited by Drag0nChaser
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3 hours ago, TrouNoir said:

Another aspect of this change is that we can't run low MR players through void missions to get them Prime gear now.

Used to be my clan would have several squads going helping new players get sets, which made their day, they really enjoyed it, and the people running those teams were rewarded too. 

Now if they don't have the right relic they can't get the reward, even if they join the mission with us. 

Now the only activities low MR players can share with high MR players is helping them beat bosses and taxi'ing them to alerts, where the higher MR players are not challenged or rewarded. 

Then this Change is good for everyone from your example cause the old Players can help the new Players even more by getting the relics too.

I actually enjoy the new starmap and the void fissures, but I agree that they are repititive. Nevertheless, it´s easier to get the Things you want now and I don´t have to Play the void anymore.

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51 minutes ago, Scylax said:

Hey Tenno!

We've listened to your feedback of the latest update, and after careful deliberation have implemented the following changes:


The Void:

- Nullifiers' bubbles do not destroy Frost's snow globes: instead, they provide immunity to its effects to units inside the bubble

- Nullifiers' bubbles only disable abilities temporarily. For example, Rhino's iron skin will reactivate when the Nullifier's bubble is gone

(these changes should make Nullifiers fair while at the same time allowing them to serve the gameplay function they were made for)

- RNG was tweaked so that there will always be enough Reactant drops to seal the Tear. This fixes failing missions due to RNG

- The cap on Void Traces players can have has been removed. The only function it served was to force players to upgrade Relics and forge Dragon Keys as they go instead of upgrading/crafting right before being used, but admittedly rather than improve balance or gameplay, the only thing it increased was frustration

- Tears now behave like extractors in the sense that Reactants will be absorbed by the Tear by proximity instead of on contact. This makes closing tears more intuitive and there shouldn't be further issue with players not knowing how to close tears



- WASD can now be used to pan the star chart

- Resources for planets are shown when they're moused over

- Clicking nodes will not select or start the mission unless the following conditions are met:

          - Node text is visible (prevents accidentally selecting when zoomed out)

          - MB1 was both pressed and released over the node (prevents selecting while panning -- sfx are present on MB1 up                         as well to prevent clicking+panning from a node sounding awkward)

- Node names are now more legible, and node sizes have been increased overall

- Special missions (syndicate, void tear, infestation outbreaks, etc) are optional again. If a node has multiple missions, players can play any one of them

- All nodes now have icons based on mission type similar to the icons for boss nodes. If a node has multiple missions available, it cycles through icons for all available missions

- Special mission node icons are displayed regardless of zoom level (i.e. if the map is zoomed all the way out, an infestation outbreak on Mars will still show up)

- Unavailable paths are now faded and greyed out instead of blue. This should clear up any confusion on what the unintuitive blue lines were

- Fixed horizontal twitching of player's head in background when panning left/right at low zoom (zoomed out) levels

- Sun was given proper model

- Relays are visible and legible at furthest zoom level (makes it easier for players to find congregations of their fellow Tenno)

- Junctions have models on the starchart (similar to relays) to add emphasis and make clearer the line of progression

- "To planet" and junctions have been combined to reduce clutter. When you complete a junction, it turns into the existing "To planet" node. For instance, now "To Saturn" does not exist when you first come to Jupiter. When you complete the Saturn junction on Jupiter, the now-nonfunctional node (can't rejoin solar rail junction) becomes "To Saturn" 

- Lines between planets have been thickened to distinguish them and make them easier to see while zoomed out

- Nodes and the lines between them have been made flat to make them less disorienting

- Option to hide node names from starchart until moused over (names are not as useful with mission type icons anymore, so players may opt to disable the display of them to reduce clutter)

- Various Orokin structures have been placed in the Void area of the starchart that make it easier to distinguish lower-level nodes from higher-level nodes at a glance. Higher level nodes will have a higher concentration of Orokin structures

- Starchart reopens at last viewed instead of last mission complete (makes it painless to hop in and out of starchart)



- Dinky menu header and hamburger button have been replaced by an always-visible sidebar (essentially the existing dropdown but tweaked to function well as a sidebar)

- Escape now goes up a level in the interface as opposed to exiting it completely. The Exit button can be used to completely close the Market

