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Cosmetics from DE vs Tennogen: Quality/Design/Aesthetics Question


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1 hour ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

I think that the prime access packs have much better looking accessories. Look at the targis prime armor, eos prome armor, misa prime cape

But if we talk about normal skins that DE releases I think that tennogen people make a much better job of it 

wait til Tennogen gets armor

and misa is the only nice Syandana. I'm ditching the more recent ones for the jet pack that's coming out this week.

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Content creators receive constant feedback from players, so most of the time they know what people want.

DE have been releasing stranger things as of late. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I often question the design choices behind some skins/frames. Things like that new Nova helmet, Nova Prime's neck rings, the fact that they insist to keep prime bits on top of Tennogen or immortal skins instead of replacing the model entirely...


1 hour ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

I think that the prime access packs have much better looking accessories. Look at the targis prime armor, eos prome armor, misa prime cape

But if we talk about normal skins that DE releases I think that tennogen people make a much better job of it 

To be fair we don't even have Tennogen armor sets to be compared with because DE have stated that they won't allow armor sets anytime soon. IMO quite a bit of Tennogen syandanas can be compared to the Misa Prime.

Also Prime accessories cost $50. I'd be annoyed if they're not straight up fancier than $6 blings.

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I have posted about this before and my posts god deleted etc. 

Let me say my piece again : Tennogen is super cool and Tennogen wins

That being said i see a problem in future with this (we just have more TG content and it should go for ''plat = free'' 

Or DE need to give us option to be able to put content in game by this time Next year its gonna be full of tennogen stuff 

Its like its steam money only game ''i know it not'' but its just SAD to see this happening 

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15 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

DE is a very small company.

Digital Extremes - 170 employees
Turtle Rock Studios - 70 employees

Bungie - 750  employees

DE isn't that small of a company anymore

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2 hours ago, OGodKing said:

Digital Extremes - 170 employees
Turtle Rock Studios - 70 employees

Bungie - 750  employees

DE isn't that small of a company anymore

I could remove the "DE is a very small company" line, because you are correct, but it wouldn't change any of my points.

Out of that number, how many comprise the art team?

I'm 99% sure the art team is still smaller than the number of freelance, Tennogen artists, just as the entire team of 170 employees is dwarfed by its player base.

Furthermore, and to my core point, Steve once said another major game studios stated the player base always finds bugs faster, with more people, and in less time compared to all the hours the studio puts in.

Whether DE is technically, factually, numerically a mid-to-large size company doesn't change that fact.


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Personally I feel it has something to do with a statement made by minky or whatever his name is, in an old live stream. I believe they were talking about banshee at the time and he says "well, not everything can look cool". Ever since then I just see all of the DE designs as looking "partially cool". Almost feels like it's done on purpose for some reason.

If you look at each warframe (with obvious exceptions like Excalibur) you can see that in most cases the upper half of the warframe looks pretty solid and the lower half just gets weird and vise-versa. I understand it's subjective but it just seems to be an on-going theme to me... hydroid, nekros, atlas, ember, limbo ect.

Look at Ash prime, the upper half looks cool then the lower half looks all skinny and he's wearing sandals. Same thing with Saryn prime, she looks great until you get to her ENORMOUS hips. Everyone pretty much collectively hated the lobster tail on trinity but they kept it in anyways on trinity prime despite player feedback. The DE designs to me seem to be "weird" for weirdness sake. The bizarre shapes don't make them look any more futuristic or better than any of the tennogen designs.

The asymmetrical designs DE comes up with just reminds me of the ship designs in EVE online. I understand that this is supposed to be the distant future, and what should these things look like considering what they are and what time period they were created in, to me it seems to be somewhat contradictory to the lore.

The Orokin created the warframes and the orokin created the beautiful architecture in the void and the Orokin were considered by EVERYONE in the lore to look beautiful and perfect, yet the warframes they created look all weird and lopsided. But of course the Orokin also created the greneer, lol.

