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Grappling Hook - Parkour's Demise?


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Why would it kill Parkour? It could very well drastically improve it.


 If they keep working on it it would be reasonable to assume that you'll be able to grapple to a wall and transfer into a Wall run on impact. The variety of stunts that it'd make possible with just that in mind would be great.


Honestly i hope they do, as i said... i like the idea. I am just a bit worried that if they don't do it properly, it will render wallrunning useless. I mean, imagine the situation where the team is hooking everywhere just warping from spot to spot..... then even if you love wallrunin (i know i do :P), you are gonna feel like the fat chubby leftover of the team if you just go and try to keep up with walls (if there are even any)


But i do hope your approach is the one they take :D


Also... hi! long time no see =P

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From what was shown, I'm gonna have to agree this will make things like wallrunning pointless. Even the livestream demonstrated this with all those boxes that were stacked up and leading to a ledge. Why bother climbing when you just fire the grapple and instantly get up?


EDIT: Guess I'll add on by saying that I think it was mentioned you had to equip it and sacrifice something else, so I guess that's potentially one important aspect to consider.


EDIT 2: In the end, I still don't like the idea of grapple hooks though. Not only cause of what has been mentioned, but also because I feel improving the capabilities and agility of the Warframe itself would be far more interesting.

Edited by Kaibah
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 Just keep in mind guys - DE has always tried to keep in mind what you are hoping for when they put something together! There is no reason to expect less of this Grapple thing either!


 Talk about it! Some of you are worried that it'll make Wallrunning obsolete - but that is the wrong way to look at this situation. How can they make it improve the wall running and parkour? How can you turn this concern of yours into feedback to make this addition as cool as possible?


 Yay for brainstorming!

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Well wallrunning drains staminia. Perhaps a way to moderate the use of the grapple, would be to have it drain the same energy pool as well? Then it would become more of an either/or desicion.


Though to be honest I would rather have it independent of the stamina system. That way it would be possible to pull off a long tiring wallrun, and then soar to even more spectacular heights with the aid of your fully charged grapple. 

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Well wallrunning drains staminia. Perhaps a way to moderate the use of the grapple, would be to have it drain the same energy pool as well? Then it would become more of an either/or desicion.


Though to be honest I would rather have it independent of the stamina system. That way it would be possible to pull off a long tiring wallrun, and then soar to even more spectacular heights with the aid of your fully charged grapple. 


 I say give it roughly the range of Glaive, then make it 'attach' the player same as a wall run when they use it anywhere but to grapple an edge.


 Likewise Grapple should be useable during a wallrun too. It'd almost be like being the Warframe equivalent of Spiderman!


  A Stamina cost makes a bit of sense too. Maybe a straight up 5% Stamina bar cost.

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 Just keep in mind guys - DE has always tried to keep in mind what you are hoping for when they put something together! There is no reason to expect less of this Grapple thing either!


 Talk about it! Some of you are worried that it'll make Wallrunning obsolete - but that is the wrong way to look at this situation. How can they make it improve the wall running and parkour? How can you turn this concern of yours into feedback to make this addition as cool as possible?


 Yay for brainstorming!


Edited OP.... thanks for the tips, i agree on the approach :3

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How can wallrunning become obsolete when its not even an important game mechanic to begin with? The only reason to wallrun 99.9% of the time is because "its cool". You can't obsolete cool. And I can only think of two places outside the void where wallrunning is necessary (greneer tileset with the vent shaft overhead, and corpus outdoor map with the chasm too wide to jump).

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How can wallrunning become obsolete when its not even an important game mechanic to begin with? The only reason to wallrun 99.9% of the time is because "its cool". You can't obsolete cool. And I can only think of two places outside the void where wallrunning is necessary (greneer tileset with the vent shaft overhead, and corpus outdoor map with the chasm too wide to jump).


That's not too wide to jump.

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The grappling hook prototype made me think of Attack on Titan's 3D maneuver gear.


I don't think it'll hurt parkour in general, and it could maybe support it: I.e. after a vertical wall run into a small space, you shoot a grappling hook to a completely different vector that's now accessible. It'll probably become a mobility option as players who use it will have to sacrifice a equipment slot for using it, that is if it becomes it's own equipment as opposed to a frame ability.

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Looks like fun, but it needs some serious limitations or people will ditch wallrunning, sprinting, walking, jumping alltogether, so limit use only when aiming 30 degree above "horizon"

Also it would cool if  the steel wire + hook, would e more sci fi, like laser wire

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I can imagine a vertical wallrun leading to a grapple launch(depending on possible range/usage limits) into a side wallrun in some existing areas already, like those grineer and corpus hanger bays areas  that are outside or house those digger drills. Seeing more than just free running, people can use the grapple to gain more ground as ash/loki/shade sentinel users if being a solo/ stealthy type is someone's thing. Something 5 seconds worth of  funny, grappling to a corpus building top and perch, saying "I am the knight" like batman.XD It can enhance gameplay, but hopefully gained later on so that basics are embedded in the player's skull first.

