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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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Sorry if thats the wrong thread.

I have a problem in the navigation. Playing via Steam Big Picture with gamepad. In the navigation i cant pinpoint locations with gamepad crosshair. Instead i have to move my mouse so the mouse cusrsor is activated. Then i can pinpoint location with joypad but i have to aim with the mouse cursor thats off to the lower right of the gamepad cursor.


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4 hours ago, Aetran said:

I've been having an issue with Simaris' daily challenges since the update; I was assigned 4 corrupted heavy gunners, but when I scan them, it doesn't count. I don't get any standings with him, nor does it contribute to my daily. I've been running the new void missions with a friend, and we've gone through around 6 corrupted heavy gunner synthesis targets and still nothing.


Should probably clarify that my regular synthesis targets work just fine. It's just the daily ones.

I have been having the same issue.

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The after mission summary has bugged out. The summary stays on screen even during the loading screen, and often causes me to restart the game as I can't close the mission summary once I return to my Liset. I don't know if the former part was intended but this is a really annoying bug.

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After you leave new rail by using "x" on your ship game will stuck on knee animation
Link: HERE

After you press ESC to menu and ESC again to close menu will fix you to normal.
Star chart dont show sigils
Liset - Front sigil
Star chart - Front sigil missing


Host migration reset requirements for rail.
There was host migration on wave 20 but we did 25 waves. Rail count only 5 waves after host migration.

Edited by Technologic141
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I've also encountered the bug where you're stuck in a kneeling position after leaving the dojo. I've found that you can still move around by sliding (or "hovering" as you're still stuck in the kneeling position). You can get out of it by entering the arsenal.



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#1 - Whenever I leave a mission my warframe is stuck in the kneeling position used when looking at the Nav chart. I can't move unless I perform a slide (shift+crouch) in some direction, which causes my warframe to slide in that direction, yet remain in the kneeling position. The only way to break out of this seems to be to hit Escape currently.

#2 - Whenever I start a mission, I'm stuck in ADS. If I perform some various movements, like bullet jumping etc, it'll break out of the ADS but then my ADS button doesn't work afterwards. Rebinding ADS to another key has made no difference. This also applies to Archwing missions btw.

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Issue: Fire Blast & Void Rifts Causing Frame Drops

Here's a very specific bug that causes some serious problems with Void Rifts:

If you lay down a Fire Blast with Ember underneath the Void Rift before starting the "closing" procedure, the enemies that will spawn afterwards will cause a severe frame drop every time one spawns. I'm talking to the point of unplayability, it freezes up for a couple seconds. It affected the player I was with too. If I had to guess, I'm guessing it's because they're trying to spawn and catching fire all at once. It went away about half a minute after the Fire Blast expired.

Edited by Fireshock
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With the addition of the new resources to the market,
such as mutagen mass, costs : 10 platinum

To rush the blueprint used from the labs costs: 25 platinum

Rushing the blueprint should cost less, like 5 platinum.

I haven't checked with the other ones - fieldron and detonite injector, but it's probably the same, please adjust the prices.

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может вопрос уже звучал но хочу спросить что делать с квестом мираж мне осталось получить только каркас а я не могу запустить данную миссию. просто до обновления давался выбор простая миссия, тревога или квест но сейчас нет выбора запускается только простая миссия. это баг или можно что то сделать.

question may have sounded but I want to ask what to do with the quest mirage left for me to receive only the frame but I can not start this mission. just before the update was given the choice of a simple mission, anxiety or quest but now have no choice runs only a simple mission. it is a bug, or you can do something.

Edited by Reinor2015
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45 minutes ago, Khaos_Demon said:

The after mission summary has bugged out. The summary stays on screen even during the loading screen, and often causes me to restart the game as I can't close the mission summary once I return to my Liset. I don't know if the former part was intended but this is a really annoying bug.

I get this too, sometimes it locks my warframe in kneeling posture and I can only move by rolling.

The mission summary over the ship flight screens is ANNOYING. Having it glitch is more so.

Then I relog and I am in windowed mode. That sucks too.

Edited by Kalenath
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17 hours ago, XDarkBloodTM said:

After every mission i get stuck in mission reward screen and i can just use chat.


This just happened to me as well.


 managed to get stuck under the ramp leading to the front of the Liset.

had my head removed from my body while using star map.

had no luck using holster positioning on dual blades - moving sliders does nothing, on top of that the blades do not sit correctly on the back of Mag P.

Edit: Warframe just decided to boot in windowed mode despite being set to fullscreen.



Edited by 2old4gamez
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Don't know if someone is having the same problem, but I can't even download the update. It starts checking for content, it says it needs to download 4000mb, and after a few seconds the download speed just isn't there, it doesn't download anything, and if I wait long enough, it suddenly says I'm downloading the game at 256mb/s, rushes until it says I have 0.1mb left, and then says "some files could not be downloaded, restarting the download shortly" and it also never restarts.

I usually download a 360kb/s and I'm having no issue with internet in anything (loading videos, pages, scrolling social media, playing other games) so I think this bug belongs here :I

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1) We now have one mission end reward that transitions. If during the first stage you hover over any item in your mission reward pool, before it transitions to the sections stage (within liset), the UI becomes stuck and you have to force quit the game to exit the mission reward UI screen.


2) Archwing MOUSE AIM SENSITIVITY CONTROLS control all sensitivity settings, not just archwing. This needs to be fixed asap please.

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