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Next prime(s) and onward

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omg yes Sybraris prime! oh and........we will be getting Tigris prime(shown at tenno-con) as well.   Which is the Tigris in the Berserker Bundle for Valkyr :D  all theory crafting.......but Banshee Prime Or Valk Prime       These two are my most used frames :)


Edited by Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai
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2 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

need Oberon Prime so I can play as a useless frame in style!

Oberon isn't useless, you just need to learn how to use him....

And not compare him to Trinity as he's not a healer, he's a support frame that can heal if needed.

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10 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

Where does the idea of a valkyr prime come? I know inevitably there will be a valkyr prime, but there's no reason to think it'll replace Nekros Prime as the next prime we'll get.

OP is saying either Valkyr Prime or Banshee Prime will come AFTER Nekros Prime, not replace him.

Edited by derp215
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15 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

Where does the idea of a valkyr prime come? I know inevitably there will be a valkyr prime, but there's no reason to think it'll replace Nekros Prime as the next prime we'll get.

you need to reread my first post
Soo what got booben and Nekros, According to http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes_Comparison/Release_Dates

It seems with the next primes could be Banshee or Valkyr


Hint: I never said: Instead of Nekros. And The idea for Valk/banshe prime comes from the release date link and factual evidence of all primes released thus far with a few odd ones here or there.(released out of order of their none prime variants)

Edited by Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai
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2 minutes ago, Icpmcp said:

I hope for neither of those two.


Just my opinion but Valkyr has her "new and improved" energy drain of hell and Banshee is... well Banshee.

Banshee is great, Unno what you talking about :D

And Valkyr was Tweaked yes but she will get a full rework of her kit to bring her to 2016, even banshee will.  its been said nekros will be getting rework eventually soon when Scott gets the other reworks done.   Thuogh Oberon Really does need to be reworked to the 2016, he kinda stuck in the 60's peace and tree hugging :/

Edited by Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai
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5 minutes ago, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:

Banshee is great, Unno what you talking about :D

And Valkyr was Tweaked yes but she will get a full rework of her kit to bring her to 2016, even banshee will.  its been said nekros will be getting rework eventually soon when Scott gets the other reworks done.   Thuogh Oberon Really does need to be reworked to the 2016, he kinda stuck in the 60's peace and tree hugging :/

Eh he doesn't need a full reworking just some QoL tweaks since some of his powers suffer from old age as when he was introduced the highest level enemy was 30(Outside of endless missions)

And now we have 60+ enemies

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8 minutes ago, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:

Banshee is great, Unno what you talking about :D

And Valkyr was Tweaked yes but she will get a full rework of her kit to bring her to 2016, even banshee will.  its been said nekros will be getting rework eventually soon when Scott gets the other reworks done.

It seems like only Desecrate gets reworked though. At least I haven't heard of any other things saying that he will get reworked completely(by that I mean Excalibur style reworked).


My main problem with the "new and improvedTM" Valkyr is that shes not fun at all. Before she was because you would actually get something for using her but now you also get a hell lot of energy drain plus a huge af suicide field. I can't use her anymore and her other abilities don't appeal to me but I used forma on her so she'll be safe from my Airlock.


Banshee on the other hand I only keep for her skin. I only use her in environments with enemies below 20 because thats the area where I can use her.

Enemies above 30 can instakill me with ability based build(e.g. "savage silence" etc.) while my personal build which I use on most frames(which works everywhere EXCEPT on HER) gives me abilities that don't do anything but hey, at least I don't get instakilled by any given unit. Not fun at all either.

Edited by Icpmcp
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Just now, SilvaDreams said:

Eh he doesn't need a full reworking just some QoL tweaks since some of his powers suffer from old age as when he was introduced the highest level enemy was 30(Outside of endless missions)

And now we have 60+ enemies

Yeah Good point! :D make sense on how weak he is Dam..i still like him thuogh!

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Just now, Icpmcp said:

It seems like only Desecrate gets reworked though. At least I haven't heard of any other things saying that he will get reworked completely(by that I mean Excalibur style reworked).


My main problem with the "new and improvedTM" Valkyr is that shes not fun at all. Before she was because you would actually get something for using her but now you also get a hell lot of energy drain plus a huge af suicide field. I can't use her anymore and her other abilities don't appeal to me but I used forma on her so she'll be safe from my Airlock.


Banshee on the other hand I only keep for her skin. I only use her in environments with enemies below 20 because thats the area where I can use her.

Enemies above 30 can instakill me with ability based build(e.g. "savage silence" etc.) while my personal build which I use on most frames(which works everywhere EXCEPT on HER) gives me abilities that don't do anything but hey, at least I don't get instakilled by any given unit. Not fun at all either.

Hmmmm My Valk is fine. even with this new void update.

I have not tried my banshee yet thuogh.  But banshee is god tier for High level content.  Sonar+ Super red crits for days

In terms highest of raw damage+crit in the game   We have Banshee Sonar spots with a nice red crit weapon.   And then...You have a dagger with Covert Lethality  *UNCAPPED DEATH*

Nothing beats this simple death at high Levels But your right these new scaled enemies.....i have not tested yet

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21 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Oberon isn't useless, you just need to learn how to use him....

