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Don't touch Nullifiers


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31 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

But people always use this sniper argument with nullifiers as if its the only weapon they want to use.... Yet no one truly uses snipers.

Nullies don't become a big issue unless you go far into an endless anyway. If you want to go for a long time in an endless mission, then bring the appropriate equipment... Which could just be a high rof secondary (even though it's still not necessary, i do fine with a marelok)


Nobody truly uses them, because doing so effectively hamstrings you vs nullifiers automatically, not to mention that bullet hoses already have huge advantages over them vs horde enemies.


Again, saying "Bring proper equipment"  Just means, Boltor prime, Braton prime, or Soma Prime, to me at the end of the day, because otherwise you will have to switch to a secondary or risk going into the bubble AND losing all your buffs if you play a buff frame JUST to take care of 1 of 10 nullifiers that just spawned.


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Most people want sensible changes to nullies, not NERF BECUZ I CANT ERASE ENEMY WIF WAN BUTON.

When they start stacking theyre way too cheesy. Bubble interaction with weapons needs changes as well.

Its not complicated and it saddens me that all we got is ''will continue to monitor''. Really.

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For me I wouldn't mind nullifers if their mechanics didn't suck so bad.

I know DE has their plans for nullifers but the problem is when more than just a few nullifers become a problem. Yes you can just "git gud" and change your tactics but somethings arent that simple.

Some problems I have with nullifers:

1. Enemy composition. Nullifers are fine with certain enemies near them, but not every enemy. For example, when multiple nullifer bubbles overlap, which hinders vision. In the presence of a napalm. In the presence of an Ancient.

2. Bubble surface clipping. This HAS GOT to go. The bubble needs to form to obstacles like walks, not go though them.

3. "Popping" bubbles. Its easier to just go in and kill them but that may also be a VERY risky option. Yet its normally the only feasible option when using bows and snipers.

This can easily be demonstrated in a bow/sniper only sortie vs Corpus . Good luck.

4.Power disruption.

I dont mind it turning abilities off but what I hate the most is the energy wasted for it. Too many times has a nullifer spawned ontop of me or jumped onto me or ran into me with their jerky movement.

Just a few things I would want out of nullifers:

1. A given number of nullifers can spawn but no more  in a give tile and within a given time of one another.

2. Make bubbles penetratable by punch through.

3. Ability energy is either partially refunded (never fully) or the duration or energy drain of an ability exponentially increases the longer you are in a bubble until the ability is forced to end. At least then if you are fast enough you can salvage an ability.

4. Make summons avoid the bubble PLEASE.

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24 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

Yes my friend, yes.They should add Disruptor drones to all Grineer missions (at least mid to high lvl) but infested are fine - when a few of parasites swarm with disruptors buff, they are good

You know @Lerden is being sarcastic, right?

Now that I think about it, I thought this whole thread was being sarcastic, so...

If we really are going to keep Nullifiers, at least lower their spawn rates - Null bubbles and Sapping mines are too many to actually become a challenge and becomes an eyesore to anyone playing Corpus missions instead (there's always too much visual things going around in Corpus missions anyway)

Edited by Beggining
Corpus - lasers, bubbles, glowy things: We got them all!
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1 hour ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

So i just watched devstream 79 and i must say thank you Scott and Rebecca for explaining what nullies are and how to fight them effectively.And Steve if you find those notes burn them or if you remember them forget them.Nullies are perfect the way they are right now.When you see that blue(or gold) bubble all casters got to stop to ether unload on bubble or slide in and unload on its face.Hell i would suggest buffing them and sniper crewman something similar with what you did to Ballistas to make players more on there toes :D.


The concept of the Nullifying sphere is sound. It's implementation however is highly flawed.

If i am a squishy banshee/Trin/Nyx etc., how do i melee kill the nullifier when the ground around it is littered with sapping orbs?

If i run a sniper (those are in the game), how do i pop the bubble?

Why is the bubble so durable? 

Why can the Nullifier deal large damage, with a high rate of fire, from range?

Why does the Nullifier bubble go through objects and floors? 

Why can the nullifier run so fast with the bubble active?

etc. etc.

If the nullifier bubble was a enemy drop like the Blunts are from grineer, i think players would be less inclined to moan the mechanics. As it stands, it's just an under developed mechanic bolted onto your typical mob enemy. 

We already have a great example of a nullifing enemy in the Scrambus/Comba etc. Those are great. The nullifier as it is now, is not.

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11 minutes ago, achromos said:




1 minute ago, Beggining said:

You know @Lerden is being sarcastic, right?

Now that I think about it, I thought this whole thread was being sarcastic, so...

If we really are going to keep Nullifiers, at least lower their spawn rates - Null bubbles and Sapping mines are too many to become a challenge and becomes an eyesore to anyone playing Corpus missions (there's always too much visual things going around jn Corpus missions anyway)

Meh like i knew and even if i did i chose blissfull ignorance.

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24 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

pls dont imply that i dont know what im talking about.im in this game for 3 years and its not hard to kill them if you try.The thing is that ppl who play ember,ash,equinox and other aoe frames hate that there is that 1 enemy that stops them that for them is just so frustrating it makes me laugh hard 

I usually play mesa with only low RoF weapons, meaning I can't kill them at high level.