Personally I feel the tennogen designs are more so what the players have always wanted the warframes to look like (me included) and DE has an idea they are unwilling to let go of. Which is understandable. Their designs are quite inspiring and have gotten them this far. Why fix something that isn't broken, right? I just hope to see in the future, both types of warframe designs in the game and not just for people who happen to have started the game through Steam... I know they said they are working on that but it doesn't sound promising.

I didn't mention the deluxe skins because the 2d versions of the skins were beautiful but once they were converted to 3d they lost their appeal to me. Especially the coloring options. I still cant find a color scheme for the rhino deluxe skin that i'm happy with. The deluxe skins have been a HUGE disappointment to me on a number of levels. Not only the coloring options but most lost its unique identity when converted to 3d, so they just became DE designs as far as I was concerned. And I will never buy another one as long as they package them with other cosmetics (that cant even be previewed on your warframe before purchasing it) for a higher price... like they are hurting for money that they cant sell them individually? same with prime access accessories. Just feels greedy.

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5 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

DE people are limited to the art style of DE bosses.

Tennogen have way more leeway because it's not official.

That's not true at all.

Tennogen is VERY official in what is selected to be added to the game by DE. It's not steam greenlight.

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3 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Furthermore, and to my core point, Steve once said another major game studios stated the player base always finds bugs faster, with more people, and in less time compared to all the hours the studio puts in.

That doesn't mean DE should skip over the QA phase of development. The QA team is there to avoid the kind of garbage we had to deal with at the release of SoTR. Progression breaks (In the story, couldn't progress due to junction requirements being nonsensical), partial or total loss of functionality (getting stuck in UI at the end of a mission), obvious issues with gameplay (getting stuck under the liset ramp). Had DE tested their stuff properly, or delayed it like any other Developer would have, the game wouldn't have lost so many players in the following weeks.

A game being released with this many glaring issues while I was working QA on it would have lit a fire under my seat and probably had gotten me fired (inb4 warframe is a beta).


(Used to work QA)

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22 minutes ago, PrivateRiem said:

That doesn't mean DE should skip over the QA phase of development.

This was never brought up, a hidden meaning in my post, a point I was making, or or in dispute.

We are talking about cosmetics, and the point you quoted reinforces the notion that both DE and other publishers often cannot keep up with the speed of its player base (with respect to catching bugs, and making cool skins).

Furthermore, Steve publicly acknowledged (on Reddit) that they dropped the ball on Specters of the Rail.

While I appreciate your experience working QA, your post is not relevant to my points, and you have misinterpreted my post, and its purpose, as an apology or excuse for releasing poorly tested products.

That is not what I posted.


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8 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

That's not true at all.

Tennogen is VERY official in what is selected to be added to the game by DE. It's not steam greenlight.

^This. People keep on pointing out that Tennogen is not official or it has more leeway, but it is and it follows the same rules. It must not break immersion.

I don't think it's the size either, unless Hitsu San is really a conglomerate. Maybe DE's just stuck in a creative box and for some reason isn't expanding out. I hope that is not the case.

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Except that Tennogen is unavailable for pretty much 95% of the playerbase who ether only occasionally buys plat or trades for it ingame.


So they really need to step up the DE part aswell.. it is a fashion heavy game and moving more towards expensive skins and gear is just horrible. 5-8€ per skin is way too much.
That's around 400plat equivalent price tag.

Previously we used to get alt helmets and stuff more regularly - these days its just tennogen and some rare expensive limited time skins.

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The only thing that really makes me avoid Tennogen items is that all the discounts that apply to getting plat (coupons, getting it from trading) cannot apply to buying tennogen items since they have to be bought directly with money. You could get some cash by trading stuff via steam i guess, but everyone knows the trading system on steam is pretty bad nowadays. With that fact in mind, suddenly €5 becomes quite a lot just for just a single helmet for one single frame, at least in my opinion. Which is disappointing to be honest, since I really like a lot of the Tennogen things.

