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I don't like the new Star Chart


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2 hours ago, Xaxma said:

Transitions are slow

I lot of your complaints may quite possibly be remedied with future updates, its been out for less than a day.  BTW there is a megathread for feedback, which will probably get a bit more attention than a dozen random threads.

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I think the problem is that it will take some adjusting. For me, it throws me off that all of the nodes are still unlocked for me, save for junctions, so I had to follow the junctions to see where the progression was. It will certainly take some getting used to, but I like it.


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My impression is that it's confusing to me. I think it looks absolutely beautiful, and I really like it. I never experienced vanilla warframe with the first star chart overlay, but I always thought it looked wonderful, and this chart looks great too, it's just a tiny bit confusing.


Here's what I have trouble with:

-I don't know what the different color lanes mean. Some are grey, some are blue.  

-I'm not sure what nodes are locked or unlocked.

-The names are a bit small for me and hard to see, maybe an option to increase the letters or something would be helpful.

-I both like and dislike that there isn't a prompt to start the mission, the select and go is great, but sometimes I click on the place to see what it is (habit) and join without wanting to. 

-I also think the chart doesn't make a tremendous amount of sense. The sun should be bigger, terrestrial planets should be smaller, perhaps their color changed a bit (they're a bit dark) the gas planets should be much bigger, the satellites should be around the planet or  at least layed out in a way that makes it look a bit more like a solar system rather than a flat map? 

-The double light ring is a bit much, maybe just a glow over the planet when highlighted would be more pleasant? 

Other than that I think it looks really pretty. The animation from zoomed out to zoomed in is great, I like that the places on the planet feel more like real areas rather than the blank planet and node layout from before, it's a very immersive touch. I like the ships around the planets, makes it feel much more exploratory and gives you more of an idea of what the map layout for the mission might be. I also really like that you can see yourself in the background, makes it feel like a star chart that you are visually seeing, sure it can be a bit distracting if the colors bleed together, but it's not that bad with my color scheme yet. 


I do miss Draco though, you get used to the layout and though people make fun of XP grinds, it made sense for players who were upgrading to go and rank up...time to find the new area to play in ^_^

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The Map seems a bit confusing. It's new, so to be expected.

I am having troubles finding out what I'm missing on Eris though. I can't place an extractor as a sector isn't unlocked. I can't see it anywhere.

A little more obvious visuals, ie, an empty diamond box for incomplete zones, would be helpful.

All in all, it seems ok (the spinney planets were by far, clearer to navigate)

Edited by Mightmoo
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I love the design, the aesthetics have really been improved and it looks a lot more polished compared to the latter.

In-fact I've been waiting around for this for a long time because it reminds me of the progressive mechanic that was in place when I first started playing this game years ago.

However there are some faults outlined by players here already, just to extrapolate:

Lack of direction - Yes you can see the pathways but no one really understands what the node colors mean; "Have I completed this node?" "Do I need to re-do nodes I have completed in the past?". If completing everything again is the case, that's fine, but for existing players where do we begin? Wouldn't it be a far better experience to tell us where to start so it feels like we're progressing through the story all over again? (I know a lot of people already completed this stuff and would rather not go through it again, this is merely optional for existing players - besides some aspects have to be repeated for the junctions anyway).

Great aesthetics, but they're small, hard to identify - It's somewhat hard to tell what the missions are at a glance, you have to physically check each node to see what it is which really slows down the player when they're trying to search for a particular mission type on each planet. Fair enough if it is designed so the player doesn't have to rush to find a particular node, but having to search the same planet multiple times for a particular node can be frustrating for players.

Focal Points - These are visual cues that are supposed to subconsciously burn something into our memory so we remember something about a planet. I find there aren't really any focal points in the star chart and players will look at a planet and question what's actually there - boss, faction, types of missions (space/land/submersible). Sure people have already memorized these things, but it should be user-friendly to all, newer players especially.

Extractors - We deploy extractors but then we can't see where they've been deployed in the star chart? We have to either remember where we put them or physically check each planet to see if it's there and how long until it is completed. This could be greatly simplified.

Edited by Alcoholism
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I love the new star chart, if they made the nodes a little easier to see/use and streamlined it a little bit more it'd be perfect. just follow the paths and you're set. 


A few tips, empty diamond boxes are inaccessible nodes as far as i can tell, blue trails lead to incomplete but accessible nodes or off the planet, and incomplete (but accessible) nodes are blue.


To me the transitions are perfect. If you find them slow then right click to zoom out and then click on the planet you want to be on. Then its just up to your speed as the zoom out and in transitions are really quick. More so the zoom out but regardless.

