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The Credit Nerf ....


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Why has credit rewards been nerfed to the ground ? cant find a decent spot to farm cred's now w/o spending 40 mins in hieracon (excuse spellings) i would like to know the reasoning behind this (apart from making us buy boosters( which didn't work and  90% of serious cred farmers  buy em anyway ) 

 The only reason i can see for this is to increase the grind even more :/

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but how ?  no sane person would buy the frankly rip off cred packs from the market (same with mod packs )  i mean you literally have to grind for 1/2 to an hour to get what couldve been got in 5 mins before 

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Probably for boosters sale and to give a reason to more players to play sorties every day.

i quit playing sorties but now i will return in them because of credits.

also maybe to make prime access more valuable because of that 3 month booster.

i think its fine, there has to be some real point into buying cred boosters. So far they were almost unnecessary and unworthy.

the only problem is that players with little time for the game are the ones that need boosters the most and benefit from them the least.

they probably should reduce the duration to 1/4 or 1/5 and apply to real game time only

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3 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

but how ?  no sane person would buy the frankly rip off cred packs from the market (same with mod packs )  i mean you literally have to grind for 1/2 to an hour to get what couldve been got in 5 mins before 

Plus credit boosters are far less attractive because you would've gotten 20k extra instead of the current 10k extra if they hadn't nerfed the credit gains. I don't see any good reason for the nerfs in this update (other than Draco).

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Just now, NightBlitz said:

i havent rly felt the supposed credit nerf, but then again, i dont spend credits like a gambler, and run alerts for the little extra, even before sotr

Trust me, you will feel it at some point, if you haven't yet started to fuse primed mods/trade with other players.

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1 minute ago, -HitZ- said:

Trust me, you will feel it at some point, if you haven't yet started to fuse primed mods/trade with other players.

maybe i will, maybe i wont. i dont have any plans to deal with primed mods tho, unlike most players i dont feel the need to squeeze every last drop of power from my weapons and frame

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1 hour ago, BAD9eR said:

Why has credit rewards been nerfed to the ground ? cant find a decent spot to farm cred's now w/o spending 40 mins in hieracon (excuse spellings) i would like to know the reasoning behind this (apart from making us buy boosters( which didn't work and  90% of serious cred farmers  buy em anyway ) 

 The only reason i can see for this is to increase the grind even more :/

Here is the totally unsubstantiated rumor with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever to back it up:

On a number of the popular TeamSpeak servers where devs that have influence over such things hang out, the regulars and others within earshot of the devs bragged endlessly about having more credits than they knew what to do with, bragged about how easy credits were to get, how useless and abundant credits were, and so on.  After hearing such talk consistently for a long, long period of time, it's reasonable to guess that the devs decided that something had to be done about credit rewards.

Now you know... the rumor... which clearly has no basis in reality.

Personally, I haven't noticed too much.  Some starmap runs have noticably had credit nerfs, although other things are rewarding credits, but due to some dev derping on the results screen display, a number of completion rewards aren't being shown.  I haven't sat down to try to find a pattern.  For that I think you're on your own.

Edited by DeMeritus
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1 minute ago, CrudShuzKong said:

sorties now give 0 credits.

Oh i was kinda certain sorties werent nerfed. Thats how i kept up with primed mods as long as i needed.

also my bad i wanted to rush from mr 16 to 20 and crafted a bazilion weapons. If i didnt i would still swim into credits.

in facts being able to max all mods and craft all weapons isnt something you actually deserve just for playing 1h a day.

im fine you have to struggle a bit on credits if you want to rush MR and max out primed mods that see supposed to be the ultimate endgame stuff

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1 minute ago, DeMeritus said:

Here is the totally unsubstantiated rumor with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever to back it up:

On a number of the popular TeamSpeak servers where devs that have influence over such things hang out, the regulars and others within earshot of the devs bragged endlessly about having more credits than they knew what to do with, bragged about how easy credits were to get, and so on.  After hearing such talk consistently for a long, long period of time, it's reasonable to guess that the devs decided that something had to be done about credit rewards.

