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Coming Soon: Devstream #78!


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Would you consider reworking the Focus system to put more emphasis on using the active ability on something 

other than a cooldown, minus the floaty ghost kiddies, and with the Convergence bonus rolled into the active? Have it be more like an Operator-augmented combat super-mode for the Warframe stylized for each school (e.g., lots of counters for Vazarin and lots of explosions for Madurai).

Upgrading the active would extend the duration and enhance the effects.

Passives could modify the active, change how quickly/easily we could ready it for activation, or provide small benefits throughout the mission. 

PS: Please make lenses available through something other than a random, once-a-day gametype that has been reduced to build-efficiency puzzles.


Are we still required to spoiler this stuff?

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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2 hours ago, (XB1)RAG is NAROK said:
3 hours ago, Vaktezraj said:

At least now there'll be two butterfly troublemakers...


if Titania could only use her powers when someone had a negative emotion, region chat would give her strength...

What movie/anime is this from? Just curious.

It's from a French/Korean collaborative anime called 'Miraculous Ladybug' and it's shameless in parodying everything in international culture. Fun, but very repetitive episodes in style.


It's one of those kids shows where the Girl Who Lives in the Attic of a Bakery and France's Next Top Male Model get superhero costumes, and have tiny goblins that give them extreme power if they feed the goblins whatever weird thing strikes their fancy.

France's Next Top Male Model has daddy issues, since daddy loves butterflies more than he loves his son, so Male Model wears a magic ring and dresses up like a BDSM catboy to fight crime and make horrendous cat puns.


His magic ring and the goblin that lives in it (who refuses to eat anything that isn't Camembert cheese) give him the power to destroy anything with a single touch.

Attic Girl is often clumsy, has a stable home life at a popular bakery, and is really good at anything involving art, and a strange old man gives her earrings (with a friendly, sane goblin instead of Male Model's cheese disaster) that slap a ladybug-polka-dot costume on her whenever she says whatever catchphrase each language dub group goes for.


She also gets a yoyo with a ladybug print that she hits criminals with, and then alters the space-time continuum to undo whatever damage they've caused, and erasing the memories of the events from anyone without a special goblin friend. Sometimes the yoyo transforms into random objects, like a spare ladybug costume, or a spoon. Almost always she ends up solving a problem by MacGyvering a solution out of whatever the yoyo decided to turn into, and some nearby junk. maybe one day it'll just give her a gun

France's Next Top Male Model is infatuated with the strange ladybug superhero he fights crime alongside, but she always spurns his advances, as you naturally would with a strange boy in a skin-tight leather outfit making cat sounds and flirting with you. He is physically incapable of recognizing that Attic Girl is the only person with the same hairstyle and voice in all of France as Ladybug. Ironically, Attic Girl has a crush on Male Model, but is too shy to approach him. She too cannot recognize that the most famous face in France is wearing a catsuit and flirting with her - she only has eyes for normal Male Model.

Because of a mentally disturbed butterfly fetishist named the Papillon, anyone in France who ever becomes angry, angsty, salty, or unhappy (besides Attic Girl and Male Model) will suddenly be attacked by a dirty, soot-covered butterfly that gives them a rash on their face in the shape of a butterfly, and superhero powers. The soot butterfly takes up residence in whatever object on their person is the most emotionally important to them, and uses it to give the rash victim a costume so horrible that any self-respecting fashion designer would rather commit harikiri than let the world witness such an ugly outfit.

Combined with superpowers, a rash, a bad mood, and a costume bad enough to spin H. R. Giger's corpse in his grave, these people are obviously worth Ladybug and BDSM Catboy's time. The villains soon find a strange voice talking in their head, telling them to steal the magic earrings and the magic ring for the strange butterfly man, but more often than not they end up beaten up and their soot-friend taken away for a nice spa day inside Ladybug's yoyo. Minutes later everything is somehow put back to normal and everybody goes about their business again.

Good show, amusing in how camp it can be.

Edited by Vaktezraj
Adding in the appropriate quotes
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14 hours ago, Archeyef said:

How will Titania work in Archwing, seeing as she has a built-in archwing? Will her custom archwing be replaced or will she have one unique to her, and if so, will the weapons we saw her use during her ult be usable by her in archwing as well? Already answered, apparently.

