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Coming Soon: Devstream #78!


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1) can we get dash custom animations? Like hovering or even the DBZ-type flare+ tail? You could add the cliche ninja sprint leaning forward with arms to the side.

2) Can we also get new join and leave custom animation so we don't just appear from nowhere.

-Join Samples

a) void tear

b) smoke

c) cliche superhero intro complete with crater and cracks

d) step out from behind the host

-leave samples (may also apply for DCs)

a) running jump onto the liset

b) tractor beam

c) the intros above

3) what about premium emotes?

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So, Balor Fomorians and Acolytes made a comeback through special alerts or limited time events. Will the Razorback come back also? Can we expect to see it as a regular corpus boss, with a specific open tileset, maybe as a replacment for Ambulas?

Void 2.0 didn't made everybody happy: fissure system is higly repetitive, and Orokin Void has become more or less useless. Is a new void 3.0 being worked on?

The War Within update will introduce cinematic quest; can we expect to see in next updates more lore-related stuff (quests, tilesets, mission modes)? I guess we have enough frames already, we can stop a bit creating new ones and start finding new things to do with current ones...

What happened to the Sentient?

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How exactly does Titania work? Can you please showcase her in the simulacrum in order to show us how is she capable of dodging hitscan bullets and Bombard missiles when shrunk? Also, would you keep the old archwing movement system on Titania or simply give her the current one which causes serious motion sickness? And when will Zephyr be able to "fly"?

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Hello DE.  Thank you for your ongoing dedication to Warframe and its community.

1.  Can we please assign focus schools to frames if we choose to in the loadout menu?

Forgetting to switch can cut high level missions short for builds that depend on a particular school’s passives.  We would still be selecting a primary focus because we may only use one frame at any given time.

2.  Is it possible to have a faster and more convenient way to select a loadout, or switch weapons from the navigation/matchmaking window?

Even having a simpler interface without the pictures, stats, and mods may be welcomed.  I suspect that many players like myself, do not use some weapons they enjoy due to the convenience of leaving their strongest preferred weapons equipped in order to be ready for any given mission level without breaking flow.

3. Can you please consider reworking the Penta/Secura Penta so that they can have predictable, reasonably achievable head shot bonuses?

I believe manually detonating grenades above enemies’ heads should yield damage bonuses.  Having about 1100 hours into Warframe, the Penta is my most used weapon at about 45%-soon to be replaced by the Secura Penta.  I used to practice getting headshots on corpus defense and felt rewarded for learning how to use a weapon effectively that many neglect due to its learning curve to achieve fluid play without inflicting self-damage.  With the damage output per-hit of some bows and shotguns, I don’t see the issue in bonuses for well-aimed and detonated grenades. This would also encourage launcher weapon diversity.     

4. Please take another look at Valkyr.

I feel like Valkyr’s current set up makes using Hysteria an uncomfortable chore for anything other than quickly killing a boss. It now has deceptive survivability.  Must she have very high energy drain and an instant death?  It is like players are being punished for having the skill to keep her energy up long enough only to have a nullifier dash into her while he’s wielding a sniper rifle!  Yes, I can turn it off and on like I do with Mesa’s 4th ability, but it seems unintuitive, unstrategic, and has not been fun.  Mesa’s shield must be reapplied which makes it logical to enter and exit her 4. Warcry doesn’t help the high energy drain, nor give enough armor to mitigate random power stripping enemies that force Valkyr’s self-damage.  I’m not sure if her armor even matters in that case.

Let me put it this way, even with Naramon’s invisibility, an immunity-granting Hysteria, and an armor-buffing Eternal War build, players still must check corners, and enter doorways with caution if they want to remain in Hysteria. If they do, they will have to manually shut it down if they don’t want to have 0 energy when they need it most.  It just seems like enemy AI and Hysteria mechanics make me question why I’m using it in the first place.  Please consider some adjustments that do not make me and others feel like turning on Hysteria wasn’t worth it.

Thank you so much.     


Edited by (PS4)Geo_Xgp_15-A3
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Looking forward to the upcoming devstream! I do have a few questions for it however, and I'll ask them here. Note I am newer to the PC version of the game but did play on Xbox for quite a while, so that may influence my questions a little bit. I hope to keep this as short and sweet as possible, so these are my questions.

1) Will we be seeing Hive Sabotage become a more expanded upon gamemode, or get reworked entirely?
1a) On that note, are there any plans to have Jolt and Voltaic Strike enter the Hive Sabotage loot tables to join High Voltage and Shell Shock?

2) Will we be seeing a Dojo 3.0, or expansions to the Dojo and how it works in general?
2a) Will we see expansions on the types of weapons that can be created in labs, or more lab types in general (eg. Sentient Lab)?

3) Will we be seeing any special challenges enter the Void? Considering that the Derelict has Corrupted Mods and Lua has Drift Mods, will we be seeing anything similar enter the Void, along with it's own challenge, key, or something new to be fulfilled before it can be obtained?

And that's it! Hope to tune in to the stream and see what other questions people have to ask, as well as the nature of Titania! Thanks for being awesome devs, and good luck with the rest of the production involving the War Within!

Edited by CoolKid369
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Hello DE.

Long-time watcher, first time asker....

This question is rather complex, but also simple.