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I can imagine a vertical wallrun leading to a grapple launch(depending on possible range/usage limits) into a side wallrun in some existing areas already, like those grineer and corpus hanger bays areas  that are outside or house those digger drills. Seeing more than just free running, people can use the grapple to gain more ground as ash/loki/shade sentinel users if being a solo/ stealthy type is someone's thing. Something 5 seconds worth of  funny, grappling to a corpus building top and perch, saying "I am the knight" like batman.XD It can enhance gameplay, but hopefully gained later on so that basics are embedded in the player's skull first.


 If anything it seems like a particularly awesome utility type item. 


 In the long run it might make a good Warframe skill.



 I see it kind like this - Imagine being able to replace A Warframe Skill with a 'Neutral ability'. In this case Grappling Hook. It'd act like Super jump in that it'd cost 10 energy. The difference is unlike Super Jump it'd be useable by ANY frame.



 If you play Ember and equip Grapple instead of Fireball them it'll replace the Fireball skill on your bar. It'd share this behavior across all frames. Filling in a missing skill slot if there is one - doing absolutely nothing if there isn't an open slot.



 I dunno. What would you guys feel about that? Grappling Hook being the game's first 'Neutral Skillcard'. Being useable by any an all Frames and existing as a purely utility skill.

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Grapple as a passive "aura" mod for melee would be a nice mixup.

Length and speed could be adjusted between all melee types.

Like Glaive and boomerang would have the furthest reach, yet slowest pull and recharge.

Heavy weapons being shortest range and fastest pull and recharge.

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 If anything it seems like a particularly awesome utility type item. 


 In the long run it might make a good Warframe skill.



 I see it kind like this - Imagine being able to replace A Warframe Skill with a 'Neutral ability'. In this case Grappling Hook. It'd act like Super jump in that it'd cost 10 energy. The difference is unlike Super Jump it'd be useable by ANY frame.



 If you play Ember and equip Grapple instead of Fireball them it'll replace the Fireball skill on your bar. It'd share this behavior across all frames. Filling in a missing skill slot if there is one - doing absolutely nothing if there isn't an open slot.



 I dunno. What would you guys feel about that? Grappling Hook being the game's first 'Neutral Skillcard'. Being useable by any an all Frames and existing as a purely utility skill.

^This, I like^

Another thought in mind just now: Grapple Escapes, for those tight bind situations if the prototype's large range is put in action. frames with low armor and/or are in low health circumstances can save themselves and maybe save them a revive. so having grapple as a skill card for all frames to use can work, and work better if in a passive mod section maybe(<--mention here too:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/66974-artifacts-becoming-mods/page-2#entry707663)

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They could just add it as a third weapon kind of deal, instead of just having a rifle or primary, and a pistol or secondary.  Of course then they'd have to add other utility devices to give us options... equating to more money for them... hint hint hint.

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I don't like the idea of the grappling hook. Right now you need at least some skill to get to some places but if the hook gets implemented it will be just point and click. Not to mention it will wreck havoc on level boundaries (hitting an invisible wall is the second most immersion breaking thing in a game, right after falling through the floor).

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What about a Wall Spike instead of a Grappling Hook? Something that lets you stick yourself in place for a little bit longer then a wall slide would let you. And lets you transition into a downward slide or back into a Wall Run.


While using a Wall Spike to stick yourself in place it either burns stamina or prevents stamina regeneration. Basically a tool that lets new players pause mid wall running and such to collect themselves.


An issue I see with it is that it kinda becomes a direct upgrade on Super Jump it its a frame alternate power.




Really thinking about it, it is the Range of the grappling hook that is the main problem. If it was very short range *oh fudge just missed the top of the wall* tool then it could work well and be a help to the free running elements instead of a replacement.


I'm talking start it at rank 0 with 0.5 meter hook range, with a 0.5 meter per rank increase up to 3 (warframe power) for a total of 2 meter hook range (plus Stretch Mod). If you need a range longer then 6.5 feet (a body length) then its time to learn up your free running skills or use Super Jump.

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What about a Wall Spike instead of a Grappling Hook? Something that lets you stick yourself in place for a little bit longer then a wall slide would let you. And lets you transition into a downward slide or back into a Wall Run.


While using a Wall Spike to stick yourself in place it either burns stamina or prevents stamina regeneration. Basically a tool that lets new players pause mid wall running and such to collect themselves.


An issue I see with it is that it kinda becomes a direct upgrade on Super Jump it its a frame alternate power.




Really thinking about it, it is the Range of the grappling hook that is the main problem. If it was very short range *oh fudge just missed the top of the wall* tool then it could work well and be a help to the free running elements instead of a replacement.


I'm talking start it at rank 0 with 0.5 meter hook range, with a 0.5 meter per rank increase up to 3 (warframe power) for a total of 2 meter hook range (plus Stretch Mod). If you need a range longer then 6.5 feet (a body length) then its time to learn up your free running skills or use Super Jump.


 I like this idea much, much less. 


 I would still want the Grapple. Although this would be cool to see as well, separate from grapple.

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