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Make weapons switch faster please


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1 minute ago, MJ12 said:

The entire point of the damage rebalances DE is going through is because people have become aware that "everything is just bad unless you mod it" is aggressively, incredibly unfun in the worst of ways and makes it less likely people will continue playing.

what do you base this on, your own experience and personal opinion, or did you investigate this and done a survey?

I like to make fun builds with mods making them completely uneffective, i.e. building a gorgon for max magazine capacity and max speed, this build would cost you about 6 mods but then I'd also need ammo mutation and preferably some reload speed to negate the negative reload speed from one of the corrupted mods, meaning I will have no increase in damage mods equipped

it's fun! but incredibly ineffective, should I be complaining at DE for them to make me be able to have all those 8 mods equipped as a default so I can equip other mods to make it also deal some more damage?

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1 hour ago, Praxxor said:

I can't really agree since I always use all of my equipped weapons.

And the point was that both changes are made only for convenience and make no sense as a mechanic, why would it be globally faster for everyone? Yeah we are space ninjas but it also takes us some power to swing some hammers, holstering those in a fraction of a second makes no sense, it'd only make sense for daggers and small firearms


1 hour ago, Praxxor said:

But, why? It'd look really weird if you had Speed Holster all the time. And it makes little sense, yeah it's more convenient, but so is one-shotting every enemy when you have infinite ammo.


22 minutes ago, TheScytale said:

I don't agree. Praxxor practically said what I think, so I don't feel the need to go on an endless rant here.


Just my opinion though.


Further proof that people will oppose literally ANYTHING around here.


As for OP: Im all for faster holter speed without having to waste a mod slot for it, tho I dont think that swapping weapons slowly is why people only tend to use one weapon at a time. 


Edited by armedpoop
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I agree with this but I doubt it'll receive the needed change. For some reason DE seems to have issues with fixing things which have bandaid mods. Take handspring for example. Can you think of any reason these demi god space ninja's can do anything but recover at a ninja speed?

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Here's some food for thought for those who still oppose this idea that I wholly support (even if I find 80% to be quite low)

1 - Have you considered instead of comparing this issue to damage, or health, or shields, ect. Lets compare this issue to stamina. An old dead feature that had this same problem, it created "challenge" and "diverse gameplay" by getting in your way. There was no creative or interesting elements to it, and there's nothing creative or interesting about holster speed. There were plenty of mods that attempted to address the issues stamina created, but most felt as they do now, that they were bandaids to a core issue. Ultimately stamina was removed, and the game didn't suffer for it. It was liberating, and not at all destructive to the gameplay.

2 - to the really really really strong position to the idea of making weapon swap speed faster, What if some weapons like pistols, SMGs, small arms, daggers, whips, ect had absolutely instantaneous swap speeds? You press the button and BAM their out, while weapons like the Opticor and Hammers kept the current swap speed?

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Now that I've put some thought into in, i think the main problem is not the speed at which the weapons switch, but rather the delay before the animation itself triggers.
Sometimes you accidentally press twice and waste a lot of time, since the actions are sequenced in the most sadistic way possible.

And here's another example of such sequencing: you try to hit a bursa with a rather slow melee weapon, which has a berserker on, but the bursa manages to knock you down on your &#! half through your attack. While you lie down, helpless, the speed buff runs out. Then just as you get up, the slowed down melee attack triggers without any input and you get knocked down again... and again, and again, and again, ad mortem. But I digress.

Edited by LABAL
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I dont understand why some people here disliking your idea.Sometimes i think its only for the sake of disliking with no arguments.

Your idea is pretty nice and would be a nice change.The slow clunky weapon switch felt always wrong in this fast paced shooter.

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Completely agree. I don't see a reason why weapon swapping should be so slow. Switching to secondary to finish off the enemy is like a basic element of most shooter games, even relatively slow paced. In any BF, CoD game it's always faster to switch to pistol to finish off your enemy, rather than reloading your rifle. For fast paced one like Warframe swapping your weapons for like 2-3 seconds, while you can reload just as quick makes no sense. It just brings some more activeness to gameplay.

Somebody mentioned Vanquish here, and weapon switching system was super cool there. You could switch your weapon right as you start reloading it and when you switch back to it, it was fully loaded again, which made the gameplay much more active. You're constantly switching your weapons to keep shooting, because it's the most effective way to play. I'm not saying that Warframe should get exactly the same system, but it was one of the greatest examples how fluid weapon switching system could raise the pace of the game by a LOT and make it feel so enjoyable and active.

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All that needs to be done is to buff holstering speeds to twice their current speed.  After messing with Toxin Chroma and his holstering speed buffs, I can conclude that doubled speed will be the only way to make weapon switching more convenient than reloading, like how it is in literally every other shooter.

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All that needs to be done is to buff holstering speeds to twice their current speed.  After messing with Toxin Chroma and his holstering speed buffs, I can conclude that doubled speed will be the only way to make weapon switching more convenient than reloading, like how it is in literally every other shooter.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame said:

Somebody mentioned Vanquish here, and weapon switching system was super cool there. You could switch your weapon right as you start reloading it and when you switch back to it, it was fully loaded again, which made the gameplay much more active. You're constantly switching your weapons to keep shooting, because it's the most effective way to play. I'm not saying that Warframe should get exactly the same system, but it was one of the greatest examples how fluid weapon switching system could raise the pace of the game by a LOT and make it feel so enjoyable and active.

I immediately think of one of the things I like about Conclave: a standard mod loadout grants not only +200% weapon-switch speed (with the exception of melee) but can also have your weapons reload over time while holstered. Would this be too powerful to implement as a base feature in PvE? Difficult to call, but I'd definitely want it to be considered since, as you say, it incentivises switching weapons, which adds greater variety to gameplay, which would make the game more fun.

