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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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It is entirely possible she did the right thing for the wrong reasons (if we can even call saving Tenno "right"). 

I don't think it's fair to say he did nothing - after all, it was his initiative that triggered the events of the Natah questline. Which, if you weren't so quick to forget yourself, involved Lotus trying to make sure her dirty little secret wouldn't come to light. 

And he is not training us to kill each other, nor is he sowing discord. He is inviting us to perfect our skills against opponents that can actually challenge us, i.e. other Tenno. Tenno are warrior-gods, fighting against the usual trio of factions is like slaughtering livestock for them. If you want to get better at fighting, you fight against those of equal or superior skill. Constantly fighting weaker opponents will only make you complacent.  

Edited by tisdfogg
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I wonder if the old Ascaris problem we used to have will come to light once again? We already nearly lost our body once, perhaps the Kweens succeeded where Vor failed and crafted a quick-release all-purpose design? Our "War" might be against our own Warframes and Teshin was trying to stop us here from wandering battle-drunk into the Kween's implanted-crosshairs and unfortunately fails (hence the loner ending). That, or, old Tesh-Tesh has been chipped by the old Orokin Royal and all his latent anger is being channeled at us. So much theory crafting to be had!

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19 hours ago, thatguy0365 said:


After seeing the tennocon stream, one thing stuck out in my mind: the War Within trailer. Oh my god, it got me so freaking hyped! This thread will be for discussion of anything you want to say about War Within, as long as it's from an official source. Here are some topics I wanted to possibly discuss and theorize about:

Why would Teshin turn against the tenno?

What happened to the operator to get them stranded?

Will Titania possibly be involved somehow?

So yeah, nothing from the leaked script, as that obviously wasn't mean to be revealed yet.

Uh, for some reason, this was moved here. Originally, it was a separate thread... 

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2 minutes ago, VoidNomade said:

If he´s smart he just throw some Nullifiers.

We don't know how the DETHLAZORZ interact with Nullifiers. 50/50 chance they completely fail to even damage the bubble, or go through it like a hot knife through runny butter. Recall that the DETHLAZORZ instantly vapourised Sentient drones. We don't know whether this was because it's a beam of pure Void energy, or because it just does so much damage.

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

We don't know how the DETHLAZORZ interact with Nullifiers. 50/50 chance they completely fail to even damage the bubble, or go through it like a hot knife through runny butter. Recall that the DETHLAZORZ instantly vapourised Sentient drones. We don't know whether this was because it's a beam of pure Void energy, or because it just does so much damage.

I know you would get instantly into serious mode. It was a joke nothing more. :)

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

We don't know how the DETHLAZORZ interact with Nullifiers. 50/50 chance they completely fail to even damage the bubble, or go through it like a hot knife through runny butter. Recall that the DETHLAZORZ instantly vapourised Sentient drones. We don't know whether this was because it's a beam of pure Void energy, or because it just does so much damage.


Just now, VoidNomade said:

I know you would get instantly into serious mode. It was a joke nothing more. :)

Actually, we do know. Use your Tenno  ability (like Madurai Pheonix Gaze for example) when you see a nullifier. Go inside the nullifier and you'll notice you can still use your ability. So I think it's safe to assume that the nullfiers don't do S#&$ lol

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36 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

We don't know how the DETHLAZORZ interact with Nullifiers. 50/50 chance they completely fail to even damage the bubble, or go through it like a hot knife through runny butter. Recall that the DETHLAZORZ instantly vapourised Sentient drones. We don't know whether this was because it's a beam of pure Void energy, or because it just does so much damage.

Actually they don't instantly vaporize Sentient drones. I know for a fact because when I ran that final portion of the Second Dream quest, I aggro'd and dashed past all the ones in the earlier room to reach the cutscene room. After dealing with the few they spawned to show how "awesome" we were, the ones I outran caught up and almost dropped me dead. I was doing less damage with that death laser than I would have if I used the weapons my Warframe had on him. I barely survived if it wasn't for the health regen aura and having a wall or two to stand behind.

So frankly, by game play standards, dropping a few Nullies would take the Operator down quick even though we are supposed to be the strongest of the strong.

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Just now, Kaisty said:

Actually they don't instantly vaporize Sentient drones. I know for a fact because when I ran that final portion of the Second Dream quest, I aggro'd and dashed past all the ones in the earlier room to reach the cutscene room. After dealing with the few they spawned to show how "awesome" we were, the ones I outran caught up and almost dropped me dead. I was doing less damage with that death laser than I would have if I used the weapons my Warframe had on him. I barely survived if it wasn't for the health regen aura and having a wall or two to stand behind.

So frankly, by game play standards, dropping a few Nullies would take the Operator down quick even though we are supposed to be the strongest of the strong.

Not....actually perfectly true. If you centre headshot Sentients with the beam, they pretty much drop instantly. Now, we cannot redo it in the Simulacrum, but check out some of the videos of people playing through it. The beam does noticeably less damage if it is isn't centred, taking several seconds to kill a Sentient. If, however, it is centred on their core, it takes about a second's exposure to kill one of the drones.

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2 minutes ago, Harloq said:

Why they have to force the "operators", this is not the Warframe that caught my attention. I would give all my mastery to just unload a Soma in my basement weirdo, and never have to see it again.

Why such hate towards them?


just unload a Soma in my basement weirdo, and never have to see it again.

That could technically be suicide

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Teshin is the man in question here.

ever since the Natah quest I have felt the way he emphasizes things such as "I will not hide any secrets from you, unlike the Lotus" and such I started growing suspicious that he himself may be hiding something.


Now with the second trailer for the war within we get strong evidence that he was hiding something.... something so big he is gonna kill us.


So who else thought Teshin was hiding something?  

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