As for quality, there is indeed a very noticeable difference in quality between Tennogen items and items from DE. Personally I think it's because DE are not only busy with many other things (such as fixes and new warframes), but they want to be unique and different in their designs as well (which restricts design space). Whereas Tennogen people might have much more time and focus to do the things they want with their stuff, and also aren't afraid to make their designs somewhat less 'different' in order to make them more pretty.

Besides, as someone else said, when modding is enabled, there will be much more high quality things. Just look at the Elder Scrolls series.

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A community that plays a game can make some things better than the developers.

Because we are the ones that experiment every facets everytime. Everytime, we play. Everytime, we found glitches, bugs, strange places...
We are the ones who imagine most. The developers already have their task list, they know (nearly) how the story will continue, etc...
We are the ones who imagine many and many, such as new companions, new tilesets, new cosmetics...

Warframe isn't the first game which has a community who is creating amazing things.
Look at the Skyrim community and especially modders community, they make a great job.

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some of the nova skins from tenno gen ( that one with the stewardess hat thingy ) are completely anti lore.. and yet i see people wear them...

but when i suggested to have universal body ( aka Abbilites of frame X on VISUAL LOOK from Frame Y ) then people keep hating on me and tell me its anti lore...


don't get me wrong... its cool and and all that but it does not fit into the game.. cosplay frame?

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15 hours ago, Vyra said:

some of the nova skins from tenno gen ( that one with the stewardess hat thingy ) are completely anti lore.. and yet i see people wear them...

but when i suggested to have universal body ( aka Abbilites of frame X on VISUAL LOOK from Frame Y ) then people keep hating on me and tell me its anti lore...


don't get me wrong... its cool and and all that but it does not fit into the game.. cosplay frame?

What doesn't "Fit" the lore here? stewardess came from earth, which is in the origin system. A single picture or old hat pressed between rocks from the old world could have inspired that.

Frames switching abilities would require an addition in the information we have been provided but is easily written in with no damage to the previous narrative

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Well, as for tennogen stuff being "better" than the official artwork... it's highly subjective, isn't it? True beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and all that? Personally, I often prefer fan-creations to the official stuff, especially when it came to Chroma, where I believe the original concept looked much cooler than the final result we got in the game. I've bought a bunch of tennogen stuff, because I really liked it. Still, I wouldn't say it's necessarily "better" or worse than the official premium skins and what have you. It's really a matter of taste and personal preference, I think.

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On 7.8.2016 at 3:39 AM, (XB1)Gray Silhouette said:

But why?

Mainly because fans are more passionate about it than DE is and the fact that fans don't have to really keep a theme. Their skins don't have to follow a specific art pattern.


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You like Tennogen stuff more because it's made to have you like it, and won't get added if you didn't like it in the first place.

DE stuff on the other hand is made and introduced without consulting you.

It's kind of like comparing tailored suits to readymade ones. Even if the readymade one has better cloth and looks better you will always prefer the one tailored for you more, yeah?

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2 hours ago, _Rue_ said:

i don't get what is stopping DE from contracting the best artists in Tennogen to make something/s for them.

Because schedules, legal issues, time issues, compatibility issues my friend.

It isn't as simple as just calling them and saying 'hey you work for us now, let's make some cool shiz'

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6 hours ago, OfPowerOfWant said:

What doesn't "Fit" the lore here? stewardess came from earth, which is in the origin system. A single picture or old hat pressed between rocks from the old world could have inspired that.

Frames switching abilities would require an addition in the information we have been provided but is easily written in with no damage to the previous narrative

Well what would be bad about it then to have the ability to play lets say Rhino but with the visual look of Valkyr?

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1 minute ago, Vyra said:

Well what would be bad about it then to have the ability to play lets say Rhino but with the visual look of Valkyr?

I personally don't believe it is a problem, I think it would lead the way for a possible future where high level players could even get access to a  mechanism to create their own sets of abilities from a list in the future.

Being that the magic/science of frame "infusion" is yet revealed there are options for this. I wrote a juicy concept related to this 3 months ago but it would be so full of spoilers if used so I only sent it to @DE_Rebecca, not sure if read or not as the forum changeover was happening at the time

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