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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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6 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:


There's a skin for Excalibur (normal and prime). 

12 minutes ago, (XB1)Assassin4Hire94 said:

I know we don't have even have the Umbra frames, let alone Umbra Excalibur, even out yet but I've been having a thought that I'm not sure anyone else may have brought out. Which in case, my b.

The moment I heard of the Umbra frames that made me instantly think about Bayonetta or at least the two groups in the games: the Umbra witches and the Lumen sages. They're both opposites of one another and well we have the Umbra frames, who's to say maybe Lumen frames. Not saying this should be a thing just something that sounds like an interesting possibility. Granted the original Primes are already "light" enough so maybe they are already Lumen frames, just never been called it. But who knows, maybe the Orokin just didn't think they were shiny enough and demanded frames that were like the living sun itself. Cause you know, needed to have more to stroke there egos.

I don't think primes necessarily represent light or "Lumen", unless you are going off based on the gold medal tints. Some of the frames are naturally dark colored by default like Ember Prime, Nova Prime. Rhino Prime, Frost Prime, Volt Prime, Trinity Prime, and the upcoming Vauban Prime.

Aside from the passive ability to gain energy from orbs, we don't know what abilities the Umbra series might bring (DE heavily debated about it being another series or skins, but they don't seem to want it to be just a skin either). 

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Honestly, I wish they'd abandon the whole idea. There is enough in the game that needs to be fixed and added without unnecessary things like Umbra and Lunaro diluting available dev resources.

Edited by Ceryk
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14 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

66A.jpgI know I won't even like the weapon cause I don't like the original, but is the Carmine Penta supposed to come to the global build eventually or is that a full exclusive? I can really only see that being a tac alert/event reward or a Baro Ki Teer thing.

I think ours is the secura penta really. This one may just be a pure Chinese Exclusive.

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Hi everyone, I haven't been playing his amazing game much since my PC couldn't handle it after Sands of Inaros came out cause I have a potato, but I just came here to the forum to ask what ever happened to Umbras? I was really excited and I haven't seen any news on them. If anyone knows anything please share.

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there is a whole megathread devoted to umbras, have you checked there for info? To the best of my understanding they are holding back until they can work the (limited) umbra series into the lore, but I haven't really been hunting for info as I just don't care that much about anything related to Excalibur.

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42 minutes ago, (XB1)Xtain 14114 said:

What if Umbra is DE's answer to Devil Trigger? Where we let our infested monster out? That would be pretty cool.

Probably not, but that is what i feel they might do with the extra addition to Focus - The thing we'll need to use in order to beat exo-suit Sentients.

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What if Umbra Frames are like the Jedi of Warframe and what if Vor is actually our Father? Who had twins with Lotu's Mom and Lotus is actually our sister... and Clem is our Uncle. Why has noone thought of this before.

Why dont people think. Its so obvious.

Edited by TheBright888
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Woah, not sure how we managed to reach 108 pages without any concrete info about anything on the matter; and we were even able to keep the Founder's issue out of here most of the times, mainly thanks to EternalDrkMako self moderation.

It's impressive, sort of. Sad, but impressive!

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