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Personally, I love the design, but I always liked the original map.

The radial map I never particularly cared for. It worked and was, obviously, console-centric, but since I already had everything unlocked, I never had to really deal with opening it up.

The extractor thing I've already noticed, but we had issues with them on the other redesign as well. Keeping that in mind, the radial map had a LOT of issues early on, so that's nothing really new. DE will deal with it as they did before.

Until then, I still do like the look, but it is going to take some getting used to--like all new things.

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6 hours ago, Xaxma said:

The older star chart wasn't perfect by any means, sure, but the ease of use vastly outdoes the new one.

Transitions are slow, the fade-to-black feels out of place, the nodes make absolutely no sense anymore in terms of location, my frame twitching in the background as I scroll is silly, the icons are unbearably tiny to the point of making it difficult to tell what it represents at all, and I feel as though huge chunks of information were left out.

It's like they took everything bad from the first one and everything bad from the second one to make this vile visionary concoction. 


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First off, I do like the new star map.  I like how it is much easier for us new players to progress in the game.  I've got a few friends I've introduced to the game who don't read forums, don't watch streams, and don't read wikis.  Now I can just tell them, "your goal is to unlock the Junctions."

However, these are changes I think would make the map better:

  • The text size is just way to small and difficult to read.
  • It would be great if in addition to the sector name, you could see a little more detail about the sector.  As a new player I'm mousing over every single node looking for the right one I want to play.  Example:
    • Elara (15-20)
    • Survival
  • When you zoom out it would be great to see the links from planet to planet with an approximation of the levels.
  • From the zoom out view it would be great if I could manage my extractors from that view rather than going to each planet looking for where I last dropped off my extractors.
  • WASD to Pan the map.  I don't know why but it just feels more intuitive than using the mouse to pan.
  • A "legend".  Took some experimentation to figure out that:
    • Black Diamond = Locked
    • White Diamond = Unlocked
    • Blue Diamond = Newly unlocked
    • I think it took me so long to figure this out since I've only been playing a week or so and have been taxied all over the system so I've been able to bypass some of the Junctions (also super happy I raced to The Second Dream before this update).
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Okay, as a console user I think I speak for everyone when I say that the new star chart is probably one of the worst ideas, I know my opinion probably doesn't even matter, Yknow all of you guys on pc, but just think of having to maneuver the new chart without a mouse. 

I know they designed the new chart with pc in mind and that console may be the least of their concerns, but this just doesn't seem like something than could work for us. Even if moving the analog stick moved from node to node, it still (in my opinion) would just not work well.

I feel like this is out of place because the update for console users will be months away, but I just had to get this out there, even though it probably doesn't even matter


Edited by (PS4)Dah_Bad_Azz
Adding a crappy joke
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On 9/7/2016 at 0:37 AM, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

there was nothing bad about the first one, it was perfect, this new one is good too.

Except they were dots and we were floating in space. At least we see where in the planet we're going and we're not a spectre floating anymore :P

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after a bunch of days the new one resulted to be far easier and faster to use, just RMB and LMB to quickly switch from planets whose positions are easy to remember as they are not spinning every they are used


a thing i think is still missing are filters to highlight only Spy, Archwing, Sabotage, etc


another thing to improve are the sensitive areas of the nodes, the name of the node and the dot of the node have different contact zones and if the mouse moves right between them the information pop up dissapears

Edited by rockscl
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While Map 2.0 was aesthetically lackluster, it was also very user-friendly and did a very efficient job of communicating everything that the player needed to know.

The new map looks absolutely great, but it's just not very fun or easy to actually use.  As others have mentioned, it also seems to be missing a lot of the functionality of 2.0, as well as having longer load times and generally just taking longer to find any given mission.

I'm also not sure why they felt the need to give us three separate functions for zooming out (four if your mouse has forward and back thumb buttons) while at the same time binding both pan and select to left click.  We also need that confirm mission dialogue back for solo players.  It's a pain to have to hunt down a mission for a second time if I have to step away from the nav console for a moment.

TL;DR The new map looks great but its functionality feels poorly thought out.

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Have to say I love the new star chart, its easy to use, I don't have to waste time hovering over nods and its nicely mapped which mission leads to which, I would have to say the only thing I don't like and it'll most likely be patched and isn't that big of an issue is if there's some kind of event/alert/sortie or something there I feel kinda forced to do it, other than that this is a huge improvement over the previous map and once you learn that earth is the 'starting point' its easier to figure everything out from there. I just wish that the destroyed relays could be turned off, makes me sad to know we couldn't save more than 3.

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