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Relics and the new void... its unfair and broken.


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19 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

you have a problem with my opinion?

I have a problem with you disagreeing with someone elses opinion so much that you tell them to move on from the game or agree with your own opinion (eg: The equivalent of believe what I do or get away from me). That's not constructive feedback, that's attempting to put a player off the game because they just happen to have a different opinion on one thing in the game. Hence my archwing comparison.

Everyone has an opinion and we can disagree on that but I won't stand by and watch as someone is told they're not welcome to the game just because of your disagreement on that. There are going to be people that won't like relic runs. People will disagree with it. That doesn't mean they're going to move on. And if they do Warframe on a whole suffers for it.

Edited by Taramafor
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2 minutes ago, Taramafor said:

I have a problem with you disagreeing with someone elses opinion so much that you tell them to move on from the game. That's not constructive feedback, that's attempting to put a player off the game.

Everyone has an opinion and we can disagree on that but I won't stand by and watch as someone is told they're not welcome to the game jsut because if your disagreement on that.

so? As worthless as my opinion is , it is the same as yours.
And yes .it isn't a constructive feedback because this is a general discussion section.
What I am refering to is clearly what OP had written which nothing more than a rant.


14 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

you have a problem with my opinion? Firstly, learn the difference between a rant and a constructive feedback which should be written on Feedback Section of Warframe. ( unless you can't tell that this is the general discussion section)


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5 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

so? As worthless as my opinion is , it is the same as yours.

Nice try. I never gave my opinion on the matter. I simply stated the simple fact that just because you have a different opinion then someone else that you're telling them to move on if they don't agree with yours.

I guess only your opinion matters, huh?

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The new system was put in to fix the major problems everyone had with the old system.

1) Boredom, being locked to the same map

2) The Grind, it's easier now and you can target select pieces

3) Prime Vaulting, now we can keep our "keys" which have vaulted primes.

4) Keyshares and their leeching, now everyone has to pay or nothing for you!


Well everyone asked for this stuff and DE built a system around your gripes but now it's still not good enough.


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7 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

The new system was put in to fix the major problems everyone had with the old system.

1) Boredom, being locked to the same map

2) The Grind, it's easier now and you can target select pieces

3) Prime Vaulting, now we can keep our "keys" which have vaulted primes.

4) Keyshares and their leeching, now everyone has to pay or nothing for you!


Well everyone asked for this stuff and DE built a system around your gripes but now it's still not good enough.


One part of community thinks differently from the other part of the community and the conflict never ends. Thus, it will never be good enough unless DE decide remove RNG and grind.

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1) Boredom, being locked to the same map

As it was before people are mixed on this. I actually find wave 30+ defence more fun then tedious fetching. I find that much more boring. Both systems should be equally required IMO. The defence on Lua also changes in a fun way somewhat. Need more maps like that.


2) The Grind, it's easier now

Easier? yes. I also find it more tedious myself. gives me something to quickly do now and then but without a reason for longer defence/survival (which I enjoy) I feel like I'm getting prime stuff for... what, just sorties now since there's no late waves in no other mission types? Now I have to actually talk people into staying 'till wave/time 30+.


4) Keyshares and their leeching, now everyone has to pay or nothing for you!

Actually, what happens when you don't have the relics when the mission is done? Does it just not show up on your end and you select another persons anyway? But yes, having to make keys was a bit of a pain.


One part of community thinks differently from the other part of the community and the conflict never ends. Thus, it will never be good enough unless DE decide remove RNG and grind.

Not necessarily. We just need a reason for 30 waves/minutes in defence and survival again. As others stated in a separate thread, the prime parts and formas gave people both a goal and something fun to do while doing it. Since some find relic runs fun and some find what we used to have fun then it only makes sense to have both. They don't both have to have prime stuff but something actually worth getting none the less. That way both sides win out. Don't like one? You still have the other. Both have to do what they might not like as well. But both sides get to do what they do like. Problem solved.

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1 minute ago, Nijyumensou said:

One part of community thinks differently from the other part of the community and the conflict never ends. Thus, it will never be good enough unless DE decide remove RNG and grind.

Oh they won't be happy till DE gives them everything, then they'll complain they are bored and there is nothing to do.