- Item portraits now show credits to build an item alongside platinum -- a building hammer icon has been blended with the credit icon in these instances to indicate the item must be built. Warframes show the total credits required to build all of their components (components aren't purchaseable from the market, but this makes clear that Warframes can be built)

- Mousing over an item portrait will bring up takeover of that portrait with two columns. The left column is labeled "BUILD" and the right column is labeled "BUY". Clicking the right column will bring up the purchase prompt for the item, and clicking the left column will pop up a display which lists all necessary components and requirements (e.g. Mastery Rank) to craft the item. If all requirements are met and all components are owned, the player can click "Build in Foundry" to quick-jump to the foundry and build the item

(these two marketplace changes should eliminate any misunderstanding that free-to-play players cannot get new items)

- Kavat genetic code prices have been changed so that buying all ten costs the same as buying a single Kubrow egg



- Kavats who would yield a genetic code but were killed by enemies beforehand drop an object (similar the behavior of carriers dropping power cells) that can be scanned to retrieve the genetic code. This prevents Grineer and other enemies from taking away your chance a getting genetic code. This also bumps the difficulty of scanning Kavats who turn invisible and move around quickly to a reasonable level, as players can kill them straight away and scan any dropped genetic material afterwards

- Kavat genetic code drop rate has been made fair

- Genetic degradation for both Kavats and Kubrows has been tweaked so that it only lowers stats -- neither can die or be automatically sent to the incubator. Genetic death was initially meant to balance Kubrows, but as of now they've been left behind by power creep and other options (i.e. Sentinels) prove significantly and entirely more useful. This was partially fixed with the Incubator upgrade to prevent death, but it still isn't enough

- Stasis recovery has been removed. As with genetic degradation, it is no longer needed for balance purposes and only contributes to frustration and inferiority to sentinels. Pets can be instantly deposited and recovered from stasis

- Kubrows and Kavats can now be sold for a credit gain. Collectors all over the solar system are eager to buy the companions of the Orokin era revived from a feral depravity -- give your pet a better life outside the pain of combat! Having to pay credits to release pets is yet another barrier that makes them inferior to sentinels, and it is no longer needed

(these changes should make Kubrows and Kavats a viable alternative to Sentinels. Kavats are fine for the most part, but they still have quirks left over from Kubrows that don't contribute anything good for the game)



If you haven't noticed the aroma of sarcasm wafting around this post, I'm not actually a DE staff member. Nonetheless I'd still love to see the real update reflect all of these changes.



All of this made so much sense. I was so relieved. The fact that none of this will happen makes me want to puke.

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Hey idk if this is a bug or not but when i have a node that had a alert or syndicate mission it does not allow me to select the alert/syndicate mission or the regular node. The old star chart (2.0) had this option where i could select the alert mission or the syndicate mission or the regular node. What is going on?

Edited by ExplosiveNova22
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Unsure if this is the place to mention it, but along with the holster change, my poor Valkyr is now sporting her nunchucks through the bottom of her thigh and outside her waist when 'holstered'.  Not as exciting as it sounds, trust me.  And as I am decidedly poor and not in a position to purchase plat to change this, welp, this default setting is more than a little awkward to watch.  Why is something as simple as positioning your melee weapon requiring cash monies anyway?  


Aside from that, now that I've figured out most of the stuff behind it, the update isn't half bad.  Enjoying the extra flourish behind connecting the planets, the graphics, and such.  The tear stuff could use a little polishing, but is doable, and the new system behind picking your drops seems to be going along well with my friends.  Kind of makes the void sort of.. empty and or redundant, though. 

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I know we all knew what was coming but i'm very dissapointed.

1. Why rework the Star-Chart (again) when nobody asked for that (btw. you completely missed what you wanted to achive with this), better concentrate on fixing all the little problems.

2. Why rework the Archwing move-system which worked great for the majority of players (only some tweaks where needed)(btw. nobody asked for this either), better focus on balancing it instead of making it more harder with eximus units. I personally get very disoriented with this new move-system and don't get me started about this "drifting".

3. Why rework the market (again) when nobody asked for that either, better fix the god damn matchmaking/host migration system.