In the interim I'm all for increasing the base holster speed, but without passive reload you're eventually still going to have to break your gameplay flow to reload both weapons once they've been emptied.

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Honestly holster speed is not that much of an issue once you get used to it... But with that being said, it should be faster. For starters, when weapons are visible while holstered, notice that they are in easily accessible locations where a frame can just reach behind their back and pull a sword for say into a full powered slice (quick melee). With enough practice, even a person can do that, and given that the Tenno are supposed to be these well trained killing machines, they shouldn't be encumbered by the weapons they've been trained to use. Second, for those who don't want their frame cluttered up and don't show holstered weapons, your frame pretty much pulls said weapon from thin air (possibly a side dimension or the void) when using it. Speed Holster is a waste of an aura mod, and should honestly just be a part of regular gameplay

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58 minutes ago, KittyDarkling said:

2 - to the really really really strong position to the idea of making weapon swap speed faster, What if some weapons like pistols, SMGs, small arms, daggers, whips, ect had absolutely instantaneous swap speeds? You press the button and BAM their out, while weapons like the Opticor and Hammers kept the current swap speed?

Different swap speeds for different weapons would be good idea

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Switching weapons in Warframe is flat out weird. Basically any other shooter, even the ones focussed more on realism, switches weapons faster than a space ninja dashing 20 meters in two seconds or something. The way the animations work results in some pretty bad stuff like not being able to reliably switch at all if the host hasn't the best of connection to you. Have you ever quick-meleed in Archwing while having a scanner equipped and tried to scan afterwards? Literal eternity.

Yet, there will be, as always, people who defend the arbitrarily slow nature of one aspect of the game and its stark contrast to everything else as a 'game play mechanic'. Whatever.

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7 hours ago, Praxxor said:

But, why? It'd look really weird if you had Speed Holster all the time. And it makes little sense, yeah it's more convenient, but so is one-shotting every enemy when you have infinite ammo.

I logged in to these forums for the first and probably only time ever for the sole purpose of telling you to sod off. Jackasses that complain about QoL changes to online games are the absolute lowest form of subhuman pond scum imaginable.

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6 hours ago, armedpoop said:

Further proof that people will oppose literally ANYTHING around here.

Further proof that people differ in opinions?

Faster holster speed sounds nice, but I have 0 problems with the current holstering, so I'd rather have the devs concentrate on some bigger issue. Again, it's just my opinion.

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6 hours ago, AzureEmulation said:

All that needs to be done is to buff holstering speeds to twice their current speed.  After messing with Toxin Chroma and his holstering speed buffs, I can conclude that doubled speed will be the only way to make weapon switching more convenient than reloading, like how it is in literally every other shooter.

then there would be no point in the Toxin Chroma buff, Limbo's rift buff, the Speed Holster aura, Twitch, Soft Hands and Reflex Draw and pretty much render them useless

again, I feel these mods are there for people that feel the need to increase their holster speed

if I was to increase my casting speed, I use natural talent and speeddrift, I do not go to the forum to complain that the skills have way too much casting time and that it is a QoL thing to make people enjoy the game more

you know what would be a QoL thing to do? REMOVE NULLIFIERS


Edited by BlackVortex
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On the subject of awkward animation speed: Make new animations.

We've got guns and swords that space-magic magnetize to our frames, right? Why not have them space-magic magnetize into our hands? I think it'd be pretty cool to see a pistol leap up off of your leg, or a rifle sling itself off of your back with a little jolt of energy. 

38 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

then there would be no point in the Toxin Chroma buff, Limbo's rift buff, the Speed Holster aura, Twitch, Soft Hands and Reflex Draw and pretty much render them useless

again, I feel these mods are there for people that feel the need to increase their holster speed

if I was to increase my casting speed, I use natural talent and speeddrift, I do not go to the forum to complain that the skills have way too much casting time and that it is a QoL thing to make people enjoy the game more

you know what would be a QoL thing to do? REMOVE NULLIFIERS


There's already kinda no point to most of those things, whereas Nullifiers are the poorly-integrated stitching that just barely manages to keep Warframe's gratuitous cheese in-check sometimes. Are they a crappy enemy design? Yeah. They're still just a symptom of overpowered players though. You want them gone? Gotta give up some of that power. Interestingly enough, switching between two different weapons that don't sweep rooms equally well might be a good place to start. 

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50 minutes ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

On the subject of awkward animation speed: Make new animations.

We've got guns and swords that space-magic magnetize to our frames, right? Why not have them space-magic magnetize into our hands? I think it'd be pretty cool to see a pistol leap up off of your leg, or a rifle sling itself off of your back with a little jolt of energy. 

There's already kinda no point to most of those things, whereas Nullifiers are the poorly-integrated stitching that just barely manages to keep Warframe's gratuitous cheese in-check sometimes. Are they a crappy enemy design? Yeah. They're still just a symptom of overpowered players though. You want them gone? Gotta give up some of that power. Interestingly enough, switching between two different weapons that don't sweep rooms equally well might be a good place to start. 

I see no reason to give up power, I like to wipe entire rooms with cheese abilities, it's what attracted me to Warframe to begin with and there are many others like me

it's usually envy why people want to nerf this, they can't stand other players doing this so they want to take other peoples joy out of the game just to suit them

Edited by BlackVortex
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Somebody had an idea I knew everyone would agree on, and that fits more in line with our tradition of band-aid fixes to adversarial design (ever since the implementation of Handspring all those updates ago):

Release Primed Speed Holster.

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