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Ducat prices will skyrocket


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With the credit nerf and the new prime part acquisition, I guarantee it...

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Baro gonna pop up new Prime mods, or better bling or prisma jag kittag or whatever...


I think it's the kinda DE's counter to the inevitable sudden drop of the prices of prime parts


So yeah... Good news, you can complete Vauban Prime with much less time than before. Bad news, you're more likely gonna miss the Primed Intensify

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2 minutes ago, cnlu said:

With the credit nerf and the new prime part acquisition, I guarantee it...

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Baro gonna pop up new Prime mods, or better bling or prisma jag kittag or whatever...


I think it's the kinda DE's counter to the inevitable sudden drop of the prices of prime parts


So yeah... Good news, you can complete Vauban Prime with much less time than before. Bad news, you're more likely gonna miss the Primed Intensify

I heard that they're going to lower ducat costs, since you can't do endless missions for prime parts anymore.

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3 minutes ago, cnlu said:

With the credit nerf and the new prime part acquisition, I guarantee it...

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Baro gonna pop up new Prime mods, or better bling or prisma jag kittag or whatever...


I think it's the kinda DE's counter to the inevitable sudden drop of the prices of prime parts


So yeah... Good news, you can complete Vauban Prime with much less time than before. Bad news, you're more likely gonna miss the Primed Intensify

1. You mean DE's gonna do that out of spite...?

2. No evidence for Primed Intensify.

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9 minutes ago, cnlu said:

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Baro gonna pop up new Prime mods, or better bling or prisma jag kittag or whatever...


i wouldnt be mad if he did bring the prisma jat kitty, as long as i can cover him with the palatine skin so at least its colorable, also they fixed the position of jat kittag on rhino, so theres that too

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That is not what they said. But when it comes to DE keeping their words...

I dont know what to think. On one hand, you cant do endless missions anymore, so you cant get multiple rewards.

On another side, you can go for 50ducats prime parts (ex nyx BP). Which means while ducats were gathered before as the result of farming low rate parts and getting other parts, you have now to farm directly junk parts for ducats.

Both points should result in lower prices for Baro.

As for credits.... I think the trend is to make it harder to farm. So that part wont change I suppose. And I am already broke lol.

Fear for more credits sinks....

Edited by matto
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9 minutes ago, pauli133 said:

Right now, I'm making waaaaaay more ducats per hour than I was previously. I'm expecting them to realign ducat values on a tier/rarity matrix, and not mess with Baro's pricing standards much.

How were you farming ducats before?

Because it used to take me a few hours to get enough ducats for Baro. Rounds of 8 rotations in T4 interception for example.

One good point though is that you can target high valued parts now and get it most of the time. Again, Nyx prime. BUT you just farm ducats. Before it was forma+argon+ducats in the same run. Multiple farms at the same time vs one. Farming time thus increased overall.

Edited by matto
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30 minutes ago, matto said:

How were you farming ducats before?

Because it used to take me a few hours to get enough ducats for Baro. Rounds of 8 rotations in T4 interception for example.

One good point though is that you can target high valued parts now and get it most of the time. Again, Nyx prime. BUT you just farm ducats. Before it was forma+argon+ducats in the same run. Multiple farms at the same time vs one. Farming time thus increased overall.

It does suck they the multiple rewards are gone from single runs, but now we don't have the chance of getting Orokin Cells, and R5s. Captures are more lucrative now because of this change.

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Next baro is important, i expect a lower price in credits/ducats.

1 hour ago, Beggining said:

I heard that they're going to lower ducat costs, since you can't do endless missions for prime parts anymore.

they just said they will monitor and make changes if it was necessary but they could change nothing. 

And why is everyone talking about old endless and ducats? best ducats farm was t2 capt and even t2 ext was better than endless.

13 minutes ago, Goldwynn said:

Captures are more lucrative now because of this change.

they take much longer too.

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Right now the Ducat market is higher than it's ever been cuz players are using keys they never bothered with before. I myself had 600 T1 keys I refused to use.

Once people run out of Relics however the ratio of Relic to Ducats is lower and they're very likely to change common drop 50 items.

Economically Baro should be higher for the next month and lower afterwards, but who knows.

And yes they will have to find some interesting things to get people to spend all these Ducats and set the market on course.

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1 hour ago, matto said:

How were you farming ducats before?

Because it used to take me a few hours to get enough ducats for Baro. Rounds of 8 rotations in T4 interception for example.

One good point though is that you can target high valued parts now and get it most of the time. Again, Nyx prime. BUT you just farm ducats. Before it was forma+argon+ducats in the same run. Multiple farms at the same time vs one. Farming time thus increased overall.

Now you can focus on farming ducat unlikely before where most of the player who at least played 3-4 month actively before the update had enough of forma and orokin cell blocking their ducat farm here and there especially those who only have time to farm ducat during the weekend of baro visit?