4. The community hates our favourt enemy type? Let's make them harder! (talking about nulli's)

5. The only "new" content in this 4GB big update is: 1 archwing, 2 archwing weapons, 2 archwing mission types, 1 dual dagger stance (i truly never saw someone really using those), 1 boring &#! weapon and 2 types of cats. Well since nobody cares about the archwing stuff cause they made it even harder then before (movement and harder enemies) there is not much left... very dissapointing for the veteran players.

6. But since there is like nothing new to do for those veteran players just let them replay useless missions to get them where they where befor the update... it will be "worth" it... never felt so betrayed by a game developer.

DE is really in need of a "never change a running system" sign in their meeting room!!!

Why reworking so much stuff nobody asked for and acting against the interest of the community while also make things harder for both newbies and veterans?

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5 minutes ago, erlo68 said:

I know we all knew what was coming but i'm very dissapointed.

1. Why rework the Star-Chart (again) when nobody asked for that (btw. you completely missed what you wanted to achive with this), better concentrate on fixing all the little problems.

2. Why rework the Archwing move-system which worked great for the majority of players (only some tweaks where needed)(btw. nobody asked for this either), better focus on balancing it instead of making it more harder with eximus units. I personally get very disoriented with this new move-system and don't get me started about this "drifting".

3. Why rework the market (again) when nobody asked for that either, better fix the god damn matchmaking/host migration system.

4. The community hates our favourt enemy type? Let's make them harder! (talking about nulli's)

5. The only "new" content in this 4GB big update is: 1 archwing, 2 archwing weapons, 2 archwing mission types, 1 dual dagger stance (i truly never saw someone really using those), 1 boring &#! weapon and 2 types of cats. Well since nobody cares about the archwing stuff cause they made it even harder then before (movement and harder enemies) there is not much left... very dissapointing for the veteran players.

6. But since there is like nothing new to do for those veteran players just let them replay useless missions to get them where they where befor the update... it will be "worth" it... never felt so betrayed by a game developer.

DE is really in need of a "never change a running system" sign in their meeting room!!!

Why reworking so much stuff nobody asked for and acting against the interest of the community while also make things harder for both newbies and veterans?

You should try speaking for yourself, and only for yourself. It's pretty damn pretentious to act like you speak on behalf of the entire community of three platforms of gamers, most of whom don't use this forum. Most of the things you say "no one asked for" have actually explicitly been asked for by some of the playerbase. They certainly need to take a lot of constructive feedback into consideration and make some adjustments to the update; on that point I agree. But, to post in that tone of voice and act as if your opinion holds the weight of everyone else here in the forums and beyond? It's insulting to the rest of us and to the developers as well, and only belittles your own feedback. Restating it from a stronger point of view and your own frame of reference will be much more productive in the long run. 

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1 hour ago, Kuestenjung said:

Then this Change is good for everyone from your example cause the old Players can help the new Players even more by getting the relics too.

I actually enjoy the new starmap and the void fissures, but I agree that they are repititive. Nevertheless, it´s easier to get the Things you want now and I don´t have to Play the void anymore.

That's not right at all.

I can no longer say "Who wants to do void runs" and invite the people who reply. Before we could run void missions all day one after another and have people drop in and out at their leisure with multiple teams going. 

Now it's a much longer process where everyone has to farm the same relics which can be arduous if they're rare, or before joining the squad everyone has to check what relics they have access to and check where we're going.

Tedious, boring, a whole new level of grind that didn't exist before. 

My high MR players can't just have noobs drop in and out now, and they can't do one mission after another, it ruins the whole flow of our community activities, there's too much prep involved now, it's not fun. 


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20 minutes ago, Llewellyn_Lionheart said:

You should try speaking for yourself, and only for yourself. It's pretty damn pretentious to act like you speak on behalf of the entire community of three platforms of gamers, most of whom don't use this forum. Most of the things you say "no one asked for" have actually explicitly been asked for by some of the playerbase. They certainly need to take a lot of constructive feedback into consideration and make some adjustments to the update; on that point I agree. But, to post in that tone of voice and act as if your opinion holds the weight of everyone else here in the forums and beyond? It's insulting to the rest of us and to the developers as well, and only belittles your own feedback. Restating it from a stronger point of view and your own frame of reference will be much more productive in the long run. 

