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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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umbra types will be an alternative so

"Prime = Paladin/Knight of Light


Umbra = Dark Knight/Knight of Shadow"

this makes sense

in all honesty they are to be close to power as a prime but alternative



global umbra =/=china umbra 

in stat or cosmetics fully


the umbras are a sect to themselves, they are what i theorize to be something developed by orokin crossing a line in their science


as with trinity prime read as "light in the abyss", well a umbra would be "a shadow devouring the light" or something to that concept 


its possible umbras could be the final weapon the orokin kept locked up to battle the sentient or an as of yet unknown foe (maybe themselves) 

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I hope DE gets the lore right because delaying one frame for 6 months because of lore makes it seem like it will be better than U18 and if it isn't the forums will be dark.

They are working on deluxe skins, mission reworks, a brand new unknown coffin frame and chinese stuff. With the lore stuff and the reduced info about umbra system status, and how DE seems to be doing deaf ears to some of the feedback given here on forums, and their mute behaviour while referring to any of the listed topics, I guess the delay will go on even further.

Brace yourselves, umbra might not be coming soon regardless of steve's guess 1 month ago.

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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They are working on deluxe skins, mission reworks, a brand new unknown coffin frame and chinese stuff. With the lore stuff and the reduced info about umbra system status, and how DE seems to be foing deaf ears to some of the feedback on forums, and their mute behaviour while referring to any of the listed topics, I guess the delay will go on even further. Brace yourselves, umbra might not be coming soon.

Well he may come after Saryn Prime or at the same time because Spira prime and nikana prime are coming with her. Edited by (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000
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Well he may come after Saryn Prime or at the same time because Spira prime and nikana prime are coming with her.

Hopefully you're right. Anyways I'd rather be amazed if it happens than disappointed if not. About nikana and spira prime, my bet is those weapons are coming with saryn mostly to avoid delaying this prime access even further. Why to bother on creating new primed items when there is sone already created content waiting to be released?

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Well he may come after Saryn Prime or at the same time because Spira prime and nikana prime are coming with her.

Hopefully you're right. Anyways I'd rather be amazed if it happens than disappointed if not. About nikana and spira prime, my bet is those weapons are coming with saryn mostly to avoid delaying this prime access even further. Why to bother on creating new primed items when there is sone already created content waiting to be released?

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I hope DE gets the lore right because delaying one frame for 6 months because of lore makes it seem like it will be better than U18 and if it isn't the forums will be dark.



Guys, can people please stop making threats about what will happen if Umbra doesn't come out soon enough/doesn't come out the way which you want. Please.

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They are working on deluxe skins, mission reworks, a brand new unknown coffin frame and chinese stuff. With the lore stuff and the reduced info about umbra system status, and how DE seems to be doing deaf ears to some of the feedback given here on forums, and their mute behaviour while referring to any of the listed topics, I guess the delay will go on even further.

Brace yourselves, umbra might not be coming soon regardless of steve's guess 1 month ago.

But what if the coffin, or whatever it was, is a hint as to one of the umbra mechanics?

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I feel like since a month or two anything new or not fully released/shown yet automatically becomes Umbra related for the community! :D

lol ya


i still feel its a vampire, parasite type frame thats locked in a coffin, awaken vampyro ! lol


umbra wise i think we are still left in the cold , de still says umbra is the most searched topic so. i hope it get chatted up a least a bit in the next dev 

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I feel like since a month or two anything new or not fully released/shown yet automatically becomes Umbra related for the community! :D

My staticor umbra says otherwise >.>

On a serious note, that only shows the overhype of some players about umbras, in the same way as there's another part of community on a similar situation about Typhus since long ago.

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My staticor umbra says otherwise >.>

On a serious note, that only shows the overhype of some players about umbras, in the same way as there's another part of community on a similar situation about Typhus since long ago.

Uhm, not sure that's still a thing,no one cares anymore.

Don't you think Staticor would look gorgeous on Typhus tho?

