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Dev Stream 80: Carrier Changes feedback thread [Megathread]


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13 hours ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

I never use Vacuum and I pick up tons of resources. I feel like it exists because people are too lazy to walk an extra two feet to pick it up themselves. Get yourselves a Smeeta Kavat and run around with a Nekros. You get MAD resources.

Ok.  So your solution to lazy people equipping carrier is for the to equip a cat & Nek.  That certainly makes sense.

BTW, it ism't an "extra two feet."  It's four feet to the left, four feet back, five feet to the right, five feet back.  No repeat that extra eighteen feet of running every time a player walks eight feet forward.

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If people won't complain,cry,nag(call it whatever you like) if we won't express ourselves,means we automatically agree with all that's being thrown at us!


Vacuum is a really nice utility,helps/makes you concentrate on the main purpose of the mission,but not run in circles like a heedless chicken..."where's my loot? - There's my Loot!.. Oooh more Loot!!!"... and while you run in circles,other teammates have to do the job for you!

Im happy with the change but not im the way DE wants.

Personally would like to see vacuum as a passive to all pets/warframes OR at least a split into 2 mods,3 is a bit too much!

Or just keep it the way it is just make it equipable to all pets! :)

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6 hours ago, k05h said:

I cannot agree. I take my carrier up to sortie 3 with r10 enhanced vitality and r10 calculated redirection. Only in radiation harzard sortie does my carrier need one or two health pizzas. As my carrier is build for pure utility (vacuum, coolant leak, medi-ray, guardian, sanctuary, animal instinct) I always try to keep it alive for as long as possible. 

Exactly.  Many people spend time, forma, credits, plat, and endo formaing up their sentinels.  I have 6 polarized slots on my carrier prime and I know it takes 7 polarized slots on the kubrows.

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1 minute ago, Troll_Logic said:

How is carrier OP?

I've  said in another post that maybe the term "over powered" was not a good choice to describe my feelings about it, as Carrier's Vacuum does not directly affect power/dmg output. It inderectly does though ( more ammo pick-up -> less likely to run out of ammo in a critical situation {This applies mainly to weapons that consume unholy amounts of ammo...like the Amprex}).

For short... I think that compared to other sentinels, carrier is "too usefulL"  ..Players don't consider using other sentinels.

In order to achieve balance, either do what DE has proposed (make vacuum available to all sentinels, but split the skill in 3 different mods )

Or , as others proposed on the forums, Make vacuum a universal feature

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I still stick to my suggestion, just get rid of loot.  Why are you even worried about picking it up in combat, have the game tally it in the background as you go and we don't have to worry about vacuum.  When you think about our priorities in combat it is kind of ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, Danjal777 said:

Hear me O' brothers and sisters of Warframe!

1- we are spoiled brats

That's a nice start.  Way to go dude.

3 hours ago, Danjal777 said:

Enemies should not be carrying bushels of nano spores.

They don't.  It's all energy.

3 hours ago, Danjal777 said:

What if carrier sucked up every object dropped on the ground within five meters?  

People want more than just arm's length.

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3 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

I still stick to my suggestion, just get rid of loot.  Why are you even worried about picking it up in combat, have the game tally it in the background as you go and we don't have to worry about vacuum.  When you think about our priorities in combat it is kind of ridiculous.


"Get rid of loot."

"Have the game tally it in the background."

"Don't worry about vacuum."

What are you talking about?

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1 hour ago, Eminem2420 said:

I don't care about sentinels. I use kubrows and kavats. I just came here for the comments. People crying their crutch is being taken away is funny. xD

One person calls Vacuum op, and now you're calling Vacuum a crutch.  You people have a very strange way of thinking.  How is looting a crutch?  How would it hurt anyone if frames were given innate area looting?  How would innate area looting make the game worse?

The way I see it...innate area looting only improves the game.

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Nope, still a useless mod... I have don't have the room for 1 mod let alone 3, and there is nothing I would give up to fit in a lazy mod.

Delete vacuum and extend warframe pickup range (12 meters max), or delete vacuum and give every frame loot radar, or just delete vacuum.

Edited by Leonix13
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3 hours ago, Danjal777 said:

When you demand something you know you won't get, it comes off like a kid in a grocery store screaming on the floor about not getting candy.  This is a strategy, sure, but when you do this it tends to invalidate your credibility.  Instead, try to articulate your source of frustration and how this particular solution may benefit.  I believe these are the reasons DE thinks we as a player base are only good at identifying the problems.  Trust me, my friend, I understand that most players feel that all items that fall on the floor should be in their inventory, that's why I proposed that there not be any items on the floor...and that they just go into your inventory, without a vacuum.

Who's to say that we won't get what we're requesting by voicing our opinions?  Ever hear the phrase "The squeaky wheel gets the oil"?  It's our duty as Warframe players to voice our opinion when bad changes get implemented or are proposed.  DE devs aren't perfect, omniscient Gods...they're people just like us and they've made changes in the past because their playerbase was vocal about things.

