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Just now, Foxhound4 said:

Wow...projecting much?

I bashed no one, only made a simple observation, don't cry.

Just because you "no-life" it for 1000 hours in 3 weeks does not make you a vet bud.

Generally, we're classed into "first year players"

There's only 504 hours in 3 weeks.

"Veteran -- a person who has had long experience in a particular field."


Like I said, you can be a "year one" player and have next to no experience. Being a "first year player" in no way makes you a "veteran"


Have a nice day.


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6 minutes ago, XtheMATTx said:

There's only 504 hours in 3 weeks.

"Veteran -- a person who has had long experience in a particular field."


Like I said, you can be a "year one" player and have next to no experience. Being a "first year player" in no way makes you a "veteran"


Have a nice day.


You're just trying to use "Veteran" as a relative statement now to fit your argument and merely playing on words. Obviously..>Facepalming<..If you've got under 1000 hours and you're a first year player..you don't really play the game and this obviously doesn't apply to them as those people probably aren't here.. Your ideology fits well with the rest of the wikians though.

But we've derailed OP's* post enough as it, My apologies OP.

there's always one.

Edited by Foxhound4
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1. yes

2. yes

Only two months and some change since I started but 672+ hours in.  The took the only fun parts of this game away and replaced it with crap.  Endless Survival is no longer fun and worthless to play. (no primes as a reward)  Even if they change it it will be the same fissure doing the same thing with with different colors and in different places.  

Instead of doing the logical thing and expanding the void (new rooms for the random map generator) as it was and removing the second A rotation from Defense and survival. (to cut down time in endless missions time for the cry baby's)  Or hell even add a new mission node (to dilute the prime missions reward tables).  They gave us this.  I am not impressed at all and am losing interest so fast it's not funny.  I probably won't be logging on to do daily grind by the end of the month and forget about this game and move on by the end of August.

 I even started a new account to see if it was just because I almost have all the gear maxed or (old update) end game ready, but it just isn't the same.  This update killed most of the fun for it for me; between game breaking bugs, lack of real content, horribly repetitive grind for primes (0 variation whatsoever; yeah even with changes it will end up being like the old system but with relics now *throwing up in my mouth*).

And a major issue I have is that there doesn't seem to be any real direction the game is going in.  After I did second dream I was excited for more lore, and without the void to grind for plat waiting for a story to emerge from all the grind.  I won't be around to see how space mom and friends help the universe.  (Even that is sounding stupid to me now; it used to make me laugh).  

It would be different if once a year they expanded the story (on a fixed schedule), and fixed bugs and stuff in between.  The real problem is there is no story outside of a few quests.  Most games have the decency of luring you in with a complete story arc across multiple acts before throwing the endless gear grind at you.  And I feel that three years is more than enough time to have accomplished that.


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4 minutes ago, Foxhound4 said:

You're just trying to use "Veteran" as a relative statement now to fit your argument and merely playing on words. Obviously..>Facepalming<..If you've got under 1000 hours and you're a first year player..you don't really play the game and this obviously doesn't apply to them as those people probably aren't here.. Your ideology fits well with the rest of the wikians though.

But we've derailed OP's* post enough as it, My apologies OP.

there's always one.

As I said, have a nice day.

But don't you say "theres always one" when you're the one who posted the initial derailing comment.


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1. Yes and No. I just have less time currently for any Game so i can spent less time playing Warframe. If i have more time again i will invest more time into Warframe again.

2. No, Warframe always was grindy and quiet honest i personaly feel it becomes less grindy. I still remember when i farmed Frost Prime back in the days when he first got released and it took me 239 Runs just to get the Frost Prime Systems (and we had alot less Drops in the Droptable compared to now). So overall i never minded the grind in Warframe and for me personally its not worse now then it was before.

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1 hour ago, DrBorris said:

Here is my advise,


F*ck the grind.


Go have fun, do some random survivals, meet some new people, just play Warframe for it's strongest point, the gameplay. Then go ahead and throw some farm in there when you feel like it, jut make sure to have fun while doing that also. Never take it too seriously.

People forget that they should have fun. Even me... with the new quests i have become lazy. Every time i see all the quests i have to do i just scare and i start playing dota 2 :(

Before i just called a friend to spawn me in any mision i wanted and i did the ones of my interest, with every planet. Then if alerts appear, i just complete my way to them... but now...

And for some reason (not related to update) i started hating archwing missions.

Edited by Katchwi2
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2 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

1> Same amount, and sometimes even more, actually. I used to only logon for sorties, but now I'm more inclined to have fun in void tear pugs.

2> If you turn the game into a job, yeah, you're gonna get tired of it. Stop forcing yourself to grind when the game never mandates you do so. It's your fault, not the game's.

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i had one very hard burnout ...for me playing games is passion... and i alwayes find some mini goals....what to do and i plan what i will do each day....almost 4100 hours  of very active gameplay every day.. i love this game... some things i really dont like...like big grind walls...leechers witch number is incresed... from update 18...

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I keep myself busy with clans/alliances. I guess that's sort of my end game and what keeps me heavily  vested within warframe. Ive spent so much time on my alliance alone it is probably higher then my play time by now. But in all honesty shortly after DS went into stasis and clan events took a break I hit a major wall I have never really came back from. Sure I have burst of activity that could match my old passionate grind days but normally it's just log in, do sorties, maybe run a raid or do an hour or so of farming and that's it.

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I have taken several breaks from warframe and will do so in the future. Its impossible for me to play just one game without getting bored eventually (Well for MMO games at least). Taking breaks is fine, burnout is natural.