Go inside the bubble > I lose my shield and get OS because mesa isn't tanky without her shield.

Shoot the bubble > I have a tigris, it takes 3-4 reloading to destroy the bubble.

Switch weapon and shoot the bubble > My lex prime takes 7-8 bullets to destroy the bubble, by the time I reload I need to waste one more bullet to get the bubble down because it regenerated.

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9 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

Here's the thing. The role that nullifiers fill—giving players a problem that they can't overcome by spamming their powers—is necessary. But nullifiers fill that role in the most awful way possible.

This one sentence is the most perfect and eloquent way to express the general feelings of those of us who hate nullifiers.

(Me, I prefer the grineer nullifier drone for something that fills this role effectively without being utterly unfun garbage.)

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Just now, Darkwave1098 said:

That's why you make these kind of suggestions. Please, the door is right there. See yourself out.

Listen kid your opinion of me matters to me like yesterdays wetter.I made this thread to tell de not to change the enemy that is to players like you more annoying then getting same prime drop from relic 6 time in row.Cause you or every single player like you cant run around corpus maps with WOT on with max range/strength screaming IM GOOOD.NO!Nullise put players like you back at your place in the dirt where you belong.TUFF?get good or change faction you are fighting scrub 

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Just now, Legacy_STALKER said:

Listen kid your opinion of me matters to me like yesterdays wetter.I made this thread to tell de not to change the enemy that is to players like you more annoying then getting same prime drop from relic 6 time in row.Cause you or every single player like you cant run around corpus maps with WOT on with max range/strength screaming IM GOOOD.NO!Nullise put players like you back at your place in the dirt where you belong.TUFF?get good or change faction you are fighting scrub 

The fact that you don't realize that they are a gimmicky bandaid to counter power creep amuses me. I'll let you feel superior though, gloat all you want about your "skill".

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if anything they should just change them to be mobile shield generators that block powers from hurting/affecting their teammates not stop them from being activated (THATS THE COMBA'S, FOG'S, And SCRAMBUS'S JOB's!!!!).

like this:


corpus guys gather around the nullfier.

nullfier activates his power, a glowing field surrounds him. (no more bullet sponge bubbles yay!!!)

guys get shielded from warframe powers (cc effects, staggers, stuns, status effects of said powers) And they get 55% damage reduction (it functions like mesa's shatter shield)

HOWEVER TO COUNTER THIS YOU NEED TO SHOOT OFF HIS BACKPACK!!! (that means the team snipers have a use now, and also melee attacks will still do to regular damage to them)

Oh yea......

GIVE THE GUY AN AMPREX OR AN OPTICORE INSTEAD OF A GENERIC WEAPON (*cough* boring gorgon on three grineer units *cough*)

Instead of arguing on how bad they are and that they need a constant nerfing or buffing, come up with better ideas on how they should work instead of complaining.

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38 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

pls dont imply that i dont know what im talking about.im in this game for 3 years and its not hard to kill them if you try.The thing is that ppl who play ember,ash,equinox and other aoe frames hate that there is that 1 enemy that stops them that for them is just so frustrating it makes me laugh hard 

You still don't know what you're talking about. A lot of players actually aren't casual players like some. We like to have fun and let's face it, nullifiers aren't fun in any way. Unless of course you actually do know what you're talking about, in which case I'm sure you can tell us lesser non casual players a way to enjoy nullifier spam. But I doubt you do or can.

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Death To The Nulls,

they are the few major reason i left this game after 2.5 year of constantly playing since U7 other than the fact of poor powercreep and scaling with the grind fest on everything

just get rid of them, if they disable a warframe ability instead of deleting them its fine, but having them with a shield that slowly degenerate as you shoot it while protecting enemies, and then DE decided to buff them after the community had already express much anger towards them, Just Make THIS GAME FUN AGAIN, not everyone is a hardcore player anymore

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16 minutes ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

Listen kid your opinion of me matters to me like yesterdays wetter.I made this thread to tell de not to change the enemy that is to players like you more annoying then getting same prime drop from relic 6 time in row.Cause you or every single player like you cant run around corpus maps with WOT on with max range/strength screaming IM GOOOD.NO!Nullise put players like you back at your place in the dirt where you belong.TUFF?get good or change faction you are fighting scrub 

I think he's getting salty everyone, keep up the good work ;)

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1 hour ago, Legacy_STALKER said:

So i just watched devstream 79 and i must say thank you Scott and Rebecca for explaining what nullies are and how to fight them effectively.And Steve if you find those notes burn them or if you remember them forget them.Nullies are perfect the way they are right now.When you see that blue(or gold) bubble all casters got to stop to ether unload on bubble or slide in and unload on its face.Hell i would suggest buffing them and sniper crewman something similar with what you did to Ballistas to make players more on there toes :D.


I agree. I honestly want to see their bubbles get more range, take more damage to reduce them, and have the unit get a health/shield boost with better weapons. I love the nullifiers.


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