Also, there have been plenty of solutions listed in this thread, the best being innate area looting for all warframes.  There's no reason looting should be tied to a companion or a mod.

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4 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

Who's to say that we won't get what we're requesting by voicing our opinions?  Ever hear the phrase "The squeaky wheel gets the oil"?  It's our duty as Warframe players to voice our opinion when bad changes get implemented or are proposed.  DE devs aren't perfect, omniscient Gods...they're people just like us and they've made changes in the past because their playerbase was vocal about things.

Also, there have been plenty of solutions listed in this thread, the best being innate area looting for all warframes.  There's no reason looting should be tied to a companion or a mod.

It is an option, sure, but how it is said is the problem.  We as a community are lazy spoiled brats.  That's not an opinion.  There are 50 pages of data to back that fact up.  I'm sure they get it, we want vacuum as a feature on warframes.  They are keeping it a mod and breaking it into three parts.  But what you are asking for probably lies in the unreasonable zone of their consideration.  Unless you word it differently, like why loot at all.  Ask that the devs ask themselves that question.  "Why did we add items dropping on the ground?".  It was probably just because it was cool at the time. In any case we are not the squeaky wheel we are the tantrum throwing kid in the grocery store...I'm gonna post the video again, but it will get deleted again I'm sure.



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21 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:


"Get rid of loot."

"Have the game tally it in the background."

"Don't worry about vacuum."

What are you talking about?

I'm saying, why HAVE to pick things up off of the ground?  You are in a full on firefight, and a guy happens to drop a canister of alloy...so what do you do?  Not engage other enemies, no, you run out into a hail of gunfire, sliding just pick it up.  Why not just kill the enemy, you just get what he had without having to walk over and pick it up, and engage the next enemy.

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4 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

I'm saying, why HAVE to pick things up off of the ground?  You are in a full on firefight, and a guy happens to drop a canister of alloy...so what do you do?  Not engage other enemies, no, you run out into a hail of gunfire, sliding just pick it up.  Why not just kill the enemy, you just get what he had without having to walk over and pick it up, and engage the next enemy.

I can see this for material loot, but energy/health you should have to go get.

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19 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

I'm saying, why HAVE to pick things up off of the ground?  You are in a full on firefight, and a guy happens to drop a canister of alloy...so what do you do?  Not engage other enemies, no, you run out into a hail of gunfire, sliding just pick it up.  Why not just kill the enemy, you just get what he had without having to walk over and pick it up, and engage the next enemy.

Ah.  I see your point.  That's interesting, but as strange as it sounds, I think people like "physically" collecting up items.

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Just now, Danjal777 said:

It is an option, sure, but how it is said is the problem.  We as a community are lazy spoiled brats.  That's not an opinion.  There are 50 pages of data to back that fact up.  I'm sure they get it, we want vacuum as a feature on warframes.  They are keeping it a mod and breaking it into three parts.  But what you are asking for probably lies in the unreasonable zone of their consideration.  Unless you word it differently, like why loot at all.  Ask that the devs ask themselves that question.  "Why did we add items dropping on the ground?".  It was probably just because it was cool at the time. In any case we are not the squeaky wheel we are the tantrum throwing kid in the grocery store...I'm gonna post the video again, but it will get deleted again I'm sure.

You surely talking big. For someone who cannot understand simple QoL importance of auto-looting feature in such grindy and fast-paced game, that's it.

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27 minutes ago, Leonix13 said:

I can see this for material loot, but energy/health you should have to go get.

And I think most of us agree with this.

I'm starting to think perhaps the problem is quantities of loot. Perhaps the game was never designed for players to pick everything up. Hence why many veterans are sittings on millions of unuseable resources. For whatever reason DE did not think 90% of the player base would choose to use carrier to hoard resources in a game where having resources means instant acess to crafting new stuff.

Hence they are splitting vacuum into three precepts. Though distinguishing ammo from health energy / orbs, come on they are part of the same mechanic, maintaining our combat potential :(.

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15 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

We as a community are lazy spoiled brats.  That's not an opinion.

Yeah, it is your opinion, and it's a bad one.  You do realize that the relation between player and dev is not the same as the relation parent and child.  A child is nothing but a leech.  While, the relation between player and dev is a two way street.  The dev provides a game the player wants and the player provides money in exchange.  I can only speak for myself but if these carrier changes are made my financial support of warframe will decrease or stop as a direct result because of the reduction in the quality of their game.  Don't you think DE would like to know that?  If I am part of an inconsequential minority so be it, there are a ton of other games to choose from.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

Yeah, it is your opinion, and it's a bad one.  You do realize that the relation between player and dev is not the same as the relation parent and child.  A child is nothing but a leech.  While, the relation between player and dev is a two way street.  The dev provides a game the player wants and the player provides money in exchange.  I can only speak for myself but if these carrier changes are made my financial support of warframe will decrease or stop as a direct result because of the reduction in the quality of their game.  Don't you think DE would like to know that?  If I am part of an inconsequential minority so be it, there are a ton of other games to choose from.

as the results have shown, you're part of the vast majority

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