Some people simply can not be pleased no matter what, I learned this ages ago working in retail a d as a cook....

I could cook a steak perfectly and they'd send it back six times till it was shoe leather then whine it was like shoe leather.

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It does suck a lot. Working full time i do not have the time to spend tens of hours in endless missions to gather a few relics for new primes - considering that you get a random relic from a rather large pool of different ones. All for 1x chance for the prime piece - not 4 or endless mission multiple chances.

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7 minutes ago, wanderere said:

I actually enjoyed key sharing before, friends who had just started warframe/new players could have a taste of that mysterious white and gold.

I remember back when that happened with me. I was like "Woah, ok, this is a thing". It got people to actually engage with each other before a match. You also had to stick around long enough to get to know each other in a long defence. That made it easier to make friends. I even ended up joining a clan because of it.

Now you just... go in, do your thing, get out. Hi. good run. bye.

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One thing i 've completely missed until yesterday : i log on my liset, saying "well, let's farm Nekros, i ve collected 150 relics in 5 weeks, + the ones i had, hope it will be enough, let...what ? new relics ? All this for nothing ?"
Ahah yeah pretty good joke, but i need a long break from this now.

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15 minutes ago, Taramafor said:

As it was before people are mixed on this. I actually find wave 30+ defence more fun then tedious fetching. I find that much more boring. Both systems should be equally required IMO. The defence on Lua also changes in a fun way somewhat. Need more maps like that.

Easier? yes. I also find it more tedious myself. gives me something to quickly do now and then but without a reason for longer defence/survival (which I enjoy) I feel like I'm getting prime stuff for... what, just sorties now since there's no late waves in no other mission types? Now I have to actually talk people into staying 'till wave/time 30+.

Actually, what happens when you don't have the relics when the mission is done? Does it just not show up on your end and you select another persons anyway? But yes, having to make keys was a bit of a pain.

Not necessarily. We just need a reason for 30 waves/minutes in defence and survival again. As others stated in a separate thread, the prime parts and formas gave people both a goal and something fun to do while doing it. Since some find relic runs fun and some find what we used to have fun then it only makes sense to have both. They don't both have to have prime stuff but something actually worth getting none the less. That way both sides win out. Don't like one? You still have the other. Both have to do what they might not like as well. But both sides get to do what they do like. Problem solved.

As for what happens if you don't have the needed amount, you just get void traces, you don't even loose the relic if I remember... But it takes a group of $&*^ish people to force the end of the mission, or you not saying something.

Only had this happen once but I was tired and only had 9/10 and we finished the mission only to see the 9/10 when the rewards popped up.

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6 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

As for what happens if you don't have the needed amount, you just get void traces, you don't even loose the relic if I remember... But it takes a group of $&*^ish people to force the end of the mission, or you not saying something.

I remember one run when I said I needed one more after a sabotage mission. He was like "Find one quick, we fail if we spend too much time." Yea, it had only been like a minute. Still plenty of time and he's on extraction already and I had to find one looking at the countdown ticking for evac. 9/10 times people actually make sure there's enough traces lying around for people though. Just happened to be a bad run.

A note on void traces. You're probably getting less if you don't play with a relic since when people pick yours you get a bonus. And I have yet to run short on anything except for axi, which I'm going to have to start hoarding. So don't spend them all upgrading every relic. Use the relics that don't have anything you're not holding out for and hope what you're after is in someone elses relic. If it's not then you still got traces anyway. If it is then it's even more worth it. Hell, I got Ash prime BP and almost all the parts just from that. Time spent looking for people with fully upgraded relics is time not spent where you could be getting lucky.

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6 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

As for what happens if you don't have the needed amount, you just get void traces, you don't even loose the relic if I remember... But it takes a group of $&*^ish people to force the end of the mission, or you not saying something.

Only had this happen once but I was tired and only had 9/10 and we finished the mission only to see the 9/10 when the rewards popped up.

I want a flag that would not let people without relics to join my party or let me join party with people without relics. I want a full 4x chances for my run not feed and carry aholes.