- You should try speaking for yourself: Look whos doing the same
- It's pretty damn pretentious to act like you speak on behalf of the entire community of three platforms of gamers, most of whom don't use this forum : look whos doing the same
- Most of the things you say "no one asked for" have actually explicitly been asked for by some of the playerbase: You are confirming his post
- But, to post in that tone of voice and act as if your opinion holds the weight of everyone else here in the forums and beyond?: its written text, what tone?
- It's insulting to the rest of us and to the developers as well, and only belittles your own feedback :  he stated facts, but again contradicting yourself and your trying to speak for all of us yourself.
- will be much more productive in the long run: start being productive yourself.

Now onto the real deal.

39 minutes ago, erlo68 said:

I know we all knew what was coming but i'm very dissapointed.

1. Why rework the Star-Chart (again) when nobody asked for that (btw. you completely missed what you wanted to achive with this), better concentrate on fixing all the little problems.

2. Why rework the Archwing move-system which worked great for the majority of players (only some tweaks where needed)(btw. nobody asked for this either), better focus on balancing it instead of making it more harder with eximus units. I personally get very disoriented with this new move-system and don't get me started about this "drifting".

3. Why rework the market (again) when nobody asked for that either, better fix the god damn matchmaking/host migration system.

4. The community hates our favourt enemy type? Let's make them harder! (talking about nulli's)

5. The only "new" content in this 4GB big update is: 1 archwing, 2 archwing weapons, 2 archwing mission types, 1 dual dagger stance (i truly never saw someone really using those), 1 boring &#! weapon and 2 types of cats. Well since nobody cares about the archwing stuff cause they made it even harder then before (movement and harder enemies) there is not much left... very dissapointing for the veteran players.

6. But since there is like nothing new to do for those veteran players just let them replay useless missions to get them where they where befor the update... it will be "worth" it... never felt so betrayed by a game developer.

DE is really in need of a "never change a running system" sign in their meeting room!!!

Why reworking so much stuff nobody asked for and acting against the interest of the community while also make things harder for both newbies and veterans?

1- you shouldve seen the amount of players i met who quit because the old starmap was too confusing, after a couple of missions and beginning cinematics, most new players dont know what to do anymore and dont have a quest. Now they see a junction with rewards and a new quest, this is good!, also really cool they added a fragor BP to it. In general the starchart update is a massive improvement for new players, i do  however suggest do make the rewards at junctions more obvious and make the rotation faster (the little timer that shows what u get from it). Only today i discovered i get a void segment from the Mars junction and not just archwing quest ""again"".

2- Ya, they fixed Volt disoreantation while adding in something thats 50x worse, me and friends cant play archwing anymore due to getting sick after couple of minutes.

3- Matchmaking is in alpha fase...so it feels, it often takes 5-10 minutes to join a public match for a 2 minutes mission, not only that, but i aggree that not only is the market less functional in terms of logic, but also completely unnecesary. You couldve added the animation in the old market.

4- Havent noticed any buff at all myself, i actually like nullies but them spawning litteraly... one after another in a fissure..... nope... just no. Theyve gone pretty far with this in fissures to get a guy who actually LIKES nullies... to hate it.

5- True true... overal i feel like resources were mismanaged and that archwing needed a huge overhaul with inspiration taken from animes like: Tekkaman blade and gundam, some of us who know tekkaman, would swear warframe is a 1 on 1 ripoff :P.

6- there is new stuff, ive spent 1k plat this weekend, man the holstering thing and kavat powers show that there are good and GREAT changes being made to the game, i rather not be this negative about the update (but it does hurt..).

Also to add myself to this: " Why reworking so much stuff nobody asked for and acting against the interest of the community while also make things harder for both newbies and veterans? "

I partially agree: its easier for new guys to get into the game, its harder for both veterans and newbies to understand the new void tiers.
Why couldnt you keep it Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4???, a new guy would instantly understand he can do Tier 1 and thus far...... its confusing as hell now. I need to litteraly Google to know what relic is what. Just change the names please, before this we atleast knew what ""type"" or mission it is.

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