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1. No, i don't play warframe less i just got back from a very extended break from the game, does a break for a whole year sound like a long enough break? But since i got back i have worked on catching up and trying new things and have spent most of my time on my ember prime trying to see how far i can go solo in a random survival solo, farthest i got in t4 with her before SotR was 47 minutes but that was because i got lucky and not many nullifiers showed up to say "swiggty swoon i am coming for that booty", ODS made the 60 minute mark and i just hate disruptors because of that.


2. Grind? I do not worry about grinding. All you need to trivialize all but the prime grind is a smeeta no joke, smeeta ends everything but fissure grinding if you can get the charms to work in your favor, my tip for abusing charm is do a capture on a planet that has a resourse i want like neural sensors and then i just run around whill the smeeta charms a bucketload of them into existance.

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2 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

this is not an I quit post, It's more of a question post for long time players.

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

1. yes, mainly because SOTR update with Void and Draco changes. I Mainly played in these two places, now afetr the update this changed.

2. if you play solo the grind is worse in some cases. Co-op is more interesting because you can do unusual things, like play as tank or support, do specific builds for your squad, chat, laugh at squad erros lol

If you talk about the context of the missions...It would be very cool to have seasons with big (giant) bosses and do raids with my friends to drop some rare parts or relics 

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1 yes and with the new system less and less

2 i honestly dont mind grinding in fact im a solo grinder and have no problem farming solo till this update.

since this update spawn rates for solo play where nerfed to make it terrible power carriers dont spawn oxium ospreys dont spawn most of the usual ways of farming are screwed in order to force us into pug relic groups that give leechers without relics the opportunity to reduce your chances at relics buy joining into rift missions without relics (sure theydont get the reward but that spot should have been someone with a relic not someone who only wants to leach and i cant see that option as anything other than that)

and then theres the mod packs from the trader all players would have been beter off with old weapons from his list than a mod pack that gives less of a chance of something good than just playing any mission any mission at all

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1.- Nope, I always had between 1 to 2 hours a day to play, and when I have free time I play Warframe and have a lot of fun.
2.-Also nope, I just farm when I want, and I don't lose my head farming new stuff. In all the games I've played I played hours before getting anything, so for me is absolutely normal to not have the newest prime Hammer for the first 24 hours. I also do a lot of other stuff in this game; like playing Archwing, Lunaro, testing weapons, playing star chart mods, etc... In fact, the only thing I don't play at the moment is the Void (I haven't seen a forma BP for 2 months now) and I'm waiting for the Void 2.0 system as a way to farm forma and prime parts while I do missions in different tilesets. 

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2 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

this is not an I quit post, It's more of a question post for long time players.

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

I have been playing about an hour more or less per day for the last three years  Joined after I saw them on steam around update six and I became a founder after update 7.  I typically playAbout 2-4 missions a night and then I'm done.  That being said, I believe that warframe scratches that itch for immersive but dramatically less involved gaming that I enjoy.  Games like Fallout tend to require too much investment of time, and games like borderlands have quests that take way too long to complete.


On to your questions.

1) No, not really.  I am casual as hell so I constantly have something to hunt for.  I can always use more of one resource or another (The current one is about 1.1k more oxium).  If  I can snag a few more here and there, and maybe dedicate an evening to farming I can get that in about a week. The Updates are more just new opportunities at this point to find new things. 

2)  Bored, No. Keep it casual and just enjoy the time waster-awesomeness that it is.


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3 hours ago, StahlEngel said:

this is not an I quit post, It's more of a question post for long time players.

question 1 : have you been playing warframe less and less after and between updates?

question 2: have you been getting bored of the excessive grind that warframe is becoming lately?

this whole topic is being posted to mainly see how the changes have impacted the veteran players and get a feel for how many veterans are left playing.

1.  I play Warframe intermittently, it's been on my harddrive for nearly two years, and I don't anticipate it ever leaving.  What happens is I get obsessed with it for a few weeks or a month or two, then get bored with it, then after a few weeks or a month or two, I get a hankering for it again (because there's nothing quite like it on the market, the combat is among the most intrinsically enjoyable forms of combat I've ever experienced in any game) and come back, and get obsessed again.  Each time I'm newly obsessed, I'm just as obsessed as the previous time I was obsessed, so in that sense my interest hasn't diminished.

2. Again, so long as I'm enjoying the intrinsic feel of the combat (which is what I come back to the game for again and again) the grind isn't a grind.  But that's because I'm more of a casual player - I part grind, part buy plat.  I should imagine if I was determined not to pay rl money to DE, and play the game wholly through the facility it has to get anything obtainable through grind only, I would probably find it more excessive than I do.  In general terms, I don't think it's become more or less grindy, it's always been roughly the same, so far as I can tell.

In short, I grind until I get bored of grinding, then I buy plat, which I think is how the game is more or less intended to be played.  Up to a point, the grind is fun, when it stops being fun, I either buy plat to ease the pain, or set the game aside for a while.

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Last update I remember was the Trinity Skin, Sega I think or something...

Now I'm trying to comeback and there's soooooooo much new content and it frustrates me that I can't have them all XD
Cuz I used to be on top of everything, something comes out, I have it 1-3 days later.  I guess it's a good thing though, but Tennogen is really going to bankrupt me.

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The lack of eteran or "endgame" content is starting to wear on me. Thats saying alot as Ive clocked in 3k+ hours over 3 years and not once since this moment suffered from burn out. DE seems more content to fiddle with things like star charts and lunaro than to give us true challenging content for advanced players along with the rewards that should come with that content. Im starting to think the vets are on back burner and not seen as important as newer players.

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Been playing since beta, and this is the first update in a long time.   it is not impressive, in many ways it removed content and the bits and pieces that were added feel like untested and rushed content that in no way explains the length between the last major update.

The update does have the stench of a cash grab, we will see what they choose to deliver to us in the next installment.

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