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Should Oberon Be Reworked?


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2 minutes ago, felixsylvaris said:

We have a couple of missions when we need to defend position. Excavetion. Defense. Mobile Defense. Not to mention fissures.

Frost is somehow very useful.

So having ability " i claim this land for Tenno" is ok. Just make it twice as big.

I would rather that "land" part to become "fortress" then its ok i guess but that just me otherwise limiting ability to "certain" missions is a no-no :>

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1 minute ago, corporatePaladin said:

As a player who uses most frames, and oberon the most. Id say he does NOT really need a rework. He's perfectly playable and fine. His 1 is strong and lets him put rad procs out easy.

His 2, while rather lacking at this point, is still useful due to the fact that it stacks. So placing 4/5 tiles in one spot just turns into a murder lane, again putting rad procs up. His 3 might be the only thing that needs a change, simply being a fix to his regen then anything else. It sucks when you're taking damage and your hp fills up for second. Therefor ending the regen and forcing you to recast, though more times then not just dying because you didn't notice the regen stop. Or that the regen was what was keeping you alive in general, Current regen keeps his new Phoenix Augment from working effectively and makes the bleed out timer buff nearly worthless when it wears off players after 3 seconds anyways. (this being with a 200%ish duration oberon)

His 4 is also just fine. Who said an 4th HAS to kill. It Knockdowns, Blinds, and Rads anything it hits. The Knockdown gives you a breather, and makes for a great opening to pickup an allie. The knockdown, ALONG with the Blind, ensures you have this breather as some enemies cant be knockdown or just simply don't have a knockdown animation/state. The Rad proc again ensures this breath as now they'll start shooting each other, including the ones your Reckoning missed in the first place.

Oberon has flaws, yes. But a rework isn't need. Just a patch.

having to spam an ability 4 times to make it even fill a use is bad though.. and have you used oberon lately? he was effected also with the mirage blind buff. they have to be standing on the outside looking in

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Honestly the only thing I personally think needs reworking are his passive, he needs something more than animal tamer and his hallowed ground should be all around him and moves with him rather than a tiny rectangle in one place. 

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Just now, cookieknife said:

having to spam an ability 4 times to make it even fill a use is bad though.. and have you used oberon lately? he was effected also with the mirage blind buff. they have to be standing on the outside looking in

of course ive used him recently... He's my most played. And the fact it is stackable makes it better. Because if it didn't it would be actually worthless. You can throw down that bonus armor and big dps anywhere. And its not 100% relent on your strength power. It's not stuck to a single damage number or a radius. Its a strong as you need it, exactly where you place it.

And are you that bad that you don't actually fight the enemies to not be in a line of sight? Ive always used Reckoning while IN a group, where line of sight is never a problem. Because then I can kill at my pace, either I be using something meta or something trash because I felt like it. Because all those rad procs mean Im not getting shot anyways and can just use his Regen to ignore what little does hit.

A paladin is a supporting Tank class. Play it like it.

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44 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:


Just Buff the living crud out of him.

This. His kit is fun to play, he just needs to do more with it. He needs more damage and healing if he's supposed to be a balanced frame, so buffing him is honestly fine. And for as much S#&$ as Renewal gets, I think changing it to an instant heal on allies would somehow break the ability and make it less gratifying.

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1 minute ago, Shozanakh said:

Oberon need specific role and must be reworked around it, as now he is jack of all trades, but master of none.

he's a paladin, an offensive healer. but he sucks it because his buffs are too small to change anything and they're so immobile

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10 minutes ago, corporatePaladin said:

of course ive used him recently... He's my most played. And the fact it is stackable makes it better. Because if it didn't it would be actually worthless. You can throw down that bonus armor and big dps anywhere. And its not 100% relent on your strength power. It's not stuck to a single damage number or a radius. Its a strong as you need it, exactly where you place it.

And are you that bad that you don't actually fight the enemies to not be in a line of sight? Ive always used Reckoning while IN a group, where line of sight is never a problem. Because then I can kill at my pace, either I be using something meta or something trash because I felt like it. Because all those rad procs mean Im not getting shot anyways and can just use his Regen to ignore what little does hit.

A paladin is a supporting Tank class. Play it like it.

key word tank, if you take damage as oberon high levels you will die almost immediately. its simple as that. if the armor buff on hallowed ground would stack then i wouldnt be complaining, but since it's that small and definitely not helping, it needs changed

a tank doesnt hide behind cover 

he is in the battle and takes damage

Edited by cookieknife
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the "regular" paladin theme is kinda hard to fit into warframe. But still you can do something close.
Now he's palading/king of wildlife and neither is well represented.

And yes he should be reworked to fit that teme better, with would be paired with some upgrades (really some powers can just be buffed by any rework)

His 1 is ok, its fitting and at the same level of most 1 skills
His 2 is kinda terrible, even worse since the nullifiers came out. Paladin usually have auras, it should be turned into a limited-range aura with continuous drain. At least wont dispelled in the very moment a nullifier touches it. 
His 3 is a very mediocre health regen in a game where health regen is not needed in 99% of cases. That should have been his passive (in a much weaker form of course) or it can be built-in with his 2.
Probably his 3 could be reworked fitting his passive too, allowing oberon to summon a pack of random wildlife creatures helping him in the fight for a short duration (like 30secs)
I like his 4, and the concept of its augment too. But has just a terrible range compared to many other damage/utility aoe 4 skills.

With such rework he wouldnt still be top tier but, to me at least, funnier and more fitting its very own theme.

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47 minutes ago, Grayscale_Lord said:

Oberon is okay theme wise but he is jack of all trades but master of none. Everything that Oberon does another frame can do better. And this is Oberon's downfall.