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34 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

I'll be preparing intensely to acquire as much ducats as possible before the update for consoles hit.



You can be walking away with consistant 30-50 ducat items every 5min run if you have the keys to burn. The saryn system has a 50% drop rate from one key where it occupies the 2 of the 3 common drop slots. Do the math on that on the ducat per hr. I suggest doing spy or other fissure missions that can be done in ~5min that also reward a relic. That way you are always replacing your relic stash at 1:1 while collecting ducats.

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51 minutes ago, VoidNomade said:

It´s the same as always.

People not playing the game = doom threads

People that playing the game = fighting the doom threads


People who don't enjoy playing the game anymore don't play the game. Shocker.

Ducat grinding has overall been nerfed. Sure it's quicker if you've got the keys, but if you don't then the total time to farm Ducats is much higher due too the fact that one key = one reward, whereas previous Ducat farming allowed you to get 8/12 rewards for one key. Current Ducat farming is much quicker if you have the keys to spare, but the keys are worth much less and run out much quicker.

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1 hour ago, Littlerift said:


People who don't enjoy playing the game anymore don't play the game. Shocker.

Ducat grinding has overall been nerfed. Sure it's quicker if you've got the keys, but if you don't then the total time to farm Ducats is much higher due too the fact that one key = one reward, whereas previous Ducat farming allowed you to get 8/12 rewards for one key. Current Ducat farming is much quicker if you have the keys to spare, but the keys are worth much less and run out much quicker.

Look my friends and people in my ally are all talking that they don´t understand that they are having no problems to acquire ducats while even being able to get the parts they always wanted with the new system.

Your pseudo theoretical constructed problems doesn´t hold true already versus the reality.

Instead of sitting in the forum staring at the desktop acting like a spoiled child, players are already outplaying guys like you or the op.

Educate yourself, try out new tactics and don´t hold onto old things that are gone, that won´t come back and that are best for everyone even if you don´t count yourself such a person for whatever self made reason.

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First off, wall of text incoming - apologies. Secondly, the math may be way off, I honestly just made some base level assumptions and those could be off by a little, or be off significantly. Only DE really has access to these data points.

I hope they take a cautious approach. While I believe you can farm more ducats/hr now, you're burning through your ability to acquire them much faster. In the old system you're using 1 key for 4 people in a mission that in most cases will be equivalent to running several of the new missions. The new system, you're using 4 relics split between 4 people, but your odds of getting a "good" part which is either something you need or a high ducat value item is damn near 100% in a 4 man mission. My guess is people doing prime part acquisition has skyrocketed since SotR, partially due to being able to more effectively target certain parts you were missing and partially to experience the new system. People are burning through a huge amount of banked keys/relics. That will lead to a surge of ducats that isn't sustainable, and if they base their decisions on ducat prices on metrics gathered in the last week I think it will ultimately lead to massively overpricing gear from Baro.

Think of it this way. The old system is like a Toyota Prius happily chugging along at 50+ mpg. It's not as fast as that Ferrari we just got last Friday but its more efficient on the fuel required to operate it. Right now we've all got our new Ferrari with the pedal to the floor, but some time real soon the gas is going to run out and we're going to stop at the gas station. If they were in a cross country race, the Ferrari would be miles ahead by now, but the Prius is still sittin' there with 3/4 a tank of gas and the Ferrari is on fumes.

Basically, if we take a measurement now, we're measuring only the efficiency of how fast you can acquire ducats when you can chain run missions non stop. One of the biggest differences of the new system is you burn through your "keys" at a MUCH higher rate. I am not sure what the math was on the old system, but if we just said 50% of the time you got prime parts and 50% of the time you got forma BPs or keys, a 4 man one our survival would net 24 total prime parts (12 drops, 6 of which are parts * 4 people). Of those prime parts you'll probably average something like 25 ducats per item or around 150 ducats/hr per person or 600 ducats/hr per group.  The new system you can probably finish a capture mission in under 10 minutes, but lets say 6 total per hour. You'll get almost 100% of the time a choice of a prime part, and almost every time at least a 30 and very often a 50 ducat choice. Lets say it averages 35. That would be 35 ducats * 6 drops * 4 people = 210 ducats/hr per person or 840 ducats/hr per group.

But what happens when we have to spend some serious time farming relics? Instead of 1 key resulting in 600 ducats/hr as a group you are now getting 840 ducats/hr but using up 24 relics(keys). It'll take a while before the key reserves are depleted to the point of the acquisition rate stabilizing. Even if you were doing endless missions and bailing after the C rotation, you're still only using 3 keys/hr. A big price increase now is just going to screw the newer people who aren't sitting on these reserves but are essentially paying ducat prices based on the ability to farm non stop.

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