And not compare him to Trinity as he's not a healer, he's a support frame that can heal if needed.

let me quote someone here:

On 18.7.2016 at 0:54 PM, PickleMonster21 said:

Oberon is the Jack of all Trades, Master of None.
Of course other Frames can do what he does better, because he's the Master of None

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Just now, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:

Hmmmm My Valk is fine. even with this new void update.

I have not tried my banshee yet thuogh.  But banshee is god tier for High level content.  Sonar+ Super red crits for days

In terms highest of raw damage+crit in the game   We have Banshee Sonar spots with a nice red crit weapon.   And then...You have a dagger with Covert Lethality  *UNCAPPED DEATH*

Nothing beats this simple death at high Levels But your right these new scaled enemies.....i have not tested yet

I didn't even play either of those frames after SoTR.

I don't think anything changed about enemies either.

And Banshee may be good in the hands of others but I'm not a bunny hopping energy tank that I should be when playing Banshee. I have neither the skills to hop around like a bunny and I don't have the energy to make builds like a good sonar one usable for long missions.


If only Sonar would follow Banshee around like silence. Then I could at least do something with her.

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8 minutes ago, Mochikomi_Shin_Jidai said:

Yeah Good point! :D make sense on how weak he is Dam..i still like him thuogh!

He's not that weak honestly, at least with my build that is all about using smite and reckoning. So large range and high efficiency so everything gets hit with rad and puncture procs if not outright killed even up into the 60s.

Sure his Hallowed Ground has a short life but it covers a massive area and is cheap so can be used on the move and his heal is mostly burst healing but is useful to remove procs and keep people on their feet.

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Well Banshee got the highest dmg multiplying ability: sonar and it stacks MULTIPLICATIVELY upon itself so when it got 10x dmg multiplier, and stacks you will do 100x more dmg on the same spot, with the augment it isn't really hard to get that. Other abilities are fine besides silence which needs a rework, turning it into ability which uses sounds to make enemies feel pain and making them vulnerable to finishers for the duration of the ability would be so much better.

As for Valkyr her 1st is quite...useless, her 3rd is useful sometimes to make enemies prone to finishers, 4th is a berserk button which eats kinda too much energy; for the invulnerability part wukong is soo much better, 2nd is the whole reason why I sometimes use her: buffs teammate armor and increases melee speed + debuffs enemies on the initial cast.

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3 minutes ago, OceanTempest said:

Well Banshee got the highest dmg multiplying ability: sonar and it stacks MULTIPLICATIVELY upon itself so when it got 10x dmg multiplier, and stacks you will do 100x more dmg on the same spot, with the augment it isn't really hard to get that. Other abilities are fine besides silence which needs a rework, turning it into ability which uses sounds to make enemies feel pain and making them vulnerable to finishers for the duration of the ability would be so much better.

Yes I know. I haven't found a build that works for me though which makes me angry and sad at the same time.

My own build would work with her if Sonar was moving with her like Silence but since it doesn't she's useless to me.


As for Valkyr her 1st is quite...useless, her 3rd is useful sometimes to make enemies prone to finishers, 4th is a berserk button which eats kinda too much energy; for the invulnerability part wukong is soo much better, 2nd is the whole reason why I sometimes use her: buffs teammate armor and increases melee speed + debuffs enemies on the initial cast.

I have never seen Valkyrs 3 make enemies more than getting pushed back a bit.

I'm not really a melee person. I only used her 4 when I absolutely had too but even these few moments are unbearable now with her energy drain.

Thats also the reason why I'd never use her 2 or even build for it. With my build my team would probably just rage at me like they always do.

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1 hour ago, Icpmcp said:

My main problem with the "new and improvedTM" Valkyr is that shes not fun at all. Before she was because you would actually get something for using her but now you also get a hell lot of energy drain plus a huge af suicide field. I can't use her anymore and her other abilities don't appeal to me but I used forma on her so she'll be safe from my Airlock.

That may or may not mean that the Prime version will have some efficiency built-in, who knows. Because let's be honest, what else would benefit Valkyr? Shields are non-existant, armor is already the highest in the game, sprint speed is alright, health is in a good spot, because one slide attack from Hysteria will fill it up anyway. So, I wouldn't lose hope just yet. She might be the first frame to have "% - based" stats buffed.

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I was hoping that Valkyr would come out with Tigris. However given the circumstances, I'm hoping...:

Banshee: Bow (Cernos) or Thrown (Kunai) + Dagger. Or heck, maybe even Primary + Secondary and no melee

Valkyr: Sybaris? Maybe I guess... Perhaps another Secondary? Pyranna Prime? Venka though seems a no brainer for her.


I'm also wondering if the rest of Archwing stuff, Kavat cosmetics and/or Sentinels should be taken into consideration. In which case Shade Prime with Banshee would make much sense :)

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