It's not his downfall if you need 2 frames to do what he can.

Seriously. This is what people don't get.
Oberon is the Jack of all Trades, Master of None.
Of course other Frames can do what he does better, because he's the Master of None
But then you need like 2-3 OTHER Frames to replace him, the Jack of all Trades
If Oberon was going to do what other Frames can do while on the same level of said Frames, that would make him the Jack of all Trades, and also the Master of those Trades too
Which he isn't.
So bring whatever Frames you want.
If you're in a Team where it's missing a Healer, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team that's missing a CC Frame, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team that's missing a Damage Dealer, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team where there's a Trinity, Oberon can help, AND do other things.
If you're in a Team where there's a Nyx, Oberon can help, AND do other things.
If you're in a Team where there's an Ember, Oberon can help, AND do other things.
Sure, he won't be as effective as the role-specific Frame, but that's because he can also do other things.
It's like picking Mario in Mario Kart. His stats are basically all average, while excelling at nothing, while Bowser will excel in Power, and Luigi will excel in Speed or something.

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2 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

If you're in a Team where it's missing a Healer, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team that's missing a CC Frame, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team that's missing a Damage Dealer, Oberon can do it.

Nah, not really.
Nah, not really.
Nah, not really.

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Just now, Epsik-kun said:

Nah, not really.
Nah, not really.
Nah, not really.

exactly. if you have oberon filling in for anyone he cant do the job. maybe poorely and half A**ed but he cant do any of the roles his powers would like you to think they can

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3 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

Nah, not really.
Nah, not really.
Nah, not really.

I wasn't aware that his 3, Renewal, couldn't heal.
I wasn't aware that they took away the Radiation Procs from his 1 and 4, Smite and Reckoning.
I wasn't aware that his 4, Reckoning, couldn't do a bit of damage.
They must have nerfed him last night or something.

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3 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

I wasn't aware that his 3, Renewal, couldn't heal.
I wasn't aware that they took away the Radiation Procs from his 1 and 4, Smite and Reckoning.
I wasn't aware that his 4, Reckoning, couldn't do a bit of damage.

Well, now you know. I ain't sure about last night, but what it did could never been considered "heal" in this game.

Well yeah, or you can bring a Radiation status weapon and hope it'll suffice as dedicated CC source.

Pretty much.

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Just now, Epsik-kun said:

Well, now you know. I ain't sure about last night, but what it did could never been considered "heal" in this game.

Well yeah, or you can bring a Radiation status weapon and hope it'll suffice as dedicated CC source.

Pretty much.

So hold on. When the Orb from Renewal makes contact with a player, it doesn't give off an insta-heal burst and then continue to heal over time? Or did I dream that up?
It's no Chaos but then if it was, that would make him a Master of One

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10 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

I wasn't aware that his 3, Renewal, couldn't heal.
I wasn't aware that they took away the Radiation Procs from his 1 and 4, Smite and Reckoning.
I wasn't aware that his 4, Reckoning, couldn't do a bit of damage.
They must have nerfed him last night or something.

Dude, see you're defending something that could be so much better. he isnt capable of anything other warframes are. he's so outclassed by every other warframe it's sad. yes he can heal but would anyone pick oberon over trinity? no. yes he can damage but would anyone pick oberon over ash or excalibur? nooooo. yes he can CC but would they pick oberon over vauban or volt nahh man. His 4 doesnt do enough damage. yes the rad procs are great. but lets see. theres nyx with chaos. theres loki with irradiating disarm. 

oberon is in a bad spot whether you like it or not. and i dont like it and im positive theres many others who dont like it.

He can do all of these things. but he cant compete with someone who does a fraction of what he does because he doesnt do them well enough.

and the damage on his 4 isnt even the problem. it just isnt useful. if you cant kill the enemy with it. WHY USE IT no orbs. rare short lasting blind. radiation only makes enemies shoot eachother if one of them aims wrong and hits one of their allies. and thats not ALWAYS something you can count on, atleast when you use smite you have a reason to use


Edited by cookieknife
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1 minute ago, PickleMonster21 said:

So hold on. When the Orb from Renewal makes contact with a player, it doesn't give off an insta-heal burst and then continue to heal over time? Or did I dream that up?
It's no Chaos but then if it was, that would make him a Master of One

Insta-heal burst that gets bursted down by the burst of damage bursting from enemies bursting around. As reliable as relying on health orbs to get healed in battle.

Yeah, it's no Chaos (which is a non-reliable CC by the way). It isn't even weapon tier.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:


Just Buff the living crud out of him.


25 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

It's not his downfall if you need 2 frames to do what he can.

Seriously. This is what people don't get.
Oberon is the Jack of all Trades, Master of None.
Of course other Frames can do what he does better, because he's the Master of None
But then you need like 2-3 OTHER Frames to replace him, the Jack of all Trades
If Oberon was going to do what other Frames can do while on the same level of said Frames, that would make him the Jack of all Trades, and also the Master of those Trades too
Which he isn't.
So bring whatever Frames you want.
If you're in a Team where it's missing a Healer, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team that's missing a CC Frame, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team that's missing a Damage Dealer, Oberon can do it.
If you're in a Team where there's a Trinity, Oberon can help, AND do other things.
If you're in a Team where there's a Nyx, Oberon can help, AND do other things.
If you're in a Team where there's an Ember, Oberon can help, AND do other things.
Sure, he won't be as effective as the role-specific Frame, but that's because he can also do other things.
It's like picking Mario in Mario Kart. His stats are basically all average, while excelling at nothing, while Bowser will excel in Power, and Luigi will excel in Speed or something.

1 hour ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

Agree on both points. Oberon is amazing just the way he is, he just need to be buffed a bit to be competitive. 

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