It was already answered? Could you please direct me to the answer? I am also curious about this.

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Will we see an overhaul of the mission system like we saw with Sabotage. As it stands some missions are too easy like capture or are too bland like Exterminate. Some missions could stand could feel more logical or go more with lore i guess

Also when I'm modding weapons I feel like I'm not using the full capabilities of mods. In most situations you slap on some damage mods and crit mods then you usually have room for status mods or more crit mod based mods. It'd be great if i could use other types of mods to fully customize my weapon to my play style and not just for damage. I think you might have mentioned something about making changes to this system in a previous devstream if so has there been any notable developments?


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7 minutes ago, MethixVox said:

Can we have an auction house please this would be wayy more efficient than the current trading in the marooz bazar

I would love to see this. Right now it takes forever to find an item I want or its a chore to try and sell my items in the trade chat or maroos bazaar

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May we please have the option to purchase items and Blueprints or use the ingame market on the Official Warframe app? It would be really convenient to crafting when being away from the game, allowing you to turn down time into productivity.

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1) Will we ever get an Orokin Moon Sabotage mission? I love that tileset and I'd love to see a sabotage mission on it.

2) Will we ever get an Archwing Void Mission? I love Archwing but I think it needs a lot more diversity.

3) Any new Primed Archwing weapons on the horizons? I can't wait to see that Fluctus and Centaur Prime!

4) When will we get a Deluxe Skin for Volt? I mean, he'e been arround since forever, he totaly deserves a bit of love.

5) Only Tenno-made weapons can get primed? So does that mean I won't live to see the day when AkTonkor Prime comes out?

6) When is Valkyr going to get primed? Can't wait so see that too.


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Hello DE , thank you for taking the time to always give us these Devstreams..I always look forward to seeing them.

One quick question..will we ever get another chance to buy the Excalibur Collector's Statue again?  Lots of us missed it the first time around and I'm sure you will make a lot of Tenno happy if you do a second print.  ( Also lots of money ??). Thanks for your amazing work as always, love you guys.

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And also wanna add one more thing, reward drop list with the relics are pretty mixed up now. As for 'Trinity Prime Neuroptics', it used to be an uncommon reward in Vaulted 'NEO D1' and was hard to get but in the new AXI V3 relic I found this reward being a common reward listing as a 3rd common reward. I wonder if it is intentional or just a silly mistake.

Trading has already lost it's glamour where all the people seem to want to sell things ONLY and buyers are so rare to be found and not just to mention that prices have fallen like hell that plats are now-a-days the most hardest to achieve.


Edited by AhmadIYE
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AND please revive our one of the most favorite VOID SABOTAGE missions and give us reasons to go back to void. VOID SABOTAGE missions used to be a great fun searching for CACHES for more better rewards and often it became a challenge for us to beat other team mates in finding the caches. Mere credits and simple resources are too poor in comparison to a place special like VOID.

  • If you don't wanna input prime things then you can put rare relics (per cache) in the drop list with a drop chance variation of course but not like spy missions that you have to take all 3 towers for 1 relic only.
  • You can also include R-5 Gold Core packs  which will attract lots of people and benefit new players in advancing the game as well.
  • Increase the level of the mini-bosses placed so that you feel like you earned the rewards rather than 1-2 shooting them for the key.
  • Some of the acolyte mods can also be placed in the VOID SABOTAGE missions using either the rare caches or the boss reward and of course not to mention increase the rarity of the cache locations so that people earn the rewards with skill.

Please, Please, Please give us back our VOID SABOTAGE missions with the old taste of finding caches.

Edited by AhmadIYE
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Will snipers get innate punch through, also any new sniper rifles?

Any new on damage 3.0?

Chroma deluxe skin?

Syndicate melee weapons, new weapon mods, new warframe augments?

Will vazarin and unairu and madurai get reworked any time soon?

Can we have the option when colouring things like syandanna to make them brighter

Will we ever get to put arcanes on sigils or other cosmetics which can be shared across all your frames?


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