Now you know... the rumor... which clearly has no basis in reality.

 You know, there is better way to make those players lose substantional amount of credits? 

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just destroy containers and open lockers whenever you can. it's what I did ever since I started Warframe 2+ years ago and I'm sitting on 47M+ credits 

just a simple loadout of a fast warframe that can kill (ember is my choice <3), carrier (sadly....) and a good AoE weapon (Ignis for me) is perfect for this. when you do missions like EXT, CAP, MD, SAB....etc, basically any non-endless mission, instead of going for the objective, you search and break containers and open lockers while your teammate will get the objective, as long as they can handle it ofc

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1 minute ago, Shadow8600 said:

I've been told multiple times this is a visual bug. Have they confirmed credits were nerfed?

Fissures don't award credits, sorties too(as i hear), raids award 1/3 of credits and DS nerfed by half. Does this confirm it?

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37 minutes ago, BAD9eR said:

Why has credit rewards been nerfed to the ground ? cant find a decent spot to farm cred's now w/o spending 40 mins in hieracon (excuse spellings) i would like to know the reasoning behind this (apart from making us buy boosters( which didn't work and  90% of serious cred farmers  buy em anyway ) 

 The only reason i can see for this is to increase the grind even more :/


I haven't really felt the credit nerf, then again, I have a constant credit booster up. But even then, I haven't 'really' felt it. But I have noticed that credit rewards from missions have been massively reduced. I used to get an average of 10-50k from a mission at high levels, maybe even a Draco round, but it feels more like we're getting single digit thousands of credits. I'm a little worried, but at the same time, I'm hanging on to the hope that this is some misunderstanding or a bug. At one point, DE said that credits and other rewards are not displaying properly, but I'm not sure if this was fixed, and now we're just simply getting fewer rewards or if this is actually a bug. I really hope this is a bug.
Something that has definitely bugged me, is that almost ever day, now more so every week, I would run all the raids and get 100-500k from them. With a booster, I was always getting above 300k from them, but, the amount of credits I get now is a flat 100-200k; absolutely nothing like before. Again, DE said this was a display bug and that our rewards were actually getting doubled, but I'm still worried that this is in fact, not a bug.

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6 minutes ago, -HitZ- said:

Fissures don't award credits, sorties too(as i hear), raids award 1/3 of credits and DS nerfed by half. Does this confirm it?

Can't say for fissures, but they fixed the sorties. Do them almost every day and since the second to last HF they've been giving out credits, though only 50k for the final one (with booster) it used to be 100k+. That's why I was wondering if they had confirmed it.

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1 hour ago, BAD9eR said:

Why has credit rewards been nerfed to the ground ? cant find a decent spot to farm cred's now w/o spending 40 mins in hieracon (excuse spellings) i would like to know the reasoning behind this (apart from making us buy boosters( which didn't work and  90% of serious cred farmers  buy em anyway ) 

 The only reason i can see for this is to increase the grind even more :/

What manner of credit nerf are you dreaming? Because I am not seeing it. Take these into account:

1. The credit boosters still work, you just don't see the values in the HUD. Just compare your credits pool before and after and you will surely see the doubled amount.

2. Did sorties in the last few days, got 200k credits (booster).

3. Did 300 cryo on Hieracon, got 40k credits (booster).

4. Did did 5 waves on Sechura, got ~40k credits (booster).

Where is the credits nerf? I can't see it.....

Ah, maybe you mean the void? Well, there is no Void like that anymore, and maybe on the future they will re-introduce credits rewards for Fissures, but the main credits farm spots are the same.

Edited by -BM-Leonhart
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15 minutes ago, radastir said:

Cannot confirm this. Got about 14k with booster (bugged?).

Told you on the first point, compare your initial credits pool with the credits pool after, the HUD is bugged. Won't show the boosted amounts.

EDIT: Did some more tests, and it seems to be a bug related to Sechura. I did one run with a single teammate, got the proper amount, then I did a run with 3 other teammates, got ~15k. So yeah, there does seem to be a bug related, but not an intentional credits nerf.

Edited by -BM-Leonhart
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