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Mastery Rank 11 Test


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How you expect us to pass this?

I failed 4 days in a row, and with this cooldown time 24Hr ?! I even expect to some item in the market to remake the mastery test in 5plats fair price

Make this abit easier, there is enough high MR levels to make us fail until the end of the road.

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6 minutes ago, MuFon said:

How you expect us to pass this?

I failed 4 days in a row, and with this cooldown time 24Hr ?! I even expect to some item in the market to remake the mastery test in 5plats fair price

Make this abit easier, there is enough high MR levels to make us fail until the end of the road.

I failed 2 days in a row because I am a main bow user. I am guessing you let yourself use automatics and shotguns so for you it should not be that hard. On the third day however I got tired of failing (even though this is the most fun test to date!) and use an auto weapon like the twin viper wraith that a modded out for steadiness, rate of fire, clip size and reload speed. I beat the test no sweat after that.


I kinda still wanna go back and do it with a bow though :P



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Back in my day the maze section didn't have arrows to guide you and there was no practice option!

Now the hoary old Founder act is out of the way... advice!  Ignis with Firestorm and Bullet Jump mods in your frame (Mobilize will do, it's fairly easy to get and to max).

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Yeah that will one can be a fail if you dont practice. But i think that is easier compare to the laser and the vanishing platforms. Anyway here is a vid i found on how to get to Cephalon Simaris room:


Now it doesnt show where the practice place exactly so "once you enter simaris room turn right!" you will see a narrow corridor with cubicles on it. The test number isnt shown but just count from the beggining then go to whatever number you want to practice. Enter it it will give you option to Practice or Qualify. Bring an assault rifle for that specific test it makes things a lot easier. Lets not argue if you want to bring a sniper or bow or a tonkor, just bring an assault rifle it doesnt need to be modded anyway. Make it easier for u.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really fed up - I am stuck at the MR test 10 to 11 - i have a physical disability which means that the test is impossible for me.  I have tried this over 50 times in both practice and real and failed all of them.  All the youtube videos showed the old test which looked like one i had a chance with but then i faced the new one. No such luck - found 1 video of the new one and knew i was doomed to be level 10.

So what's the point in me continuing to play as all the weapons are mr locked - synoid simulor for example.


What can be done ??

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Unfortunately, the only thing that can be done is to keep practicing or just stay at MR10. I know all too well how frustrating this test is (I only completed it relatively recently). I found that using Rush to help with my warframe's speed and a soma (prime) (or really, any weapon with a large magazine) were the best way to complete this test.

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The test enviroment should be revised-that is a matter of fact. I mean it.

The platforms showing fracturing adges and blending in with the background, giving NO sence of depth, or landmark for the eye? For &*%$@#* real? Everyone is overfrustrated with this one's unnecessary dificulty.

A ranking challenge should be complicated, well thought, even puzzling, not what we've got from the poor execution of a very decent idea, presented in that case.

Devs should check it out.

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Thanks Niradala - it's bugging me so much - I've tried to raise it with Warframe dev but they don't even respond and the the place I can find to raise queries appears to be brokren.

 I'm very disheartened as I'm seeing people who started after me now sailing past me in MR and I'm stuck with no reasonable way to get past it.

Love the game but feel that I'll be giving up on it soon if I can't get this moved forward!! 

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My suggestion is a speed nova build. Go through the test like usual and try to hit as many targets as you can, but try and use wormhole to kind of cheat your way through the course. Make sure to bring weapons you're ether good at hitting the targets with and/or have large mags for.

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Is it the one where you have to rush over platforms and shoot the red dots? I found this one also to be a pain, it was by far the hardest test. But i read in the wiki, that there is a trick with zephyr to complete it with her 1st ability, havent tried it and didnt look up a video of it, but maybe it would work for you this way

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments - it isn't the aim but everything - I cannot produce the combination of jump, fire, land, jump again, look where you're supposed to land, correct for the error of the double jump, shoot the red dots to keep the time running.

I have tried over 100 practices and tests so fa, with many frames and many weapons.  Still no joy, but still trying.  I have periferal neuropathy from diabetes and some days are better, and some days are worse.


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