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3 minutes ago, Taramafor said:

I remember one run when I said I needed one more after a sabotage mission. He was like "Find one quick, we fail if we spend too much time." Yea, it had only been like a minute. Still plenty of time and he's on extraction already and I had to find one looking at the countdown ticking for evac. 9/10 times people actually make sure there's enough traces lying around for people though. Just happened to be a bad run.

A note on void traces. You're probably getting less if you don't play with a relic since when people pick yours you get a bonus. And I have yet to run short on anything except for axi, which I'm going to have to start hoarding. So don't spend them all upgrading every relic. Use the relics that don't have anything you're not holding out for and hope what you're after is in someone elses relic. If it's not then you still got traces anyway. If it is then it's even more worth it. Hell, I got Ash prime BP and almost all the parts just from that. Time spent looking for people with fully upgraded relics is time not spent where you could be getting lucky.

Nah it's a static 6-30 reward no matter what. I've had runs where I've gotten 6 with a Radiant relic and other times gotten 30 running nothing.

Just a bit of luck really.

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Could be not that bad, but connection problems and bugs with mission and relics selection are real killing blow for new void system. And we can't even farm something by ourself anymore, chances are too abysmall for anything rare. People with bad connection may as well uninstall warframe now.

Even with my not so bad connection I was never so tired as after few hours of yesterday farm. Constant disconnections, bugged ui forcing you to relaunch the whole game (and gathering new team), it's a complete mess now. 

Fissure sabotages still don't drop enough reactants as other game modes, fissure exterminations still give opportunity for a single idiot with Ember  to ruin the whole run for everyone. Several times I was stuck just because door before me didn't opened no matter what.

Fix your damn game, seriously. 

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1 minute ago, ograzzt said:

Could be not that bad, but connection problems and bugs with mission and relics selection are real killing blow for new void system. And we can't even farm something by ourself anymore, chances are too abysmall for anything rare. People with bad connection may as well uninstall warframe now.

Even with my not so bad connection I was never so tired as after few hours of yesterday farm. Constant disconnections, bugged ui forcing you to relaunch the whole game (and gathering new team), it's a complete mess now. 

Fissure sabotages still don't drop enough reactants as other game modes, fissure exterminations still give opportunity for a single idiot with Ember  to ruin the whole run for everyone. Several times I was stuck just because door before me didn't opened no matter what.

Fix your damn game, seriously. 

Except sabotage are the easiest to get traces, just don't bum rush to get the actual sabotage part done.

And Exterminate will keep spawning void fissures which let you get traces.

Bad connections aren't DE's fault you can limit your ping but I'll admit even that isn't 100%

Bugs, in a actively developed game!?  Blasphemy!

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12 hours ago, clemza said:

I am already tired of farming Nekros Prime and his weapons and i don't even have "One Part" of anything yet ...

And by the way i had no fun at all while farming for the relics ... It will be even worst when i will have to use them later X_x


dude Nekros Prime and other stuff came yesterday , why do u even rush ? wait for a bit , u dont need to get everything in day one unless it drops easily or u r willing to pay for it  -.-

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)adrian80 said:

Warframe is grind. If that's not your cup of tea, then this game might not be for you.

Like someone else said, at least the scenery changes while you're doing it with the new system.

yes this is it exactly , wonder why they complain. parts have higher drop chance in new system and u can choose 1 from 4 damn rewards ( i love this part ) only thing is relic farm but u know there are many places for farm them

new system can be adjusted but complaining or raging about it or bashing DE wont make anything easier

and for grind complainers , pls guys not everyone gets everything in day one -.-

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I'm not even going to complain about this system anymore....as the title says, it's unfair and broken under tons and tons of points of view....I've already shown how much I disliked it since its release so no need to add more stuff . 
I'd like devs to think about any possible solutions....they promised us to reduce the grind in january when it actually feels like it doubled or tripled even.

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People are saying that the new system is better than the old one, because you can get your desired reward easily. Well, I had 83 LITH S1 Relics when they got converted. Got a few one, but didn't keep track of it, so I'll count only 60 used relic. 40 of those were radiant (this number I know) and I wanted to get a Spira Prime Pouch. Guess how many of those I got. If you guessed 0, you were right. I got exactly 0 of the item that I wanted out of 60+ runs.

Tell me more about how much easier it is to get what you want, and you how this system has less RNG than the old one.


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