Excal Prime had been stated on many occasions to be Founders Only. that's cool. it's a great way for super early supporters to show their continued interest in your game. on the other side we have a constant rotation of Prime Frames and Weapons in and out of these new relics, again also cool...

Here's the issue.

As a new player plays, learns, and picks up their first Prime pieces there needs to be some consistency of startership. That is to say when you start you get a choice, Excalibur, Volt, and a Random other frame.... With Excal locked behind Founders, and the random frames moving in and out of the vault that leaves only the Volt frame as a primary(starter) frame with a primed version currently in rotation. Can there be a guarantee by DE that the last Starter frame WON'T be vaulted so that new players will see they have a chance of leveling up into at least one of their primed starter frames?

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Can we get ether daggers and cronus through some way other than through the quests? Because I had maxed them back when i was new and the codex entry for those is still not complete.  Please make them obtainable through an easy way or make the quests replayable and make weapons as a guaranteed reward from those particular quests as this will make my codex profile complete.  Also, can we have one more extractor to make a total of 4 for players above MR20 like myself?



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4 hours ago, Primal_Mistress said:

It was already answered? Could you please direct me to the answer? I am also curious about this.

Well, I don't have a direct statement from DE myself, but the person directly under that post said DE had said her personal archwing would only work in regular missions. I'm just a little skeptical of it since they didn't link any sources, but I don't really have a reason not to believe them.

A bit disappointing that they won't transfer into space missions, but oh well.

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Nova's Asuri Collection has caused alot of uproar, and alot of refunds requested, chuold we please get more information on this?, alot of players are requesting the arms to be part of the Danavi Syandana or even Auxiliary Cosmetic. so players can put their fancey arms on their other frames, without being restricted to just the plan skin.

So what you think about this?;



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27 minutes ago, Archeyef said:

Well, I don't have a direct statement from DE myself, but the person directly under that post said DE had said her personal archwing would only work in regular missions. I'm just a little skeptical of it since they didn't link any sources, but I don't really have a reason not to believe them.

A bit disappointing that they won't transfer into space missions, but oh well.

Ah, alright thanks, A little sick so I was just skimming the page before going to sleep.

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In the near future, will there be any moderations to Hydroid? His abilities are great, but when you look closely they are meant to kill. With a great build sure its useful but in the end its not enough. He is a low damage outcome frame, when we all know he could do more. Hopefully you guys would grace opon me me this wish and buff him out so he too could have a highlight moment.

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Any progress on the Zephyr Deluxe skin?

Also, will we ever see improvements to the way we submit bugs? I feel like many submissions on the forums here get ignored completely when they aren't receiving much attention. (Example: Zephyr's Turbulence bug which had gotten fixed after 6 months only after I PM'd Rebecca about it on reddit) I would really like to help you guys with bug-squashing but I don't see a point in reporting them anymore. So... any ideas to improve here?


Some of these "ignored" bugs (more or less) are not being able to reload with Volt's shield (controller), reload being cancelled when picking up reactant and full auto/charge shooting being cancelled when picking up reactant. I'm sure there's more but I didn't keep track of others since they are less important and would have gotten ignored with the current system anyway.


Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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Any chance you will reduce XP grind and make it a more present experience? Such as make Alerts have huge XP bonuses so that we don't need to play one level over and over again if we don't want to wait days (with my play style) to have a chance to put more forma in or use our weapons / frames in battle /Sortie... And don't get me thinking about putting forma in anything Archwing related *shutters*

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Have you ever considered making an extra mod slot for Augmented abilities for frames?
I think this would be really cool and help not take up space as for most augments exist solely for extra utility or your frame build just doesn't allow this extra mod.

I believe that was mainly how exilus adapters came to be was because those mods took up an extra space in builds.

Obviously, this added mod space would act like an exilus adapter and probably bought off your syndicate of choice.

Edited by Roominashum
place to obtain it
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  1. When is war within expected
  2. When is war within on consoles be expected xD
  3. Any news on tennogen for ps4
  4. will you take another look at Valk as
  • Ripline < Movment 2.0
  • warcry < vex armor (vex has a new scaling and is ability is just better and cheaper)
  • para < inaros ability stuns (stunning life gen and sand storm)
  • hysteria < blessing (I'm actually okay with how it is but atm it serve to revive allies and go for a quick heal) on I'd be personally more interested if it gave highly increased based that and a team buff (not affected by range, as well as innate life steal with melee)


I get all of her cant be good utility or powerful abilities... But the recent frames have been able to have several great abilities

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Question: will you revisit/rework some of totally unused weapons? 
Maybe a machinegun section, because I also want to wreck everything with gorgon (or stradavar
Also, will machete class get it's attention? We have only one stance and pretty much no usable machete weapon.
Question #2: can we get covert lethality to a dual dagger class plz?

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44 minutes ago, Roominashum said:

Have you ever considered making an extra mod slot for Augmented abilities for frames?
I think this would be really cool and help not take up space as for most augments exist solely for extra utility or your frame build just doesn't allow this extra mod.

I believe that was mainly how exilus adapters came to be was because those mods took up an extra space in builds.

Obviously, this added mod space would act like an exilus adapter and probably bought off your syndicate of choice.

Asked the same question on the same page :p

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