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oh gosh xD didnt see that one commin 


a thought struck me.... the umbras might be ..sentient made warfarmes > not powered, not same as a sentient....so dont go there lol


but constructed by sentients (hunhow?) to fight us the tenno ..... they did know how tenno controlled warframes and about the transference. but they cannot control void energy or be near it (the thing thats in all warframes..)



but mirage, libo...ect were destroyed right? but we hear echos of the tenno who piloted them..... but they are gone?not dead right..?


could these be the umbra tenno? those lost in the war...

Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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All this talk about Umbra and the Stalker made me change a lot of ideas I had in mind...

OK! this is just a theory of mine, but I think "Operation Shadow Debt" and this so called new "Umbra System" are actually pretty tightly intertwined, despite what DE told us (well of course they wouldn't want to spoil the next massive update in story and lore...).


First, my basic theory (lore-wise) about the true nature of the Stalker.

One specific quote from the Acolytes hit me like a truck: "I see you are still their servants."
THIS apparently irrelevant sentence by one of the Acolytes (can't remember which one, I hope you'll forgive me) actually gives away A LOT about the true nature of the Acolytes.

I already posted a couple of times my theories on the Stalker, but I'll make a quick recap, just in case.
The Stalker is not a Tenno, but a freed warframe who managed to cut his ties to the Transference and is now going berserk like a revenant puppet with no strings anymore to bind him.
We already saw that frames can act indipendently in the Second Dream, even if just for a while, if their will is strong enough. Well, the Stalker's will is of revenge against the Tenno for the Day of Betrayal (let's call it that), event during which the Tenno killed the Golden Emperors (the Orokin high officials, politicians, kings, rulers... whatever) most probably after realizing they were indoctrinated into being good obedient soldiers after their families were brutally sacrificed in the Zariman 10-0 experiment ("accident"... yeah, sure). Fair enough.
Yet the Stalker (the frame) could only see the Orokin as his creators: no Orokin, no warframes. So the feelings about their murder would have been completely different for Tenno and frame - thus a fracture was created between the two, a fracture that has been kept under the surface since the Tenno was still in control.
BUT! we can assume that the Stalker and his Tenno were also included in Natah's plan to save her newfound children, so our hunter has been asleep somewhere in a cryogenic unit too.
Once awake though - theory hype: ON - the will for revenge of the Stalker was so strong that he could create disturbances in the Transference flow - allowing him to feel the true nature of his existence - and finally break free from the ties that were binding him, starting then to roam the galaxy in his killing frenzy.

Now, a tie-in of my theory with Acolytes and the upcoming Umbra.

It was very interesting for me to hear that kind of thing from one of the Acolytes ("I see you are still their servants."), since it would make my theory about the Stalker's nature THAT MUCH more believable.
We can also assume that the Acolytes are the same as the Stalker: warframes with their own free will who managed to cut their ties with their Tenno.

How does all this relate with Umbra?
But it's so simple!
Why would DE mention the word "System" when referring to Umbra Excalibur? Did they really need to use that word? They could have just called it a new "type" of frames, a new "batch", a new "version", even!
But no, they said "System".

Here's the evolution of my Stalker/Acolyte thoery: Umbra Warframes are just Warframes.
There's no Tenno behind the visor, there's no big mind-operated controller bound to their nervous system.
They are free.

They  are  free .

You like your Focus System, right? Well: guess what?
Umbra Warframes will use another source for their power, another system.
What will they be powered with? PURE VOID ENERGY, OF COURSE!

Remember the Zenurik school? The "Umbra Lance" we were talking about? That misterious damage type never seen before?
BOOM! That's the base of the Umbra Warframes!
How will it be implemented in the game? Alongside the solid Operator-System so well built inside the Warframe universe?

No idea. Of course. But i'm HYPED AS F*!! just thinking about it!

Here's my two cents on the matter. There's a lot of senseless rambling here and there, but I hope you guys will like my theories.
And of course dispute them, 'cause that's what makes forums interesting.

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