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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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1 hour ago, (PS4)The_Moustache said:

I just want a space kitty. Never was a dog person.

ive neved had cats,(im a dog person) im curious to have at the least a digital one XD

Edited by Toppien
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3rd teaser site SotR post probably this week... we'll see if that dev workshop for the Quantum Projection system pops up too or not. If we're lucky it'll be this week, if not... a week after Tennocon is my best bet.

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1 hour ago, Toppien said:

ive neved had cats,(im a dog person) im curious to have at the least a digital one XD

Cats... depends on how you raise them (and the species from what I found out).

I have 5 Cats here at home (4 Siamese and 1 half-Angora/Siamese): (please note that I named most them when I was around 12, so most names are.... err... something)

Pitic: Is the oldest, 13 years, she likes to stay on my mother's bed and does nothing, but will accept petting if go to her.

Fluff: The 2nd oldest, daughter of Pitic, VERY cranky and is always hissing at the other cats, she likes to try and scratch my aunt when she appears, but she becomes a ball of purrs when I grab her. (She only lets me grab her)

BB: He is the oldest male, if you scratch his head once, he WILL follow you around for a few minutes asking for more, otherwise he stays in the kitchen.

Furry (The half-Angora/Siamese ): He stays near my mother most of the time, has nothing against me getting him and giving him a few pets but... he tries to stay away from me if we are far from my mother's bedroom. Must be because I was the one taking care of him when he was sick, I had to put him in a cage and leave him there for weeks and I was the one taking off the... well... he had a cut on one of his back pawns... a fly was able to put some eggs there... taking out each maggot (dozens) before they ate his flesh enough to get to his thigh (if that happened we would have to have his leg cut off) and putting the spray to sterillaze and make sure it didnt repeat untill the flesh and skin regrew... yeah, he is a bit traumatized with me.

Melissa: Fluff's daughter. One word describer her: needy (Even worse now that she is pregnant). Always asking for petting. I blame her aunt, Catherine (she passed away of old age. And yes, her name was a pun), who always indulged her. If she sees that I'm looking at her, she will let herself fall on the ground and meow. If anyone goes to the bathroom she will follow, jump on the sink and ask to open the faucet so she can drink water.

MANY personalities.

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Updated main page:


Specters of the Rail – changes to the Origin System are coming, Tenno. What ghosts lurk the chambers of abandoned Junctions of a past era? This major update is coming this week and delivers a redesign of the Star Chart and a facelift for the Market. Here’s early information to help prepare you for your journey, Tenno.



Find a new way to experience the Origin System with the complete rework of the Star Chart.

This redesign of the original Star Chart will bring back the nostalgic roadmap design making it easier for you to travel the Origin System. The map is dynamic; zoom in and out and drag your way around the Origin System. Specific regions and missions will be easier to locate. Also, it will be clear to see which Missions you need to complete thanks to new Junctions -- routes between planets -- guiding you on where to go next.


With the introduction of the new Star Chart comes a new way to acquire Prime items. The Void will now be part of the map allowing for players to freely travel back and forth without the need of Void keys. As you play through regular missions you have a chance to obtain Quantum Projection. Each Projection has a set of items that can manifest from it. Bring your Projection to a Void Tear Mission which can spawn anywhere in the Origin System. Search and close the tear within the mission to power the Projection. Once you’ve succeeded you can reveal your Reward. Didn't get exactly what you wanted? Don’t worry! Every time you do this there is a greater chance to manifest a Rare item. Your Void Keys still hold value as you will find they are immediately converted to Projections in the update!




The Market has been completely reworked from the ground up! Now you'll be able to quickly navigate through the Market and discover new additions.


The new Market brings new features including a new, dynamic design. A new tab system allows access to Blueprints and Platinum-purchasable items in the same place. Revised categories and an added search bar make it easier to browse through specific types of items as well as easily find what you’re looking for! Handy features such as wish list, ‘hide owned’ button, and revised Platinum prices for a variety of our content have also been added. Read more about our Market facelift here.


To see more of what's coming in the Specters of the Rail Update as well as future updates, keep an eye on our Update Hubhere.

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SoR update will most likely come only on Thursday.


P.S. I don't like either Kubrows or Kavats (despite being a cat person). Because their legs are just too long in the game and I prefer short-legged types.

Edited by Necrius
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1 minute ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

Boys and girls part 3 of the Specters of the rail teaser has been released and now you can see what you can expect from it. Update is incoming this week preferably before tennocon!

It has to be before Tennocon, seeing as it's on Saturday and they don't work weekends.

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i simply love this new star chart, i wish we get some new planet, race and all too very soon ^^)

the best surrounding cant change the always same environment ...



The Market has been completely reworked from the ground up! Now you'll be able to buy quickly everything you need from the Market and discover your empty wallet.


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9 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Good thing more tileset additions and updates are in the pipeline.

are you serious ?!!!! now you hyped me ONGOING the most silent way since i appeared in this game (^^

now i can start chilling ... (i started allready, as well as not officially) 8-}

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Just now, black7coat said:

are you serious ?!!!! now you hyped me ONGOING the most silent way since i appeared in this game (^^

Not necessarily coming with Specters of the Rail, but there is definitely a new tileset coming with War Within. For quite awhile now the Devs have been reworking older things that are in need of updates, tilesets and bosses being the most common.

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